blob: 54e51616e1e9e54bc4fcaa7622aa11cd246f4f25 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ios/net/cookies/cookie_creation_time_manager.h"
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "base/ios/ios_util.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
namespace net {
class CookieCreationTimeManagerTest : public testing::Test {
NSHTTPCookie* GetCookie(NSString* cookie_line) {
NSArray* cookies = [NSHTTPCookie
cookiesWithResponseHeaderFields:@{ @"Set-Cookie" : cookie_line }
forURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"http://foo"]];
if ([cookies count] != 1)
return nil;
return [cookies objectAtIndex:0];
CookieCreationTimeManager creation_time_manager_;
TEST_F(CookieCreationTimeManagerTest, SetAndGet) {
NSHTTPCookie* cookie = GetCookie(@"A=B");
base::Time creation_time = base::Time::Now();
creation_time_manager_.SetCreationTime(cookie, creation_time);
EXPECT_EQ(creation_time, creation_time_manager_.GetCreationTime(cookie));
TEST_F(CookieCreationTimeManagerTest, GetFromSystemCookie) {
NSHTTPCookie* cookie = GetCookie(@"A=B");
// The creation time of a cookie that was never set through the
// CookieCreationTimeManager should be retrieved from the system with 1
// second precision.
base::Time time = creation_time_manager_.GetCreationTime(cookie);
base::Time now = base::Time::Now();
int64_t delta = (now - time).InMilliseconds();
// On iOS 8, the range is (0, 1000) ms, but on earlier iOS versions the range
// is (-500, 500) ms. The intervals tested are actually 1200 ms to allow some
// imprecision.
if (base::ios::IsRunningOnIOS8OrLater()) {
EXPECT_GT(delta, -100);
EXPECT_LT(delta, 1100);
} else {
EXPECT_GT(delta, -600);
EXPECT_LT(delta, 600);
TEST_F(CookieCreationTimeManagerTest, MakeUniqueCreationTime) {
base::Time now = base::Time::Now();
// |now| is not used yet, so MakeUniqueCreationTime() should return that.
base::Time creation_time = creation_time_manager_.MakeUniqueCreationTime(now);
EXPECT_EQ(now, creation_time);
NSHTTPCookie* cookie1 = GetCookie(@"A=B");
creation_time_manager_.SetCreationTime(cookie1, creation_time);
// |now| is used by cookie1, MakeUniqueCreationTime() should return the
// incremented value.
creation_time = creation_time_manager_.MakeUniqueCreationTime(now);
EXPECT_EQ(base::Time::FromInternalValue(now.ToInternalValue() + 1),
// Delete |cookie1|.
// |now| is available again because |cookie1| was deleted.
creation_time = creation_time_manager_.MakeUniqueCreationTime(now);
EXPECT_EQ(now, creation_time);
creation_time_manager_.SetCreationTime(GetCookie(@"C=D"), creation_time);
// Override |C| with a cookie that has a different time, to make |now|
// available again.
GetCookie(@"C=E"), now - base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(1));
// |now| is available again because |C| was overriden.
creation_time = creation_time_manager_.MakeUniqueCreationTime(now);
EXPECT_EQ(now, creation_time);
creation_time_manager_.SetCreationTime(GetCookie(@"F=G"), creation_time);
// Delete all creation times.
// |now| is available again because all creation times were cleared.
creation_time = creation_time_manager_.MakeUniqueCreationTime(now);
EXPECT_EQ(now, creation_time);
TEST_F(CookieCreationTimeManagerTest, MakeUniqueCreationTimeConflicts) {
base::Time creation_time = base::Time::Now();
int64_t time_internal_value = creation_time.ToInternalValue();
// Insert two cookies with consecutive times.
creation_time_manager_.SetCreationTime(GetCookie(@"A=B"), creation_time);
base::Time::FromInternalValue(time_internal_value + 1));
// MakeUniqueCreationTime() should insert at |time_internal_value + 2|.
base::Time time =
EXPECT_EQ(time_internal_value + 2, time.ToInternalValue());
creation_time_manager_.SetCreationTime(GetCookie(@"E=F"), time);
// Leave an available slot at |time_internal_value + 3| and insert another
// cookie at |time_internal_value + 4|.
base::Time::FromInternalValue(time_internal_value + 4));
// MakeUniqueCreationTime() should use the available slot.
time = creation_time_manager_.MakeUniqueCreationTime(creation_time);
EXPECT_EQ(time_internal_value + 3, time.ToInternalValue());
} // namespace net