blob: 1260b15669e611fcf0850c984077a8a18cf86894 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "base/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/mac/scoped_nsobject.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_checker.h"
namespace net {
class SSLInfo;
class URLRequest;
class URLRequestContext;
@class CRNForwardingNetworkClientFactory;
@class CRNSimpleNetworkClientFactory;
class GURL;
namespace net {
// RequestTracker can be used to observe the network requests and customize the
// behavior of the network stack with CRNForwardingNetworkClients.
// Each network request can be associated with a RequestTracker through the
// GetRequestTracker().
// RequestTracker requires a RequestTrackerFactory.
// The RequestTracker can be created on one thread and used on a different one.
class RequestTracker {
enum CacheMode {
typedef base::Callback<void(bool)> SSLCallback;
class RequestTrackerFactory {
virtual ~RequestTrackerFactory();
// Returns false if |request| is associated to an invalid tracker and should
// be cancelled. In this case |tracker| is set to nullptr.
// Returns true if |request| is associated with a valid tracker or if the
// request is not associated to any tracker.
virtual bool GetRequestTracker(NSURLRequest* request,
base::WeakPtr<RequestTracker>* tracker) = 0;
// Sets the RequestTrackerFactory. The factory has to be set before the
// GetRequestTracker() function can be called.
// Does not take ownership of |factory|.
static void SetRequestTrackerFactory(RequestTrackerFactory* factory);
// Returns false if |request| is associated to an invalid tracker and should
// be cancelled. In this case |tracker| is set to nullptr.
// Returns true if |request| is associated with a valid tracker or if the
// request is not associated to any tracker.
// Internally calls the RequestTrackerFactory.
static bool GetRequestTracker(NSURLRequest* request,
base::WeakPtr<RequestTracker>* tracker);
base::WeakPtr<RequestTracker> GetWeakPtr();
// This function has to be called before using the tracker.
virtual void Init();
// Add a factory that may create network clients for requests going through
// this tracker.
void AddNetworkClientFactory(CRNForwardingNetworkClientFactory* factory);
// Registers a factory with the class that will be added to all trackers.
// Requests without associated trackers can add clients from these factories
// using GlobalClientsHandlingAnyRequest().
// Only |-clientHandlingAnyRequest| will be called on |factory|, the other
// methods are not supported.
static void AddGlobalNetworkClientFactory(
CRNForwardingNetworkClientFactory* factory);
// Gets the request context associated with the tracker.
virtual URLRequestContext* GetRequestContext() = 0;
// Network client generation methods. All of these four ClientsHandling...
// methods return an array of CRNForwardingNetworkClient instances, according
// to the CRNForwardingNetworkClientFactories added to the tracker. The array
// may be empty. The caller is responsible for taking ownership of the clients
// in the array.
// Static method that returns clients that can handle any request, for use
// in cases where a request isn't associated with any request_tracker.
static NSArray* GlobalClientsHandlingAnyRequest();
// Returns clients that can handle any request.
NSArray* ClientsHandlingAnyRequest();
// Returns clients that can handle |request|.
NSArray* ClientsHandlingRequest(const URLRequest& request);
// Returns clients that can handle |request| with |response|.
NSArray* ClientsHandlingRequestAndResponse(const URLRequest& request,
NSURLResponse* response);
// Returns clients that can handle a redirect of |request| to |new_url| based
// on |redirect_response|.
NSArray* ClientsHandlingRedirect(const URLRequest& request,
const GURL& new_url,
NSURLResponse* redirect_response);
// Informs the tracker that a request has started.
virtual void StartRequest(URLRequest* request) = 0;
// Informs the tracker that the headers for the request are available.
virtual void CaptureHeaders(URLRequest* request) = 0;
// Informs the tracker the expected length of the result, if known.
virtual void CaptureExpectedLength(const URLRequest* request,
uint64_t length) = 0;
// Informs the tracker that a request received par_trackert of its data.
virtual void CaptureReceivedBytes(const URLRequest* request,
uint64_t byte_count) = 0;
// Informs the tracker that a certificate has been used.
virtual void CaptureCertificatePolicyCache(
const URLRequest* request,
const SSLCallback& should_continue) = 0;
// Notifies of the completion of a request. Success or failure.
virtual void StopRequest(URLRequest* request) = 0;
// Special case for a redirect as we fully expect another request to follow
// very shortly.
virtual void StopRedirectedRequest(URLRequest* request) = 0;
// Called when there is an issue on the SSL certificate. The user must be
// informed and if |recoverable| is YES the user decision to continue or not
// will be send back via the |callback|. The callback must be safe to call
// from any thread. If recoverable is NO, invoking the callback should be a
// noop.
virtual void OnSSLCertificateError(const URLRequest* request,
const SSLInfo& ssl_info,
bool recoverable,
const SSLCallback& should_continue) = 0;
// Gets and sets the cache mode.
CacheMode GetCacheMode() const;
void SetCacheMode(RequestTracker::CacheMode mode);
virtual ~RequestTracker();
void InvalidateWeakPtrs();
// Array of client factories that may be added by CRNHTTPProtocolHandler. The
// array lives on the IO thread.
base::scoped_nsobject<NSMutableArray> client_factories_;
bool initialized_;
CacheMode cache_mode_;
base::ThreadChecker thread_checker_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<RequestTracker> weak_ptr_factory_;
} // namespace net