blob: 0d4cb23c3bf1a1fe3d47025e7184e8a8acbf076d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ios/web/public/referrer_util.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "ios/web/public/referrer.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace {
const char* const kTestUrls[] = {
} // namespace
namespace web {
// Tests that no matter what the transition and policy, the result is always
// stripped of things that should not be in a referrer (e.g., passwords).
TEST(ReferrerUtilTest, ReferrerSanitization) {
for (unsigned int source = 0; source < arraysize(kTestUrls); ++source) {
for (unsigned int dest = 0; dest < arraysize(kTestUrls); ++dest) {
for (unsigned int policy = 0; policy <= ReferrerPolicyLast; ++policy) {
Referrer referrer(GURL(kTestUrls[source]),
std::string value =
ReferrerHeaderValueForNavigation(GURL(kTestUrls[dest]), referrer);
EXPECT_EQ(GURL(value).GetAsReferrer().spec(), value);
// Tests that the Always policy works as expected.
TEST(ReferrerUtilTest, AlwaysPolicy) {
for (unsigned int source = 0; source < arraysize(kTestUrls); ++source) {
for (unsigned int dest = 1; dest < arraysize(kTestUrls); ++dest) {
GURL source_url(kTestUrls[source]);
GURL dest_url(kTestUrls[dest]);
Referrer referrer(source_url, ReferrerPolicyAlways);
std::string value = ReferrerHeaderValueForNavigation(dest_url, referrer);
// Everything should have a full referrer.
EXPECT_EQ(source_url.GetAsReferrer().spec(), value);
// Tests that the Default policy works as expected, and matches
// NoReferrerWhenDowngrade.
TEST(ReferrerUtilTest, DefaultPolicy) {
for (unsigned int source = 0; source < arraysize(kTestUrls); ++source) {
for (unsigned int dest = 1; dest < arraysize(kTestUrls); ++dest) {
GURL source_url(kTestUrls[source]);
GURL dest_url(kTestUrls[dest]);
Referrer referrer(source_url, ReferrerPolicyDefault);
std::string value = ReferrerHeaderValueForNavigation(dest_url, referrer);
// All but secure->insecure should have a full referrer.
if (source_url.SchemeIsCryptographic() &&
EXPECT_EQ("", value);
EXPECT_EQ(source_url.GetAsReferrer().spec(), value);
// Default should match NoReferrerWhenDowngrade in all cases.
referrer.policy = ReferrerPolicyNoReferrerWhenDowngrade;
EXPECT_EQ(value, ReferrerHeaderValueForNavigation(dest_url, referrer));
// Tests that the Never policy works as expected.
TEST(ReferrerUtilTest, NeverPolicy) {
for (unsigned int source = 0; source < arraysize(kTestUrls); ++source) {
for (unsigned int dest = 1; dest < arraysize(kTestUrls); ++dest) {
GURL source_url(kTestUrls[source]);
GURL dest_url(kTestUrls[dest]);
Referrer referrer(source_url, ReferrerPolicyNever);
std::string value = ReferrerHeaderValueForNavigation(dest_url, referrer);
// No referrer in any navigation.
EXPECT_EQ("", value);
// Tests that the Origin policy works as expected.
TEST(ReferrerUtilTest, OriginPolicy) {
for (unsigned int source = 0; source < arraysize(kTestUrls); ++source) {
for (unsigned int dest = 1; dest < arraysize(kTestUrls); ++dest) {
GURL source_url(kTestUrls[source]);
GURL dest_url(kTestUrls[dest]);
Referrer referrer(source_url, ReferrerPolicyOrigin);
std::string value = ReferrerHeaderValueForNavigation(dest_url, referrer);
// Origin should be sent in all cases, even secure->insecure.
EXPECT_EQ(source_url.GetOrigin().spec(), value);
// Tests that the OriginWhenCrossOrigin policy works as expected.
TEST(ReferrerUtilTest, OriginWhenCrossOriginPolicy) {
for (unsigned int source = 0; source < arraysize(kTestUrls); ++source) {
for (unsigned int dest = 1; dest < arraysize(kTestUrls); ++dest) {
GURL source_url(kTestUrls[source]);
GURL dest_url(kTestUrls[dest]);
Referrer referrer(source_url, ReferrerPolicyOriginWhenCrossOrigin);
std::string value = ReferrerHeaderValueForNavigation(dest_url, referrer);
// Full URL for the same origin, and origin for all other cases (even
// secure->insecure).
if (source_url.GetOrigin() == dest_url.GetOrigin())
EXPECT_EQ(source_url.GetAsReferrer().spec(), value);
EXPECT_EQ(source_url.GetOrigin().spec(), value);
// Tests that PolicyForNavigation gives the right values.
TEST(ReferrerUtilTest, PolicyForNavigation) {
// The request and destination URLs are unused in the current implementation,
// so use a dummy value.
GURL dummy_url;
for (unsigned int policy = 0; policy <= ReferrerPolicyLast; ++policy) {
Referrer referrer(dummy_url, static_cast<ReferrerPolicy>(policy));
net::URLRequest::ReferrerPolicy net_request_policy =
PolicyForNavigation(dummy_url, referrer);
// The test here is deliberately backward from the way the test would
// intuitively work so that it's structured differently from the code it's
// testing, and thus less likely to have a copy/paste bug that passes
// incorrect mappings.
switch (net_request_policy) {
case net::URLRequest::
// Nothing currently maps to this policy on iOS.
EXPECT_EQ(ReferrerPolicyOriginWhenCrossOrigin, policy);
// This request policy should be used when the referrer policy is always
// the same regardless of source and destination.
EXPECT_TRUE(policy == ReferrerPolicyAlways ||
policy == ReferrerPolicyNever ||
policy == ReferrerPolicyOrigin);
case net::URLRequest::
// This corresponds directly to ReferrerPolicyNoReferrerWhenDowngrade,
// which is also how Default works on iOS.
EXPECT_TRUE(policy == ReferrerPolicyDefault ||
policy == ReferrerPolicyNoReferrerWhenDowngrade);
case net::URLRequest::ORIGIN:
EXPECT_TRUE(policy == ReferrerPolicyOrigin);
case net::URLRequest::NO_REFERRER:
EXPECT_TRUE(policy == ReferrerPolicyNever);
case net::URLRequest::MAX_REFERRER_POLICY:
// Tests that all the strings corresponding to web::ReferrerPolicy values are
// correctly handled.
TEST(ReferrerUtilTest, PolicyFromString) {
// The ordering here must match web::ReferrerPolicy; this makes the test
// simpler, at the cost of needing to re-order if the enum is re-ordered.
const char* const kPolicyStrings[] = {
nullptr, // Default is skipped, because no string maps to Default.
// Test that all the values are supported.
for (int i = 0; i < ReferrerPolicyLast; ++i) {
if (!kPolicyStrings[i])
EXPECT_EQ(i, ReferrerPolicyFromString(kPolicyStrings[i]));
// Verify that if something is added to the enum, its string value gets added
// to the mapping function.
EXPECT_EQ(ReferrerPolicyLast + 1,
// Test the legacy policy names.
EXPECT_EQ(ReferrerPolicyNever, ReferrerPolicyFromString("never"));
// Note that per the spec, "default" maps to NoReferrerWhenDowngrade; the
// Default enum value is not actually a spec'd value.
EXPECT_EQ(ReferrerPolicyAlways, ReferrerPolicyFromString("always"));
// Test that invalid values map to Never.
EXPECT_EQ(ReferrerPolicyNever, ReferrerPolicyFromString(""));
EXPECT_EQ(ReferrerPolicyNever, ReferrerPolicyFromString("made-up"));
} // namespace web