blob: a09ef1d08ae7c54284c011131896aa5724985907 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "net/spdy/http2_priority_dependencies.h"
namespace net {
Http2PriorityDependencies::Http2PriorityDependencies() {}
Http2PriorityDependencies::~Http2PriorityDependencies() {}
void Http2PriorityDependencies::OnStreamSynSent(
SpdyStreamId id,
SpdyPriority priority,
SpdyStreamId* dependent_stream_id,
bool* exclusive) {
DCHECK(entry_by_stream_id_.find(id) == entry_by_stream_id_.end());
*dependent_stream_id = 0ul;
*exclusive = true;
// Find the next highest entry in total order.
for (int i = priority; i >= kV3HighestPriority; --i) {
if (!id_priority_lists_[i].empty()) {
*dependent_stream_id = id_priority_lists_[i].back().first;
id_priority_lists_[priority].push_back(std::make_pair(id, priority));
IdList::iterator it = id_priority_lists_[priority].end();
entry_by_stream_id_[id] = it;
void Http2PriorityDependencies::OnStreamDestruction(SpdyStreamId id) {
EntryMap::iterator emit = entry_by_stream_id_.find(id);
// This routine may be called without a matching call to
// OnStreamSynSent above, in the case of server push. In that case,
// it's a no-op.
if (emit == entry_by_stream_id_.end())
IdList::iterator it = emit->second;
} // namespace net