blob: baf8ac2d2298eb909ef54a061f4980bb3bc73eb3 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import os
import re
import sys
from typing import Dict, FrozenSet, List, Match, Optional, Tuple, Union
import unittest.mock as mock
from telemetry.internal.platform import gpu_info as tgi
# This set must be the union of the driver tags used in WebGL and WebGL2
# expectations files.
# Examples:
# intel_lt_25.20.100.6577
# mesa_ge_20.1
DRIVER_TAG_MATCHER = re.compile(
# nvidia on desktop, nvidia-coproration on Android.
'nvidia-corporation': 'nvidia',
def _ParseANGLEGpuVendorString(device_string: str) -> Optional[str]:
if not device_string:
return None
# ANGLE's device (renderer) string is of the form:
# "ANGLE (vendor_string, renderer_string, gl_version profile)"
# This function will be used to get the first value in the tuple
match ='ANGLE \((.*), .*, .*\)', device_string)
if match:
return None
def _GetANGLEGpuDeviceId(device_string: str) -> Optional[str]:
if not device_string:
return None
# ANGLE's device (renderer) string is of the form:
# "ANGLE (vendor_string, renderer_string, gl_version profile)"
# This function will be used to get the second value in the tuple
match ='ANGLE \(.*, (.*), .*\)', device_string)
if match:
return None
def GetGpuVendorString(gpu_info: tgi.GPUInfo, index: int) -> str:
if gpu_info:
primary_gpu = gpu_info.devices[index]
if primary_gpu:
vendor_string = primary_gpu.vendor_string
angle_vendor_string = _ParseANGLEGpuVendorString(
vendor_id = primary_gpu.vendor_id
if vendor_id == 0x10DE:
return 'nvidia'
if vendor_id == 0x1002:
return 'amd'
if vendor_id == 0x8086:
return 'intel'
if angle_vendor_string:
return angle_vendor_string.lower()
if vendor_string:
return vendor_string.split(' ')[0].lower()
return 'unknown_gpu'
def GetGpuDeviceId(gpu_info: tgi.GPUInfo, index: int) -> Union[int, str]:
if gpu_info:
primary_gpu = gpu_info.devices[index]
if primary_gpu:
return (primary_gpu.device_id
or _GetANGLEGpuDeviceId(primary_gpu.device_string)
or primary_gpu.device_string)
return 0
def GetGpuDriverVendor(gpu_info: tgi.GPUInfo) -> Optional[str]:
if gpu_info:
primary_gpu = gpu_info.devices[0]
if primary_gpu:
return primary_gpu.driver_vendor
return None
def GetGpuDriverVersion(gpu_info: tgi.GPUInfo) -> Optional[str]:
if gpu_info:
primary_gpu = gpu_info.devices[0]
if primary_gpu:
return primary_gpu.driver_version
return None
def GetANGLERenderer(gpu_info: tgi.GPUInfo) -> str:
retval = 'angle-disabled'
if gpu_info and gpu_info.aux_attributes:
gl_renderer = gpu_info.aux_attributes.get('gl_renderer')
if gl_renderer and 'ANGLE' in gl_renderer:
if 'Direct3D11' in gl_renderer:
retval = 'angle-d3d11'
elif 'Direct3D9' in gl_renderer:
retval = 'angle-d3d9'
elif 'OpenGL ES' in gl_renderer:
retval = 'angle-opengles'
elif 'OpenGL' in gl_renderer:
retval = 'angle-opengl'
elif 'Metal' in gl_renderer:
retval = 'angle-metal'
# SwiftShader first because it also contains Vulkan
elif 'SwiftShader' in gl_renderer:
retval = 'angle-swiftshader'
elif 'Vulkan' in gl_renderer:
retval = 'angle-vulkan'
return retval
def GetCommandDecoder(gpu_info: tgi.GPUInfo) -> str:
if gpu_info and gpu_info.aux_attributes and \
gpu_info.aux_attributes.get('passthrough_cmd_decoder', False):
return 'passthrough'
return 'no_passthrough'
def GetSkiaRenderer(gpu_feature_status: Dict[str, str],
extra_browser_args: List[str]) -> str:
retval = 'renderer-software'
skia_renderer_enabled = (
and gpu_feature_status.get('gpu_compositing') == 'enabled')
if skia_renderer_enabled:
if HasDawnSkiaRenderer(extra_browser_args):
retval = 'renderer-skia-dawn'
elif HasVulkanSkiaRenderer(gpu_feature_status):
retval = 'renderer-skia-vulkan'
# The check for GL must come after Vulkan since the 'opengl' feature can be
# enabled for WebGL and interop even if SkiaRenderer is using Vulkan.
elif HasGlSkiaRenderer(gpu_feature_status):
retval = 'renderer-skia-gl'
return retval
def GetDisplayServer(browser_type: str) -> Optional[str]:
# Browser types run on a remote device aren't Linux, but the host running
# this code uses Linux, so return early to avoid erroneously reporting a
# display server.
if browser_type in REMOTE_BROWSER_TYPES:
return None
if sys.platform.startswith('linux'):
if 'WAYLAND_DISPLAY' in os.environ:
return 'display-server-wayland'
return 'display-server-x'
return None
def GetOOPCanvasStatus(gpu_feature_status: Dict[str, str]) -> str:
if gpu_feature_status and gpu_feature_status.get(
'canvas_oop_rasterization') == 'enabled_on':
return 'oop-c'
return 'no-oop-c'
def GetAsanStatus(gpu_info: tgi.GPUInfo) -> str:
if gpu_info.aux_attributes.get('is_asan', False):
return 'asan'
return 'no-asan'
def GetTargetCpuStatus(gpu_info):
return 'target-cpu-%s' % (gpu_info.aux_attributes.get('target_cpu_bits',
'unknown'), )
# TODO(rivr): Use GPU feature status for Dawn instead of command line.
def HasDawnSkiaRenderer(extra_browser_args: List[str]) -> bool:
if extra_browser_args:
for arg in extra_browser_args:
if arg.startswith('--enable-features') and 'SkiaDawn' in arg:
return True
return False
def HasGlSkiaRenderer(gpu_feature_status: Dict[str, str]) -> bool:
return (bool(gpu_feature_status)
and gpu_feature_status.get('opengl') == 'enabled_on')
def HasVulkanSkiaRenderer(gpu_feature_status: Dict[str, str]) -> bool:
return (bool(gpu_feature_status)
and gpu_feature_status.get('vulkan') == 'enabled_on')
def ReplaceTags(tags: List[str]) -> List[str]:
"""Replaces certain strings in tags to make them consistent across platforms.
tags: A list of strings containing expectation tags.
|tags| but potentially with some substrings replaced.
replaced_tags = []
for t in tags:
for original, replacement in TAG_REPLACEMENTS.items():
replaced_tags.append(t.replace(original, replacement))
return replaced_tags
# used by unittests to create a mock arguments object
def GetMockArgs(webgl_version: str = '1.0.0') -> mock.MagicMock:
args = mock.MagicMock()
args.webgl_conformance_version = webgl_version
args.webgl2_only = False
# for, .url has to be None to
# generate the correct test lists for bots.
args.url = None
args.duration = 10
args.delay = 10
args.resolution = 100
args.fullscreen = False
args.underlay = False
args.logdir = '/tmp'
args.repeat = 1
args.outliers = 0
args.bypass_ipg = False
args.expected_vendor_id = 0
args.expected_device_id = 0
args.browser_options = []
return args
def MatchDriverTag(tag: str) -> Match[str]:
return DRIVER_TAG_MATCHER.match(tag.lower())
# No good way to reduce the number of local variables, particularly since each
# argument is also considered a local. Also no good way to reduce the number of
# branches without harming readability.
# pylint: disable=too-many-locals,too-many-branches
def EvaluateVersionComparison(version: str,
operation: str,
ref_version: str,
os_name: Optional[str] = None,
driver_vendor: Optional[str] = None) -> bool:
def parse_version(ver: str) -> Union[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[None, None]]:
if ver.isdigit():
return int(ver), ''
for i, digit in enumerate(ver):
if not digit.isdigit():
return int(ver[:i]) if i > 0 else 0, ver[i:]
return None, None
def versions_can_be_compared(ver_list1, ver_list2):
# If either of the two versions doesn't match the Intel driver version
# schema, they should not be compared.
if len(ver_list1) != 4 or len(ver_list2) != 4:
return False
return True
ver_list1 = version.split('.')
ver_list2 = ref_version.split('.')
# On Windows, if the driver vendor is Intel, the driver version should be
# compared based on the Intel graphics driver version schema.
if os_name == 'win' and driver_vendor == 'intel':
if not versions_can_be_compared(ver_list1, ver_list2):
return operation == 'ne'
ver_list1 = ver_list1[2:]
ver_list2 = ver_list2[2:]
for i in range(0, max(len(ver_list1), len(ver_list2))):
ver1 = ver_list1[i] if i < len(ver_list1) else '0'
ver2 = ver_list2[i] if i < len(ver_list2) else '0'
num1, suffix1 = parse_version(ver1)
num2, suffix2 = parse_version(ver2)
if num1 is None:
# This comes from EXPECTATIONS_DRIVER_TAGS, so we should never fail to
# parse a version.
assert num2 is not None
if not num1 == num2:
diff = num1 - num2
elif suffix1 == suffix2:
elif suffix1 > suffix2:
diff = 1
diff = -1
if operation == 'eq':
return False
if operation == 'ne':
return True
if operation in ('ge', 'gt'):
return diff > 0
if operation in ('le', 'lt'):
return diff < 0
raise Exception('Invalid operation: ' + operation)
return operation in ('eq', 'ge', 'le')
# pylint: enable=too-many-locals,too-many-branches
def ExpectationsDriverTags() -> FrozenSet[str]: