| # Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. |
| # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| # found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| import("//build/config/jumbo.gni") |
| import("//build/config/ui.gni") |
| import("//testing/test.gni") |
| |
| jumbo_component("aura") { |
| public = [ |
| "client/aura_constants.h", |
| "client/capture_client.h", |
| "client/capture_client_observer.h", |
| "client/capture_delegate.h", |
| "client/cursor_client.h", |
| "client/cursor_client_observer.h", |
| "client/default_capture_client.h", |
| "client/drag_drop_client.h", |
| "client/drag_drop_client_observer.h", |
| "client/drag_drop_delegate.h", |
| "client/event_client.h", |
| "client/focus_change_observer.h", |
| "client/focus_client.h", |
| "client/screen_position_client.h", |
| "client/transient_window_client.h", |
| "client/transient_window_client_observer.h", |
| "client/visibility_client.h", |
| "client/window_parenting_client.h", |
| "client/window_stacking_client.h", |
| "client/window_types.h", |
| "env.h", |
| "env_input_state_controller.h", |
| "env_observer.h", |
| "event_injector.h", |
| "input_state_lookup.h", |
| "input_state_lookup_win.h", |
| "layout_manager.h", |
| "local/window_port_local.h", |
| "mus/capture_synchronizer.h", |
| "mus/capture_synchronizer_delegate.h", |
| "mus/client_side_window_move_handler.h", |
| "mus/client_surface_embedder.h", |
| "mus/drag_drop_controller_host.h", |
| "mus/drag_drop_controller_mus.h", |
| "mus/embed_root.h", |
| "mus/embed_root_delegate.h", |
| "mus/focus_synchronizer.h", |
| "mus/focus_synchronizer_delegate.h", |
| "mus/focus_synchronizer_observer.h", |
| "mus/gesture_recognizer_impl_mus.h", |
| "mus/gesture_synchronizer.h", |
| "mus/in_flight_change.h", |
| "mus/input_method_mus.h", |
| "mus/input_method_mus_delegate.h", |
| "mus/mus_context_factory.h", |
| "mus/mus_mouse_location_updater.h", |
| "mus/mus_types.h", |
| "mus/os_exchange_data_provider_mus.h", |
| "mus/property_converter.h", |
| "mus/property_utils.h", |
| "mus/system_input_injector_mus.h", |
| "mus/text_input_client_impl.h", |
| "mus/topmost_window_tracker.h", |
| "mus/user_activity_forwarder.h", |
| "mus/window_mus.h", |
| "mus/window_port_mus.h", |
| "mus/window_tree_client.h", |
| "mus/window_tree_client_delegate.h", |
| "mus/window_tree_client_observer.h", |
| "mus/window_tree_client_test_observer.h", |
| "mus/window_tree_host_mus.h", |
| "mus/window_tree_host_mus_delegate.h", |
| "mus/window_tree_host_mus_init_params.h", |
| "null_window_targeter.h", |
| "scoped_keyboard_hook.h", |
| "scoped_simple_keyboard_hook.h", |
| "scoped_window_targeter.h", |
| "window.h", |
| "window_delegate.h", |
| "window_event_dispatcher.h", |
| "window_event_dispatcher_observer.h", |
| "window_observer.h", |
| "window_occlusion_change_builder.h", |
| "window_occlusion_tracker.h", |
| "window_port.h", |
| "window_targeter.h", |
| "window_tracker.h", |
| "window_tree_host.h", |
| "window_tree_host_observer.h", |
| "window_tree_host_platform.h", |
| ] |
| sources = [ |
| "aura_export.h", |
| "client/aura_constants.cc", |
| "client/capture_client.cc", |
| "client/cursor_client.cc", |
| "client/cursor_client_observer.cc", |
| "client/default_capture_client.cc", |
| "client/drag_drop_client.cc", |
| "client/drag_drop_delegate.cc", |
| "client/event_client.cc", |
| "client/focus_change_observer.cc", |
| "client/focus_client.cc", |
| "client/screen_position_client.cc", |
| "client/transient_window_client.cc", |
| "client/visibility_client.cc", |
| "client/window_parenting_client.cc", |
| "client/window_stacking_client.cc", |
| "env.cc", |
| "env_input_state_controller.cc", |
| "event_injector.cc", |
| "input_state_lookup.cc", |
| "input_state_lookup_win.cc", |
| "layout_manager.cc", |
| "local/window_port_local.cc", |
| "mouse_location_manager.cc", |
| "mouse_location_manager.h", |
| "mus/capture_synchronizer.cc", |
| "mus/client_side_window_move_handler.cc", |
| "mus/client_surface_embedder.cc", |
| "mus/drag_drop_controller_mus.cc", |
| "mus/embed_root.cc", |
| "mus/focus_synchronizer.cc", |
| "mus/gesture_recognizer_impl_mus.cc", |
| "mus/gesture_synchronizer.cc", |
| "mus/in_flight_change.cc", |
| "mus/input_method_mus.cc", |
| "mus/mus_context_factory.cc", |
| "mus/mus_lsi_allocator.cc", |
| "mus/mus_lsi_allocator.h", |
| "mus/mus_mouse_location_updater.cc", |
| "mus/os_exchange_data_provider_mus.cc", |
| "mus/property_converter.cc", |
| "mus/property_utils.cc", |
| "mus/system_input_injector_mus.cc", |
| "mus/text_input_client_impl.cc", |
| "mus/topmost_window_tracker.cc", |
| "mus/user_activity_forwarder.cc", |
| "mus/window_port_mus.cc", |
| "mus/window_tree_client.cc", |
| "mus/window_tree_client_delegate.cc", |
| "mus/window_tree_host_mus.cc", |
| "mus/window_tree_host_mus_init_params.cc", |
| "native_window_occlusion_tracker_win.cc", |
| "native_window_occlusion_tracker_win.h", |
| "null_window_targeter.cc", |
| "scoped_keyboard_hook.cc", |
| "scoped_simple_keyboard_hook.cc", |
| "scoped_window_targeter.cc", |
| "window.cc", |
| "window_delegate.cc", |
| "window_event_dispatcher.cc", |
| "window_observer.cc", |
| "window_occlusion_change_builder.cc", |
| "window_occlusion_tracker.cc", |
| "window_port.cc", |
| "window_port_for_shutdown.cc", |
| "window_port_for_shutdown.h", |
| "window_targeter.cc", |
| "window_tree_host.cc", |
| "window_tree_host_platform.cc", |
| ] |
| |
| friend = [ ":*" ] |
| |
| defines = [ "AURA_IMPLEMENTATION" ] |
| |
| deps = [ |
| "//base", |
| "//base:i18n", |
| "//base/third_party/dynamic_annotations", |
| "//cc", |
| "//cc/mojo_embedder", |
| "//components/discardable_memory/client", |
| "//components/discardable_memory/public/interfaces", |
| "//components/viz/client", |
| "//components/viz/common", |
| "//components/viz/host", |
| "//components/viz/service", |
| "//gpu/ipc/client", |
| "//mojo/public/cpp/system", |
| "//net", |
| "//services/service_manager/public/cpp", |
| "//services/ws/common", |
| "//services/ws/public/cpp", |
| "//services/ws/public/mojom", |
| "//skia", |
| "//ui/base", |
| "//ui/base/clipboard", |
| "//ui/base/ime", |
| "//ui/display", |
| "//ui/events", |
| "//ui/events:dom_keyboard_layout", |
| "//ui/events:events_base", |
| "//ui/events/platform", |
| "//ui/gfx", |
| "//ui/gfx/geometry", |
| "//ui/gl", |
| "//ui/platform_window", |
| "//ui/platform_window/mojo", |
| "//ui/platform_window/stub", |
| ] |
| |
| public_deps = [ |
| "//ui/compositor", |
| ] |
| |
| if (use_x11) { |
| deps += [ |
| "//ui/events/platform/x11", |
| "//ui/platform_window/x11", |
| ] |
| } |
| |
| if (is_win) { |
| sources -= [ "input_state_lookup.cc" ] |
| |
| deps += [ |
| "//ipc", |
| "//ui/platform_window/win", |
| ] |
| } |
| |
| if (is_win) { |
| libs = [ "wtsapi32.lib" ] |
| } |
| |
| if (use_ozone) { |
| deps += [ "//ui/ozone" ] |
| public += [ "screen_ozone.h" ] |
| sources += [ "screen_ozone.cc" ] |
| } |
| |
| if (is_android) { |
| deps += [ |
| "//ui/platform_window/android", |
| "//ui/platform_window/android:platform_window_java", |
| ] |
| } |
| } |
| |
| jumbo_static_library("test_support") { |
| testonly = true |
| sources = [ |
| "test/aura_mus_test_base.cc", |
| "test/aura_mus_test_base.h", |
| "test/aura_test_base.cc", |
| "test/aura_test_base.h", |
| "test/aura_test_context_factory.cc", |
| "test/aura_test_context_factory.h", |
| "test/aura_test_helper.cc", |
| "test/aura_test_helper.h", |
| "test/aura_test_suite_setup.cc", |
| "test/aura_test_suite_setup.h", |
| "test/aura_test_utils.cc", |
| "test/aura_test_utils.h", |
| "test/default_event_generator_delegate.cc", |
| "test/default_event_generator_delegate.h", |
| "test/env_test_helper.cc", |
| "test/env_test_helper.h", |
| "test/event_generator_delegate_aura.cc", |
| "test/event_generator_delegate_aura.h", |
| "test/mus/change_completion_waiter.cc", |
| "test/mus/change_completion_waiter.h", |
| "test/mus/input_method_mus_test_api.h", |
| "test/mus/test_window_tree.cc", |
| "test/mus/test_window_tree.h", |
| "test/mus/test_window_tree_client_delegate.cc", |
| "test/mus/test_window_tree_client_delegate.h", |
| "test/mus/test_window_tree_client_setup.cc", |
| "test/mus/test_window_tree_client_setup.h", |
| "test/mus/test_window_tree_delegate.h", |
| "test/mus/window_port_mus_test_helper.cc", |
| "test/mus/window_port_mus_test_helper.h", |
| "test/mus/window_tree_client_test_api.cc", |
| "test/mus/window_tree_client_test_api.h", |
| "test/test_cursor_client.cc", |
| "test/test_cursor_client.h", |
| "test/test_focus_client.cc", |
| "test/test_focus_client.h", |
| "test/test_screen.cc", |
| "test/test_screen.h", |
| "test/test_window_delegate.cc", |
| "test/test_window_delegate.h", |
| "test/test_window_parenting_client.cc", |
| "test/test_window_parenting_client.h", |
| "test/test_window_targeter.cc", |
| "test/test_window_targeter.h", |
| "test/test_windows.cc", |
| "test/test_windows.h", |
| "test/ui_controls_factory_aura.h", |
| "test/window_event_dispatcher_test_api.cc", |
| "test/window_event_dispatcher_test_api.h", |
| "test/window_occlusion_tracker_test_api.cc", |
| "test/window_occlusion_tracker_test_api.h", |
| "test/window_test_api.cc", |
| "test/window_test_api.h", |
| ] |
| |
| # TODO(jschuh): crbug.com/167187 fix size_t to int truncations. |
| configs += [ "//build/config/compiler:no_size_t_to_int_warning" ] |
| |
| public_deps = [ |
| ":aura", |
| "//services/ws/common", |
| |
| # Must be public as headers include buildflags.h. |
| "//ui/base:buildflags", |
| ] |
| deps = [ |
| "//base/test:test_support", |
| "//cc:test_support", |
| "//components/viz/test:test_support", |
| "//services/service_manager/public/cpp", |
| "//services/ws/public/cpp/input_devices", |
| "//services/ws/public/mojom", |
| "//skia", |
| "//testing/gtest", |
| "//ui/base:test_support", |
| "//ui/base/ime", |
| "//ui/compositor:test_support", |
| "//ui/display", |
| "//ui/display/manager", |
| "//ui/events", |
| "//ui/events:events_base", |
| "//ui/events:test_support", |
| "//ui/gfx", |
| "//ui/gfx/geometry", |
| "//ui/platform_window", |
| "//ui/wm", |
| ] |
| |
| if (is_win) { |
| sources += [ "test/ui_controls_factory_aurawin.cc" ] |
| } |
| |
| if (use_x11) { |
| sources += [ |
| "test/ui_controls_factory_aurax11.cc", |
| "test/x11_event_sender.cc", |
| "test/x11_event_sender.h", |
| ] |
| |
| deps += [ "//ui/gfx/x" ] |
| } |
| |
| if (use_ozone) { |
| sources += [ "test/ui_controls_factory_ozone.cc" ] |
| } |
| } |
| |
| executable("demo") { |
| output_name = "aura_demo" |
| testonly = true |
| |
| sources = [ |
| "demo/demo_main.cc", |
| ] |
| |
| deps = [ |
| ":aura", |
| ":test_support", |
| "//base", |
| "//base:i18n", |
| "//build/win:default_exe_manifest", |
| "//components/viz/host", |
| "//components/viz/service", |
| "//skia", |
| "//third_party/icu", |
| "//ui/base", |
| "//ui/base/ime", |
| "//ui/compositor", |
| "//ui/compositor:test_support", |
| "//ui/display", |
| "//ui/events", |
| "//ui/gfx", |
| "//ui/gfx/geometry", |
| "//ui/gl", |
| "//ui/gl/init", |
| ] |
| |
| if (use_x11) { |
| deps += [ "//ui/gfx/x" ] |
| } |
| } |
| |
| test("aura_unittests") { |
| sources = [ |
| "../compositor_extra/shadow_unittest.cc", |
| "gestures/gesture_recognizer_unittest.cc", |
| "mouse_location_manager_unittest.cc", |
| "mus/client_side_window_move_handler_unittest.cc", |
| "mus/drag_drop_controller_mus_unittest.cc", |
| "mus/focus_synchronizer_unittest.cc", |
| "mus/gesture_synchronizer_unittest.cc", |
| "mus/input_method_mus_unittest.cc", |
| "mus/os_exchange_data_provider_mus_unittest.cc", |
| "mus/property_converter_unittest.cc", |
| "mus/user_activity_forwarder_unittest.cc", |
| "mus/window_port_mus_unittest.cc", |
| "mus/window_tree_client_unittest.cc", |
| "mus/window_tree_host_mus_unittest.cc", |
| "test/aura_test_suite.h", |
| "test/run_all_unittests.cc", |
| "window_event_dispatcher_unittest.cc", |
| "window_occlusion_change_builder_unittest.cc", |
| "window_occlusion_tracker_unittest.cc", |
| "window_targeter_unittest.cc", |
| "window_tree_host_unittest.cc", |
| "window_unittest.cc", |
| ] |
| |
| if (is_win) { |
| sources += [ "native_window_occlusion_tracker_unittest.cc" ] |
| } |
| |
| deps = [ |
| ":test_support", |
| "//base/test:test_support", |
| "//cc/mojo_embedder", |
| "//components/viz/client", |
| "//mojo/core/embedder", |
| "//net", |
| "//services/ws/common:task_runner_test_base", |
| "//services/ws/public/cpp", |
| "//skia", |
| "//testing/gtest", |
| "//ui/aura_extra", |
| "//ui/aura_extra:tests", |
| "//ui/base:test_support", |
| "//ui/base/clipboard:clipboard_types", |
| "//ui/compositor:test_support", |
| "//ui/compositor_extra", |
| "//ui/display:test_support", |
| "//ui/events:gesture_detection", |
| "//ui/events:test_support", |
| "//ui/gfx", |
| "//ui/gfx/geometry", |
| "//ui/gl:test_support", |
| "//ui/platform_window", |
| "//ui/platform_window/stub", |
| "//ui/wm", |
| ] |
| |
| data_deps = [ |
| "//third_party/mesa_headers", |
| ] |
| } |
| |
| # This target is added as a dependency of browser interactive_ui_tests. It must |
| # be source_set, otherwise the linker will drop the tests as dead code. |
| source_set("aura_interactive_ui_tests") { |
| testonly = true |
| if (is_win) { |
| sources = [ |
| "native_window_occlusion_tracker_win_interactive_test.cc", |
| ] |
| |
| deps = [ |
| ":aura", |
| ":test_support", |
| "//base/test:test_support", |
| "//net", |
| "//testing/gtest", |
| "//ui/base/ime:ime", |
| "//ui/display:display", |
| "//ui/gfx", |
| "//ui/gfx/geometry", |
| "//ui/gl:test_support", |
| "//ui/gl/init", |
| "//ui/views:views", |
| ] |
| } |
| } |