blob: 72e1fad0717a95f67be9d09a91eeccc7e2aa752b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ppapi/tests/test_instance_deprecated.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include "ppapi/c/ppb_var.h"
#include "ppapi/cpp/module.h"
#include "ppapi/cpp/dev/scriptable_object_deprecated.h"
#include "ppapi/tests/testing_instance.h"
namespace {
static const char kSetValueFunction[] = "SetValue";
static const char kSetExceptionFunction[] = "SetException";
static const char kReturnValueFunction[] = "ReturnValue";
// ScriptableObject used by instance.
class InstanceSO : public pp::deprecated::ScriptableObject {
InstanceSO(TestInstance* i);
virtual ~InstanceSO();
// pp::deprecated::ScriptableObject overrides.
bool HasMethod(const pp::Var& name, pp::Var* exception);
pp::Var Call(const pp::Var& name,
const std::vector<pp::Var>& args,
pp::Var* exception);
TestInstance* test_instance_;
InstanceSO::InstanceSO(TestInstance* i) : test_instance_(i) {
// Set up a post-condition for the test so that we can ensure our destructor
// is called. This only works in-process right now. Rather than disable the
// whole test, we only do this check when running in-process.
// TODO(dmichael): Figure out if we want this to work out-of-process, and if
// so, fix it. Note that it might just be failing because the
// ReleaseObject and Deallocate messages are asynchronous.
if (i->testing_interface() &&
i->testing_interface()->IsOutOfProcess() == PP_FALSE) {
InstanceSO::~InstanceSO() {
pp::Var exception;
pp::Var ret = test_instance_->instance()->ExecuteScript(
bool InstanceSO::HasMethod(const pp::Var& name, pp::Var* exception) {
if (!name.is_string())
return false;
return name.AsString() == kSetValueFunction ||
name.AsString() == kSetExceptionFunction ||
name.AsString() == kReturnValueFunction;
pp::Var InstanceSO::Call(const pp::Var& method_name,
const std::vector<pp::Var>& args,
pp::Var* exception) {
if (!method_name.is_string())
return false;
std::string name = method_name.AsString();
if (name == kSetValueFunction) {
if (args.size() != 1 || !args[0].is_string())
*exception = pp::Var("Bad argument to SetValue(<string>)");
} else if (name == kSetExceptionFunction) {
if (args.size() != 1 || !args[0].is_string())
*exception = pp::Var("Bad argument to SetException(<string>)");
*exception = args[0];
} else if (name == kReturnValueFunction) {
if (args.size() != 1)
*exception = pp::Var("Need single arg to call ReturnValue");
return args[0];
} else {
*exception = pp::Var("Bad function call");
return pp::Var();
} // namespace
TestInstance::TestInstance(TestingInstance* instance) : TestCase(instance) {
bool TestInstance::Init() {
return true;
void TestInstance::RunTests(const std::string& filter) {
RUN_TEST(ExecuteScript, filter);
RUN_TEST(RecursiveObjects, filter);
RUN_TEST(LeakedObjectDestructors, filter);
void TestInstance::LeakReferenceAndIgnore(const pp::Var& leaked) {
static const PPB_Var* var_interface = static_cast<const PPB_Var*>(
pp::deprecated::ScriptableObject* TestInstance::CreateTestObject() {
return new InstanceSO(this);
std::string TestInstance::TestExecuteScript() {
// Simple call back into the plugin.
pp::Var exception;
pp::Var ret = instance_->ExecuteScript(
"document.getElementById('plugin').SetValue('hello, world');",
ASSERT_TRUE(string_ == "hello, world");
// Return values from the plugin should be returned.
ret = instance_->ExecuteScript(
"document.getElementById('plugin').ReturnValue('return value');",
ASSERT_TRUE(ret.is_string() && ret.AsString() == "return value");
// Exception thrown by the plugin should be caught.
ret = instance_->ExecuteScript(
"document.getElementById('plugin').SetException('plugin exception');",
// Due to a limitation in the implementation of TryCatch, it doesn't actually
// pass the strings up. Since this is a trusted only interface, we've decided
// not to bother fixing this for now.
// Exception caused by string evaluation should be caught.
exception = pp::Var();
ret = instance_->ExecuteScript("document.doesntExist()", &exception);
ASSERT_TRUE(exception.is_string()); // Don't know exactly what it will say.
// A scriptable object that contains other scriptable objects recursively. This
// is used to help verify that our scriptable object clean-up code works
// properly.
class ObjectWithChildren : public pp::deprecated::ScriptableObject {
ObjectWithChildren(TestInstance* i, int num_descendents) {
if (num_descendents > 0) {
child_ = pp::VarPrivate(i->instance(),
new ObjectWithChildren(i, num_descendents - 1));
struct IgnoreLeaks {};
ObjectWithChildren(TestInstance* i, int num_descendents, IgnoreLeaks) {
if (num_descendents > 0) {
child_ = pp::VarPrivate(i->instance(),
new ObjectWithChildren(i, num_descendents - 1,
pp::VarPrivate child_;
std::string TestInstance::TestRecursiveObjects() {
// These should be deleted when we exit scope, so should not leak.
pp::VarPrivate not_leaked(instance(), new ObjectWithChildren(this, 50));
// Leak some, but tell TestCase to ignore the leaks. This test is run and then
// reloaded (see If these aren't cleaned up when the first
// run is torn down, they will show up as leaks in the second run.
// NOTE: The ScriptableObjects are actually leaked, but they should be removed
// from the tracker. See below for a test that verifies that the
// destructor is not run.
pp::VarPrivate leaked(
new ObjectWithChildren(this, 50, ObjectWithChildren::IgnoreLeaks()));
// Now leak a reference to the root object. This should force the root and
// all its descendents to stay in the tracker.
// A scriptable object that should cause a crash if its destructor is run. We
// don't run the destructor for objects which the plugin leaks. This is to
// prevent them doing dangerous things at cleanup time, such as executing script
// or creating new objects.
class BadDestructorObject : public pp::deprecated::ScriptableObject {
BadDestructorObject() {}
~BadDestructorObject() {
std::string TestInstance::TestLeakedObjectDestructors() {
pp::VarPrivate leaked(instance(), new BadDestructorObject());
// Leak a reference so it gets deleted on instance shutdown.