blob: 99c817c2eb92ecb9044fb10cfdf3a4f8c152780b [file] [log] [blame]
* `JSON.minify()`
* This version does not use regular expressions.
* Copyright 2011, Kyle Simpson.
* Copyright 2012, Kit Cambridge.
* Released under the MIT License.
;(function () {
var JSON = this.JSON;
// Create the global JSON object if it doesn't exist.
if (Object(JSON) !== JSON) {
JSON = this.JSON = {};
JSON.minify = function (source) {
var index = 0, length = source.length, result = "", symbol, position;
while (index < length) {
symbol = source.charAt(index);
switch (symbol) {
// Ignore whitespace tokens. According to ES 5.1 section,
// whitespace tokens include tabs, carriage returns, line feeds, and
// space characters.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------
case "\t":
case "\r":
case "\n":
case " ":
index += 1;
// Ignore line and block comments.
// -------------------------------
case "/":
symbol = source.charAt(index += 1);
switch (symbol) {
// Line comments.
// -------------
case "/":
position = source.indexOf("\n", index);
if (position < 0) {
// Check for CR-style line endings.
position = source.indexOf("\r", index);
index = position > -1 ? position : length;
// Block comments.
// ---------------
case "*":
position = source.indexOf("*/", index);
if (position > -1) {
// Advance the scanner's position past the end of the comment.
index = position += 2;
throw SyntaxError("Unterminated block comment.");
throw SyntaxError("Invalid comment.");
// Parse strings separately to ensure that any whitespace characters and
// JavaScript-style comments within them are preserved.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------
case '"':
position = index;
while (index < length) {
symbol = source.charAt(index += 1);
if (symbol == "\\") {
// Skip past escaped characters.
index += 1;
} else if (symbol == '"') {
if (source.charAt(index) == '"') {
result += source.slice(position, index += 1);
throw SyntaxError("Unterminated string.");
// Preserve all other characters.
// ------------------------------
result += symbol;
index += 1;
return result;