blob: f9fdba3a789e3f4804caf32740939f1585aa8f2f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto2";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
package ukm;
// Source contains data related to a top-level navigation.
// Next tag: 13
message Source {
// The URL scheme, such as HTTP, HTTPS, CHROME_EXTENSION, etc.
enum UrlScheme {
HTTP = 1;
HTTPS = 2;
FTP = 3;
ABOUT = 4;
APP = 7;
// An identifier for the source. This should be unique within a session.
optional int64 id = 1;
// The previous source id for the tab this source is in. Should only be set
// for navigation sources.
optional int64 previous_source_id = 11;
// For sources representing the first navigation in a new tab, this id marks
// the source which opened the tab. Should only be set for the first
// navigation source in a tab.
optional int64 opener_source_id = 12;
// Holds data about a URL seen by the client.
message UrlInfo {
// The URL seen by the client.
optional string url = 1;
// Number of URLs seen for this source before the current URL.
// If unset, it’s equivalent to the count of the UrlInfo before it + 1,
// or 0 if it’s the first UrlInfo.
optional int32 previous_url_count = 2;
// Data about each URL associated with the source_id within the record's
// scope, in the order that the URLs were encountered. Data may include full
// or partial redirect chains for main frame navigations.
repeated UrlInfo urls = 8;
// The URL of the source, as recorded in history. If this URL has not been
// discovered by Google's crawler, it should not be recorded.
optional string url = 2;
// The origin of the URL (ex. "" if the URL is something
// like ""). This field is populated
// server-side and should never be filled in by clients.
reserved 5;
reserved "url_origin";
reserved 9;
reserved "url_scheme";
// The initial URL of the source. Set in cases where the source URL changed
// (e.g. it was redirected), otherwise unset. If this URL has not been
// discovered by Google's crawler, it should not be recorded.
optional string initial_url = 6;
// Flag indicating if the metric was collected while inside a "custom tab".
optional bool is_custom_tab = 7;
// Timestamp of navigation to this Source, as seen by the client. Time of
// events related to this Source will generally be relative to this timestamp.
optional int64 navigation_time_msec = 3;
// Unique identifier (for a given client_id/session_id) for the tab this
// source is associated with. Should only be set for navigation sources.
optional int64 tab_id = 10;
// Time between navigation and the first contentful paint, in milliseconds.
// Deprecated. Use ukm::Entry instead.
optional int64 first_contentful_paint_msec = 4 [deprecated = true];