blob: 4ccbb1f1b7a89af1227a55ba5248629516cf62ce [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import org.chromium.base.UserData;
import org.chromium.base.VisibleForTesting;
import org.chromium.components.security_state.ConnectionSecurityLevel;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.NavigationHandle;
* Manages theme color used for {@link Tab}. Destroyed together with the tab.
public class TabThemeColorHelper extends EmptyTabObserver implements UserData {
private static final Class<TabThemeColorHelper> USER_DATA_KEY = TabThemeColorHelper.class;
private final Tab mTab;
private int mDefaultColor;
private int mColor;
/** Whether or not the default color is used. */
private boolean mIsDefaultColorUsed;
public static void createForTab(Tab tab) {
assert get(tab) == null;
tab.getUserDataHost().setUserData(USER_DATA_KEY, new TabThemeColorHelper(tab));
public static TabThemeColorHelper get(Tab tab) {
return tab.getUserDataHost().getUserData(USER_DATA_KEY);
/** Convenience method that returns theme color of {@link Tab}. */
public static int getColor(Tab tab) {
return get(tab).getColor();
/** Convenience method that returns default theme color of {@link Tab}. */
public static int getDefaultColor(Tab tab) {
return get(tab).getDefaultColor();
/** @return Whether default theme color is used for the specified {@link Tab}. */
public static boolean isDefaultColorUsed(Tab tab) {
return get(tab).mIsDefaultColorUsed;
private TabThemeColorHelper(Tab tab) {
mTab = tab;
mDefaultColor = calculateDefaultColor();
mColor = calculateThemeColor(false);
private void updateDefaultColor() {
mDefaultColor = calculateDefaultColor();
private int calculateDefaultColor() {
return ColorUtils.getDefaultThemeColor(
mTab.getContext().getResources(), mTab.isIncognito());
void updateFromTabState(TabState state) {
mIsDefaultColorUsed = !state.hasThemeColor();
mColor = mIsDefaultColorUsed ? getDefaultColor() : state.getThemeColor();
* Calculate the theme color based on if the page is native, the theme color changed, etc.
* @param didWebContentsThemeColorChange If the theme color of the web contents is known to have
* changed.
* @return The theme color that should be used for this tab.
private int calculateThemeColor(boolean didWebContentsThemeColorChange) {
// If default color is not used, start by assuming the current theme color is the one that
// should be used. This will either be transparent, the last theme color, or the color
// restored from TabState.
int themeColor = mIsDefaultColorUsed ? getDefaultColor() : mColor;
// Only use the web contents for the theme color if it is known to have changed, This
// corresponds to the didChangeThemeColor in WebContentsObserver.
if (mTab.getWebContents() != null && didWebContentsThemeColorChange) {
themeColor = mTab.getWebContents().getThemeColor();
if (!ColorUtils.isValidThemeColor(themeColor)) {
} else {
mIsDefaultColorUsed = false;
// Do not apply the theme color if there are any security issues on the page.
final int securityLevel = mTab.getSecurityLevel();
if (securityLevel == ConnectionSecurityLevel.DANGEROUS
|| securityLevel == ConnectionSecurityLevel.SECURE_WITH_POLICY_INSTALLED_CERT
|| (mTab.getActivity() != null && mTab.getActivity().isTablet())
|| mTab.isNativePage() || mTab.isShowingInterstitialPage()
|| themeColor == TabState.UNSPECIFIED_THEME_COLOR || mTab.isIncognito()
|| mTab.isPreview()) {
themeColor = getDefaultColor();
mIsDefaultColorUsed = true;
// Ensure there is no alpha component to the theme color as that is not supported in the
// dependent UI.
themeColor |= 0xFF000000;
return themeColor;
* Determines if the theme color has changed and notifies the listeners if it has.
* @param didWebContentsThemeColorChange If the theme color of the web contents is known to have
* changed.
public void updateIfNeeded(boolean didWebContentsThemeColorChange) {
int themeColor = calculateThemeColor(didWebContentsThemeColorChange);
if (themeColor == mColor) return;
mColor = themeColor;
* @return Whether the theme color for this tab is the default color.
public boolean isDefaultColor() {
return mTab.isNativePage() || mDefaultColor == getColor();
* @return The default theme color for this tab.
public int getDefaultColor() {
return mDefaultColor;
* @return The current theme color based on the value passed from the web contents and the
* security state.
public int getColor() {
return mColor;
// TabObserver
public void onSSLStateUpdated(Tab tab) {
public void onUrlUpdated(Tab tab) {
public void onDidFailLoad(
Tab tab, boolean isMainFrame, int errorCode, String description, String failingUrl) {
public void onDidFinishNavigation(Tab tab, NavigationHandle navigation) {
if (navigation.errorCode() != 0) updateIfNeeded(true);
public void onDidAttachInterstitialPage(Tab tab) {
public void onDidDetachInterstitialPage(Tab tab) {
public void onActivityAttachmentChanged(Tab tab, boolean isAttached) {
public void onDestroyed(Tab tab) {