blob: 43dd8da348fa6a3a1125523339f7fd2a9c5ebfd3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "gin/array_buffer.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
namespace gin {
static const int kBufferViewPrivateIndex = 0;
// ArrayBufferAllocator -------------------------------------------------------
void* ArrayBufferAllocator::Allocate(size_t length) {
return calloc(1, length);
void* ArrayBufferAllocator::AllocateUninitialized(size_t length) {
return malloc(length);
void ArrayBufferAllocator::Free(void* data, size_t length) {
ArrayBufferAllocator* ArrayBufferAllocator::SharedInstance() {
static ArrayBufferAllocator* instance = new ArrayBufferAllocator();
return instance;
// ArrayBuffer::Private -------------------------------------------------------
// This class exists to solve a tricky lifetime problem. The V8 API doesn't
// want to expose a direct view into the memory behind an array buffer because
// V8 might deallocate that memory during garbage collection. Instead, the V8
// API forces us to externalize the buffer and take ownership of the memory.
// In order to know when to free the memory, we need to figure out both when
// we're done with it and when V8 is done with it.
// To determine whether we're done with the memory, every view we have into
// the array buffer takes a reference to the ArrayBuffer::Private object that
// actually owns the memory. To determine when V8 is done with the memory, we
// open a weak handle to the ArrayBuffer object. When we receive the weak
// callback, we know the object is about to be garbage collected and we can
// drop V8's implied reference to the memory.
// The final subtlety is that we need every ArrayBuffer into the same array
// buffer to AddRef the same ArrayBuffer::Private. To make that work, we store
// a pointer to the ArrayBuffer::Private object in an internal field of the
// ArrayBuffer object.
class ArrayBuffer::Private {
static scoped_refptr<Private> From(v8::Isolate* isolate,
v8::Handle<v8::ArrayBuffer> array);
void AddRef();
void Release();
void* buffer() const { return buffer_; }
size_t length() const { return length_; }
Private(v8::Isolate* isolate, v8::Handle<v8::ArrayBuffer> array);
static void WeakCallback(
const v8::WeakCallbackData<v8::ArrayBuffer, Private>& data);
size_t ref_count_;
v8::Persistent<v8::ArrayBuffer> array_buffer_;
void* buffer_;
size_t length_;
scoped_refptr<ArrayBuffer::Private> ArrayBuffer::Private::From(
v8::Isolate* isolate, v8::Handle<v8::ArrayBuffer> array) {
if (array->IsExternal()) {
return make_scoped_refptr(static_cast<Private*>(
return make_scoped_refptr(new Private(isolate, array));
void ArrayBuffer::Private::AddRef() {
void ArrayBuffer::Private::Release() {
if (--ref_count_)
delete this;
ArrayBuffer::Private::Private(v8::Isolate* isolate,
v8::Handle<v8::ArrayBuffer> array)
: ref_count_(0),
array_buffer_(isolate, array) {
// Take ownership of the array buffer.
v8::ArrayBuffer::Contents contents = array->Externalize();
buffer_ = contents.Data();
length_ = contents.ByteLength();
array->SetAlignedPointerInInternalField(kBufferViewPrivateIndex, this);
AddRef(); // Balanced in WeakCallback.
array_buffer_.SetWeak(this, WeakCallback);
ArrayBuffer::Private::~Private() {
ArrayBufferAllocator::SharedInstance()->Free(buffer_, length_);
void ArrayBuffer::Private::WeakCallback(
const v8::WeakCallbackData<v8::ArrayBuffer, Private>& data) {
Private* parameter = data.GetParameter();
parameter->Release(); // Balanced in ArrayBuffer::Private::Private.
// ArrayBuffer ----------------------------------------------------------------
ArrayBuffer::ArrayBuffer(v8::Isolate* isolate)
: isolate_(isolate),
num_bytes_(0) {
ArrayBuffer::ArrayBuffer(v8::Isolate* isolate,
v8::Handle<v8::ArrayBuffer> array)
: isolate_(isolate) {
private_ = ArrayBuffer::Private::From(isolate_, array);
bytes_ = private_->buffer();
num_bytes_ = private_->length();
ArrayBuffer::~ArrayBuffer() {
// Converter<ArrayBuffer> -----------------------------------------------------
bool Converter<ArrayBuffer>::FromV8(v8::Handle<v8::Value> val,
ArrayBuffer* out) {
if (!val->IsArrayBuffer())
return false;
*out = ArrayBuffer(out->isolate(), v8::Handle<v8::ArrayBuffer>::Cast(val));
return true;
// ArrayBufferView ------------------------------------------------------------
ArrayBufferView::ArrayBufferView(v8::Isolate* isolate)
: array_buffer_(isolate),
num_bytes_(0) {
ArrayBufferView::ArrayBufferView(v8::Isolate* isolate,
v8::Handle<v8::ArrayBufferView> view)
: array_buffer_(isolate, view->Buffer()),
num_bytes_(view->ByteLength()) {
ArrayBufferView::~ArrayBufferView() {
// Converter<ArrayBufferView> -------------------------------------------------
bool Converter<ArrayBufferView>::FromV8(v8::Handle<v8::Value> val,
ArrayBufferView* out) {
if (!val->IsArrayBufferView())
return false;
*out = ArrayBufferView(out->isolate(),
return true;
} // namespace gin