blob: 4966133f00db9073a40db40b8ff6f7fdbabdeef4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "net/disk_cache/tracing_cache_backend.h"
#include "net/base/net_errors.h"
namespace disk_cache {
// Proxies entry objects created by the real underlying backend. Backend users
// will only see the proxy entries. It is necessary for recording the backend
// operations since often non-trivial work is invoked directly on entries.
class EntryProxy : public Entry, public base::RefCountedThreadSafe<EntryProxy> {
EntryProxy(Entry *entry, TracingCacheBackend* backend);
virtual void Doom() OVERRIDE;
virtual void Close() OVERRIDE;
virtual std::string GetKey() const OVERRIDE;
virtual base::Time GetLastUsed() const OVERRIDE;
virtual base::Time GetLastModified() const OVERRIDE;
virtual int32 GetDataSize(int index) const OVERRIDE;
virtual int ReadData(int index, int offset, IOBuffer* buf, int buf_len,
const CompletionCallback& callback) OVERRIDE;
virtual int WriteData(int index, int offset, IOBuffer* buf, int buf_len,
const CompletionCallback& callback,
bool truncate) OVERRIDE;
virtual int ReadSparseData(int64 offset, IOBuffer* buf, int buf_len,
const CompletionCallback& callback) OVERRIDE;
virtual int WriteSparseData(int64 offset, IOBuffer* buf, int buf_len,
const CompletionCallback& callback) OVERRIDE;
virtual int GetAvailableRange(int64 offset, int len, int64* start,
const CompletionCallback& callback) OVERRIDE;
virtual bool CouldBeSparse() const OVERRIDE;
virtual void CancelSparseIO() OVERRIDE;
virtual int ReadyForSparseIO(const CompletionCallback& callback) OVERRIDE;
friend class base::RefCountedThreadSafe<EntryProxy>;
typedef TracingCacheBackend::Operation Operation;
virtual ~EntryProxy();
struct RwOpExtra {
int index;
int offset;
int buf_len;
bool truncate;
void RecordEvent(base::TimeTicks start_time, Operation op, RwOpExtra extra,
int result_to_record);
void EntryOpComplete(base::TimeTicks start_time, Operation op,
RwOpExtra extra, const CompletionCallback& cb,
int result);
Entry* entry_;
base::WeakPtr<TracingCacheBackend> backend_;
EntryProxy::EntryProxy(Entry *entry, TracingCacheBackend* backend)
: entry_(entry),
backend_(backend->AsWeakPtr()) {
void EntryProxy::Doom() {
// TODO(pasko): Record the event.
void EntryProxy::Close() {
// TODO(pasko): Record the event.
std::string EntryProxy::GetKey() const {
return entry_->GetKey();
base::Time EntryProxy::GetLastUsed() const {
return entry_->GetLastUsed();
base::Time EntryProxy::GetLastModified() const {
return entry_->GetLastModified();
int32 EntryProxy::GetDataSize(int index) const {
return entry_->GetDataSize(index);
int EntryProxy::ReadData(int index, int offset, IOBuffer* buf, int buf_len,
const CompletionCallback& callback) {
base::TimeTicks start_time = base::TimeTicks::Now();
RwOpExtra extra;
extra.index = index;
extra.offset = offset;
extra.buf_len = buf_len;
extra.truncate = false;
int rv = entry_->ReadData(
index, offset, buf, buf_len,
base::Bind(&EntryProxy::EntryOpComplete, this, start_time,
TracingCacheBackend::OP_READ, extra, callback));
if (rv != net::ERR_IO_PENDING) {
RecordEvent(start_time, TracingCacheBackend::OP_READ, extra, rv);
return rv;
int EntryProxy::WriteData(int index, int offset, IOBuffer* buf, int buf_len,
const CompletionCallback& callback,
bool truncate) {
base::TimeTicks start_time = base::TimeTicks::Now();
RwOpExtra extra;
extra.index = index;
extra.offset = offset;
extra.buf_len = buf_len;
extra.truncate = truncate;
int rv = entry_->WriteData(index, offset, buf, buf_len,
base::Bind(&EntryProxy::EntryOpComplete, this, start_time,
TracingCacheBackend::OP_WRITE, extra, callback),
if (rv != net::ERR_IO_PENDING) {
RecordEvent(start_time, TracingCacheBackend::OP_WRITE, extra, rv);
return rv;
int EntryProxy::ReadSparseData(int64 offset, IOBuffer* buf, int buf_len,
const CompletionCallback& callback) {
// TODO(pasko): Record the event.
return entry_->ReadSparseData(offset, buf, buf_len, callback);
int EntryProxy::WriteSparseData(int64 offset, IOBuffer* buf, int buf_len,
const CompletionCallback& callback) {
// TODO(pasko): Record the event.
return entry_->WriteSparseData(offset, buf, buf_len, callback);
int EntryProxy::GetAvailableRange(int64 offset, int len, int64* start,
const CompletionCallback& callback) {
return entry_->GetAvailableRange(offset, len, start, callback);
bool EntryProxy::CouldBeSparse() const {
return entry_->CouldBeSparse();
void EntryProxy::CancelSparseIO() {
return entry_->CancelSparseIO();
int EntryProxy::ReadyForSparseIO(const CompletionCallback& callback) {
return entry_->ReadyForSparseIO(callback);
void EntryProxy::RecordEvent(base::TimeTicks start_time, Operation op,
RwOpExtra extra, int result_to_record) {
// TODO(pasko): Implement.
void EntryProxy::EntryOpComplete(base::TimeTicks start_time, Operation op,
RwOpExtra extra, const CompletionCallback& cb,
int result) {
RecordEvent(start_time, op, extra, result);
if (!cb.is_null()) {
EntryProxy::~EntryProxy() {
if (backend_.get()) {
TracingCacheBackend::TracingCacheBackend(scoped_ptr<Backend> backend)
: backend_(backend.Pass()) {
TracingCacheBackend::~TracingCacheBackend() {
net::CacheType TracingCacheBackend::GetCacheType() const {
return backend_->GetCacheType();
int32 TracingCacheBackend::GetEntryCount() const {
return backend_->GetEntryCount();
void TracingCacheBackend::RecordEvent(base::TimeTicks start_time, Operation op,
std::string key, Entry* entry, int rv) {
// TODO(pasko): Implement.
EntryProxy* TracingCacheBackend::FindOrCreateEntryProxy(Entry* entry) {
EntryProxy* entry_proxy;
EntryToProxyMap::iterator it = open_entries_.find(entry);
if (it != open_entries_.end()) {
entry_proxy = it->second;
return entry_proxy;
entry_proxy = new EntryProxy(entry, this);
open_entries_[entry] = entry_proxy;
return entry_proxy;
void TracingCacheBackend::OnDeleteEntry(Entry* entry) {
EntryToProxyMap::iterator it = open_entries_.find(entry);
if (it != open_entries_.end()) {
void TracingCacheBackend::BackendOpComplete(base::TimeTicks start_time,
Operation op,
std::string key,
Entry** entry,
const CompletionCallback& callback,
int result) {
RecordEvent(start_time, op, key, *entry, result);
if (*entry) {
*entry = FindOrCreateEntryProxy(*entry);
if (!callback.is_null()) {
net::CompletionCallback TracingCacheBackend::BindCompletion(
Operation op, base::TimeTicks start_time, const std::string& key,
Entry **entry, const net::CompletionCallback& cb) {
return base::Bind(&TracingCacheBackend::BackendOpComplete,
AsWeakPtr(), start_time, op, key, entry, cb);
int TracingCacheBackend::OpenEntry(const std::string& key, Entry** entry,
const CompletionCallback& callback) {
DCHECK(*entry == NULL);
base::TimeTicks start_time = base::TimeTicks::Now();
int rv = backend_->OpenEntry(key, entry,
BindCompletion(OP_OPEN, start_time, key, entry,
if (rv != net::ERR_IO_PENDING) {
RecordEvent(start_time, OP_OPEN, key, *entry, rv);
if (*entry) {
*entry = FindOrCreateEntryProxy(*entry);
return rv;
int TracingCacheBackend::CreateEntry(const std::string& key, Entry** entry,
const CompletionCallback& callback) {
base::TimeTicks start_time = base::TimeTicks::Now();
int rv = backend_->CreateEntry(key, entry,
BindCompletion(OP_CREATE, start_time, key,
entry, callback));
if (rv != net::ERR_IO_PENDING) {
RecordEvent(start_time, OP_CREATE, key, *entry, rv);
if (*entry) {
*entry = FindOrCreateEntryProxy(*entry);
return rv;
int TracingCacheBackend::DoomEntry(const std::string& key,
const CompletionCallback& callback) {
base::TimeTicks start_time = base::TimeTicks::Now();
int rv = backend_->DoomEntry(key, BindCompletion(OP_DOOM_ENTRY,
start_time, key, NULL,
if (rv != net::ERR_IO_PENDING) {
RecordEvent(start_time, OP_DOOM_ENTRY, key, NULL, rv);
return rv;
int TracingCacheBackend::DoomAllEntries(const CompletionCallback& callback) {
return backend_->DoomAllEntries(callback);
int TracingCacheBackend::DoomEntriesBetween(base::Time initial_time,
base::Time end_time,
const CompletionCallback& cb) {
return backend_->DoomEntriesBetween(initial_time, end_time, cb);
int TracingCacheBackend::DoomEntriesSince(base::Time initial_time,
const CompletionCallback& callback) {
return backend_->DoomEntriesSince(initial_time, callback);
int TracingCacheBackend::OpenNextEntry(void** iter, Entry** next_entry,
const CompletionCallback& callback) {
return backend_->OpenNextEntry(iter, next_entry, callback);
void TracingCacheBackend::EndEnumeration(void** iter) {
return backend_->EndEnumeration(iter);
void TracingCacheBackend::GetStats(StatsItems* stats) {
return backend_->GetStats(stats);
void TracingCacheBackend::OnExternalCacheHit(const std::string& key) {
return backend_->OnExternalCacheHit(key);
} // namespace disk_cache