blob: f7b0547f586e85d69ec6cc96461eba4c1459e83f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "media/filters/legacy_frame_processor.h"
#include "media/base/buffers.h"
#include "media/base/stream_parser_buffer.h"
namespace media {
const IncreaseDurationCB& increase_duration_cb)
: increase_duration_cb_(increase_duration_cb) {
DVLOG(2) << __FUNCTION__ << "()";
LegacyFrameProcessor::~LegacyFrameProcessor() {
DVLOG(2) << __FUNCTION__ << "()";
void LegacyFrameProcessor::SetSequenceMode(bool sequence_mode) {
DVLOG(2) << __FUNCTION__ << "(" << sequence_mode << ")";
sequence_mode_ = sequence_mode;
bool LegacyFrameProcessor::ProcessFrames(
const StreamParser::BufferQueue& audio_buffers,
const StreamParser::BufferQueue& video_buffers,
const StreamParser::TextBufferQueueMap& text_map,
base::TimeDelta append_window_start,
base::TimeDelta append_window_end,
bool* new_media_segment,
base::TimeDelta* timestamp_offset) {
DVLOG(2) << __FUNCTION__ << "()";
// NOTE: Legacy coded frame processing does not update timestamp offset.
base::TimeDelta offset = *timestamp_offset;
DCHECK(!audio_buffers.empty() || !video_buffers.empty() ||
MseTrackBuffer* audio_track = FindTrack(kAudioTrackId);
DCHECK(audio_buffers.empty() || audio_track);
MseTrackBuffer* video_track = FindTrack(kVideoTrackId);
DCHECK(video_buffers.empty() || video_track);
// TODO(wolenetz): DCHECK + return false if any of these buffers have UNKNOWN
// type() in upcoming coded frame processing compliant implementation. See
StreamParser::BufferQueue filtered_audio;
StreamParser::BufferQueue filtered_video;
if (audio_track) {
AdjustBufferTimestamps(audio_buffers, offset);
FilterWithAppendWindow(append_window_start, append_window_end,
audio_buffers, audio_track,
new_media_segment, &filtered_audio);
if (video_track) {
AdjustBufferTimestamps(video_buffers, offset);
FilterWithAppendWindow(append_window_start, append_window_end,
video_buffers, video_track,
new_media_segment, &filtered_video);
if ((!filtered_audio.empty() || !filtered_video.empty()) &&
*new_media_segment) {
// Find the earliest timestamp in the filtered buffers and use that for the
// segment start timestamp.
base::TimeDelta segment_timestamp = kNoTimestamp();
if (!filtered_audio.empty())
segment_timestamp = filtered_audio.front()->GetDecodeTimestamp();
if (!filtered_video.empty() &&
(segment_timestamp == kNoTimestamp() ||
filtered_video.front()->GetDecodeTimestamp() < segment_timestamp)) {
segment_timestamp = filtered_video.front()->GetDecodeTimestamp();
*new_media_segment = false;
for (TrackBufferMap::iterator itr = track_buffers_.begin();
itr != track_buffers_.end(); ++itr) {
if (!filtered_audio.empty() &&
!AppendAndUpdateDuration(audio_track->stream(), filtered_audio)) {
return false;
if (!filtered_video.empty() &&
!AppendAndUpdateDuration(video_track->stream(), filtered_video)) {
return false;
if (text_map.empty())
return true;
// Process any buffers for each of the text tracks in the map.
bool all_text_buffers_empty = true;
for (StreamParser::TextBufferQueueMap::const_iterator itr = text_map.begin();
itr != text_map.end();
++itr) {
const StreamParser::BufferQueue text_buffers = itr->second;
if (text_buffers.empty())
all_text_buffers_empty = false;
if (!OnTextBuffers(itr->first, append_window_start, append_window_end,
offset, text_buffers, new_media_segment)) {
return false;
return true;
void LegacyFrameProcessor::AdjustBufferTimestamps(
const StreamParser::BufferQueue& buffers,
base::TimeDelta timestamp_offset) {
if (timestamp_offset == base::TimeDelta())
for (StreamParser::BufferQueue::const_iterator itr = buffers.begin();
itr != buffers.end(); ++itr) {
(*itr)->GetDecodeTimestamp() + timestamp_offset);
(*itr)->set_timestamp((*itr)->timestamp() + timestamp_offset);
void LegacyFrameProcessor::FilterWithAppendWindow(
base::TimeDelta append_window_start,
base::TimeDelta append_window_end,
const StreamParser::BufferQueue& buffers,
MseTrackBuffer* track,
bool* new_media_segment,
StreamParser::BufferQueue* filtered_buffers) {
// This loop implements steps 1.9, 1.10, & 1.11 of the "Coded frame
// processing loop" in the Media Source Extensions spec.
// These steps filter out buffers that are not within the "append
// window" and handles resyncing on the next random access point
// (i.e., next keyframe) if a buffer gets dropped.
for (StreamParser::BufferQueue::const_iterator itr = buffers.begin();
itr != buffers.end(); ++itr) {
// Filter out buffers that are outside the append window. Anytime
// a buffer gets dropped we need to set |*needs_keyframe| to true
// because we can only resume decoding at keyframes.
base::TimeDelta presentation_timestamp = (*itr)->timestamp();
// TODO(acolwell): Change |frame_end_timestamp| value to
// |presentation_timestamp + (*itr)->duration()|, like the spec
// requires, once frame durations are actually present in all buffers.
base::TimeDelta frame_end_timestamp = presentation_timestamp;
if (presentation_timestamp < append_window_start ||
frame_end_timestamp > append_window_end) {
DVLOG(1) << "Dropping buffer outside append window."
<< " presentation_timestamp "
<< presentation_timestamp.InSecondsF();
// This triggers a discontinuity so we need to treat the next frames
// appended within the append window as if they were the beginning of a
// new segment.
*new_media_segment = true;
// If the track needs a keyframe, then filter out buffers until we
// encounter the next keyframe.
if (track->needs_random_access_point()) {
if (!(*itr)->IsKeyframe()) {
DVLOG(1) << "Dropping non-keyframe. presentation_timestamp "
<< presentation_timestamp.InSecondsF();
bool LegacyFrameProcessor::AppendAndUpdateDuration(
ChunkDemuxerStream* stream,
const StreamParser::BufferQueue& buffers) {
if (!stream || !stream->Append(buffers))
return false;
increase_duration_cb_.Run(buffers.back()->timestamp(), stream);
return true;
bool LegacyFrameProcessor::OnTextBuffers(
StreamParser::TrackId text_track_id,
base::TimeDelta append_window_start,
base::TimeDelta append_window_end,
base::TimeDelta timestamp_offset,
const StreamParser::BufferQueue& buffers,
bool* new_media_segment) {
DCHECK(text_track_id != kAudioTrackId && text_track_id != kVideoTrackId);
MseTrackBuffer* track = FindTrack(text_track_id);
if (!track)
return false;
AdjustBufferTimestamps(buffers, timestamp_offset);
StreamParser::BufferQueue filtered_buffers;
FilterWithAppendWindow(append_window_start, append_window_end,
buffers, track, new_media_segment, &filtered_buffers);
if (filtered_buffers.empty())
return true;
return AppendAndUpdateDuration(track->stream(), filtered_buffers);
} // namespace media