Note: libprotobuf-mutator (LPM) is new to Chromium and does not (yet) have a long track record of success. Also, writing fuzzers with libprotobuf-mutator will probably require more effort than writing fuzzers with libFuzzer alone. If you run into problems, send an email to for help.
Prerequisites: Knowledge of libFuzzer in Chromium and basic understanding of Protocol Buffers.
This document will walk you through:
libprotobuf-mutator is a package that allows libFuzzer’s mutation engine to manipulate protobufs. This allows libFuzzer's mutations to be more specific to the format it is fuzzing and less arbitrary. Below are some good use cases for libprotobuf-mutator:
, as is the case with almost all protobuf definitions in Chromium. To get around this you can copy the file without the optimization.testing/libfuzzer/fuzzers/
, and testing/libfuzzer/fuzzers/url.proto
. Its build configuration can be found in testing/libfuzzer/fuzzers/
.In the next two sections, we will discuss how to write and build fuzzers using libprotobuf-mutator. Interested readers may also want to look at this example of a libprotobuf-mutator fuzzer that is even more trivial than url_parse_proto_fuzzer.
Once you have in mind the code you want to fuzz and the format it accepts, you are ready to start writing a libprotobuf-mutator fuzzer. Writing the fuzzer will have three steps:
).Create a new .proto using proto2
or proto3
syntax and define a message that you want libFuzzer to mutate.
syntax = "proto2"; package my_fuzzer; message MyProtoFormat { // Define a format for libFuzzer to mutate here. }
See testing/libfuzzer/fuzzers/url.proto
for an example of this in practice. That example has extensive comments on URL syntax and how that influenced the definition of the Url message.
Create a new .cc and write a DEFINE_BINARY_PROTO_FUZZER
// Needed since we use getenv(). #include <stdlib.h> // Needed since we use std::cout. #include <iostream> #include "third_party/libprotobuf-mutator/src/src/libfuzzer/libfuzzer_macro.h" // Assuming the .proto file is path/to/your/proto_file/my_format.proto. #include "path/to/your/proto_file/my_format.pb.h" // Silence logging from the protobuf library. protobuf_mutator::protobuf::LogSilencer log_silencer; // Put your conversion code here (if needed) and then pass the result to // your fuzzing code (or just pass "my_format", if your target accepts // protobufs). DEFINE_BINARY_PROTO_FUZZER(const my_fuzzer::MyFormat& my_proto_format) { // Convert your protobuf to whatever format your targeted code accepts // if it doesn't accept protobufs. std::string native_input = convert_to_native_input(my_proto_format); // You should provide a way to easily retreive the native input for // a given protobuf input. This is useful for debugging and for seeing // the inputs that cause targeted_code to crash (which is the reason we are // here!). Note how this is done before the targeted_code is called since we // can't print after the program has crashed. if (getenv("LPM_DUMP_NATIVE_INPUT")) std::cout << native_input << std::endl; // Now test your targeted code using the converted protobuf input. targeted_code(native_input); }
This is very similar to the same step in writing a standard libFuzzer fuzzer. The only real differences are accepting protobufs rather than raw data and converting them to the desired format. Conversion code can‘t really be explored in this guide since it is format-specific. However, a good example of conversion code (and a fuzzer target) can be found in testing/libfuzzer/fuzzers/
. That example thoroughly documents how it converts the Url protobuf message into a real URL string. Note that DEFINE_TEXT_PROTO_FUZZER
can be used during development instead of DEFINE_BINARY_PROTO_FUZZER
comes with a performance penalty but causes the corpus to be stored in a human readable (and modifiable) string-based format. A good convention is printing the native input when the LPM_DUMP_NATIVE_INPUT
env variable is set. This will make it easy to retreive the actual input that causes the code to crash instead of the protobuf version of it (eg you can get the URL string that causes an input to crash rather than a protobuf). Since it is only a convention it is strongly recommended even though it isn’t necessary. You don't need to do this if the native input of targeted_code is protobufs. Beware that printing a newline can make the output invalid for some formats. In this case you should use fflush(0)
since otherwise the program may crash before native_input is actually printed.
Define a fuzzer_test target and include your protobuf definition and libprotobuf-mutator as dependencies.
import("//testing/libfuzzer/fuzzer_test.gni") import("//third_party/protobuf/proto_library.gni") fuzzer_test("my_fuzzer") { sources = [ "" ] deps = [ :my_format_proto "//third_party/libprotobuf-mutator" ... ] } proto_library("my_format_proto") { sources = [ "my_format.proto" ] }
See testing/libfuzzer/fuzzers/
for an example of this in practice.
Once you have written a fuzzer with libprotobuf-mutator, building and running it is pretty much the same as if the fuzzer were a standard libFuzzer-based fuzzer (with minor exceptions, like your seed corpus must be in protobuf format).
If you have messages that are defined recursively (eg: message Foo
has a field of type Foo
), make sure to bound recursive calls to code converting your message into native input. Otherwise you will (probably) end up with an out of memory error. The code coverage benefits of allowing unlimited recursion in a message are probably fairly low for most targets anyway.
Remember that proto definitions can be changed in ways that are backwards compatible (such as adding explicit values to an enum
). This means that you can make changes to your definitions while preserving the usefulness of your corpus. In general adding fields will be backwards compatible but removing them (particulary if they are required
) is not.
Make sure you understand the meaning of the different protobuf modifiers such as oneof
and repeated
as they can be counter-intuitive. oneof
means “At most one of” while repeated
means “At least zero”. You can hack around these meanings if you need “at least one of” or “exactly one of” something. For example, this is the proto code for exactly one of: MessageA
or MessageB
or MessageC
message MyFormat { oneof a_or_b { MessageA message_a = 1; MessageB message_b = 2; } required MessageC message_c = 3; }
And here is the C++ code that converts it.
std::string Convert(MyFormat& my_format) { if (my_format.has_message_a()) return ConvertMessageA(my_format.message_a()); else if (my_format.has_message_b()) return ConvertMessageB(my_format.message_b()); else // Fall through to the default case, message_c. return ConvertMessageC(my_format.message_c()); }
Check out some of the existing proto fuzzers, as not only will they be helpful examples, but it is possible that your format is already defined or partially defined by an existing proto definition.
libprotobuf-mutator supports both proto2 and proto3 syntax. Be aware though that it handles strings differently in each because of differences in the way the proto library handles strings in each syntax (in short, proto3 strings must actually be UTF-8 while in proto2 they do not). See here for more details.