blob: c6f8b02793fccab43504b772d58861c678450352 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/zucchini/suffix_array.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include <initializer_list>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
namespace zucchini {
namespace {
using SLType = InducedSuffixSort::SLType;
} // namespace
using ustring = std::basic_string<unsigned char>;
constexpr uint16_t kNumChar = 256;
ustring MakeUnsignedString(const std::string& str) {
return {str.begin(), str.end()};
template <class T>
std::vector<T> MakeVector(const std::initializer_list<T>& ilist) {
return {ilist.begin(), ilist.end()};
void TestSlPartition(std::initializer_list<SLType> expected_sl_partition,
std::initializer_list<size_t> expected_lms_indices,
std::string str) {
using SaisImpl = InducedSuffixSort::Implementation<size_t, uint16_t>;
std::vector<SLType> sl_partition(str.size());
SaisImpl::BuildSLPartition(str.begin(), str.size(), kNumChar,
EXPECT_EQ(MakeVector(expected_sl_partition), sl_partition);
std::vector<size_t> lms_indices(expected_lms_indices.size());
SaisImpl::FindLmsSuffixes(expected_sl_partition, lms_indices.begin());
EXPECT_EQ(MakeVector(expected_lms_indices), lms_indices);
TEST(InducedSuffixSortTest, BuildSLPartition) {
TestSlPartition({}, {}, "");
{}, "a");
SLType::LType, SLType::LType,
{}, "ba");
SLType::SType, SLType::LType,
{}, "ab");
SLType::SType, SLType::SType, SLType::LType,
{}, "aab");
SLType::LType, SLType::LType, SLType::LType,
{}, "bba");
SLType::LType, SLType::SType, SLType::LType,
{1}, "bab");
SLType::LType, SLType::SType, SLType::SType, SLType::LType,
{1}, "baab");
SLType::LType, // zucchini
SLType::LType, // ucchini
SLType::SType, // cchini
SLType::SType, // chini
SLType::SType, // hini
SLType::SType, // ini
SLType::LType, // ni
SLType::LType, // i
{2}, "zucchini");
std::vector<size_t> BucketCount(const std::initializer_list<unsigned char> str,
uint16_t max_key) {
using SaisImpl = InducedSuffixSort::Implementation<size_t, uint16_t>;
return SaisImpl::MakeBucketCount(str.begin(), str.size(), max_key);
TEST(InducedSuffixSortTest, BucketCount) {
using vec = std::vector<size_t>;
EXPECT_EQ(vec({0, 0, 0, 0}), BucketCount({}, 4));
EXPECT_EQ(vec({1, 0, 0, 0}), BucketCount({0}, 4));
EXPECT_EQ(vec({0, 2, 0, 1}), BucketCount({1, 1, 3}, 4));
std::vector<size_t> InducedSortSubstring(ustring str) {
using SaisImpl = InducedSuffixSort::Implementation<size_t, uint16_t>;
std::vector<SLType> sl_partition(str.size());
size_t lms_count = SaisImpl::BuildSLPartition(
str.begin(), str.size(), kNumChar, sl_partition.rbegin());
std::vector<size_t> lms_indices(lms_count);
SaisImpl::FindLmsSuffixes(sl_partition, lms_indices.begin());
auto buckets = SaisImpl::MakeBucketCount(str.begin(), str.size(), kNumChar);
std::vector<size_t> suffix_array(str.size());
SaisImpl::InducedSort(str, str.size(), sl_partition, lms_indices, buckets,
return suffix_array;
TEST(InducedSuffixSortTest, InducedSortSubstring) {
using vec = std::vector<size_t>;
auto us = MakeUnsignedString;
// L; a$
EXPECT_EQ(vec({0}), InducedSortSubstring(us("a")));
// SL; ab$, b$
EXPECT_EQ(vec({0, 1}), InducedSortSubstring(us("ab")));
// LL; a$, ba$
EXPECT_EQ(vec({1, 0}), InducedSortSubstring(us("ba")));
// SLL; a$, aba$, ba$
EXPECT_EQ(vec({2, 0, 1}), InducedSortSubstring(us("aba")));
// LSL; ab$, b$, ba
EXPECT_EQ(vec({1, 2, 0}), InducedSortSubstring(us("bab")));
// SSL; aab$, ab$, b$
EXPECT_EQ(vec({0, 1, 2}), InducedSortSubstring(us("aab")));
// LSSL; aab$, ab$, b$, ba
EXPECT_EQ(vec({1, 2, 3, 0}), InducedSortSubstring(us("baab")));
template <class Algorithm>
void TestSuffixSort(ustring test_str) {
std::vector<size_t> suffix_array =
MakeSuffixArray<Algorithm>(test_str, kNumChar);
EXPECT_EQ(test_str.size(), suffix_array.size());
// Expect that I[] is a permutation of [0, len].
std::vector<size_t> sorted_suffix(suffix_array.begin(), suffix_array.end());
std::sort(sorted_suffix.begin(), sorted_suffix.end());
for (size_t i = 0; i < test_str.size(); ++i)
EXPECT_EQ(i, sorted_suffix[i]);
// Expect that all suffixes are strictly ordered.
auto end = test_str.end();
for (size_t i = 1; i < test_str.size(); ++i) {
auto suf1 = test_str.begin() + suffix_array[i - 1];
auto suf2 = test_str.begin() + suffix_array[i];
bool is_less = std::lexicographical_compare(suf1, end, suf2, end);
constexpr const char* test_strs[] = {
"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.",
TEST(SuffixSortTest, NaiveSuffixSort) {
for (const std::string& test_str : test_strs) {
TEST(SuffixSortTest, InducedSuffixSortSort) {
for (const std::string& test_str : test_strs) {
// Test with sequence that has every character.
TEST(SuffixSortTest, AllChar) {
std::vector<unsigned char> all_char(kNumChar);
std::iota(all_char.begin(), all_char.end(), 0);
std::vector<size_t> suffix_array =
MakeSuffixArray<InducedSuffixSort>(all_char, kNumChar);
for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumChar; ++i)
EXPECT_EQ(i, suffix_array[i]);
std::vector<unsigned char> all_char_reverse(all_char.rbegin(),
std::vector<size_t> suffix_array =
MakeSuffixArray<InducedSuffixSort>(all_char_reverse, kNumChar);
for (size_t i = 0; i < kNumChar; ++i)
EXPECT_EQ(kNumChar - i - 1, suffix_array[i]);
void TestSuffixLowerBound(ustring base_str, ustring search_str) {
std::vector<size_t> suffix_array =
MakeSuffixArray<NaiveSuffixSort>(base_str, kNumChar);
auto pos = SuffixLowerBound(suffix_array, base_str.begin(),
search_str.begin(), search_str.end());
auto end = base_str.end();
if (pos != suffix_array.begin()) {
// Previous suffix is less than |search_str|.
auto suf = base_str.begin() + pos[-1];
bool is_less = std::lexicographical_compare(suf, end, search_str.begin(),
if (pos != suffix_array.end()) {
// Current suffix is greater of equal to |search_str|.
auto suf = base_str.begin() + *pos;
bool is_less = std::lexicographical_compare(suf, end, search_str.begin(),
TEST(SuffixArrayTest, LowerBound) {
auto us = MakeUnsignedString;
TestSuffixLowerBound(us(""), us(""));
TestSuffixLowerBound(us(""), us("a"));
TestSuffixLowerBound(us("b"), us(""));
TestSuffixLowerBound(us("b"), us("a"));
TestSuffixLowerBound(us("b"), us("c"));
TestSuffixLowerBound(us("b"), us("bc"));
TestSuffixLowerBound(us("aa"), us("a"));
TestSuffixLowerBound(us("aa"), us("aa"));
ustring sentence = us("the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.");
// Entire string: exact and unique.
TestSuffixLowerBound(sentence, sentence);
// Empty string: exact and non-unique.
TestSuffixLowerBound(sentence, us(""));
// Exact and unique suffix matches.
TestSuffixLowerBound(sentence, us("."));
TestSuffixLowerBound(sentence, us("the lazy dog."));
// Exact and unique non-suffix matches.
TestSuffixLowerBound(sentence, us("quick"));
TestSuffixLowerBound(sentence, us("the quick"));
// Partial and unique matches.
TestSuffixLowerBound(sentence, us("fox jumps with the hosps"));
TestSuffixLowerBound(sentence, us("xyz"));
// Exact and non-unique match: take lexicographical first.
TestSuffixLowerBound(sentence, us("the"));
TestSuffixLowerBound(sentence, us(" "));
// Partial and non-unique match.
// query < "the l"... < "the q"...
TestSuffixLowerBound(sentence, us("the apple"));
// "the l"... < query < "the q"...
TestSuffixLowerBound(sentence, us("the opera"));
// "the l"... < "the q"... < query
TestSuffixLowerBound(sentence, us("the zebra"));
// Prefix match dominates suffix match (unique).
TestSuffixLowerBound(sentence, us("over quick brown fox"));
// Empty matchs.
TestSuffixLowerBound(sentence, us(","));
TestSuffixLowerBound(sentence, us("1234"));
TestSuffixLowerBound(sentence, us("THE QUICK BROWN FOX"));
TestSuffixLowerBound(sentence, us("(the"));
TEST(SuffixArrayTest, LowerBoundExact) {
for (const std::string& test_str : test_strs) {
ustring test_ustr = MakeUnsignedString(test_str);
std::vector<size_t> suffix_array =
MakeSuffixArray<InducedSuffixSort>(test_ustr, kNumChar);
for (size_t lo = 0; lo < test_str.size(); ++lo) {
for (size_t hi = lo + 1; hi <= test_str.size(); ++hi) {
ustring query(test_ustr.begin() + lo, test_ustr.begin() + hi);
ASSERT_EQ(query.size(), hi - lo);
auto pos = SuffixLowerBound(suffix_array, test_ustr.begin(),
query.begin(), query.end());
std::equal(query.begin(), query.end(), test_ustr.begin() + *pos));
} // namespace zucchini