Roll src/third_party/cros_system_api/ ea44d5db9..5e6881be3 (8 commits)

$ git log ea44d5db9..5e6881be3 --date=short --no-merges --format='%ad %ae %s'
2019-01-14 ljusten system_api: Add LITE_RUNTIME to install_attributes.proto
2019-01-09 aoldemeier login: Also set block_devmode=0 in system properties when clearing FRE VPD.
2019-01-09 ljusten Move install_attributes.proto to system_api
2019-01-07 zachr system_api: add enable_gpu option to StartVmRequest
2018-12-12 iby vm_tools: Add unit test for ContainerListenerImpl
2018-11-16 edmanp arc: Add initial arc-keymasterd
2019-01-03 ejcaruso system_api: add UnmountRequest proto for cryptohome
2018-11-16 chirantan system_api: Add StartPluginVm method

Created with:
  roll-dep src/third_party/cros_system_api


Change-Id: I09140cc9fd841b0d89f2e35bc100507bb0070bdb
Reviewed-by: Roman Sorokin [CET] <>
Commit-Queue: Lutz Justen <>
Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#623225}
1 file changed