blob: 7bda858058b50810e6b441aef22ff939cc7d99f6 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "chromeos/constants/chromeos_switches.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkColor.h"
#include "ui/gfx/color_palette.h"
namespace ash {
// TODO: Once the new shelf UI is on everywhere, clean-up duplicate constants.
// Size of the shelf when visible (height when the shelf is horizontal and
// width when the shelf is vertical).
constexpr int kShelfSize = 56;
// Size of the icons within shelf buttons.
constexpr int kShelfButtonIconSize = 44;
// Size for controls like the app list button, back button, etc.
constexpr int kShelfControlSize = 40;
ASH_EXPORT constexpr SkColor kShelfControlPermanentHighlightBackground =
SkColorSetA(SK_ColorWHITE, 26); // 10%
// Color used as the background for status area trays when status area widget is
// shown in a standalone mode without the shelf.
ASH_EXPORT constexpr SkColor kStandaloneStatusAreaBackground =
constexpr SkColor kShelfFocusBorderColor = gfx::kGoogleBlue300;
// We reserve a small area on the edge of the workspace area to ensure that
// the resize handle at the edge of the window can be hit.
constexpr int kWorkspaceAreaVisibleInset = 2;
// When autohidden we extend the touch hit target onto the screen so that the
// user can drag the shelf out.
constexpr int kWorkspaceAreaAutoHideInset = 5;
// Portion of the shelf that's within the screen bounds when auto-hidden.
ASH_EXPORT constexpr int kHiddenShelfInScreenPortion = 3;
// The default base color of the shelf to which different alpha values are
// applied based on the desired shelf opacity level.
ASH_EXPORT constexpr SkColor kShelfDefaultBaseColor = gfx::kGoogleGrey900;
// Size allocated for each app button on the shelf.
ASH_EXPORT constexpr int kShelfButtonSize = kShelfSize;
// Size of the space between buttons on the shelf.
ASH_EXPORT constexpr int kShelfButtonSpacing = 8;
// Ink drop color for shelf items.
constexpr SkColor kShelfInkDropBaseColor = SK_ColorWHITE;
// Opacity of the ink drop ripple for shelf items when the ripple is visible.
constexpr float kShelfInkDropVisibleOpacity = 0.2f;
// The foreground color of the icons used in the shelf (launcher,
// notifications, etc).
ASH_EXPORT constexpr SkColor kShelfIconColor = SK_ColorWHITE;
// The alpha value for the shelf background.
ASH_EXPORT constexpr int kShelfTranslucentOverAppList = 51; // 20%
ASH_EXPORT constexpr int kShelfTranslucentAlpha = 189; // 74%
// Using 0xFF causes clipping on the overlay candidate content, which prevent
// HW overlay, probably due to a bug in compositor. Fix it and use 0xFF.
ASH_EXPORT constexpr int kShelfTranslucentMaximizedWindow = 254; // ~100%
// The alpha value used to darken a colorized shelf when the shelf is
// translucent.
constexpr int kShelfTranslucentColorDarkenAlpha = 178;
// The alpha value used to darken a colorized shelf when the shelf is opaque.
constexpr int kShelfOpaqueColorDarkenAlpha = 178;
// The distance between the edge of the shelf and the status indicators.
constexpr int kStatusIndicatorOffsetFromShelfEdge = 1;
// Dimensions for hover previews.
constexpr int kShelfTooltipPreviewHeight = 128;
constexpr int kShelfTooltipPreviewMaxWidth = 192;
constexpr float kShelfTooltipPreviewMaxRatio = 1.5; // = 3/2
constexpr float kShelfTooltipPreviewMinRatio = 0.666; // = 2/3
class ShelfConstants {
// Size of the shelf when visible (height when the shelf is horizontal and
// width when the shelf is vertical).
static int shelf_size() { return kShelfSize; }
// Size allocated for each app button on the shelf.
static int button_size() { return kShelfButtonSize; }
// Size of the space between buttons on the shelf.
static int button_spacing() { return kShelfButtonSpacing; }
// Size of the icons within shelf buttons.
static int button_icon_size() { return kShelfButtonIconSize; }
// The radius of shelf control buttons.
static int control_border_radius() { return kShelfControlSize / 2; }
// The distance between the edge of the shelf and the status indicators.
static int status_indicator_offset_from_edge() {
return kStatusIndicatorOffsetFromShelfEdge;
} // namespace ash