blob: 8905bae55b97afd98a81118fa8990f2fd3f64a3c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/paint/first_meaningful_paint_detector.h"
#include "base/time/default_tick_clock.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/platform/task_type.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/css/font_face_set_document.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/paint/paint_timing.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/probe/core_probes.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/instrumentation/histogram.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/instrumentation/tracing/trace_event.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/loader/fetch/resource_fetcher.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/cross_thread_functional.h"
namespace blink {
namespace {
// Web fonts that laid out more than this number of characters block First
// Meaningful Paint.
const int kBlankCharactersThreshold = 200;
const base::TickClock* g_clock = nullptr;
} // namespace
FirstMeaningfulPaintDetector& FirstMeaningfulPaintDetector::From(
Document& document) {
return PaintTiming::From(document).GetFirstMeaningfulPaintDetector();
PaintTiming* paint_timing)
: paint_timing_(paint_timing) {
if (!g_clock)
g_clock = base::DefaultTickClock::GetInstance();
Document* FirstMeaningfulPaintDetector::GetDocument() {
return paint_timing_->GetSupplementable();
// Computes "layout significance" ( of a layout operation.
// Significance of a layout is the number of layout objects newly added to the
// layout tree, weighted by page height (before and after the layout).
// A paint after the most significance layout during page load is reported as
// First Meaningful Paint.
void FirstMeaningfulPaintDetector::MarkNextPaintAsMeaningfulIfNeeded(
const LayoutObjectCounter& counter,
double contents_height_before_layout,
double contents_height_after_layout,
int visible_height) {
if (network_quiet_reached_)
unsigned delta = counter.Count() - prev_layout_object_count_;
prev_layout_object_count_ = counter.Count();
if (visible_height == 0)
double ratio_before =
std::max(1.0, contents_height_before_layout / visible_height);
double ratio_after =
std::max(1.0, contents_height_after_layout / visible_height);
double significance = delta / ((ratio_before + ratio_after) / 2);
// If the page has many blank characters, the significance value is
// accumulated until the text become visible.
size_t approximate_blank_character_count =
if (approximate_blank_character_count > kBlankCharactersThreshold) {
accumulated_significance_while_having_blank_text_ += significance;
} else {
significance += accumulated_significance_while_having_blank_text_;
accumulated_significance_while_having_blank_text_ = 0;
if (significance > max_significance_so_far_) {
next_paint_is_meaningful_ = true;
max_significance_so_far_ = significance;
void FirstMeaningfulPaintDetector::NotifyPaint() {
if (!next_paint_is_meaningful_)
// Skip document background-only paints.
if (paint_timing_->FirstPaintRendered().is_null())
provisional_first_meaningful_paint_ = g_clock->NowTicks();
next_paint_is_meaningful_ = false;
if (network_quiet_reached_)
had_user_input_before_provisional_first_meaningful_paint_ = had_user_input_;
provisional_first_meaningful_paint_swap_ = base::TimeTicks();
// This is called only on FirstMeaningfulPaintDetector for main frame.
void FirstMeaningfulPaintDetector::NotifyInputEvent() {
// Ignore user inputs before first paint.
if (paint_timing_->FirstPaintRendered().is_null())
had_user_input_ = kHadUserInput;
void FirstMeaningfulPaintDetector::OnNetwork2Quiet() {
if (!GetDocument() || network_quiet_reached_ ||
network_quiet_reached_ = true;
if (!provisional_first_meaningful_paint_.is_null()) {
base::TimeTicks first_meaningful_paint_swap;
// Enforce FirstContentfulPaint <= FirstMeaningfulPaint.
if (provisional_first_meaningful_paint_ <
paint_timing_->FirstContentfulPaintRendered()) {
first_meaningful_paint_ = paint_timing_->FirstContentfulPaintRendered();
first_meaningful_paint_swap = paint_timing_->FirstContentfulPaint();
// It's possible that this timer fires between when the first contentful
// paint is set and its SwapPromise is fulfilled. If this happens, defer
// until NotifyFirstContentfulPaint() is called.
if (first_meaningful_paint_swap.is_null())
defer_first_meaningful_paint_ = kDeferFirstContentfulPaintNotSet;
} else {
first_meaningful_paint_ = provisional_first_meaningful_paint_;
first_meaningful_paint_swap = provisional_first_meaningful_paint_swap_;
// We might still be waiting for one or more swap promises, in which case
// we want to defer reporting first meaningful paint until they complete.
// Otherwise, we would either report the wrong swap timestamp or none at
// all.
if (outstanding_swap_promise_count_ > 0)
defer_first_meaningful_paint_ = kDeferOutstandingSwapPromises;
if (defer_first_meaningful_paint_ == kDoNotDefer) {
// Report FirstMeaningfulPaint when the page reached network 2-quiet if
// we aren't waiting for a swap timestamp.
bool FirstMeaningfulPaintDetector::SeenFirstMeaningfulPaint() const {
return !first_meaningful_paint_.is_null();
void FirstMeaningfulPaintDetector::RegisterNotifySwapTime(PaintEvent event) {
event, CrossThreadBindOnce(&FirstMeaningfulPaintDetector::ReportSwapTime,
WrapCrossThreadWeakPersistent(this), event));
void FirstMeaningfulPaintDetector::ReportSwapTime(PaintEvent event,
WebSwapResult result,
base::TimeTicks timestamp) {
DCHECK(event == PaintEvent::kProvisionalFirstMeaningfulPaint);
DCHECK_GT(outstanding_swap_promise_count_, 0U);
// If the swap fails for any reason, we use the timestamp when the SwapPromise
// was broken. |result| == WebSwapResult::kDidNotSwapSwapFails
// usually means the compositor decided not swap because there was no actual
// damage, which can happen when what's being painted isn't visible. In this
// case, the timestamp will be consistent with the case where the swap
// succeeds, as they both capture the time up to swap. In other failure cases
// (aborts during commit), this timestamp is an improvement over the blink
// paint time, but does not capture some time we're interested in, e.g. image
// decoding.
// TODO( Consider not reporting any timestamp when failing
// for reasons other than kDidNotSwapSwapFails.
provisional_first_meaningful_paint_swap_ = timestamp;
probe::PaintTiming(GetDocument(), "firstMeaningfulPaintCandidate",
// Ignore the first meaningful paint candidate as this generally is the first
// contentful paint itself.
if (!seen_first_meaningful_paint_candidate_) {
seen_first_meaningful_paint_candidate_ = true;
} else {
if (defer_first_meaningful_paint_ == kDeferOutstandingSwapPromises &&
outstanding_swap_promise_count_ == 0) {
void FirstMeaningfulPaintDetector::NotifyFirstContentfulPaint(
base::TimeTicks swap_stamp) {
if (defer_first_meaningful_paint_ != kDeferFirstContentfulPaintNotSet)
void FirstMeaningfulPaintDetector::SetFirstMeaningfulPaint(
base::TimeTicks swap_stamp) {
double swap_time_seconds = swap_stamp.since_origin().InSecondsF();
probe::PaintTiming(GetDocument(), "firstMeaningfulPaint", swap_time_seconds);
// If there's only been one contentful paint, then there won't have been
// a meaningful paint signalled to the Scheduler, so mark one now.
// This is a no-op if a FMPC has already been marked.
swap_stamp, had_user_input_before_provisional_first_meaningful_paint_);
// static
void FirstMeaningfulPaintDetector::SetTickClockForTesting(
const base::TickClock* clock) {
g_clock = clock;
void FirstMeaningfulPaintDetector::Trace(Visitor* visitor) {
} // namespace blink