blob: ed0985a614ff774341138fe064ec31ca7c498c20 [file] [log] [blame]
<meta charset="utf-8">
<script src="../resources/js-test.js"></script>
<p id="horizontalParagraph">
one two אחתשתיים three four שלושהארבעה
<p id="verticalParagraph" style="-webkit-writing-mode: vertical-lr">
one two אחתשתיים three four שלושהארבעה
<p id="description"></p>
<div id="console"></div>
description("Tests that we can compute the bounds of a range of text from the accessibility tree in bidirectional text.");
if (window.accessibilityController) {
// For several possible words in the text, get the bounds of the word in the accessibility
// tree, and also in the DOM, and assert that they're exactly the same.
function testWord(elementId, word) {
debug('\nTesting bounds of word ' + word + ' in ' + elementId);
var paragraph = document.getElementById(elementId);
var domText = paragraph.innerHTML;
// Get the bounds from the accessibility tree.
var axParagraph = accessibilityController.accessibleElementById(elementId);
var axStaticText = axParagraph.childAtIndex(0);
var text =;
var wordAxIndex = text.indexOf(word);
eval('window.axBounds = ' + axStaticText.boundsForRange(wordAxIndex, wordAxIndex + word.length) + ';');
// Get the bounds from the DOM.
var domIndex = domText.indexOf(word);
var range = new Range();
range.setStart(paragraph.firstChild, domIndex);
range.setEnd(paragraph.firstChild, domIndex + word.length);
window.rangeBounds = range.getBoundingClientRect();
// Make sure they're the same.
shouldBeCloseTo("axBounds.x", "rangeBounds.left", 2);
shouldBeCloseTo("axBounds.y", "", 2);
shouldBeCloseTo("axBounds.width", "rangeBounds.width", 2);
shouldBeCloseTo("axBounds.height", "rangeBounds.height", 2);
testWord('horizontalParagraph', 'one');
testWord('horizontalParagraph', 'two');
testWord('horizontalParagraph', 'three');
testWord('horizontalParagraph', 'four');
testWord('horizontalParagraph', 'אחתשתיים');
testWord('horizontalParagraph', 'שלושהארבעה');
testWord('verticalParagraph', 'one');
testWord('verticalParagraph', 'two');
testWord('verticalParagraph', 'three');
testWord('verticalParagraph', 'four');
testWord('verticalParagraph', 'אחתשתיים');
testWord('verticalParagraph', 'שלושהארבעה');