blob: 3a656699dd435a528ed0083abfad3a540b1c14ae [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <unordered_map>
#include <unordered_set>
#include "base/callback_list.h"
#include "base/containers/id_map.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "content/browser/media/session/audio_focus_delegate.h"
#include "content/browser/media/session/media_session_uma_helper.h"
#include "content/common/content_export.h"
#include "content/public/browser/media_session.h"
#include "content/public/browser/media_session_observer.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_contents_observer.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_contents_user_data.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/binding.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/binding_set.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/interface_ptr_set.h"
#include "services/media_session/public/mojom/audio_focus.mojom.h"
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
#include "base/android/scoped_java_ref.h"
#endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
class MediaSessionImplBrowserTest;
namespace media {
enum class MediaContentType;
} // namespace media
namespace media_session {
struct MediaMetadata;
} // namespace media_session
namespace content {
class AudioFocusManagerTest;
class MediaSessionImplServiceRoutingTest;
class MediaSessionImplStateObserver;
class MediaSessionImplVisibilityBrowserTest;
class MediaSessionObserver;
class MediaSessionPlayerObserver;
class MediaSessionServiceImpl;
class MediaSessionServiceImplBrowserTest;
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
class MediaSessionAndroid;
#endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
// MediaSessionImpl is the implementation of MediaSession. It manages the media
// session and audio focus for a given WebContents. It is requesting the audio
// focus, pausing when requested by the system and dropping it on demand. The
// audio focus can be of two types: Transient or Content. A Transient audio
// focus will allow other players to duck instead of pausing and will be
// declared as temporary to the system. A Content audio focus will not be
// declared as temporary and will not allow other players to duck. If a given
// WebContents can only have one audio focus at a time, it will be Content in
// case of Transient and Content audio focus are both requested.
// TODO(thakis,mlamouri): MediaSessionImpl isn't CONTENT_EXPORT'd because it
// creates complicated build issues with WebContentsUserData being a
// non-exported template, see As a result, the class
// uses CONTENT_EXPORT for methods that are being used from tests.
// CONTENT_EXPORT should be moved back to the class when the Windows build will
// work with it.
class MediaSessionImpl : public MediaSession,
public WebContentsObserver,
public WebContentsUserData<MediaSessionImpl> {
enum class State { ACTIVE, SUSPENDED, INACTIVE };
// Returns the MediaSessionImpl associated to this WebContents. Creates one if
// none is currently available.
CONTENT_EXPORT static MediaSessionImpl* Get(WebContents* web_contents);
~MediaSessionImpl() override;
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
static MediaSession* FromJavaMediaSession(
const base::android::JavaRef<jobject>& j_media_session);
MediaSessionAndroid* session_android() const {
return session_android_.get();
#endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
void NotifyMediaSessionMetadataChange();
// Adds the given player to the current media session. Returns whether the
// player was successfully added. If it returns false, AddPlayer() should be
// called again later.
CONTENT_EXPORT bool AddPlayer(MediaSessionPlayerObserver* observer,
int player_id,
media::MediaContentType media_content_type);
// Removes the given player from the current media session. Abandons audio
// focus if that was the last player in the session.
CONTENT_EXPORT void RemovePlayer(MediaSessionPlayerObserver* observer,
int player_id);
// Removes all the players associated with |observer|. Abandons audio focus if
// these were the last players in the session.
CONTENT_EXPORT void RemovePlayers(MediaSessionPlayerObserver* observer);
// Record that the session was ducked.
void RecordSessionDuck();
// Called when a player is paused in the content.
// If the paused player is the last player, we suspend the MediaSession.
// Otherwise, the paused player will be removed from the MediaSession.
CONTENT_EXPORT void OnPlayerPaused(MediaSessionPlayerObserver* observer,
int player_id);
void AddObserver(MediaSessionObserver* observer) override;
void RemoveObserver(MediaSessionObserver* observer) override;
// Returns if the session is currently active.
CONTENT_EXPORT bool IsActive() const;
// Returns if the session is currently suspended.
CONTENT_EXPORT bool IsSuspended() const;
// Returns whether the session has Pepper instances.
bool HasPepper() const;
// WebContentsObserver implementation
void WebContentsDestroyed() override;
void RenderFrameDeleted(RenderFrameHost* rfh) override;
void DidFinishNavigation(NavigationHandle* navigation_handle) override;
void OnWebContentsFocused(RenderWidgetHost* render_widget_host) override;
// MediaSessionService-related methods
// Called when a MediaSessionService is created, which registers itself to
// this session.
void OnServiceCreated(MediaSessionServiceImpl* service);
// Called when a MediaSessionService is destroyed, which unregisters itself
// from this session.
void OnServiceDestroyed(MediaSessionServiceImpl* service);
// Called when the playback state of a MediaSessionService has
// changed. Will notify observers of media session state change.
void OnMediaSessionPlaybackStateChanged(MediaSessionServiceImpl* service);
// Called when the metadata of a MediaSessionService has changed. Will notify
// observers if the service is currently routed.
void OnMediaSessionMetadataChanged(MediaSessionServiceImpl* service);
// Called when the actions of a MediaSessionService has changed. Will notify
// observers if the service is currently routed.
void OnMediaSessionActionsChanged(MediaSessionServiceImpl* service);
// Requests audio focus to the AudioFocusDelegate.
// Returns whether the request was granted.
CONTENT_EXPORT AudioFocusDelegate::AudioFocusResult RequestSystemAudioFocus(
media_session::mojom::AudioFocusType audio_focus_type);
// Creates a binding between |this| and |request|.
void BindToMojoRequest(
mojo::InterfaceRequest<media_session::mojom::MediaSession> request);
// Returns information about the MediaSession.
media_session::mojom::MediaSessionInfoPtr GetMediaSessionInfoSync();
// Returns if the session can be controlled by the user.
CONTENT_EXPORT bool IsControllable() const;
// Compute if the actual playback state is paused by combining the
// MediaSessionService declared state and guessed state (audio_focus_state_).
CONTENT_EXPORT bool IsActuallyPaused() const;
// MediaSession overrides ---------------------------------------------------
// Resume the media session.
// |type| represents the origin of the request.
CONTENT_EXPORT void Resume(MediaSession::SuspendType suspend_type) override;
// Stop the media session.
// |type| represents the origin of the request.
CONTENT_EXPORT void Stop(MediaSession::SuspendType suspend_type) override;
// Seek the media session.
CONTENT_EXPORT void Seek(base::TimeDelta seek_time) override;
// Called when a MediaSessionAction is received. The action will be forwarded
// to blink::MediaSession corresponding to the current routed service.
void DidReceiveAction(
media_session::mojom::MediaSessionAction action) override;
// Set the volume multiplier applied during ducking.
CONTENT_EXPORT void SetDuckingVolumeMultiplier(double multiplier) override;
// Set the audio focus group id for this media session. Sessions in the same
// group can share audio focus. Setting this to null will use the browser
// default value.
CONTENT_EXPORT void SetAudioFocusGroupId(
const base::UnguessableToken& group_id) override;
// Suspend the media session.
// |type| represents the origin of the request.
CONTENT_EXPORT void Suspend(MediaSession::SuspendType suspend_type) override;
// Let the media session start ducking such that the volume multiplier is
// reduced.
CONTENT_EXPORT void StartDucking() override;
// Let the media session stop ducking such that the volume multiplier is
// recovered.
CONTENT_EXPORT void StopDucking() override;
// Returns information about the MediaSession. The sync method is not actually
// slower and should be used over the async one which is available over mojo.
void GetMediaSessionInfo(GetMediaSessionInfoCallback callback) override;
// Returns debugging information to be displayed on chrome://media-internals.
void GetDebugInfo(GetDebugInfoCallback) override;
// Adds a mojo based observer to listen to events related to this session.
void AddObserver(
media_session::mojom::MediaSessionObserverPtr observer) override;
// Called by |AudioFocusDelegate| when an async audio focus request is
// completed.
CONTENT_EXPORT void FinishSystemAudioFocusRequest(
media_session::mojom::AudioFocusType type,
bool result);
// Skip to the previous track.
CONTENT_EXPORT void PreviousTrack() override;
// Skip to the next track.
CONTENT_EXPORT void NextTrack() override;
// Skip ad.
CONTENT_EXPORT void SkipAd() override;
const base::UnguessableToken& audio_focus_group_id() const {
return audio_focus_group_id_;
friend class content::WebContentsUserData<MediaSessionImpl>;
friend class ::MediaSessionImplBrowserTest;
friend class content::MediaSessionImplVisibilityBrowserTest;
friend class content::AudioFocusManagerTest;
friend class content::MediaSessionImplServiceRoutingTest;
friend class content::MediaSessionImplStateObserver;
friend class content::MediaSessionServiceImplBrowserTest;
friend class MediaSessionImplTest;
friend class MediaInternalsAudioFocusTest;
CONTENT_EXPORT void SetDelegateForTests(
std::unique_ptr<AudioFocusDelegate> delegate);
CONTENT_EXPORT void RemoveAllPlayersForTest();
CONTENT_EXPORT MediaSessionUmaHelper* uma_helper_for_test();
// Representation of a player for the MediaSessionImpl.
struct PlayerIdentifier {
PlayerIdentifier(MediaSessionPlayerObserver* observer, int player_id);
PlayerIdentifier(const PlayerIdentifier&) = default;
void operator=(const PlayerIdentifier&) = delete;
bool operator==(const PlayerIdentifier& player_identifier) const;
bool operator<(const PlayerIdentifier&) const;
// Hash operator for std::unordered_map<>.
struct Hash {
size_t operator()(const PlayerIdentifier& player_identifier) const;
MediaSessionPlayerObserver* observer;
int player_id;
using PlayersMap =
std::unordered_set<PlayerIdentifier, PlayerIdentifier::Hash>;
using StateChangedCallback = base::Callback<void(State)>;
CONTENT_EXPORT explicit MediaSessionImpl(WebContents* web_contents);
void Initialize();
// Called when system audio focus has been requested and whether the request
// was granted.
void OnSystemAudioFocusRequested(bool result);
CONTENT_EXPORT void OnSuspendInternal(MediaSession::SuspendType suspend_type,
State new_state);
CONTENT_EXPORT void OnResumeInternal(MediaSession::SuspendType suspend_type);
// To be called after a call to AbandonAudioFocus() in order request the
// delegate to abandon the audio focus.
CONTENT_EXPORT void AbandonSystemAudioFocusIfNeeded();
// Notify all information that an observer needs to know when it's added.
void NotifyAddedObserver(MediaSessionObserver* observer);
// Notifies legacy (non-mojo) observers about the state change of the media
// session.
void NotifyLegacyObserversStateChange();
// Internal method that should be used instead of setting audio_focus_state_.
// It sets audio_focus_state_ and notifies observers about the state change.
void SetAudioFocusState(State audio_focus_state);
// Flushes any mojo bindings for testing.
CONTENT_EXPORT void FlushForTesting();
// Notifies mojo observers that the MediaSessionInfo has changed.
void OnMediaSessionInfoChanged();
void NotifyMojoObserversMediaSessionInfoChanged();
// Update the volume multiplier when ducking state changes.
void UpdateVolumeMultiplier();
// Get the volume multiplier, which depends on whether the media session is
// ducking.
double GetVolumeMultiplier() const;
// Registers a MediaSessionImpl state change callback.
CONTENT_EXPORT std::unique_ptr<base::CallbackList<void(State)>::Subscription>
const StateChangedCallback& cb);
CONTENT_EXPORT bool AddPepperPlayer(MediaSessionPlayerObserver* observer,
int player_id);
CONTENT_EXPORT bool AddOneShotPlayer(MediaSessionPlayerObserver* observer,
int player_id);
// Returns the current media metadata associated with this session.
media_session::MediaMetadata GetMediaMetadata() const;
// MediaSessionService-related methods
// Called when the routed service may have changed.
void UpdateRoutedService();
// Returns whether the frame |rfh| uses MediaSession API.
bool IsServiceActiveForRenderFrameHost(RenderFrameHost* rfh);
// Compute the MediaSessionService that should be routed, which will be used
// to update |routed_service_|.
CONTENT_EXPORT MediaSessionServiceImpl* ComputeServiceForRouting();
// Returns whether the action should be routed to |routed_service_|.
bool ShouldRouteAction(media_session::mojom::MediaSessionAction action) const;
// Rebuilds |actions_| and notifies observers if they have changed.
void RebuildAndNotifyActionsChanged();
// A set of actions supported by |routed_service_| and the current media
// session.
std::set<media_session::mojom::MediaSessionAction> actions_;
std::unique_ptr<AudioFocusDelegate> delegate_;
std::map<PlayerIdentifier, media_session::mojom::AudioFocusType>
PlayersMap pepper_players_;
// Players that are playing in the web contents but we cannot control (e.g.
// WebAudio or MediaStream).
PlayersMap one_shot_players_;
State audio_focus_state_ = State::INACTIVE;
MediaSession::SuspendType suspend_type_;
// The |desired_audio_focus_type_| is the AudioFocusType we will request when
// we request system audio focus.
media_session::mojom::AudioFocusType desired_audio_focus_type_;
MediaSessionUmaHelper uma_helper_;
// The ducking state of this media session. The initial value is |false|, and
// is set to |true| after StartDucking(), and will be set to |false| after
// StopDucking().
bool is_ducking_;
base::UnguessableToken audio_focus_group_id_ = base::UnguessableToken::Null();
double ducking_volume_multiplier_;
base::CallbackList<void(State)> media_session_state_listeners_;
base::ObserverList<MediaSessionObserver>::Unchecked observers_;
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
std::unique_ptr<MediaSessionAndroid> session_android_;
#endif // defined(OS_ANDROID)
// MediaSessionService-related fields
using ServicesMap = std::map<RenderFrameHost*, MediaSessionServiceImpl*>;
// The collection of all managed services (non-owned pointers). The services
// are owned by RenderFrameHost and should be registered on creation and
// unregistered on destroy.
ServicesMap services_;
// The currently routed service (non-owned pointer).
MediaSessionServiceImpl* routed_service_;
// Bindings for Mojo pointers to |this| held by media route providers.
mojo::BindingSet<media_session::mojom::MediaSession> bindings_;
// Timer used for debouncing MediaSessionInfoChanged events.
std::unique_ptr<base::OneShotTimer> info_changed_timer_;
} // namespace content