blob: 3f1dea4e109b1168f8ad5127e46285ab36d6d9c0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module extensions.mojom;
import "content/public/common/transferrable_url_loader.mojom";
import "extensions/common/api/mime_handler.mojom";
import "ui/gfx/geometry/mojo/geometry.mojom";
import "url/mojom/url.mojom";
interface GuestView {
// Tells the browser to create a mime handler guest view for a plugin.
// This method is only called when the network service is enabled, and only
// for plugins added using the embedded/object tag.
// |plugin_frame_id| is the routing ID corresponding to the frame owned by the
// plugin element.
// TODO(ekaramad): For cross-process-frame-based MimeHandlerView sending both
// |plugin_frame_id| and |render_frame_id| seems redundant. See if
// |render_frame_id| can be removed once is fixed.
int32 render_frame_id,
int32 tab_id,
url.mojom.Url original_url,
int32 element_instance_id,
gfx.mojom.Size element_size,
content.mojom.TransferrableURLLoader transferrable_url_loader,
int32 plugin_frame_id);
// Tells the browser to create a mime handler guest view for a plugin.
// This method is called for full-frame plugins or for all plugins when the
// network service is disabled.
// |plugin_frame_id| is the routing ID corresponding to the frame owned by the
// plugin element.
// TODO(ekaramad): See if |render_frame_id| can be removed once
// is fixed.
int32 render_frame_id,
string view_id,
int32 element_instance_id,
gfx.mojom.Size element_size,
extensions.mime_handler.BeforeUnloadControl? before_unload_control,
int32 plugin_frame_id);
// An interface implemented by the renderer which is used for creating a
// MimeHandlerViewFrameContainer. This interface is exposed on RenderFrame and
// and is used by the browser to ask the renderer to start the MimeHandlerView
// creation process (by creating a MimeHandlerViewFrameContainer).
interface MimeHandlerViewContainerManager {
// Asks the renderer to set up a MimeHandlerViewFrameContainer. The passed
// arguments are later used in GuestView mojo calls above to create a
// MimeHandlerViewGuest on the browser side.
CreateFrameContainer(url.mojom.Url resource_url,
string mime_type,
string view_id);
// Asks the renderer to destroy the MimeHandlerViewFrameContainer associated
// with |element_instance_id|.
DestroyFrameContainer(int32 element_instance_id);
// Asks the renderer to restart MimeHandlerViewGuest creation process. This
// happens when an initial request fails because the browser cannot find the
// corresponding frame/proxy that was to be used for attaching a GuestView.
RetryCreatingMimeHandlerViewGuest(int32 element_instance_id);
// Notifies the renderer that the contents of MimeHandlerViewGuest has
// finished loading.
DidLoad(int32 element_instance_id);