blob: adb929c822940451e8d94caa9d89307f27d229d0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module chromeos.assistant.mojom;
import "ui/accessibility/mojom/ax_assistant_structure.mojom";
import "ui/gfx/geometry/mojo/geometry.mojom";
import "url/mojom/url.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/string16.mojom";
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/time.mojom";
// Interface to communicate with assistant backend.
interface Assistant {
// Starts a cached screen context interaction. Results related to the screen
// context will be returned through the |AssistantInteractionSubscriber|
// interface to registered subscribers. It is illegal to call this method
// without having first cached screen context (see CacheScreenContext()).
// Starts an interaction to edit the reminder uniquely identified by
// |client_id|. In response to the request, LibAssistant will initiate
// a user facing interaction with the context pre-populated with details
// to edit the specified reminder.
StartEditReminderInteraction(string client_id);
// Starts a metalayer interaction for the selected screen |region|. Results
// related to the selected region will be returned through the
// |AssistantInteractionSubscriber| interface to registered subscribers.
StartMetalayerInteraction(gfx.mojom.Rect region);
// Starts a new Assistant text interaction. If |allow_tts| is true, the
// result will contain TTS. Otherwise TTS will not be present in the
// generated server response. Results will be returned through registered
// |AssistantInteractionSubscriber|.
StartTextInteraction(string query, bool allow_tts);
// Starts a new Assistant voice interaction.
// Starts a warmer welcome interaction for Assistant launch.
// |num_warmer_welcome_triggered| is the count of warmer welcomes
// already triggered. If |allow_tts| is true, the result may contain TTS.
// Otherwise TTS will not be present in the generated server response.
StartWarmerWelcomeInteraction(int32 num_warmer_welcome_triggered,
bool allow_tts);
// Stops the active Assistant interaction and cancel the conversation if
// |cancel_conversation|. If there is no active interaction, this method
// is a no-op.
StopActiveInteraction(bool cancel_conversation);
// Registers assistant interaction event subscriber. Subscribers'
// implementation is responsible for selecting events of interest.
AddAssistantInteractionSubscriber(AssistantInteractionSubscriber subscriber);
// Retrieves a notification. A voiceless interaction will be sent to server to
// retrieve the notification of |action_index|, which can trigger other
// Assistant events such as OnTextResponse to show the result in the UI. The
// retrieved notification will be removed from the UI.
// |action_index| is the index of the tapped action. The main UI in the
// notification contains the top level action, which index is 0. The buttons
// have the additional actions, which are indexed starting from 1.
RetrieveNotification(AssistantNotification notification, int32 action_index);
// Dismisses a notification.
DismissNotification(AssistantNotification notification);
// Caches screen context, made up of view hierarchy and screenshot data.
// Screen context is used to provide additional context alongside text and
// voice queries, and may also be used in standalone screen context
// interactions (see StartCachedScreenContextInteraction()).
CacheScreenContext() => ();
// Clears the screen context cached by calling CacheScreenContext().
// Invoked when accessibility status is changed. Note that though
// accessibility status has changed, |spoken_feedback_enabled| may not have.
OnAccessibilityStatusChanged(bool spoken_feedback_enabled);
// Send Assistant feedback to Assistant server.
SendAssistantFeedback(AssistantFeedback feedback);
// ===== Alarm/Timer management methods =====
// Stops timer or alarm ringing.
// Create timer with |duration|.
CreateTimer(mojo_base.mojom.TimeDelta duration);
// Subscribes to Assistant's interaction event. These events are server driven
// in response to the user's direct interaction with the assistant. Responses
// from the assistant may contain untrusted third-party content. Subscriber
// implementations must be sure to handle the response data appropriately.
interface AssistantInteractionSubscriber {
// Assistant interaction has started. In the event of a voice interaction,
// |is_voice_interaction| will be true. This implies that the mic is open.
OnInteractionStarted(bool is_voice_interaction);
// Assistant interaction has ended with the specified |resolution|.
OnInteractionFinished(AssistantInteractionResolution resolution);
// Assistant got Html response with fallback text from server.
OnHtmlResponse(string response, string fallback);
// Assistant got suggestions response from server.
OnSuggestionsResponse(array<AssistantSuggestion> response);
// Assistant got text response from server.
OnTextResponse(string response);
// Assistant got open URL response from server. |in_background| refers to
// being in background of Assistant UI, not in background of browser.
OnOpenUrlResponse(url.mojom.Url url, bool in_background);
// Assistant speech recognition has started.
// Assistant speech recognition intermediate result is available.
OnSpeechRecognitionIntermediateResult(string high_confidence_text,
string low_confidence_text);
// Assistant speech recognition detected end of utterance.
// Assistant speech recognition final result is available.
OnSpeechRecognitionFinalResult(string final_result);
// Assistant got an instantaneous speech level update in dB.
OnSpeechLevelUpdated(float speech_level);
// Assistant has started speaking. When TTS is started due to an error that
// occurred during the interaction, |due_to_error| is true.
OnTtsStarted(bool due_to_error);
// Assistant has started waiting. This occur during execution of a routine to
// give the user time to digest a response before continuing execution.
// Interface for browser to bind and start assistant.
interface AssistantPlatform {
// Initiates assistant and provides interfaces for assistant to call into the
// browser.
Init(Client assistant_client_interface,
DeviceActions device_actions_interface, bool is_test);
// Interface for assistant to call into client.
interface Client {
// Notifies assistant client that assistant running status has changed.
OnAssistantStatusChanged(bool running);
// Request context of current window from browser.
RequestAssistantStructure() => (
ax.mojom.AssistantExtra? extra,
ax.mojom.AssistantTree? structure);
// Interface for assistant to call into browser to perform device actions.
interface DeviceActions {
// Enables or disables WiFi.
SetWifiEnabled(bool enabled);
// Enables or disables Bluetooth.
SetBluetoothEnabled(bool enabled);
// Gets the current screen brightness level (0-1.0).
// The level is set to 0 in the event of an error.
GetScreenBrightnessLevel() => (bool success, double level);
// Sets the screen brightness level (0-1.0). If |gradual| is true, the
// transition will be animated.
SetScreenBrightnessLevel(double level, bool gradual);
// Enables or disables Night Light.
SetNightLightEnabled(bool enabled);
// Open the Android app if the app is available.
OpenAndroidApp(AndroidAppInfo app_info) => (bool app_opened);
// Verify the status of the Android apps.
VerifyAndroidApp(array<AndroidAppInfo> apps_info) => (array<AndroidAppInfo>
// Launch Android intent. The intent is encoded as a URI string.
// See Intent.toUri().
LaunchAndroidIntent(string intent);
// Register App list event subscriber.
AddAppListEventSubscriber(AppListEventSubscriber subscriber);
// Subscribes to App list events.
interface AppListEventSubscriber {
// Called when the android app list changed.
OnAndroidAppListRefreshed(array<AndroidAppInfo> apps_info);
// Enumeration of possible completions for an Assistant interaction.
enum AssistantInteractionResolution {
// Assistant interaction completed normally.
// Assistant interaction completed due to barge in or cancellation.
// Assistant interaction completed due to error.
// Assistant interaction completed due to mic timeout.
// Assistant interaction completed due to multi-device hotword loss.
// Models an Assistant suggestion.
struct AssistantSuggestion {
// Display text. e.g. "Cancel".
string text;
// Optional URL for icon. e.g. "".
url.mojom.Url icon_url;
// Optional URL for action. e.g.
// "".
url.mojom.Url action_url;
// Enumeration of notification types.
enum AssistantNotificationType {
// A notification of type |kInAssistant| will only be displayed within
// Assistant UI. If Assistant UI is not visible at the time of notification
// creation, the notification will be queued up until Assistant UI becomes
// visible. When Assistant UI dismisses, notifications of this type are
// dismissed.
// A notification of type |kPreferInAssistant| may be shown in either
// Assistant UI or the Message Center, depending on Assistant visibility
// state. If Assistant UI is not visible, notifications of this type will
// show immediately in the Message Center unless the user has opted out of
// seeing system notifications. Once Assistant UI becomes visible, or if it
// is already visible at the time of notification creation, notifications of
// this type are converted to notifications of type |kInAssistant| and they
// will finish out their lifetimes as in-Assistant notifications.
// A notification of type |kSystem| will only be displayed within the Message
// Center. It is immediately added to the Message Center regardless of
// Assistant UI visibility state, although it may not be added if the user has
// opted out of seeing system notifications.
// Models a notification button.
struct AssistantNotificationButton {
// Display text of the button.
string label;
// Optional URL to open when the tap action is invoked on the button.
url.mojom.Url action_url;
// Models an Assistant notification.
struct AssistantNotification {
// Type of the notification.
AssistantNotificationType type = AssistantNotificationType.kSystem;
// Title of the notification.
string title;
// Body text of the notification.
string message;
// Optional URL to open when the tap action is invoked on the notification
// main UI.
url.mojom.Url action_url;
// List of buttons in the notification.
array<AssistantNotificationButton> buttons;
// An id that uniquely identifies a notification on the client.
string client_id;
// An id that uniquely identifies a notification on the server.
string server_id;
// Used to fetch notification contents.
string consistency_token;
string opaque_token;
// Key that can be used to group multiple notifications together.
string grouping_key;
// Obfuscated Gaia id of the intended recipient of the user.
string obfuscated_gaia_id;
// Whether this notification can turn on the display if it was off.
bool is_high_priority = false;
// When the notification should expire.
// Expressed as milliseconds since Unix Epoch.
mojo_base.mojom.Time? expiry_time;
// Models status of an app.
// Models an Android app.
struct AndroidAppInfo {
// Unique name to identify a specific app.
string package_name;
// Version number of the app.
int32 version;
// Localized app name.
string localized_app_name;
// Intent data to operate on.
string intent;
// Status of the app.
AppStatus status;
// The general action to be performed, such as ACTION_VIEW, ACTION_MAIN, etc.
string action;
// Details for Assistant feedback.
struct AssistantFeedback {
// User input to be sent with the feedback report.
string description;
// Whether user consent to send debug info.
bool assistant_debug_info_allowed;
// Screenshot if allowed by user.
// Raw data (non-encoded binary octets)
string screenshot_png;