blob: 99b9f6a0dcd8216b7078c6df9845922048cae7f0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/timer.h"
#include "crypto/rsa_private_key.h"
#include "net/base/completion_callback.h"
#include "remoting/protocol/jingle_messages.h"
#include "remoting/protocol/session.h"
#include "remoting/protocol/session_config.h"
namespace net {
class CertVerifier;
class ClientSocketFactory;
class Socket;
class StreamSocket;
class X509Certificate;
} // namespace net
namespace pp {
class Instance;
} // namespace pp
namespace remoting {
class IqRequest;
namespace protocol {
class PepperChannel;
class PepperSessionManager;
class SocketWrapper;
// Implements the protocol::Session interface using the Pepper P2P
// Transport API. Created by PepperSessionManager for incoming and
// outgoing connections.
class PepperSession : public Session {
// TODO(sergeyu): Move this type and error() method to the Session
// interface.
enum Error {
virtual ~PepperSession();
Error error();
// Session interface.
virtual void SetStateChangeCallback(StateChangeCallback* callback) OVERRIDE;
virtual void CreateStreamChannel(
const std::string& name,
const StreamChannelCallback& callback) OVERRIDE;
virtual void CreateDatagramChannel(
const std::string& name,
const DatagramChannelCallback& callback) OVERRIDE;
virtual net::Socket* control_channel() OVERRIDE;
virtual net::Socket* event_channel() OVERRIDE;
virtual const std::string& jid() OVERRIDE;
virtual const CandidateSessionConfig* candidate_config() OVERRIDE;
virtual const SessionConfig& config() OVERRIDE;
virtual void set_config(const SessionConfig& config) OVERRIDE;
virtual const std::string& initiator_token() OVERRIDE;
virtual void set_initiator_token(const std::string& initiator_token) OVERRIDE;
virtual const std::string& receiver_token() OVERRIDE;
virtual void set_receiver_token(const std::string& receiver_token) OVERRIDE;
virtual void set_shared_secret(const std::string& secret) OVERRIDE;
virtual const std::string& shared_secret() OVERRIDE;
virtual void Close() OVERRIDE;
friend class PepperSessionManager;
friend class PepperStreamChannel;
typedef std::map<std::string, PepperChannel*> ChannelsMap;
PepperSession(PepperSessionManager* session_manager);
// Start cs connection by sending session-initiate message.
void StartConnection(const std::string& peer_jid,
const std::string& peer_public_key,
const std::string& client_token,
CandidateSessionConfig* config,
Session::StateChangeCallback* state_change_callback);
// Handler for session-initiate response.
void OnSessionInitiateResponse(const buzz::XmlElement* response);
// Called when an error occurs. Sets |error_| and closes the session.
void OnError(Error error);
// Called by PepperSessionManager on incoming |message|. Must fill
// in |reply|.
void OnIncomingMessage(const JingleMessage& message,
JingleMessageReply* reply);
// Message handlers for incoming messages.
void OnAccept(const JingleMessage& message, JingleMessageReply* reply);
void OnReject(const JingleMessage& message, JingleMessageReply* reply);
void OnTerminate(const JingleMessage& message, JingleMessageReply* reply);
void ProcessTransportInfo(const JingleMessage& message);
// Called from OnAccept() to initialize session config.
bool InitializeConfigFromDescription(const ContentDescription* description);
// Called by PepperChannel.
void AddLocalCandidate(const cricket::Candidate& candidate);
void OnDeleteChannel(PepperChannel* channel);
void SendTransportInfo();
// Helper methods to create event and control channels.
// TODO(sergeyu): Remove these methods.
void CreateChannels();
void OnChannelConnected(scoped_ptr<net::Socket>* socket_container,
net::StreamSocket* socket);
// Close all the channels and terminate the session.
void CloseInternal(bool failed);
// Sets |state_| to |new_state| and calls state change callback.
void SetState(State new_state);
PepperSessionManager* session_manager_;
std::string peer_jid_;
std::string peer_public_key_;
scoped_ptr<CandidateSessionConfig> candidate_config_;
scoped_ptr<StateChangeCallback> state_change_callback_;
std::string session_id_;
State state_;
Error error_;
std::string remote_cert_;
SessionConfig config_;
std::string shared_secret_;
std::string initiator_token_;
std::string receiver_token_;
scoped_ptr<IqRequest> initiate_request_;
ChannelsMap channels_;
scoped_ptr<net::Socket> control_channel_socket_;
scoped_ptr<net::Socket> event_channel_socket_;
base::OneShotTimer<PepperSession> transport_infos_timer_;
std::list<cricket::Candidate> pending_candidates_;
} // namespace protocol
} // namespace remoting