blob: f849732a33aab519afb41f134c67941cc6fcb24d [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
INPUT_DIR=${1?first param missing - input directory}
OUTPUT_DIR=${2?second param missing - output directory}
# This script grabs certain certificates from ${INPUT_DIR} and places them under
# ${OUTPUT_DIR}. It uses openssl's x509 command to only take the certificate
# sections (and not e.g. private keys).
# Additionally, this script creates ONC files which contain some of the
# certificates to be used by tests.
openssl x509 -in "${INPUT_DIR}/root_ca_cert.pem" -inform PEM \
> "${OUTPUT_DIR}/root_ca_cert.pem"
openssl x509 -in "${INPUT_DIR}/ok_cert.pem" -inform PEM \
> "${OUTPUT_DIR}/ok_cert.pem"
openssl x509 -in "${INPUT_DIR}/intermediate_ca_cert.pem" -inform PEM \
> "${OUTPUT_DIR}/intermediate_ca_cert.pem"
openssl x509 -in "${INPUT_DIR}/ok_cert_by_intermediate.pem" -inform PEM \
> "${OUTPUT_DIR}/ok_cert_by_intermediate.pem"
# Read the root CA cert and interemdiate CA cert PEM files and replace newlines
# with \n literals. This is needed because the ONC JSON does not support
# multi-line strings. Note that replacement is done in two steps, using ',' as
# intermediate character. PEM files will not contain commas.
ROOT_CA_CERT_CONTENTS=$(cat root_ca_cert.pem \
| tr '\n' ',' | sed 's/,/\\n/g')
INTERMEDIATE_CA_CERT_CONTENTS=$(cat intermediate_ca_cert.pem \
| tr '\n' ',' | sed 's/,/\\n/g')
cat > "${OUTPUT_DIR}/root-ca-cert.onc" << EOL
"Certificates": [
"GUID": "{b3aae353-cfa9-4093-9aff-9f8ee2bf8c29}",
"TrustBits": [
"Type": "Authority",
"Type": "UnencryptedConfiguration"
cat > "${OUTPUT_DIR}/root-and-intermediate-ca-certs.onc" << EOL
"Certificates": [
"GUID": "{b3aae353-cfa9-4093-9aff-9f8ee2bf8c29}",
"TrustBits": [
"Type": "Authority",
"GUID": "{ac861420-3342-4537-a20e-3c2ec0809b7a}",
"TrustBits": [ ],
"Type": "Authority",
"Type": "UnencryptedConfiguration"