blob: e017ce1e38b6c8b45c97c305581fdce0c8920ff1 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/crostini/crostini_registry_service.h"
#include <utility>
#include "ash/public/cpp/app_list/app_list_config.h"
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/files/file_util.h"
#include "base/metrics/histogram_macros.h"
#include "base/no_destructor.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/task/post_task.h"
#include "base/time/clock.h"
#include "base/time/default_clock.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "chrome/browser/browser_process.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/crostini/crostini_pref_names.h"
#include "chrome/browser/chromeos/crostini/crostini_util.h"
#include "chrome/browser/profiles/profile.h"
#include "chrome/grit/generated_resources.h"
#include "chromeos/dbus/vm_applications/apps.pb.h"
#include "components/crx_file/id_util.h"
#include "components/prefs/pref_registry_simple.h"
#include "components/prefs/pref_service.h"
#include "components/prefs/scoped_user_pref_update.h"
#include "ui/base/l10n/l10n_util.h"
using vm_tools::apps::App;
namespace crostini {
namespace {
// Prefix of the ApplicationId set on exo windows for X apps.
constexpr char kCrostiniWindowAppIdPrefix[] = "org.chromium.termina.";
// This comes after kCrostiniWindowAppIdPrefix
constexpr char kWMClassPrefix[] = "wmclass.";
constexpr char kCrostiniIconFolder[] = "crostini.icons";
// Keys for the Dictionary stored in prefs for each app.
constexpr char kAppDesktopFileIdKey[] = "desktop_file_id";
constexpr char kAppVmNameKey[] = "vm_name";
constexpr char kAppContainerNameKey[] = "container_name";
constexpr char kAppCommentKey[] = "comment";
constexpr char kAppMimeTypesKey[] = "mime_types";
constexpr char kAppKeywordsKey[] = "keywords";
constexpr char kAppExecutableFileNameKey[] = "executable_file_name";
constexpr char kAppNameKey[] = "name";
constexpr char kAppNoDisplayKey[] = "no_display";
constexpr char kAppScaledKey[] = "scaled";
constexpr char kAppPackageIdKey[] = "package_id";
constexpr char kAppStartupWMClassKey[] = "startup_wm_class";
constexpr char kAppStartupNotifyKey[] = "startup_notify";
constexpr char kAppInstallTimeKey[] = "install_time";
constexpr char kAppLastLaunchTimeKey[] = "last_launch_time";
constexpr char kCrostiniAppsInstalledHistogram[] =
const std::string* GetAppNameForWMClass(base::StringPiece wmclass) {
// A hard-coded mapping from WMClass to app names.
// This is used to deal with the Linux apps that don't specify the correct
// WMClass in their desktop files so that their aura windows can be identified
// with their respective app IDs.
static const base::NoDestructor<std::map<std::string, std::string>>
kWMClassToNname({{"Octave-gui", "GNU Octave"},
{"MuseScore2", "MuseScore 2"},
{"XnViewMP", "XnView Multi Platform"}});
const auto it = kWMClassToNname->find(wmclass.as_string());
if (it == kWMClassToNname->end())
return nullptr;
return &it->second;
std::string GenerateAppId(const std::string& desktop_file_id,
const std::string& vm_name,
const std::string& container_name) {
// These can collide in theory because the user could choose VM and container
// names which contain slashes, but this will only result in apps missing from
// the launcher.
return crx_file::id_util::GenerateId(kCrostiniAppIdPrefix + vm_name + "/" +
container_name + "/" + desktop_file_id);
base::Value ProtoToDictionary(const App::LocaleString& locale_string) {
base::Value result(base::Value::Type::DICTIONARY);
for (const App::LocaleString::Entry& entry : locale_string.values()) {
const std::string& locale = entry.locale();
std::string locale_with_dashes(locale);
std::replace(locale_with_dashes.begin(), locale_with_dashes.end(), '_',
if (!locale.empty() && !l10n_util::IsValidLocaleSyntax(locale_with_dashes))
result.SetKey(locale, base::Value(entry.value()));
return result;
std::set<std::string> ListToStringSet(const base::Value* list) {
std::set<std::string> result;
if (!list)
return result;
for (const base::Value& value : list->GetList())
return result;
base::Value ProtoToList(
const google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField<std::string>& strings) {
base::Value result(base::Value::Type::LIST);
for (const std::string& string : strings)
return result;
base::Value LocaleStringsProtoToDictionary(
const App::LocaleStrings& repeated_locale_string) {
base::Value result(base::Value::Type::DICTIONARY);
for (const auto& strings_with_locale : repeated_locale_string.values()) {
const std::string& locale = strings_with_locale.locale();
std::string locale_with_dashes(locale);
std::replace(locale_with_dashes.begin(), locale_with_dashes.end(), '_',
if (!locale.empty() && !l10n_util::IsValidLocaleSyntax(locale_with_dashes))
result.SetKey(locale, ProtoToList(strings_with_locale.value()));
return result;
// Construct a registration based on the given App proto.
// |name| should be || in Dictionary form.
base::Value AppPrefRegistrationFromApp(
const vm_tools::apps::App& app,
base::Value name,
const vm_tools::apps::ApplicationList& app_list) {
base::Value pref_registration(base::Value::Type::DICTIONARY);
pref_registration.SetKey(kAppVmNameKey, base::Value(app_list.vm_name()));
pref_registration.SetKey(kAppNameKey, std::move(name));
pref_registration.SetKey(kAppCommentKey, ProtoToDictionary(app.comment()));
pref_registration.SetKey(kAppMimeTypesKey, ProtoToList(app.mime_types()));
pref_registration.SetKey(kAppNoDisplayKey, base::Value(app.no_display()));
pref_registration.SetKey(kAppPackageIdKey, base::Value(app.package_id()));
return pref_registration;
// This is the companion to CrostiniRegistryService::SetCurrentTime().
base::Time GetTime(const base::Value& pref, const char* key) {
if (!pref.is_dict())
return base::Time();
const base::Value* value = pref.FindKeyOfType(key, base::Value::Type::STRING);
int64_t time;
if (!value || !base::StringToInt64(value->GetString(), &time))
return base::Time();
return base::Time::FromDeltaSinceWindowsEpoch(
bool MatchingString(const std::string& search_string,
const std::string& value_string,
bool ignore_space) {
std::string search = search_string;
std::string value = value_string;
if (ignore_space) {
base::RemoveChars(search, " ", &search);
base::RemoveChars(value, " ", &value);
return base::EqualsCaseInsensitiveASCII(search, value);
enum class FindAppIdResult { NoMatch, UniqueMatch, NonUniqueMatch };
// Looks for an app where prefs_key is set to search_value. Returns the apps id
// if there was only one app matching, otherwise returns an empty string.
FindAppIdResult FindAppId(const base::DictionaryValue* prefs,
base::StringPiece prefs_key,
base::StringPiece search_value,
std::string* result,
bool require_startup_notify = false,
bool need_display = false,
bool ignore_space = false) {
for (const auto& item : prefs->DictItems()) {
if (item.first == kCrostiniTerminalId)
if (require_startup_notify &&
.FindKeyOfType(kAppStartupNotifyKey, base::Value::Type::BOOLEAN)
if (need_display) {
const base::Value* no_display = item.second.FindKeyOfType(
kAppNoDisplayKey, base::Value::Type::BOOLEAN);
if (no_display && no_display->GetBool())
const base::Value* value = item.second.FindKey(prefs_key);
if (!value)
if (value->type() == base::Value::Type::STRING) {
if (!MatchingString(search_value.as_string(), value->GetString(),
ignore_space)) {
} else if (value->type() == base::Value::Type::DICTIONARY) {
// Look at the unlocalized name to see if that matches.
value = value->FindKeyOfType("", base::Value::Type::STRING);
if (!value || !MatchingString(search_value.as_string(),
value->GetString(), ignore_space)) {
} else {
if (!result->empty())
return FindAppIdResult::NonUniqueMatch;
*result = item.first;
if (!result->empty())
return FindAppIdResult::UniqueMatch;
return FindAppIdResult::NoMatch;
bool EqualsExcludingTimestamps(const base::Value& left,
const base::Value& right) {
auto left_items = left.DictItems();
auto right_items = right.DictItems();
auto left_iter = left_items.begin();
auto right_iter = right_items.begin();
while (left_iter != left_items.end() && right_iter != right_items.end()) {
if (left_iter->first == kAppInstallTimeKey ||
left_iter->first == kAppLastLaunchTimeKey) {
if (right_iter->first == kAppInstallTimeKey ||
right_iter->first == kAppLastLaunchTimeKey) {
if (*left_iter != *right_iter)
return false;
return left_iter == left_items.end() && right_iter == right_items.end();
bool InstallIconFromFileThread(const base::FilePath& icon_path,
const std::string& content_png) {
int wrote =
base::WriteFile(icon_path, content_png.c_str(), content_png.size());
if (wrote != static_cast<int>(content_png.size())) {
VLOG(2) << "Failed to write Crostini icon file: "
<< icon_path.MaybeAsASCII();
if (!base::DeleteFile(icon_path, false)) {
VLOG(2) << "Couldn't delete broken icon file" << icon_path.MaybeAsASCII();
return false;
return true;
void DeleteIconFolderFromFileThread(const base::FilePath& path) {
DCHECK(path.DirName().BaseName().MaybeAsASCII() == kCrostiniIconFolder &&
(!base::PathExists(path) || base::DirectoryExists(path)));
const bool deleted = base::DeleteFile(path, true);
} // namespace
CrostiniRegistryService::Registration::Registration(const base::Value* pref,
bool is_terminal_app)
: is_terminal_app_(is_terminal_app) {
DCHECK(pref || is_terminal_app);
if (pref)
pref_ = pref->Clone();
CrostiniRegistryService::Registration::~Registration() = default;
std::string CrostiniRegistryService::Registration::DesktopFileId() const {
if (is_terminal_app_)
return std::string();
return pref_.FindKeyOfType(kAppDesktopFileIdKey, base::Value::Type::STRING)
std::string CrostiniRegistryService::Registration::VmName() const {
if (is_terminal_app_)
return kCrostiniDefaultVmName;
return pref_.FindKeyOfType(kAppVmNameKey, base::Value::Type::STRING)
std::string CrostiniRegistryService::Registration::ContainerName() const {
if (is_terminal_app_)
return kCrostiniDefaultContainerName;
return pref_.FindKeyOfType(kAppContainerNameKey, base::Value::Type::STRING)
std::string CrostiniRegistryService::Registration::Name() const {
if (is_terminal_app_)
return l10n_util::GetStringUTF8(IDS_CROSTINI_TERMINAL_APP_NAME);
return LocalizedString(kAppNameKey);
std::string CrostiniRegistryService::Registration::Comment() const {
return LocalizedString(kAppCommentKey);
std::string CrostiniRegistryService::Registration::ExecutableFileName() const {
if (pref_.is_none())
return std::string();
const base::Value* executable_file_name =
pref_.FindKeyOfType(kAppExecutableFileNameKey, base::Value::Type::STRING);
if (!executable_file_name)
return std::string();
return executable_file_name->GetString();
std::set<std::string> CrostiniRegistryService::Registration::MimeTypes() const {
if (pref_.is_none())
return {};
return ListToStringSet(
pref_.FindKeyOfType(kAppMimeTypesKey, base::Value::Type::LIST));
std::set<std::string> CrostiniRegistryService::Registration::Keywords() const {
if (is_terminal_app_) {
std::set<std::string> result = {"linux", "terminal", "crostini"};
return result;
return LocalizedList(kAppKeywordsKey);
bool CrostiniRegistryService::Registration::NoDisplay() const {
if (pref_.is_none())
return false;
const base::Value* no_display =
pref_.FindKeyOfType(kAppNoDisplayKey, base::Value::Type::BOOLEAN);
if (no_display)
return no_display->GetBool();
return false;
std::string CrostiniRegistryService::Registration::PackageId() const {
if (is_terminal_app_)
return std::string();
if (pref_.is_none())
return std::string();
const base::Value* package_id =
pref_.FindKeyOfType(kAppPackageIdKey, base::Value::Type::STRING);
if (!package_id)
return std::string();
return package_id->GetString();
bool CrostiniRegistryService::Registration::CanUninstall() const {
if (pref_.is_none())
return false;
// We can uninstall if and only if there is a package that owns the
// application. If no package owns the application, we don't know how to
// uninstall the app.
// We don't check other things that might prevent us from uninstalling the
// app. In particular, we don't check if there are other packages which
// depend on the owning package. This should be rare for packages that have
// desktop files, and it's better to show an error message (which the user can
// then Google to learn more) than to just not have an uninstall option at
// all.
const base::Value* package_id =
pref_.FindKeyOfType(kAppPackageIdKey, base::Value::Type::STRING);
if (package_id)
return !package_id->GetString().empty();
return false;
base::Time CrostiniRegistryService::Registration::InstallTime() const {
return GetTime(pref_, kAppInstallTimeKey);
base::Time CrostiniRegistryService::Registration::LastLaunchTime() const {
return GetTime(pref_, kAppLastLaunchTimeKey);
bool CrostiniRegistryService::Registration::IsScaled() const {
if (pref_.is_none())
return false;
const base::Value* scaled =
pref_.FindKeyOfType(kAppScaledKey, base::Value::Type::BOOLEAN);
if (!scaled)
return false;
return scaled->GetBool();
// We store in prefs all the localized values for given fields (formatted with
// undescores, e.g. 'fr' or 'en_US'), but users of the registry don't need to
// deal with this.
std::string CrostiniRegistryService::Registration::LocalizedString(
base::StringPiece key) const {
if (pref_.is_none())
return std::string();
const base::Value* dict =
pref_.FindKeyOfType(key, base::Value::Type::DICTIONARY);
if (!dict)
return std::string();
std::string current_locale =
std::vector<std::string> locales;
l10n_util::GetParentLocales(current_locale, &locales);
// We use an empty locale as fallback.
for (const std::string& locale : locales) {
const base::Value* value =
dict->FindKeyOfType(locale, base::Value::Type::STRING);
if (value)
return value->GetString();
return std::string();
std::set<std::string> CrostiniRegistryService::Registration::LocalizedList(
base::StringPiece key) const {
if (pref_.is_none())
return {};
const base::Value* dict =
pref_.FindKeyOfType(key, base::Value::Type::DICTIONARY);
if (!dict)
return {};
std::string current_locale =
std::vector<std::string> locales;
l10n_util::GetParentLocales(current_locale, &locales);
// We use an empty locale as fallback.
for (const std::string& locale : locales) {
const base::Value* value =
dict->FindKeyOfType(locale, base::Value::Type::LIST);
if (value)
return ListToStringSet(value);
return {};
CrostiniRegistryService::CrostiniRegistryService(Profile* profile)
: profile_(profile),
weak_ptr_factory_(this) {
CrostiniRegistryService::~CrostiniRegistryService() = default;
base::WeakPtr<CrostiniRegistryService> CrostiniRegistryService::GetWeakPtr() {
return weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr();
// The code follows these steps to identify apps and returns the first match:
// 1) If the Startup Id is set, look for a matching desktop file id.
// 2) Ignore windows if the App Id is not set.
// 3) If the App Id is not prefixed by org.chromium.termina., it's an app with
// native Wayland support. Look for a matching desktop file id.
// 4) If the App Id is prefixed by org.chromium.termina.wmclass.:
// 4.1) Look for an app where StartupWMClass is matches the suffix.
// 4.2) Look for an app where the desktop file id matches the suffix.
// 4.3) Look for an app where the unlocalized name matches the suffix. This
// handles the xterm & uxterm examples.
// 5) If we couldn't find a match, prefix the app id with 'crostini:' so we can
// easily identify shelf entries as Crostini apps.
std::string CrostiniRegistryService::GetCrostiniShelfAppId(
const std::string* window_app_id,
const std::string* window_startup_id) {
const base::DictionaryValue* apps =
std::string app_id;
if (window_startup_id) {
// TODO(timloh): We should use a value that is unique so we can handle
// an app installed in multiple containers.
if (FindAppId(apps, kAppDesktopFileIdKey, *window_startup_id, &app_id,
true) == FindAppIdResult::UniqueMatch)
return app_id;
LOG(ERROR) << "Startup ID was set to '" << *window_startup_id
<< "' but not matched";
// Try a lookup with the window app id.
if (!window_app_id)
return std::string();
// Wayland apps won't be prefixed with org.chromium.termina.
if (!base::StartsWith(*window_app_id, kCrostiniWindowAppIdPrefix,
base::CompareCase::SENSITIVE)) {
if (FindAppId(apps, kAppDesktopFileIdKey, *window_app_id, &app_id) ==
FindAppIdResult::UniqueMatch) {
return app_id;
return kCrostiniAppIdPrefix + *window_app_id;
base::StringPiece suffix(
window_app_id->begin() + strlen(kCrostiniWindowAppIdPrefix),
// If we don't have an id to match to a desktop file, use the window app id.
if (!base::StartsWith(suffix, kWMClassPrefix, base::CompareCase::SENSITIVE))
return kCrostiniAppIdPrefix + *window_app_id;
// If an app had StartupWMClass set to the given WM class, use that,
// otherwise look for a desktop file id matching the WM class.
base::StringPiece key = suffix.substr(strlen(kWMClassPrefix));
FindAppIdResult result = FindAppId(apps, kAppStartupWMClassKey, key, &app_id,
false /* require_startup_notification */,
true /* need_display */);
if (result == FindAppIdResult::UniqueMatch)
return app_id;
if (result == FindAppIdResult::NonUniqueMatch)
return kCrostiniAppIdPrefix + *window_app_id;
if (FindAppId(apps, kAppDesktopFileIdKey, key, &app_id) ==
FindAppIdResult::UniqueMatch) {
return app_id;
if (FindAppId(apps, kAppNameKey, key, &app_id,
false /* require_startup_notification */,
true /* need_display */,
true /* ignore_space */) == FindAppIdResult::UniqueMatch) {
return app_id;
const std::string* app_name = GetAppNameForWMClass(key);
if (app_name &&
FindAppId(apps, kAppNameKey, *app_name, &app_id,
false /* require_startup_notification */,
true /* need_display */) == FindAppIdResult::UniqueMatch) {
return app_id;
return kCrostiniAppIdPrefix + *window_app_id;
bool CrostiniRegistryService::IsCrostiniShelfAppId(
const std::string& shelf_app_id) {
if (base::StartsWith(shelf_app_id, kCrostiniAppIdPrefix,
base::CompareCase::SENSITIVE)) {
return true;
if (shelf_app_id == kCrostiniTerminalId)
return true;
// TODO(timloh): We need to handle desktop files that have been removed.
// For example, running windows with a no-longer-valid app id will try to
// use the ExtensionContextMenuModel.
return prefs_->GetDictionary(prefs::kCrostiniRegistry)
->FindKey(shelf_app_id) != nullptr;
std::vector<std::string> CrostiniRegistryService::GetRegisteredAppIds() const {
const base::DictionaryValue* apps =
std::vector<std::string> result;
for (const auto& item : apps->DictItems())
if (!apps->FindKey(kCrostiniTerminalId))
return result;
CrostiniRegistryService::GetRegistration(const std::string& app_id) const {
const base::DictionaryValue* apps =
const base::Value* pref_registration =
apps->FindKeyOfType(app_id, base::Value::Type::DICTIONARY);
if (app_id == kCrostiniTerminalId)
return base::make_optional<Registration>(pref_registration, true);
if (!pref_registration)
return base::nullopt;
return base::make_optional<Registration>(pref_registration, false);
void CrostiniRegistryService::RecordStartupMetrics() {
const base::DictionaryValue* apps =
if (!IsCrostiniEnabled(profile_))
size_t num_apps = 0;
for (const auto& item : apps->DictItems()) {
if (item.first == kCrostiniTerminalId)
const base::Value* no_display =
item.second.FindKeyOfType(kAppNoDisplayKey, base::Value::Type::BOOLEAN);
if (no_display && no_display->GetBool())
UMA_HISTOGRAM_COUNTS_1000(kCrostiniAppsInstalledHistogram, num_apps);
base::FilePath CrostiniRegistryService::GetAppPath(
const std::string& app_id) const {
return base_icon_path_.AppendASCII(app_id);
base::FilePath CrostiniRegistryService::GetIconPath(
const std::string& app_id,
ui::ScaleFactor scale_factor) const {
const base::FilePath app_path = GetAppPath(app_id);
switch (scale_factor) {
case ui::SCALE_FACTOR_100P:
return app_path.AppendASCII("icon_100p.png");
case ui::SCALE_FACTOR_125P:
return app_path.AppendASCII("icon_125p.png");
case ui::SCALE_FACTOR_133P:
return app_path.AppendASCII("icon_133p.png");
case ui::SCALE_FACTOR_140P:
return app_path.AppendASCII("icon_140p.png");
case ui::SCALE_FACTOR_150P:
return app_path.AppendASCII("icon_150p.png");
case ui::SCALE_FACTOR_180P:
return app_path.AppendASCII("icon_180p.png");
case ui::SCALE_FACTOR_200P:
return app_path.AppendASCII("icon_200p.png");
case ui::SCALE_FACTOR_250P:
return app_path.AppendASCII("icon_250p.png");
case ui::SCALE_FACTOR_300P:
return app_path.AppendASCII("icon_300p.png");
return base::FilePath();
void CrostiniRegistryService::MaybeRequestIcon(const std::string& app_id,
ui::ScaleFactor scale_factor) {
// First check to see if this request is already in process or not.
const auto active_iter = active_icon_requests_.find(app_id);
if (active_iter != active_icon_requests_.end()) {
if (active_iter->second & (1 << scale_factor)) {
// Icon request already in progress.
const auto retry_iter = retry_icon_requests_.find(app_id);
if (retry_iter != retry_icon_requests_.end()) {
if (retry_iter->second & (1 << scale_factor)) {
// Icon request already setup to be retried when we are active.
RequestIcon(app_id, scale_factor);
void CrostiniRegistryService::ClearApplicationList(
const std::string& vm_name,
const std::string& container_name) {
std::vector<std::string> removed_apps;
// The DictionaryPrefUpdate should be destructed before calling the observer.
DictionaryPrefUpdate update(prefs_, prefs::kCrostiniRegistry);
base::DictionaryValue* apps = update.Get();
for (const auto& item : apps->DictItems()) {
if (item.first == kCrostiniTerminalId)
if (item.second.FindKey(kAppVmNameKey)->GetString() == vm_name &&
(container_name.empty() ||
item.second.FindKey(kAppContainerNameKey)->GetString() ==
for (const std::string& removed_app : removed_apps) {
if (removed_apps.empty())
std::vector<std::string> updated_apps;
std::vector<std::string> inserted_apps;
for (Observer& obs : observers_)
obs.OnRegistryUpdated(this, updated_apps, removed_apps, inserted_apps);
void CrostiniRegistryService::UpdateApplicationList(
const vm_tools::apps::ApplicationList& app_list) {
if (app_list.vm_name().empty()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Received app list with missing VM name";
if (app_list.container_name().empty()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Received app list with missing container name";
// We need to compute the diff between the new list of apps and the old list
// of apps (with matching vm/container names). We keep a set of the new app
// ids so that we can compute these and update the Dictionary directly.
std::set<std::string> new_app_ids;
std::vector<std::string> updated_apps;
std::vector<std::string> removed_apps;
std::vector<std::string> inserted_apps;
// The DictionaryPrefUpdate should be destructed before calling the observer.
DictionaryPrefUpdate update(prefs_, prefs::kCrostiniRegistry);
base::DictionaryValue* apps = update.Get();
for (const App& app : app_list.apps()) {
if (app.desktop_file_id().empty()) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Received app with missing desktop file id";
base::Value name = ProtoToDictionary(;
if (name.FindKey(base::StringPiece()) == nullptr) {
LOG(WARNING) << "Received app '" << app.desktop_file_id()
<< "' with missing unlocalized name";
std::string app_id = GenerateAppId(
app.desktop_file_id(), app_list.vm_name(), app_list.container_name());
base::Value pref_registration =
AppPrefRegistrationFromApp(app, std::move(name), app_list);
base::Value* old_app = apps->FindKey(app_id);
if (old_app && EqualsExcludingTimestamps(pref_registration, *old_app))
base::Value* old_install_time = nullptr;
base::Value* old_last_launch_time = nullptr;
if (old_app) {
old_install_time = old_app->FindKey(kAppInstallTimeKey);
old_last_launch_time = old_app->FindKey(kAppLastLaunchTimeKey);
} else {
if (old_install_time)
pref_registration.SetKey(kAppInstallTimeKey, old_install_time->Clone());
SetCurrentTime(&pref_registration, kAppInstallTimeKey);
if (old_last_launch_time) {
apps->SetKey(app_id, std::move(pref_registration));
for (const auto& item : apps->DictItems()) {
if (item.first == kCrostiniTerminalId)
if (item.second.FindKey(kAppVmNameKey)->GetString() ==
app_list.vm_name() &&
item.second.FindKey(kAppContainerNameKey)->GetString() ==
app_list.container_name() &&
new_app_ids.find(item.first) == new_app_ids.end()) {
for (const std::string& removed_app : removed_apps) {
// When we receive notification of the application list then the container
// *should* be online and we can retry all of our icon requests that failed
// due to the container being offline.
for (auto retry_iter = retry_icon_requests_.begin();
retry_iter != retry_icon_requests_.end(); ++retry_iter) {
for (ui::ScaleFactor scale_factor : ui::GetSupportedScaleFactors()) {
if (retry_iter->second & (1 << scale_factor)) {
RequestIcon(retry_iter->first, scale_factor);
if (!updated_apps.empty() || !removed_apps.empty() ||
!inserted_apps.empty()) {
for (Observer& obs : observers_)
obs.OnRegistryUpdated(this, updated_apps, removed_apps, inserted_apps);
void CrostiniRegistryService::RemoveAppData(const std::string& app_id) {
// Remove any pending requests we have for this icon.
// Remove local data on filesystem for the icons.
FROM_HERE, {base::MayBlock(), base::TaskPriority::BEST_EFFORT},
base::BindOnce(&DeleteIconFolderFromFileThread, GetAppPath(app_id)));
void CrostiniRegistryService::AddObserver(Observer* observer) {
void CrostiniRegistryService::RemoveObserver(Observer* observer) {
void CrostiniRegistryService::AppLaunched(const std::string& app_id) {
DictionaryPrefUpdate update(prefs_, prefs::kCrostiniRegistry);
base::DictionaryValue* apps = update.Get();
base::Value* app = apps->FindKey(app_id);
if (!app) {
DCHECK_EQ(app_id, kCrostiniTerminalId);
base::Value pref(base::Value::Type::DICTIONARY);
SetCurrentTime(&pref, kAppLastLaunchTimeKey);
apps->SetKey(app_id, std::move(pref));
SetCurrentTime(app, kAppLastLaunchTimeKey);
void CrostiniRegistryService::SetCurrentTime(base::Value* dictionary,
const char* key) const {
int64_t time = clock_->Now().ToDeltaSinceWindowsEpoch().InMicroseconds();
dictionary->SetKey(key, base::Value(base::NumberToString(time)));
void CrostiniRegistryService::SetAppScaled(const std::string& app_id,
bool scaled) {
DCHECK_NE(app_id, kCrostiniTerminalId);
DictionaryPrefUpdate update(prefs_, prefs::kCrostiniRegistry);
base::DictionaryValue* apps = update.Get();
base::Value* app = apps->FindKey(app_id);
if (!app) {
<< "Tried to set display scaled property on the app with this app_id "
<< app_id << " that doesn't exist in the registry.";
app->SetKey(kAppScaledKey, base::Value(scaled));
void CrostiniRegistryService::RequestIcon(const std::string& app_id,
ui::ScaleFactor scale_factor) {
// Ignore requests for app_id that isn't registered.
base::Optional<CrostiniRegistryService::Registration> registration =
if (!registration) {
VLOG(2) << "Request to load icon for non-registered app: " << app_id;
// Mark that we're doing a request for this icon so we don't duplicate
// requests.
active_icon_requests_[app_id] |= (1 << scale_factor);
// Now make the call to request the actual icon.
std::vector<std::string> desktop_file_ids{registration->DesktopFileId()};
// We can only send integer scale factors to Crostini, so if we have a
// non-integral scale factor we need round the scale factor. We do not expect
// Crostini to give us back exactly what we ask for and we deal with that in
// the CrostiniAppIcon class and may rescale the result in there to match our
// needs.
uint32_t icon_scale = 1;
switch (scale_factor) {
case ui::SCALE_FACTOR_180P: // Close enough to 2, so use 2.
case ui::SCALE_FACTOR_200P:
case ui::SCALE_FACTOR_250P: // Rounding scale factor down is better.
icon_scale = 2;
case ui::SCALE_FACTOR_300P:
icon_scale = 3;
registration->VmName(), registration->ContainerName(), desktop_file_ids,
app_list::AppListConfig::instance().grid_icon_dimension(), icon_scale,
weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), app_id, scale_factor));
void CrostiniRegistryService::OnContainerAppIcon(
const std::string& app_id,
ui::ScaleFactor scale_factor,
bool success,
const std::vector<Icon>& icons) {
if (!success) {
// Add this to the list of retryable icon requests so we redo this when
// we get feedback from the container that it's available.
retry_icon_requests_[app_id] |= (1 << scale_factor);
if (icons.empty())
// Now install the icon that we received.
const base::FilePath icon_path = GetIconPath(app_id, scale_factor);
FROM_HERE, {base::MayBlock(), base::TaskPriority::BEST_EFFORT},
base::BindOnce(&InstallIconFromFileThread, icon_path, icons[0].content),
weak_ptr_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), app_id, scale_factor));
void CrostiniRegistryService::OnIconInstalled(const std::string& app_id,
ui::ScaleFactor scale_factor,
bool success) {
if (!success)
for (Observer& obs : observers_)
obs.OnAppIconUpdated(app_id, scale_factor);
} // namespace crostini