blob: 4e82f1b4b88195964537571aa070ab7503b72147 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ui/display/manager/display_manager_utilities.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <set>
#include "base/command_line.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/system/sys_info.h"
#include "ui/display/display_switches.h"
#include "ui/display/manager/managed_display_info.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/size_conversions.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/size_f.h"
#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
#include "chromeos/system/statistics_provider.h"
namespace display {
ManagedDisplayInfo::ManagedDisplayModeList CreateInternalManagedDisplayModeList(
const ManagedDisplayMode& native_mode) {
ManagedDisplayMode mode(native_mode.size(), native_mode.refresh_rate(),
native_mode.is_interlaced(), true,
return ManagedDisplayInfo::ManagedDisplayModeList{mode};
UnifiedDisplayModeParam::UnifiedDisplayModeParam(float dsf,
float scale,
bool is_default)
: device_scale_factor(dsf),
is_default_mode(is_default) {}
ManagedDisplayInfo::ManagedDisplayModeList CreateUnifiedManagedDisplayModeList(
const ManagedDisplayMode& native_mode,
const std::vector<UnifiedDisplayModeParam>& modes_param_list) {
ManagedDisplayInfo::ManagedDisplayModeList display_mode_list;
for (auto& param : modes_param_list) {
gfx::SizeF scaled_size(native_mode.size());
gfx::ToFlooredSize(scaled_size), native_mode.refresh_rate(),
param.is_default_mode ? true : false /* native */,
// Sort the mode by the size in DIP.
std::sort(display_mode_list.begin(), display_mode_list.end(),
[](const ManagedDisplayMode& a, const ManagedDisplayMode& b) {
return a.GetSizeInDIP(false).GetArea() <
return display_mode_list;
bool ForceFirstDisplayInternal() {
base::CommandLine* command_line = base::CommandLine::ForCurrentProcess();
bool ret = command_line->HasSwitch(::switches::kUseFirstDisplayAsInternal);
#if defined(OS_CHROMEOS)
// Touch view mode is only available to internal display. We force the
// display as internal for emulator to test touch view mode.
ret = ret ||
return ret;
bool ComputeBoundary(const Display& a_display,
const Display& b_display,
gfx::Rect* a_edge_in_screen,
gfx::Rect* b_edge_in_screen) {
const gfx::Rect& a_bounds = a_display.bounds();
const gfx::Rect& b_bounds = b_display.bounds();
// Find touching side.
int rx = std::max(a_bounds.x(), b_bounds.x());
int ry = std::max(a_bounds.y(), b_bounds.y());
int rr = std::min(a_bounds.right(), b_bounds.right());
int rb = std::min(a_bounds.bottom(), b_bounds.bottom());
DisplayPlacement::Position position;
if (rb == ry) {
// top bottom
if (rr <= rx) {
// Top and bottom align, but no edges are shared.
return false;
if (a_bounds.bottom() == b_bounds.y()) {
position = DisplayPlacement::BOTTOM;
} else if (a_bounds.y() == b_bounds.bottom()) {
position = DisplayPlacement::TOP;
} else {
return false;
} else if (rr == rx) {
// left right
if (rb <= ry) {
// Left and right align, but no edges are shared.
return false;
if (a_bounds.right() == b_bounds.x()) {
position = DisplayPlacement::RIGHT;
} else if (a_bounds.x() == b_bounds.right()) {
position = DisplayPlacement::LEFT;
} else {
return false;
} else {
return false;
switch (position) {
case DisplayPlacement::TOP:
case DisplayPlacement::BOTTOM: {
int left = std::max(a_bounds.x(), b_bounds.x());
int right = std::min(a_bounds.right(), b_bounds.right());
if (position == DisplayPlacement::TOP) {
a_edge_in_screen->SetRect(left, a_bounds.y(), right - left, 1);
b_edge_in_screen->SetRect(left, b_bounds.bottom() - 1, right - left, 1);
} else {
a_edge_in_screen->SetRect(left, a_bounds.bottom() - 1, right - left, 1);
b_edge_in_screen->SetRect(left, b_bounds.y(), right - left, 1);
case DisplayPlacement::LEFT:
case DisplayPlacement::RIGHT: {
int top = std::max(a_bounds.y(), b_bounds.y());
int bottom = std::min(a_bounds.bottom(), b_bounds.bottom());
if (position == DisplayPlacement::LEFT) {
a_edge_in_screen->SetRect(a_bounds.x(), top, 1, bottom - top);
b_edge_in_screen->SetRect(b_bounds.right() - 1, top, 1, bottom - top);
} else {
a_edge_in_screen->SetRect(a_bounds.right() - 1, top, 1, bottom - top);
b_edge_in_screen->SetRect(b_bounds.x(), top, 1, bottom - top);
return true;
DisplayIdList CreateDisplayIdList(const Displays& list) {
return GenerateDisplayIdList(
list.begin(), list.end(),
[](const Display& display) { return; });
void SortDisplayIdList(DisplayIdList* ids) {
std::sort(ids->begin(), ids->end(),
[](int64_t a, int64_t b) { return CompareDisplayIds(a, b); });
std::string DisplayIdListToString(const DisplayIdList& list) {
std::stringstream s;
const char* sep = "";
for (int64_t id : list) {
s << sep << id;
sep = ",";
return s.str();
display::ManagedDisplayInfo CreateDisplayInfo(int64_t id,
const gfx::Rect& bounds) {
display::ManagedDisplayInfo info(id, "x-" + base::NumberToString(id), false);
return info;
int64_t GetDisplayIdWithoutOutputIndex(int64_t id) {
constexpr uint64_t kMask = ~static_cast<uint64_t>(0xFF);
return static_cast<int64_t>(kMask & id);
MixedMirrorModeParams::MixedMirrorModeParams(int64_t src_id,
const DisplayIdList& dst_ids)
: source_id(src_id), destination_ids(dst_ids) {}
const MixedMirrorModeParams& mixed_params) = default;
MixedMirrorModeParams::~MixedMirrorModeParams() = default;
MixedMirrorModeParamsErrors ValidateParamsForMixedMirrorMode(
const DisplayIdList& connected_display_ids,
const MixedMirrorModeParams& mixed_params) {
if (connected_display_ids.size() <= 1)
return MixedMirrorModeParamsErrors::kErrorSingleDisplay;
std::set<int64_t> all_display_ids;
for (auto& id : connected_display_ids)
if (!all_display_ids.count(mixed_params.source_id))
return MixedMirrorModeParamsErrors::kErrorSourceIdNotFound;
// This set is used to check duplicate id.
std::set<int64_t> specified_display_ids;
if (mixed_params.destination_ids.empty())
return MixedMirrorModeParamsErrors::kErrorDestinationIdsEmpty;
for (auto& id : mixed_params.destination_ids) {
if (!all_display_ids.count(id))
return MixedMirrorModeParamsErrors::kErrorDestinationIdNotFound;
if (!specified_display_ids.insert(id).second)
return MixedMirrorModeParamsErrors::kErrorDuplicateId;
return MixedMirrorModeParamsErrors::kSuccess;
} // namespace display