blob: 39fa3d0cb38438ca014903380e771a770639c992 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "chrome/browser/safe_browsing/chrome_cleaner/chrome_cleaner_scanner_results.h"
#include "chrome/browser/safe_browsing/chrome_cleaner/reporter_runner_win.h"
#include "components/chrome_cleaner/public/interfaces/chrome_prompt.mojom.h"
class Profile;
namespace safe_browsing {
// These values are used to send UMA information and are replicated in the
// histograms.xml file, so the order MUST NOT CHANGE.
enum CleanupStartedHistogramValue {
// Records a SoftwareReporter.CleanupStarted histogram.
void RecordCleanupStartedHistogram(CleanupStartedHistogramValue value);
// Interface for the Chrome Cleaner controller class that keeps track of the
// execution of the Chrome Cleaner and the various states through which the
// execution will transition. Observers can register themselves to be notified
// of state changes. Intended to be used by the Chrome Cleaner webui page and
// the Chrome Cleaner prompt dialog.
// This class lives on, and all its members should be called only on, the UI
// thread.
class ChromeCleanerController {
enum class State {
// The default state where there is no Chrome Cleaner process or IPC to keep
// track of and a reboot of the machine is not required to complete previous
// cleaning attempts. This is also the state the controller will end up in
// if any errors occur during execution of the Chrome Cleaner process.
// The Software Reporter tool is currently running and there is no pending
// action corresponding to a cleaner execution.
// All steps up to and including scanning the machine occur in this
// state. The steps include downloading the Chrome Cleaner binary, setting
// up an IPC between Chrome and the Cleaner process, and the actual
// scanning done by the Cleaner.
// Scanning has been completed and harmful or unwanted software was
// found. In this state, the controller is waiting to get a response from
// the user on whether or not they want the cleaner to remove the harmful
// software that was found.
// The Cleaner process is cleaning the machine.
// The cleaning has finished, but a reboot of the machine is required to
// complete cleanup. This state will persist across restarts of Chrome until
// a reboot is detected.
enum class IdleReason {
enum class UserResponse {
// User accepted the cleanup operation and logs upload is enabled.
// User accepted the cleanup operation and logs upload is not enabled.
// User explicitly denied the cleanup operation, for example by clicking the
// Cleaner dialog's cancel button.
// The cleanup operation was denied when the user dismissed the Cleaner
// dialog, for example by pressing the ESC key.
class Observer {
virtual void OnIdle(IdleReason idle_reason) {}
virtual void OnReporterRunning() {}
virtual void OnScanning() {}
virtual void OnInfected(
bool is_powered_by_partner,
const ChromeCleanerScannerResults& scanner_results) {}
virtual void OnCleaning(
bool is_powered_by_partner,
const ChromeCleanerScannerResults& scanner_results) {}
virtual void OnRebootRequired() {}
virtual void OnRebootFailed() {}
virtual void OnLogsEnabledChanged(bool logs_enabled) {}
virtual ~Observer() = default;
// Returns the global controller object.
static ChromeCleanerController* GetInstance();
// Returns whether the Cleanup card in settings should be displayed.
virtual bool ShouldShowCleanupInSettingsUI() = 0;
virtual State state() const = 0;
virtual IdleReason idle_reason() const = 0;
// Called by Chrome Cleaner's UI when the user changes Cleaner logs upload
// permissions. Observers are notified if |logs_enabled| is different from the
// current permission state.
virtual void SetLogsEnabled(bool logs_enabled) = 0;
virtual bool logs_enabled() const = 0;
// Called by the Chrome Cleaner's UI when the user dismisses the card while
// in the kIdle state. Does nothing if the current state is not |kIdle|.
virtual void ResetIdleState() = 0;
// |AddObserver()| immediately notifies |observer| of the controller's state
// by calling the corresponding |On*()| function.
virtual void AddObserver(Observer* observer) = 0;
virtual void RemoveObserver(Observer* observer) = 0;
// Invoked by the reporter runner, notifies the controller that a reporter
// sequence started. If there is no pending cleaner action (currently on the
// kIdle state), then it will transition to the kReporterRunning state.
virtual void OnReporterSequenceStarted() = 0;
// Invoked by the reporter runner, notifies the controller that a reporter
// sequence completed (or has not been scheduled). If there is no pending
// cleaner action (currently on kIdle or kReporterRunning state), then it will
// transition to either kScanning, if the reporter found removable UwS, or
// kIdle otherwise.
virtual void OnReporterSequenceDone(SwReporterInvocationResult result) = 0;
// Attempts to start the reporter runner to scan the system for unwanted
// software. Once the reporter runner has started (which may involve
// downloading the SwReporter component), |OnReporterSequenceStarted| and
// |OnReporterSequenceDone| will be called with the result.
// This can have adverse effects on the component updater subsystem and
// should only be called from direct user action.
virtual void RequestUserInitiatedScan() = 0;
// Calls |MaybeStartSwReporter| with the |invocation_type| of the next
// scheduled run, which will be |SwReporterInvocationType::kPeriodicRun|
// unless the user has manually requested a reporter run, in which case the
// |SwReporterInvocationType::kUserInitiatedWithLogsAllowed| or
// |SwReporterInvocationType::kUserInitiatedWithLogsDisallowed| types will be
// passed.
virtual void OnSwReporterReady(
SwReporterInvocationSequence&& invocations) = 0;
// Downloads the Chrome Cleaner binary, executes it and waits for the Cleaner
// to communicate with Chrome about harmful software found on the
// system. During this time, the controller will be in the kScanning state. If
// any of the steps fail or if the Cleaner does not find harmful software on
// the system, the controller will transition to the kIdle state, passing to
// observers the reason for the transition. Otherwise, the scanner will
// transition to the kInfected state.
// |reporter_invocation| is the invocation that was used to run the reporter
// which found possible harmful software on the system.
// A call to Scan() will be a no-op if the controller is not in the kIdle
// state. This gracefully handles cases where multiple user responses are
// received, for example if a user manages to click on a "Scan" button
// multiple times.
virtual void Scan(const SwReporterInvocation& reporter_invocation) = 0;
// Sends the user's response, as to whether or not they want the Chrome
// Cleaner to remove harmful software that was found, to the Chrome Cleaner
// process. If the user accepted the prompt, then tags |profile| for
// post-cleanup settings reset.
// A call to ReplyWithUserResponse() will be a no-op if the controller is not
// in the kInfected state. This gracefully handles cases where multiple user
// responses are received, for example if a user manages to click on a
// "Cleanup" button multiple times.
virtual void ReplyWithUserResponse(Profile* profile,
UserResponse user_response) = 0;
// If the controller is in the kRebootRequired state, initiates a reboot of
// the computer. Call this after obtaining permission from the user to
// reboot.
// If initiating the reboot fails, observers will be notified via a call to
// OnRebootFailed().
// Note that there are no guarantees that the reboot will in fact happen even
// if the system calls to initiate a reboot return success.
virtual void Reboot() = 0;
virtual ~ChromeCleanerController();
} // namespace safe_browsing