blob: 50bd9c24d2e7c09952e52418a2223dd78cdcb082 [file] [log] [blame]
* This file is part of the theme implementation for form controls in WebCore.
* Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012 Apple Computer, Inc.
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Library General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
* along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
* the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
* Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
#include "core/layout/LayoutTheme.h"
#include "core/CSSValueKeywords.h"
#include "core/HTMLNames.h"
#include "core/InputTypeNames.h"
#include "core/dom/Document.h"
#include "core/dom/shadow/ElementShadow.h"
#include "core/editing/FrameSelection.h"
#include "core/fileapi/FileList.h"
#include "core/frame/LocalFrame.h"
#include "core/frame/Settings.h"
#include "core/html/HTMLCollection.h"
#include "core/html/HTMLDataListElement.h"
#include "core/html/HTMLDataListOptionsCollection.h"
#include "core/html/HTMLFormControlElement.h"
#include "core/html/HTMLInputElement.h"
#include "core/html/HTMLOptionElement.h"
#include "core/html/parser/HTMLParserIdioms.h"
#include "core/html/shadow/MediaControlElements.h"
#include "core/html/shadow/ShadowElementNames.h"
#include "core/html/shadow/SpinButtonElement.h"
#include "core/html/shadow/TextControlInnerElements.h"
#include "core/layout/LayoutBox.h"
#include "core/layout/LayoutThemeMobile.h"
#include "core/page/FocusController.h"
#include "core/page/Page.h"
#include "core/style/ComputedStyle.h"
#include "platform/FileMetadata.h"
#include "platform/RuntimeEnabledFeatures.h"
#include "platform/Theme.h"
#include "platform/fonts/FontSelector.h"
#include "platform/text/PlatformLocale.h"
#include "platform/text/StringTruncator.h"
#include "public/platform/Platform.h"
#include "public/platform/WebFallbackThemeEngine.h"
#include "public/platform/WebRect.h"
#include "wtf/text/StringBuilder.h"
// The methods in this file are shared by all themes on every platform.
namespace blink {
using namespace HTMLNames;
LayoutTheme& LayoutTheme::theme()
if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::mobileLayoutThemeEnabled()) {
DEFINE_STATIC_REF(LayoutTheme, layoutThemeMobile, (LayoutThemeMobile::create()));
return *layoutThemeMobile;
return nativeTheme();
LayoutTheme::LayoutTheme(Theme* platformTheme)
: m_hasCustomFocusRingColor(false)
, m_platformTheme(platformTheme)
void LayoutTheme::adjustStyle(ComputedStyle& style, Element* e)
// Force inline and table display styles to be inline-block (except for table- which is block)
ControlPart part = style.appearance();
if (style.display() == INLINE || style.display() == INLINE_TABLE || style.display() == TABLE_ROW_GROUP
|| style.display() == TABLE_HEADER_GROUP || style.display() == TABLE_FOOTER_GROUP
|| style.display() == TABLE_ROW || style.display() == TABLE_COLUMN_GROUP || style.display() == TABLE_COLUMN
|| style.display() == TABLE_CELL || style.display() == TABLE_CAPTION)
else if (style.display() == LIST_ITEM || style.display() == TABLE)
if (isControlStyled(style)) {
if (part == MenulistPart) {
part = MenulistButtonPart;
} else {
if (shouldUseFallbackTheme(style)) {
if (m_platformTheme) {
switch (part) {
case CheckboxPart:
case InnerSpinButtonPart:
case RadioPart:
case PushButtonPart:
case SquareButtonPart:
case ButtonPart: {
// Border
LengthBox borderBox(style.borderTopWidth(), style.borderRightWidth(), style.borderBottomWidth(), style.borderLeftWidth());
borderBox = m_platformTheme->controlBorder(part, style.font().getFontDescription(), borderBox, style.effectiveZoom());
if ( != static_cast<int>(style.borderTopWidth())) {
if (
if (borderBox.right().value() != static_cast<int>(style.borderRightWidth())) {
if (borderBox.right().value())
if (borderBox.bottom().value() != static_cast<int>(style.borderBottomWidth())) {
if (borderBox.bottom().value())
if (borderBox.left().value() != static_cast<int>(style.borderLeftWidth())) {
if (borderBox.left().value())
// Padding
LengthBox paddingBox = m_platformTheme->controlPadding(part, style.font().getFontDescription(), style.paddingBox(), style.effectiveZoom());
if (paddingBox != style.paddingBox())
// Whitespace
if (m_platformTheme->controlRequiresPreWhiteSpace(part))
// Width / Height
// The width and height here are affected by the zoom.
// FIXME: Check is flawed, since it doesn't take min-width/max-width into account.
LengthSize controlSize = m_platformTheme->controlSize(part, style.font().getFontDescription(), LengthSize(style.width(), style.height()), style.effectiveZoom());
if (controlSize.width() != style.width())
if (controlSize.height() != style.height())
// Min-Width / Min-Height
LengthSize minControlSize = m_platformTheme->minimumControlSize(part, style.font().getFontDescription(), style.effectiveZoom());
if (minControlSize.width() != style.minWidth())
if (minControlSize.height() != style.minHeight())
// Font
FontDescription controlFont = m_platformTheme->controlFont(part, style.font().getFontDescription(), style.effectiveZoom());
if (controlFont != style.font().getFontDescription()) {
// Reset our line-height
// Now update our font.
if (style.setFontDescription(controlFont))
case ProgressBarPart:
if (!m_platformTheme) {
// Call the appropriate style adjustment method based off the appearance value.
switch (style.appearance()) {
case CheckboxPart:
return adjustCheckboxStyle(style);
case RadioPart:
return adjustRadioStyle(style);
case PushButtonPart:
case SquareButtonPart:
case ButtonPart:
return adjustButtonStyle(style);
case InnerSpinButtonPart:
return adjustInnerSpinButtonStyle(style);
// Call the appropriate style adjustment method based off the appearance value.
switch (style.appearance()) {
case MenulistPart:
return adjustMenuListStyle(style, e);
case MenulistButtonPart:
return adjustMenuListButtonStyle(style, e);
case SliderHorizontalPart:
case SliderVerticalPart:
case MediaFullscreenVolumeSliderPart:
case MediaSliderPart:
case MediaVolumeSliderPart:
return adjustSliderContainerStyle(style, e);
case SliderThumbHorizontalPart:
case SliderThumbVerticalPart:
return adjustSliderThumbStyle(style);
case SearchFieldPart:
return adjustSearchFieldStyle(style);
case SearchFieldCancelButtonPart:
return adjustSearchFieldCancelButtonStyle(style);
String LayoutTheme::extraDefaultStyleSheet()
StringBuilder runtimeCSS;
if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::contextMenuEnabled())
runtimeCSS.append("menu[type=\"popup\" i] { display: none; }");
return runtimeCSS.toString();
static String formatChromiumMediaControlsTime(float time, float duration, bool includeSeparator)
if (!std::isfinite(time))
time = 0;
if (!std::isfinite(duration))
duration = 0;
int seconds = static_cast<int>(fabsf(time));
int minutes = seconds / 60;
int hours = seconds / (60 * 60);
seconds %= 60;
// duration defines the format of how the time is rendered
int durationSecs = static_cast<int>(fabsf(duration));
int durationMins = durationSecs / 60;
if (!RuntimeEnabledFeatures::newMediaPlaybackUiEnabled()) {
int durationHours = durationSecs / (60 * 60);
durationMins %= 60;
minutes %= 60;
if (durationHours || hours)
return String::format("%s%01d:%02d:%02d", (time < 0 ? "-" : ""), hours, minutes, seconds);
if (durationMins > 9)
return String::format("%s%02d:%02d", (time < 0 ? "-" : ""), minutes, seconds);
return String::format("%s%01d:%02d", (time < 0 ? "-" : ""), minutes, seconds);
// New UI includes a leading "/ " before duration.
const char* separator = includeSeparator ? "/ " : "";
// 0-9 minutes duration is 0:00
// 10-99 minutes duration is 00:00
// >99 minutes duration is 000:00
if (durationMins > 99 || minutes > 99)
return String::format("%s%s%03d:%02d", separator, (time < 0 ? "-" : ""), minutes, seconds);
if (durationMins > 10)
return String::format("%s%s%02d:%02d", separator, (time < 0 ? "-" : ""), minutes, seconds);
return String::format("%s%s%01d:%02d", separator, (time < 0 ? "-" : ""), minutes, seconds);
String LayoutTheme::formatMediaControlsTime(float time) const
return formatChromiumMediaControlsTime(time, time, true);
String LayoutTheme::formatMediaControlsCurrentTime(float currentTime, float duration) const
return formatChromiumMediaControlsTime(currentTime, duration, false);
Color LayoutTheme::activeSelectionBackgroundColor() const
return platformActiveSelectionBackgroundColor().blendWithWhite();
Color LayoutTheme::inactiveSelectionBackgroundColor() const
return platformInactiveSelectionBackgroundColor().blendWithWhite();
Color LayoutTheme::activeSelectionForegroundColor() const
return platformActiveSelectionForegroundColor();
Color LayoutTheme::inactiveSelectionForegroundColor() const
return platformInactiveSelectionForegroundColor();
Color LayoutTheme::activeListBoxSelectionBackgroundColor() const
return platformActiveListBoxSelectionBackgroundColor();
Color LayoutTheme::inactiveListBoxSelectionBackgroundColor() const
return platformInactiveListBoxSelectionBackgroundColor();
Color LayoutTheme::activeListBoxSelectionForegroundColor() const
return platformActiveListBoxSelectionForegroundColor();
Color LayoutTheme::inactiveListBoxSelectionForegroundColor() const
return platformInactiveListBoxSelectionForegroundColor();
Color LayoutTheme::platformActiveSelectionBackgroundColor() const
// Use a blue color by default if the platform theme doesn't define anything.
return Color(0, 0, 255);
Color LayoutTheme::platformActiveSelectionForegroundColor() const
// Use a white color by default if the platform theme doesn't define anything.
return Color::white;
Color LayoutTheme::platformInactiveSelectionBackgroundColor() const
// Use a grey color by default if the platform theme doesn't define anything.
// This color matches Firefox's inactive color.
return Color(176, 176, 176);
Color LayoutTheme::platformInactiveSelectionForegroundColor() const
// Use a black color by default.
return Color::black;
Color LayoutTheme::platformActiveListBoxSelectionBackgroundColor() const
return platformActiveSelectionBackgroundColor();
Color LayoutTheme::platformActiveListBoxSelectionForegroundColor() const
return platformActiveSelectionForegroundColor();
Color LayoutTheme::platformInactiveListBoxSelectionBackgroundColor() const
return platformInactiveSelectionBackgroundColor();
Color LayoutTheme::platformInactiveListBoxSelectionForegroundColor() const
return platformInactiveSelectionForegroundColor();
int LayoutTheme::baselinePosition(const LayoutObject* o) const
if (!o->isBox())
return 0;
const LayoutBox* box = toLayoutBox(o);
if (m_platformTheme)
return box->size().height() + box->marginTop() + m_platformTheme->baselinePositionAdjustment(o->style()->appearance()) * o->style()->effectiveZoom();
return (box->size().height() + box->marginTop()).toInt();
bool LayoutTheme::isControlContainer(ControlPart appearance) const
// There are more leaves than this, but we'll patch this function as we add support for
// more controls.
return appearance != CheckboxPart && appearance != RadioPart;
bool LayoutTheme::isControlStyled(const ComputedStyle& style) const
switch (style.appearance()) {
case PushButtonPart:
case SquareButtonPart:
case ButtonPart:
case ProgressBarPart:
return style.hasAuthorBackground() || style.hasAuthorBorder();
case MenulistPart:
case SearchFieldPart:
case TextAreaPart:
case TextFieldPart:
return style.hasAuthorBackground() || style.hasAuthorBorder() || style.boxShadow();
return false;
void LayoutTheme::addVisualOverflow(const LayoutObject& object, IntRect& borderBox)
if (m_platformTheme)
m_platformTheme->addVisualOverflow(>appearance(), controlStatesForLayoutObject(object),>effectiveZoom(), borderBox);
bool LayoutTheme::shouldDrawDefaultFocusRing(const LayoutObject& layoutObject) const
if (themeDrawsFocusRing(layoutObject.styleRef()))
return false;
Node* node = layoutObject.node();
if (!node)
return true;
if (!layoutObject.styleRef().hasAppearance() && !node->isLink())
return true;
// We can't use LayoutTheme::isFocused because outline:auto might be
// specified to non-:focus rulesets.
if (node->focused() && !node->shouldHaveFocusAppearance())
return false;
return true;
bool LayoutTheme::controlStateChanged(LayoutObject& o, ControlState state) const
if (!o.styleRef().hasAppearance())
return false;
// Default implementation assumes the controls don't respond to changes in :hover state
if (state == HoverControlState && !supportsHover(o.styleRef()))
return false;
// Assume pressed state is only responded to if the control is enabled.
if (state == PressedControlState && !isEnabled(o))
return false;
return true;
ControlStates LayoutTheme::controlStatesForLayoutObject(const LayoutObject& o)
ControlStates result = 0;
if (isHovered(o)) {
result |= HoverControlState;
if (isSpinUpButtonPartHovered(o))
result |= SpinUpControlState;
if (isPressed(o)) {
result |= PressedControlState;
if (isSpinUpButtonPartPressed(o))
result |= SpinUpControlState;
if (isFocused(o) &&>outlineStyleIsAuto())
result |= FocusControlState;
if (isEnabled(o))
result |= EnabledControlState;
if (isChecked(o))
result |= CheckedControlState;
if (isReadOnlyControl(o))
result |= ReadOnlyControlState;
if (!isActive(o))
result |= WindowInactiveControlState;
if (isIndeterminate(o))
result |= IndeterminateControlState;
return result;
bool LayoutTheme::isActive(const LayoutObject& o)
Node* node = o.node();
if (!node)
return false;
Page* page = node->document().page();
if (!page)
return false;
return page->focusController().isActive();
bool LayoutTheme::isChecked(const LayoutObject& o)
if (!isHTMLInputElement(o.node()))
return false;
return toHTMLInputElement(o.node())->shouldAppearChecked();
bool LayoutTheme::isIndeterminate(const LayoutObject& o)
if (!isHTMLInputElement(o.node()))
return false;
return toHTMLInputElement(o.node())->shouldAppearIndeterminate();
bool LayoutTheme::isEnabled(const LayoutObject& o)
Node* node = o.node();
if (!node || !node->isElementNode())
return true;
return !toElement(node)->isDisabledFormControl();
bool LayoutTheme::isFocused(const LayoutObject& o)
Node* node = o.node();
if (!node)
return false;
node = node->focusDelegate();
Document& document = node->document();
LocalFrame* frame = document.frame();
return node == document.focusedElement() && node->focused() && node->shouldHaveFocusAppearance() && frame && frame->selection().isFocusedAndActive();
bool LayoutTheme::isPressed(const LayoutObject& o)
if (!o.node())
return false;
return o.node()->active();
bool LayoutTheme::isSpinUpButtonPartPressed(const LayoutObject& o)
Node* node = o.node();
if (!node || !node->active() || !node->isElementNode()
|| !toElement(node)->isSpinButtonElement())
return false;
SpinButtonElement* element = toSpinButtonElement(node);
return element->getUpDownState() == SpinButtonElement::Up;
bool LayoutTheme::isReadOnlyControl(const LayoutObject& o)
Node* node = o.node();
if (!node || !node->isElementNode() || !toElement(node)->isFormControlElement())
return false;
HTMLFormControlElement* element = toHTMLFormControlElement(node);
return element->isReadOnly();
bool LayoutTheme::isHovered(const LayoutObject& o)
Node* node = o.node();
if (!node)
return false;
if (!node->isElementNode() || !toElement(node)->isSpinButtonElement())
return node->hovered();
SpinButtonElement* element = toSpinButtonElement(node);
return element->hovered() && element->getUpDownState() != SpinButtonElement::Indeterminate;
bool LayoutTheme::isSpinUpButtonPartHovered(const LayoutObject& o)
Node* node = o.node();
if (!node || !node->isElementNode() || !toElement(node)->isSpinButtonElement())
return false;
SpinButtonElement* element = toSpinButtonElement(node);
return element->getUpDownState() == SpinButtonElement::Up;
void LayoutTheme::adjustCheckboxStyle(ComputedStyle& style) const
// A summary of the rules for checkbox designed to match WinIE:
// width/height - honored (WinIE actually scales its control for small widths, but lets it overflow for small heights.)
// font-size - not honored (control has no text), but we use it to decide which control size to use.
// padding - not honored by WinIE, needs to be removed.
// border - honored by WinIE, but looks terrible (just paints in the control box and turns off the Windows XP theme)
// for now, we will not honor it.
void LayoutTheme::adjustRadioStyle(ComputedStyle& style) const
// A summary of the rules for checkbox designed to match WinIE:
// width/height - honored (WinIE actually scales its control for small widths, but lets it overflow for small heights.)
// font-size - not honored (control has no text), but we use it to decide which control size to use.
// padding - not honored by WinIE, needs to be removed.
// border - honored by WinIE, but looks terrible (just paints in the control box and turns off the Windows XP theme)
// for now, we will not honor it.
void LayoutTheme::adjustButtonStyle(ComputedStyle& style) const
void LayoutTheme::adjustInnerSpinButtonStyle(ComputedStyle&) const
void LayoutTheme::adjustMenuListStyle(ComputedStyle&, Element*) const
double LayoutTheme::animationRepeatIntervalForProgressBar() const
return 0;
double LayoutTheme::animationDurationForProgressBar() const
return 0;
bool LayoutTheme::shouldHaveSpinButton(HTMLInputElement* inputElement) const
return inputElement->isSteppable() && inputElement->type() != InputTypeNames::range;
void LayoutTheme::adjustMenuListButtonStyle(ComputedStyle&, Element*) const
void LayoutTheme::adjustSliderContainerStyle(ComputedStyle& style, Element* e) const
if (e && (e->shadowPseudoId() == "-webkit-media-slider-container" || e->shadowPseudoId() == "-webkit-slider-container")) {
if (style.appearance() == SliderVerticalPart) {
} else {
void LayoutTheme::adjustSliderThumbStyle(ComputedStyle& style) const
void LayoutTheme::adjustSliderThumbSize(ComputedStyle&) const
void LayoutTheme::adjustSearchFieldStyle(ComputedStyle&) const
void LayoutTheme::adjustSearchFieldCancelButtonStyle(ComputedStyle&) const
void LayoutTheme::platformColorsDidChange()
void LayoutTheme::setCaretBlinkInterval(double interval)
m_caretBlinkInterval = interval;
double LayoutTheme::caretBlinkInterval() const
return m_caretBlinkInterval;
static FontDescription& getCachedFontDescription(CSSValueID systemFontID)
DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(FontDescription, caption, ());
DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(FontDescription, icon, ());
DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(FontDescription, menu, ());
DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(FontDescription, messageBox, ());
DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(FontDescription, smallCaption, ());
DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(FontDescription, statusBar, ());
DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(FontDescription, webkitMiniControl, ());
DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(FontDescription, webkitSmallControl, ());
DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(FontDescription, webkitControl, ());
DEFINE_STATIC_LOCAL(FontDescription, defaultDescription, ());
switch (systemFontID) {
case CSSValueCaption:
return caption;
case CSSValueIcon:
return icon;
case CSSValueMenu:
return menu;
case CSSValueMessageBox:
return messageBox;
case CSSValueSmallCaption:
return smallCaption;
case CSSValueStatusBar:
return statusBar;
case CSSValueWebkitMiniControl:
return webkitMiniControl;
case CSSValueWebkitSmallControl:
return webkitSmallControl;
case CSSValueWebkitControl:
return webkitControl;
case CSSValueNone:
return defaultDescription;
return defaultDescription;
void LayoutTheme::systemFont(CSSValueID systemFontID, FontDescription& fontDescription)
fontDescription = getCachedFontDescription(systemFontID);
if (fontDescription.isAbsoluteSize())
FontStyle fontStyle = FontStyleNormal;
FontWeight fontWeight = FontWeightNormal;
float fontSize = 0;
AtomicString fontFamily;
systemFont(systemFontID, fontStyle, fontWeight, fontSize, fontFamily);
Color LayoutTheme::systemColor(CSSValueID cssValueId) const
switch (cssValueId) {
case CSSValueActiveborder:
return 0xFFFFFFFF;
case CSSValueActivecaption:
return 0xFFCCCCCC;
case CSSValueAppworkspace:
return 0xFFFFFFFF;
case CSSValueBackground:
return 0xFF6363CE;
case CSSValueButtonface:
return 0xFFC0C0C0;
case CSSValueButtonhighlight:
return 0xFFDDDDDD;
case CSSValueButtonshadow:
return 0xFF888888;
case CSSValueButtontext:
return 0xFF000000;
case CSSValueCaptiontext:
return 0xFF000000;
case CSSValueGraytext:
return 0xFF808080;
case CSSValueHighlight:
return 0xFFB5D5FF;
case CSSValueHighlighttext:
return 0xFF000000;
case CSSValueInactiveborder:
return 0xFFFFFFFF;
case CSSValueInactivecaption:
return 0xFFFFFFFF;
case CSSValueInactivecaptiontext:
return 0xFF7F7F7F;
case CSSValueInfobackground:
return 0xFFFBFCC5;
case CSSValueInfotext:
return 0xFF000000;
case CSSValueMenu:
return 0xFFC0C0C0;
case CSSValueMenutext:
return 0xFF000000;
case CSSValueScrollbar:
return 0xFFFFFFFF;
case CSSValueText:
return 0xFF000000;
case CSSValueThreeddarkshadow:
return 0xFF666666;
case CSSValueThreedface:
return 0xFFC0C0C0;
case CSSValueThreedhighlight:
return 0xFFDDDDDD;
case CSSValueThreedlightshadow:
return 0xFFC0C0C0;
case CSSValueThreedshadow:
return 0xFF888888;
case CSSValueWindow:
return 0xFFFFFFFF;
case CSSValueWindowframe:
return 0xFFCCCCCC;
case CSSValueWindowtext:
return 0xFF000000;
case CSSValueInternalActiveListBoxSelection:
return activeListBoxSelectionBackgroundColor();
case CSSValueInternalActiveListBoxSelectionText:
return activeListBoxSelectionForegroundColor();
case CSSValueInternalInactiveListBoxSelection:
return inactiveListBoxSelectionBackgroundColor();
case CSSValueInternalInactiveListBoxSelectionText:
return inactiveListBoxSelectionForegroundColor();
return Color();
Color LayoutTheme::platformTextSearchHighlightColor(bool activeMatch) const
if (activeMatch)
return Color(255, 150, 50); // Orange.
return Color(255, 255, 0); // Yellow.
Color LayoutTheme::platformTextSearchColor(bool activeMatch) const
return Color::black;
Color LayoutTheme::tapHighlightColor()
return theme().platformTapHighlightColor();
void LayoutTheme::setCustomFocusRingColor(const Color& c)
m_customFocusRingColor = c;
m_hasCustomFocusRingColor = true;
Color LayoutTheme::focusRingColor() const
return m_hasCustomFocusRingColor ? m_customFocusRingColor : theme().platformFocusRingColor();
String LayoutTheme::fileListNameForWidth(Locale& locale, const FileList* fileList, const Font& font, int width) const
if (width <= 0)
return String();
String string;
if (fileList->isEmpty()) {
string = locale.queryString(WebLocalizedString::FileButtonNoFileSelectedLabel);
} else if (fileList->length() == 1) {
string = fileList->item(0)->name();
} else {
return StringTruncator::rightTruncate(locale.queryString(WebLocalizedString::MultipleFileUploadText, locale.convertToLocalizedNumber(String::number(fileList->length()))), width, font);
return StringTruncator::centerTruncate(string, width, font);
bool LayoutTheme::shouldOpenPickerWithF4Key() const
return false;
bool LayoutTheme::supportsCalendarPicker(const AtomicString& type) const
return type == InputTypeNames::date
|| type == InputTypeNames::datetime
|| type == InputTypeNames::datetime_local
|| type == InputTypeNames::month
|| type == InputTypeNames::week;
bool LayoutTheme::shouldUseFallbackTheme(const ComputedStyle&) const
return false;
void LayoutTheme::adjustStyleUsingFallbackTheme(ComputedStyle& style)
ControlPart part = style.appearance();
switch (part) {
case CheckboxPart:
return adjustCheckboxStyleUsingFallbackTheme(style);
case RadioPart:
return adjustRadioStyleUsingFallbackTheme(style);
// static
void LayoutTheme::setSizeIfAuto(ComputedStyle& style, const IntSize& size)
if (style.width().isIntrinsicOrAuto())
style.setWidth(Length(size.width(), Fixed));
if (style.height().isAuto())
style.setHeight(Length(size.height(), Fixed));
void LayoutTheme::adjustCheckboxStyleUsingFallbackTheme(ComputedStyle& style) const
// If the width and height are both specified, then we have nothing to do.
if (!style.width().isIntrinsicOrAuto() && !style.height().isAuto())
IntSize size = Platform::current()->fallbackThemeEngine()->getSize(WebFallbackThemeEngine::PartCheckbox);
float zoomLevel = style.effectiveZoom();
size.setWidth(size.width() * zoomLevel);
size.setHeight(size.height() * zoomLevel);
setSizeIfAuto(style, size);
// padding - not honored by WinIE, needs to be removed.
// border - honored by WinIE, but looks terrible (just paints in the control box and turns off the Windows XP theme)
// for now, we will not honor it.
void LayoutTheme::adjustRadioStyleUsingFallbackTheme(ComputedStyle& style) const
// If the width and height are both specified, then we have nothing to do.
if (!style.width().isIntrinsicOrAuto() && !style.height().isAuto())
IntSize size = Platform::current()->fallbackThemeEngine()->getSize(WebFallbackThemeEngine::PartRadio);
float zoomLevel = style.effectiveZoom();
size.setWidth(size.width() * zoomLevel);
size.setHeight(size.height() * zoomLevel);
setSizeIfAuto(style, size);
// padding - not honored by WinIE, needs to be removed.
// border - honored by WinIE, but looks terrible (just paints in the control box and turns off the Windows XP theme)
// for now, we will not honor it.
} // namespace blink