blob: 2005e8328e032558e92a0faff745052475e8937e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include "base/containers/hash_tables.h"
#include "base/lazy_instance.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/stl_util.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/strings/string_split.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "net/base/mime_util.h"
#include "net/base/platform_mime_util.h"
#include "net/http/http_util.h"
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
#include "base/android/build_info.h"
using std::string;
namespace {
struct MediaType {
const char name[12];
const char matcher[13];
static const MediaType kIanaMediaTypes[] = {
{ "application", "application/" },
{ "audio", "audio/" },
{ "example", "example/" },
{ "image", "image/" },
{ "message", "message/" },
{ "model", "model/" },
{ "multipart", "multipart/" },
{ "text", "text/" },
{ "video", "video/" },
} // namespace
namespace net {
// Singleton utility class for mime types.
class MimeUtil : public PlatformMimeUtil {
enum Codec {
bool GetMimeTypeFromExtension(const base::FilePath::StringType& ext,
std::string* mime_type) const;
bool GetMimeTypeFromFile(const base::FilePath& file_path,
std::string* mime_type) const;
bool GetWellKnownMimeTypeFromExtension(const base::FilePath::StringType& ext,
std::string* mime_type) const;
bool IsSupportedImageMimeType(const std::string& mime_type) const;
bool IsSupportedMediaMimeType(const std::string& mime_type) const;
bool IsSupportedNonImageMimeType(const std::string& mime_type) const;
bool IsUnsupportedTextMimeType(const std::string& mime_type) const;
bool IsSupportedJavascriptMimeType(const std::string& mime_type) const;
bool IsSupportedMimeType(const std::string& mime_type) const;
bool MatchesMimeType(const std::string &mime_type_pattern,
const std::string &mime_type) const;
bool ParseMimeTypeWithoutParameter(const std::string& type_string,
std::string* top_level_type,
std::string* subtype) const;
bool IsValidTopLevelMimeType(const std::string& type_string) const;
bool AreSupportedMediaCodecs(const std::vector<std::string>& codecs) const;
void ParseCodecString(const std::string& codecs,
std::vector<std::string>* codecs_out,
bool strip);
bool IsStrictMediaMimeType(const std::string& mime_type) const;
SupportsType IsSupportedStrictMediaMimeType(
const std::string& mime_type,
const std::vector<std::string>& codecs) const;
void RemoveProprietaryMediaTypesAndCodecsForTests();
friend struct base::DefaultLazyInstanceTraits<MimeUtil>;
typedef base::hash_set<std::string> MimeMappings;
typedef base::hash_set<int> CodecSet;
typedef std::map<std::string, CodecSet> StrictMappings;
struct CodecEntry {
CodecEntry() : codec(INVALID_CODEC), is_ambiguous(true) {}
CodecEntry(Codec c, bool ambiguous) : codec(c), is_ambiguous(ambiguous) {}
Codec codec;
bool is_ambiguous;
typedef std::map<std::string, CodecEntry> StringToCodecMappings;
// Returns IsSupported if all codec IDs in |codecs| are unambiguous
// and are supported by the platform. MayBeSupported is returned if
// at least one codec ID in |codecs| is ambiguous but all the codecs
// are supported by the platform. IsNotSupported is returned if at
// least one codec ID is not supported by the platform.
SupportsType AreSupportedCodecs(
const CodecSet& supported_codecs,
const std::vector<std::string>& codecs) const;
// For faster lookup, keep hash sets.
void InitializeMimeTypeMaps();
bool GetMimeTypeFromExtensionHelper(const base::FilePath::StringType& ext,
bool include_platform_types,
std::string* mime_type) const;
// Converts a codec ID into an Codec enum value and indicates
// whether the conversion was ambiguous.
// Returns true if this method was able to map |codec_id| to a specific
// Codec enum value. |codec| and |is_ambiguous| are only valid if true
// is returned. Otherwise their value is undefined after the call.
// |is_ambiguous| is true if |codec_id| did not have enough information to
// unambiguously determine the proper Codec enum value. If |is_ambiguous|
// is true |codec| contains the best guess for the intended Codec enum value.
bool StringToCodec(const std::string& codec_id,
Codec* codec,
bool* is_ambiguous) const;
// Returns true if |codec| is supported by the platform.
// Note: This method will return false if the platform supports proprietary
// codecs but |allow_proprietary_codecs_| is set to false.
bool IsCodecSupported(Codec codec) const;
// Returns true if |codec| refers to a proprietary codec.
bool IsCodecProprietary(Codec codec) const;
// Returns true and sets |*default_codec| if |mime_type| has a
// default codec associated with it.
// Returns false otherwise and the value of |*default_codec| is undefined.
bool GetDefaultCodec(const std::string& mime_type,
Codec* default_codec) const;
// Returns true if |mime_type| has a default codec associated with it
// and IsCodecSupported() returns true for that particular codec.
bool IsDefaultCodecSupported(const std::string& mime_type) const;
MimeMappings image_map_;
MimeMappings media_map_;
MimeMappings non_image_map_;
MimeMappings unsupported_text_map_;
MimeMappings javascript_map_;
// A map of mime_types and hash map of the supported codecs for the mime_type.
StrictMappings strict_format_map_;
// Keeps track of whether proprietary codec support should be
// advertised to callers.
bool allow_proprietary_codecs_;
// Lookup table for string compare based string -> Codec mappings.
StringToCodecMappings string_to_codec_map_;
}; // class MimeUtil
// This variable is Leaky because we need to access it from WorkerPool threads.
static base::LazyInstance<MimeUtil>::Leaky g_mime_util =
struct MimeInfo {
const char* mime_type;
const char* extensions; // comma separated list
static const MimeInfo primary_mappings[] = {
{ "text/html", "html,htm,shtml,shtm" },
{ "text/css", "css" },
{ "text/xml", "xml" },
{ "image/gif", "gif" },
{ "image/jpeg", "jpeg,jpg" },
{ "image/webp", "webp" },
{ "image/png", "png" },
{ "video/mp4", "mp4,m4v" },
{ "audio/x-m4a", "m4a" },
{ "audio/mp3", "mp3" },
{ "video/ogg", "ogv,ogm" },
{ "audio/ogg", "ogg,oga,opus" },
{ "video/webm", "webm" },
{ "audio/webm", "webm" },
{ "audio/wav", "wav" },
{ "application/xhtml+xml", "xhtml,xht,xhtm" },
{ "application/x-chrome-extension", "crx" },
{ "multipart/related", "mhtml,mht" }
static const MimeInfo secondary_mappings[] = {
{ "application/octet-stream", "exe,com,bin" },
{ "application/gzip", "gz" },
{ "application/pdf", "pdf" },
{ "application/postscript", "ps,eps,ai" },
{ "application/javascript", "js" },
{ "application/font-woff", "woff" },
{ "image/bmp", "bmp" },
{ "image/x-icon", "ico" },
{ "image/", "ico" },
{ "image/jpeg", "jfif,pjpeg,pjp" },
{ "image/tiff", "tiff,tif" },
{ "image/x-xbitmap", "xbm" },
{ "image/svg+xml", "svg,svgz" },
{ "image/x-png", "png"},
{ "message/rfc822", "eml" },
{ "text/plain", "txt,text" },
{ "text/html", "ehtml" },
{ "application/rss+xml", "rss" },
{ "application/rdf+xml", "rdf" },
{ "text/xml", "xsl,xbl,xslt" },
{ "application/vnd.mozilla.xul+xml", "xul" },
{ "application/x-shockwave-flash", "swf,swl" },
{ "application/pkcs7-mime", "p7m,p7c,p7z" },
{ "application/pkcs7-signature", "p7s" },
{ "application/x-mpegurl", "m3u8" },
static const char* FindMimeType(const MimeInfo* mappings,
size_t mappings_len,
const char* ext) {
size_t ext_len = strlen(ext);
for (size_t i = 0; i < mappings_len; ++i) {
const char* extensions = mappings[i].extensions;
for (;;) {
size_t end_pos = strcspn(extensions, ",");
if (end_pos == ext_len &&
base::strncasecmp(extensions, ext, ext_len) == 0)
return mappings[i].mime_type;
extensions += end_pos;
if (!*extensions)
extensions += 1; // skip over comma
return NULL;
bool MimeUtil::GetMimeTypeFromExtension(const base::FilePath::StringType& ext,
string* result) const {
return GetMimeTypeFromExtensionHelper(ext, true, result);
bool MimeUtil::GetWellKnownMimeTypeFromExtension(
const base::FilePath::StringType& ext,
string* result) const {
return GetMimeTypeFromExtensionHelper(ext, false, result);
bool MimeUtil::GetMimeTypeFromFile(const base::FilePath& file_path,
string* result) const {
base::FilePath::StringType file_name_str = file_path.Extension();
if (file_name_str.empty())
return false;
return GetMimeTypeFromExtension(file_name_str.substr(1), result);
bool MimeUtil::GetMimeTypeFromExtensionHelper(
const base::FilePath::StringType& ext,
bool include_platform_types,
string* result) const {
// Avoids crash when unable to handle a long file path. See
const unsigned kMaxFilePathSize = 65536;
if (ext.length() > kMaxFilePathSize)
return false;
// We implement the same algorithm as Mozilla for mapping a file extension to
// a mime type. That is, we first check a hard-coded list (that cannot be
// overridden), and then if not found there, we defer to the system registry.
// Finally, we scan a secondary hard-coded list to catch types that we can
// deduce but that we also want to allow the OS to override.
base::FilePath path_ext(ext);
const string ext_narrow_str = path_ext.AsUTF8Unsafe();
const char* mime_type = FindMimeType(primary_mappings,
if (mime_type) {
*result = mime_type;
return true;
if (include_platform_types && GetPlatformMimeTypeFromExtension(ext, result))
return true;
mime_type = FindMimeType(secondary_mappings, arraysize(secondary_mappings),
if (mime_type) {
*result = mime_type;
return true;
return false;
// From WebKit's WebCore/platform/MIMETypeRegistry.cpp:
static const char* const supported_image_types[] = {
"image/", // ico
"image/x-icon", // ico
"image/x-xbitmap", // xbm
// A list of media types:
// A comprehensive mime type list:
// This set of codecs is supported by all variations of Chromium.
static const char* const common_media_types[] = {
// Ogg.
#if !defined(OS_ANDROID) // Android doesn't support Ogg Theora.
// WebM.
// Wav.
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
// HLS. Supported by Android ICS and above.
// List of proprietary types only supported by Google Chrome.
static const char* const proprietary_media_types[] = {
// MPEG-4.
// MP3.
// MPEG-2 TS.
// Note:
// - does not include javascript types list (see supported_javascript_types)
// - does not include types starting with "text/" (see
// IsSupportedNonImageMimeType())
static const char* const supported_non_image_types[] = {
"image/svg+xml", // SVG is text-based XML, even though it has an image/ type
"multipart/related", // For MHTML support.
// Note: ADDING a new type here will probably render it AS HTML. This can
// result in cross site scripting.
// Dictionary of cryptographic file mime types.
struct CertificateMimeTypeInfo {
const char* mime_type;
CertificateMimeType cert_type;
static const CertificateMimeTypeInfo supported_certificate_types[] = {
{ "application/x-x509-user-cert",
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
{ "application/x-x509-ca-cert", CERTIFICATE_MIME_TYPE_X509_CA_CERT },
{ "application/x-pkcs12", CERTIFICATE_MIME_TYPE_PKCS12_ARCHIVE },
// These types are excluded from the logic that allows all text/ types because
// while they are technically text, it's very unlikely that a user expects to
// see them rendered in text form.
static const char* const unsupported_text_types[] = {
"text/ofx", //
"text/" //
// Mozilla 1.8 and WinIE 7 both accept text/javascript and text/ecmascript.
// Mozilla 1.8 accepts application/javascript, application/ecmascript, and
// application/x-javascript, but WinIE 7 doesn't.
// WinIE 7 accepts text/javascript1.1 - text/javascript1.3, text/jscript, and
// text/livescript, but Mozilla 1.8 doesn't.
// Mozilla 1.8 allows leading and trailing whitespace, but WinIE 7 doesn't.
// Mozilla 1.8 and WinIE 7 both accept the empty string, but neither accept a
// whitespace-only string.
// We want to accept all the values that either of these browsers accept, but
// not other values.
static const char* const supported_javascript_types[] = {
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
static bool IsCodecSupportedOnAndroid(MimeUtil::Codec codec) {
switch (codec) {
case MimeUtil::INVALID_CODEC:
return false;
case MimeUtil::PCM:
case MimeUtil::MP3:
case MimeUtil::MPEG4_AAC_LC:
case MimeUtil::MPEG4_AAC_SBRv1:
case MimeUtil::H264_BASELINE:
case MimeUtil::H264_MAIN:
case MimeUtil::H264_HIGH:
case MimeUtil::VP8:
case MimeUtil::VORBIS:
return true;
case MimeUtil::MPEG2_AAC_LC:
case MimeUtil::MPEG2_AAC_MAIN:
case MimeUtil::MPEG2_AAC_SSR:
// MPEG-2 variants of AAC are not supported on Android.
return false;
case MimeUtil::VP9:
// VP9 is supported only in KitKat+ (API Level 19).
return base::android::BuildInfo::GetInstance()->sdk_int() >= 19;
case MimeUtil::OPUS:
// TODO(vigneshv): Change this similar to the VP9 check once Opus is
// supported on Android (
return false;
case MimeUtil::THEORA:
return false;
return false;
static bool IsMimeTypeSupportedOnAndroid(const std::string& mimeType) {
// HLS codecs are supported in ICS and above (API level 14)
if ((!"application/") ||
!"application/x-mpegurl")) &&
base::android::BuildInfo::GetInstance()->sdk_int() < 14) {
return false;
return true;
struct MediaFormatStrict {
const char* mime_type;
const char* codecs_list;
// Following is the list of RFC 6381 compliant codecs:
// mp4a.66 - MPEG-2 AAC MAIN
// mp4a.67 - MPEG-2 AAC LC
// mp4a.68 - MPEG-2 AAC SSR
// mp4a.69 - MPEG-2 extension to MPEG-1
// mp4a.6B - MPEG-1 audio
// mp4a.40.2 - MPEG-4 AAC LC
// mp4a.40.02 - MPEG-4 AAC LC (leading 0 in aud-oti for compatibility)
// mp4a.40.5 - MPEG-4 AAC SBRv1
// mp4a.40.05 - MPEG-4 AAC SBRv1 (leading 0 in aud-oti for compatibility)
// avc1.42E0xx - H.264 Baseline
// avc1.4D40xx - H.264 Main
// avc1.6400xx - H.264 High
static const char kMP4AudioCodecsExpression[] =
static const char kMP4VideoCodecsExpression[] =
static const MediaFormatStrict format_codec_mappings[] = {
{ "video/webm", "opus,vorbis,vp8,vp8.0,vp9,vp9.0" },
{ "audio/webm", "opus,vorbis" },
{ "audio/wav", "1" },
{ "audio/x-wav", "1" },
{ "video/ogg", "opus,theora,vorbis" },
{ "audio/ogg", "opus,vorbis" },
{ "application/ogg", "opus,theora,vorbis" },
{ "audio/mpeg", "mp3" },
{ "audio/mp3", "" },
{ "audio/x-mp3", "" },
{ "audio/mp4", kMP4AudioCodecsExpression },
{ "audio/x-m4a", kMP4AudioCodecsExpression },
{ "video/mp4", kMP4VideoCodecsExpression },
{ "video/x-m4v", kMP4VideoCodecsExpression },
{ "application/x-mpegurl", kMP4VideoCodecsExpression },
{ "application/", kMP4VideoCodecsExpression }
struct CodecIDMappings {
const char* const codec_id;
MimeUtil::Codec codec;
// List of codec IDs that provide enough information to determine the
// codec and profile being requested.
// The "mp4a" strings come from RFC 6381.
static const CodecIDMappings kUnambiguousCodecIDs[] = {
{"1", MimeUtil::PCM}, // We only allow this for WAV so it isn't ambiguous.
{"mp3", MimeUtil::MP3},
{"mp4a.66", MimeUtil::MPEG2_AAC_MAIN},
{"mp4a.67", MimeUtil::MPEG2_AAC_LC},
{"mp4a.68", MimeUtil::MPEG2_AAC_SSR},
{"mp4a.69", MimeUtil::MP3},
{"mp4a.6B", MimeUtil::MP3},
{"mp4a.40.2", MimeUtil::MPEG4_AAC_LC},
{"mp4a.40.02", MimeUtil::MPEG4_AAC_LC},
{"mp4a.40.5", MimeUtil::MPEG4_AAC_SBRv1},
{"mp4a.40.05", MimeUtil::MPEG4_AAC_SBRv1},
{"vorbis", MimeUtil::VORBIS},
{"opus", MimeUtil::OPUS},
{"vp8", MimeUtil::VP8},
{"vp8.0", MimeUtil::VP8},
{"vp9", MimeUtil::VP9},
{"vp9.0", MimeUtil::VP9},
{"theora", MimeUtil::THEORA}};
// List of codec IDs that are ambiguous and don't provide
// enough information to determine the codec and profile.
// The codec in these entries indicate the codec and profile
// we assume the user is trying to indicate.
static const CodecIDMappings kAmbiguousCodecIDs[] = {
{ "mp4a.40", MimeUtil::MPEG4_AAC_LC },
{ "avc1", MimeUtil::H264_BASELINE },
{ "avc3", MimeUtil::H264_BASELINE },
MimeUtil::MimeUtil() : allow_proprietary_codecs_(false) {
SupportsType MimeUtil::AreSupportedCodecs(
const CodecSet& supported_codecs,
const std::vector<std::string>& codecs) const {
SupportsType result = IsSupported;
for (size_t i = 0; i < codecs.size(); ++i) {
bool is_ambiguous = true;
Codec codec = INVALID_CODEC;
if (!StringToCodec(codecs[i], &codec, &is_ambiguous))
return IsNotSupported;
if (!IsCodecSupported(codec) ||
supported_codecs.find(codec) == supported_codecs.end()) {
return IsNotSupported;
if (is_ambiguous)
result = MayBeSupported;
return result;
void MimeUtil::InitializeMimeTypeMaps() {
for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(supported_image_types); ++i)
// Initialize the supported non-image types.
for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(supported_non_image_types); ++i)
for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(supported_certificate_types); ++i)
for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(unsupported_text_types); ++i)
for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(supported_javascript_types); ++i)
for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(common_media_types); ++i) {
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
if (!IsMimeTypeSupportedOnAndroid(common_media_types[i]))
allow_proprietary_codecs_ = true;
for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(proprietary_media_types); ++i)
// Initialize the supported media types.
for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(common_media_types); ++i) {
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
if (!IsMimeTypeSupportedOnAndroid(common_media_types[i]))
for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(proprietary_media_types); ++i)
for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(supported_javascript_types); ++i)
for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kUnambiguousCodecIDs); ++i) {
string_to_codec_map_[kUnambiguousCodecIDs[i].codec_id] =
CodecEntry(kUnambiguousCodecIDs[i].codec, false);
for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kAmbiguousCodecIDs); ++i) {
string_to_codec_map_[kAmbiguousCodecIDs[i].codec_id] =
CodecEntry(kAmbiguousCodecIDs[i].codec, true);
// Initialize the strict supported media types.
for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(format_codec_mappings); ++i) {
std::vector<std::string> mime_type_codecs;
CodecSet codecs;
for (size_t j = 0; j < mime_type_codecs.size(); ++j) {
Codec codec = INVALID_CODEC;
bool is_ambiguous = true;
CHECK(StringToCodec(mime_type_codecs[j], &codec, &is_ambiguous));
strict_format_map_[format_codec_mappings[i].mime_type] = codecs;
bool MimeUtil::IsSupportedImageMimeType(const std::string& mime_type) const {
return image_map_.find(mime_type) != image_map_.end();
bool MimeUtil::IsSupportedMediaMimeType(const std::string& mime_type) const {
return media_map_.find(mime_type) != media_map_.end();
bool MimeUtil::IsSupportedNonImageMimeType(const std::string& mime_type) const {
return non_image_map_.find(mime_type) != non_image_map_.end() ||
(, 5, "text/") == 0 &&
!IsUnsupportedTextMimeType(mime_type)) ||
(, 12, "application/") == 0 &&
MatchesMimeType("application/*+json", mime_type));
bool MimeUtil::IsUnsupportedTextMimeType(const std::string& mime_type) const {
return unsupported_text_map_.find(mime_type) != unsupported_text_map_.end();
bool MimeUtil::IsSupportedJavascriptMimeType(
const std::string& mime_type) const {
return javascript_map_.find(mime_type) != javascript_map_.end();
// Mirrors WebViewImpl::CanShowMIMEType()
bool MimeUtil::IsSupportedMimeType(const std::string& mime_type) const {
return (, 6, "image/") == 0 &&
IsSupportedImageMimeType(mime_type)) ||
// Tests for MIME parameter equality. Each parameter in the |mime_type_pattern|
// must be matched by a parameter in the |mime_type|. If there are no
// parameters in the pattern, the match is a success.
bool MatchesMimeTypeParameters(const std::string& mime_type_pattern,
const std::string& mime_type) {
const std::string::size_type semicolon = mime_type_pattern.find(';');
const std::string::size_type test_semicolon = mime_type.find(';');
if (semicolon != std::string::npos) {
if (test_semicolon == std::string::npos)
return false;
std::vector<std::string> pattern_parameters;
base::SplitString(mime_type_pattern.substr(semicolon + 1),
';', &pattern_parameters);
std::vector<std::string> test_parameters;
base::SplitString(mime_type.substr(test_semicolon + 1),
';', &test_parameters);
sort(pattern_parameters.begin(), pattern_parameters.end());
sort(test_parameters.begin(), test_parameters.end());
std::vector<std::string> difference =
base::STLSetDifference<std::vector<std::string> >(pattern_parameters,
return difference.size() == 0;
return true;
// This comparison handles absolute maching and also basic
// wildcards. The plugin mime types could be:
// application/x-foo
// application/*
// application/*+xml
// *
// Also tests mime parameters -- all parameters in the pattern must be present
// in the tested type for a match to succeed.
bool MimeUtil::MatchesMimeType(const std::string& mime_type_pattern,
const std::string& mime_type) const {
// Verify caller is passing lowercase strings.
DCHECK_EQ(base::StringToLowerASCII(mime_type_pattern), mime_type_pattern);
DCHECK_EQ(base::StringToLowerASCII(mime_type), mime_type);
if (mime_type_pattern.empty())
return false;
std::string::size_type semicolon = mime_type_pattern.find(';');
const std::string base_pattern(mime_type_pattern.substr(0, semicolon));
semicolon = mime_type.find(';');
const std::string base_type(mime_type.substr(0, semicolon));
if (base_pattern == "*" || base_pattern == "*/*")
return MatchesMimeTypeParameters(mime_type_pattern, mime_type);
const std::string::size_type star = base_pattern.find('*');
if (star == std::string::npos) {
if (base_pattern == base_type)
return MatchesMimeTypeParameters(mime_type_pattern, mime_type);
return false;
// Test length to prevent overlap between |left| and |right|.
if (base_type.length() < base_pattern.length() - 1)
return false;
const std::string left(base_pattern.substr(0, star));
const std::string right(base_pattern.substr(star + 1));
if (base_type.find(left) != 0)
return false;
if (!right.empty() &&
base_type.rfind(right) != base_type.length() - right.length())
return false;
return MatchesMimeTypeParameters(mime_type_pattern, mime_type);
// See
static const char* legal_top_level_types[] = {
bool MimeUtil::ParseMimeTypeWithoutParameter(
const std::string& type_string,
std::string* top_level_type,
std::string* subtype) const {
std::vector<std::string> components;
base::SplitString(type_string, '/', &components);
if (components.size() != 2 ||
!HttpUtil::IsToken(components[0]) ||
return false;
if (top_level_type)
*top_level_type = components[0];
if (subtype)
*subtype = components[1];
return true;
bool MimeUtil::IsValidTopLevelMimeType(const std::string& type_string) const {
std::string lower_type = base::StringToLowerASCII(type_string);
for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(legal_top_level_types); ++i) {
if ([i]) == 0)
return true;
return type_string.size() > 2 && StartsWithASCII(type_string, "x-", false);
bool MimeUtil::AreSupportedMediaCodecs(
const std::vector<std::string>& codecs) const {
for (size_t i = 0; i < codecs.size(); ++i) {
Codec codec = INVALID_CODEC;
bool is_ambiguous = true;
if (!StringToCodec(codecs[i], &codec, &is_ambiguous) ||
!IsCodecSupported(codec)) {
return false;
return true;
void MimeUtil::ParseCodecString(const std::string& codecs,
std::vector<std::string>* codecs_out,
bool strip) {
std::string no_quote_codecs;
base::TrimString(codecs, "\"", &no_quote_codecs);
base::SplitString(no_quote_codecs, ',', codecs_out);
if (!strip)
// Strip everything past the first '.'
for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator it = codecs_out->begin();
it != codecs_out->end();
++it) {
size_t found = it->find_first_of('.');
if (found != std::string::npos)
bool MimeUtil::IsStrictMediaMimeType(const std::string& mime_type) const {
return strict_format_map_.find(mime_type) != strict_format_map_.end();
SupportsType MimeUtil::IsSupportedStrictMediaMimeType(
const std::string& mime_type,
const std::vector<std::string>& codecs) const {
StrictMappings::const_iterator it_strict_map =
if (it_strict_map == strict_format_map_.end())
return codecs.empty() ? MayBeSupported : IsNotSupported;
if (it_strict_map->second.empty()) {
// We get here if the mimetype does not expect a codecs parameter.
return (codecs.empty() && IsDefaultCodecSupported(mime_type)) ?
IsSupported : IsNotSupported;
if (codecs.empty()) {
// We get here if the mimetype expects to get a codecs parameter,
// but didn't get one. If |mime_type| does not have a default codec
// the best we can do is say "maybe" because we don't have enough
// information.
Codec default_codec = INVALID_CODEC;
if (!GetDefaultCodec(mime_type, &default_codec))
return MayBeSupported;
return IsCodecSupported(default_codec) ? IsSupported : IsNotSupported;
return AreSupportedCodecs(it_strict_map->second, codecs);
void MimeUtil::RemoveProprietaryMediaTypesAndCodecsForTests() {
for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(proprietary_media_types); ++i) {
allow_proprietary_codecs_ = false;
// Returns true iff |profile_str| conforms to hex string "42y0", where y is one
// of [8..F]. Requiring constraint_set0_flag be set and profile_idc be 0x42 is
// taken from ISO-14496-10,, and Annex A.2.1.
// |profile_str| is the first four characters of the H.264 suffix string
// (ignoring the last 2 characters of the full 6 character suffix that are
// level_idc). From ISO-14496-10, it consists of:
// 8 bits: profile_idc: required to be 0x42 here.
// 1 bit: constraint_set0_flag : required to be true here.
// 1 bit: constraint_set1_flag : ignored here.
// 1 bit: constraint_set2_flag : ignored here.
// 1 bit: constraint_set3_flag : ignored here.
// 4 bits: reserved : required to be 0 here.
// The spec indicates other ways, not implemented here, that a |profile_str|
// can indicate a baseline conforming decoder is sufficient for decode in Annex
// A.2.1: "[profile_idc not necessarily 0x42] with constraint_set0_flag set and
// in which level_idc and constraint_set3_flag represent a level less than or
// equal to the specified level."
static bool IsValidH264BaselineProfile(const std::string& profile_str) {
uint32 constraint_set_bits;
if (profile_str.size() != 4 ||
profile_str[0] != '4' ||
profile_str[1] != '2' ||
profile_str[3] != '0' ||
!base::HexStringToUInt(base::StringPiece(profile_str.c_str() + 2, 1),
&constraint_set_bits)) {
return false;
return constraint_set_bits >= 8;
static bool IsValidH264Level(const std::string& level_str) {
uint32 level;
if (level_str.size() != 2 || !base::HexStringToUInt(level_str, &level))
return false;
// Valid levels taken from Table A-1 in ISO-14496-10.
// Essentially |level_str| is toHex(10 * level).
return ((level >= 10 && level <= 13) ||
(level >= 20 && level <= 22) ||
(level >= 30 && level <= 32) ||
(level >= 40 && level <= 42) ||
(level >= 50 && level <= 51));
// Handle parsing H.264 codec IDs as outlined in RFC 6381 and ISO-14496-10.
// avc1.42y0xx, y >= 8 - H.264 Baseline
// avc1.4D40xx - H.264 Main
// avc1.6400xx - H.264 High
// avc1.xxxxxx & avc3.xxxxxx are considered ambiguous forms that are trying to
// signal H.264 Baseline. For example, the idc_level, profile_idc and
// constraint_set3_flag pieces may explicitly require decoder to conform to
// baseline profile at the specified level (see Annex A and constraint_set0 in
// ISO-14496-10).
static bool ParseH264CodecID(const std::string& codec_id,
MimeUtil::Codec* codec,
bool* is_ambiguous) {
// Make sure we have avc1.xxxxxx or avc3.xxxxxx
if (codec_id.size() != 11 ||
(!StartsWithASCII(codec_id, "avc1.", true) &&
!StartsWithASCII(codec_id, "avc3.", true))) {
return false;
std::string profile = StringToUpperASCII(codec_id.substr(5, 4));
if (IsValidH264BaselineProfile(profile)) {
*codec = MimeUtil::H264_BASELINE;
} else if (profile == "4D40") {
*codec = MimeUtil::H264_MAIN;
} else if (profile == "6400") {
*codec = MimeUtil::H264_HIGH;
} else {
*codec = MimeUtil::H264_BASELINE;
*is_ambiguous = true;
return true;
*is_ambiguous = !IsValidH264Level(StringToUpperASCII(codec_id.substr(9)));
return true;
bool MimeUtil::StringToCodec(const std::string& codec_id,
Codec* codec,
bool* is_ambiguous) const {
StringToCodecMappings::const_iterator itr =
if (itr != string_to_codec_map_.end()) {
*codec = itr->second.codec;
*is_ambiguous = itr->second.is_ambiguous;
return true;
// If |codec_id| is not in |string_to_codec_map_|, then we assume that it is
// an H.264 codec ID because currently those are the only ones that can't be
// stored in the |string_to_codec_map_| and require parsing.
return ParseH264CodecID(codec_id, codec, is_ambiguous);
bool MimeUtil::IsCodecSupported(Codec codec) const {
#if defined(OS_ANDROID)
if (!IsCodecSupportedOnAndroid(codec))
return false;
return allow_proprietary_codecs_ || !IsCodecProprietary(codec);
bool MimeUtil::IsCodecProprietary(Codec codec) const {
switch (codec) {
case MP3:
case MPEG2_AAC_LC:
case MPEG4_AAC_LC:
case MPEG4_AAC_SBRv1:
case H264_BASELINE:
case H264_MAIN:
case H264_HIGH:
return true;
case PCM:
case VORBIS:
case OPUS:
case VP8:
case VP9:
case THEORA:
return false;
return true;
bool MimeUtil::GetDefaultCodec(const std::string& mime_type,
Codec* default_codec) const {
if (mime_type == "audio/mpeg" ||
mime_type == "audio/mp3" ||
mime_type == "audio/x-mp3") {
*default_codec = MimeUtil::MP3;
return true;
return false;
bool MimeUtil::IsDefaultCodecSupported(const std::string& mime_type) const {
Codec default_codec = Codec::INVALID_CODEC;
if (!GetDefaultCodec(mime_type, &default_codec))
return false;
return IsCodecSupported(default_codec);
// Wrappers for the singleton
bool GetMimeTypeFromExtension(const base::FilePath::StringType& ext,
std::string* mime_type) {
return g_mime_util.Get().GetMimeTypeFromExtension(ext, mime_type);
bool GetMimeTypeFromFile(const base::FilePath& file_path,
std::string* mime_type) {
return g_mime_util.Get().GetMimeTypeFromFile(file_path, mime_type);
bool GetWellKnownMimeTypeFromExtension(const base::FilePath::StringType& ext,
std::string* mime_type) {
return g_mime_util.Get().GetWellKnownMimeTypeFromExtension(ext, mime_type);
bool GetPreferredExtensionForMimeType(const std::string& mime_type,
base::FilePath::StringType* extension) {
return g_mime_util.Get().GetPreferredExtensionForMimeType(mime_type,
bool IsSupportedImageMimeType(const std::string& mime_type) {
return g_mime_util.Get().IsSupportedImageMimeType(mime_type);
bool IsSupportedMediaMimeType(const std::string& mime_type) {
return g_mime_util.Get().IsSupportedMediaMimeType(mime_type);
bool IsSupportedNonImageMimeType(const std::string& mime_type) {
return g_mime_util.Get().IsSupportedNonImageMimeType(mime_type);
bool IsUnsupportedTextMimeType(const std::string& mime_type) {
return g_mime_util.Get().IsUnsupportedTextMimeType(mime_type);
bool IsSupportedJavascriptMimeType(const std::string& mime_type) {
return g_mime_util.Get().IsSupportedJavascriptMimeType(mime_type);
bool IsSupportedMimeType(const std::string& mime_type) {
return g_mime_util.Get().IsSupportedMimeType(mime_type);
bool MatchesMimeType(const std::string& mime_type_pattern,
const std::string& mime_type) {
return g_mime_util.Get().MatchesMimeType(mime_type_pattern, mime_type);
bool ParseMimeTypeWithoutParameter(const std::string& type_string,
std::string* top_level_type,
std::string* subtype) {
return g_mime_util.Get().ParseMimeTypeWithoutParameter(
type_string, top_level_type, subtype);
bool IsValidTopLevelMimeType(const std::string& type_string) {
return g_mime_util.Get().IsValidTopLevelMimeType(type_string);
bool AreSupportedMediaCodecs(const std::vector<std::string>& codecs) {
return g_mime_util.Get().AreSupportedMediaCodecs(codecs);
bool IsStrictMediaMimeType(const std::string& mime_type) {
return g_mime_util.Get().IsStrictMediaMimeType(mime_type);
SupportsType IsSupportedStrictMediaMimeType(
const std::string& mime_type,
const std::vector<std::string>& codecs) {
return g_mime_util.Get().IsSupportedStrictMediaMimeType(mime_type, codecs);
void ParseCodecString(const std::string& codecs,
std::vector<std::string>* codecs_out,
const bool strip) {
g_mime_util.Get().ParseCodecString(codecs, codecs_out, strip);
namespace {
// From and
static const char* const kStandardImageTypes[] = {
static const char* const kStandardAudioTypes[] = {
static const char* const kStandardVideoTypes[] = {
struct StandardType {
const char* leading_mime_type;
const char* const* standard_types;
size_t standard_types_len;
static const StandardType kStandardTypes[] = {
{ "image/", kStandardImageTypes, arraysize(kStandardImageTypes) },
{ "audio/", kStandardAudioTypes, arraysize(kStandardAudioTypes) },
{ "video/", kStandardVideoTypes, arraysize(kStandardVideoTypes) },
{ NULL, NULL, 0 }
void GetExtensionsFromHardCodedMappings(
const MimeInfo* mappings,
size_t mappings_len,
const std::string& leading_mime_type,
base::hash_set<base::FilePath::StringType>* extensions) {
base::FilePath::StringType extension;
for (size_t i = 0; i < mappings_len; ++i) {
if (StartsWithASCII(mappings[i].mime_type, leading_mime_type, false)) {
std::vector<string> this_extensions;
base::SplitString(mappings[i].extensions, ',', &this_extensions);
for (size_t j = 0; j < this_extensions.size(); ++j) {
#if defined(OS_WIN)
base::FilePath::StringType extension(
base::FilePath::StringType extension(this_extensions[j]);
void GetExtensionsHelper(
const char* const* standard_types,
size_t standard_types_len,
const std::string& leading_mime_type,
base::hash_set<base::FilePath::StringType>* extensions) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < standard_types_len; ++i) {
// Also look up the extensions from hard-coded mappings in case that some
// supported extensions are not registered in the system registry, like ogg.
// Note that the elements in the source set will be appended to the target
// vector.
template<class T>
void HashSetToVector(base::hash_set<T>* source, std::vector<T>* target) {
size_t old_target_size = target->size();
target->resize(old_target_size + source->size());
size_t i = 0;
for (typename base::hash_set<T>::iterator iter = source->begin();
iter != source->end(); ++iter, ++i)
(*target)[old_target_size + i] = *iter;
void GetExtensionsForMimeType(
const std::string& unsafe_mime_type,
std::vector<base::FilePath::StringType>* extensions) {
if (unsafe_mime_type == "*/*" || unsafe_mime_type == "*")
const std::string mime_type = base::StringToLowerASCII(unsafe_mime_type);
base::hash_set<base::FilePath::StringType> unique_extensions;
if (EndsWith(mime_type, "/*", true)) {
std::string leading_mime_type = mime_type.substr(0, mime_type.length() - 1);
// Find the matching StandardType from within kStandardTypes, or fall
// through to the last (default) StandardType.
const StandardType* type = NULL;
for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kStandardTypes); ++i) {
type = &(kStandardTypes[i]);
if (type->leading_mime_type &&
leading_mime_type == type->leading_mime_type)
} else {
// Also look up the extensions from hard-coded mappings in case that some
// supported extensions are not registered in the system registry, like ogg.
HashSetToVector(&unique_extensions, extensions);
void RemoveProprietaryMediaTypesAndCodecsForTests() {
const std::string GetIANAMediaType(const std::string& mime_type) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kIanaMediaTypes); ++i) {
if (StartsWithASCII(mime_type, kIanaMediaTypes[i].matcher, true)) {
return kIanaMediaTypes[i].name;
return std::string();
CertificateMimeType GetCertificateMimeTypeForMimeType(
const std::string& mime_type) {
// Don't create a map, there is only one entry in the table,
// except on Android.
for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(supported_certificate_types); ++i) {
if (mime_type == net::supported_certificate_types[i].mime_type)
return net::supported_certificate_types[i].cert_type;
bool IsSupportedCertificateMimeType(const std::string& mime_type) {
CertificateMimeType file_type =
void AddMultipartValueForUpload(const std::string& value_name,
const std::string& value,
const std::string& mime_boundary,
const std::string& content_type,
std::string* post_data) {
// First line is the boundary.
post_data->append("--" + mime_boundary + "\r\n");
// Next line is the Content-disposition.
post_data->append("Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"" +
value_name + "\"\r\n");
if (!content_type.empty()) {
// If Content-type is specified, the next line is that.
post_data->append("Content-Type: " + content_type + "\r\n");
// Leave an empty line and append the value.
post_data->append("\r\n" + value + "\r\n");
void AddMultipartFinalDelimiterForUpload(const std::string& mime_boundary,
std::string* post_data) {
post_data->append("--" + mime_boundary + "--\r\n");
} // namespace net