blob: 3e4754bfe5dfde63c11c88bd2c983beb3b12a268 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
action("html") {
script = ""
remoting_webapp_template_main = "html/template_main.html"
remoting_webapp_template_files = [
# Remoting core JavaScript files.
remoting_webapp_js_core_files = [
# TODO(garykac) Split out UI client stuff from remoting.js.
# Auth (client to host) JavaScript files.
remoting_webapp_js_auth_client2host_files = [
# Auth (Google account) JavaScript files.
remoting_webapp_js_auth_google_files = [
# Client JavaScript files.
remoting_webapp_js_client_files = [
# TODO(garykac) For client_screen:
# * Split out pin/access code stuff into separate file.
# * Move client logic into session_connector
# gnubby authentication JavaScript files.
remoting_webapp_js_gnubby_auth_files = [
# cast extension handler JavaScript files.
remoting_webapp_js_cast_extension_files = [
# Host JavaScript files.
# Includes both it2me and me2me files.
remoting_webapp_js_host_files = [
# Logging and stats JavaScript files.
remoting_webapp_js_logging_files = [
# UI JavaScript files.
remoting_webapp_js_ui_files = [
# UI files for controlling the local machine as a host.
remoting_webapp_js_ui_host_control_files = [
# UI files for displaying (in the client) info about available hosts.
remoting_webapp_js_ui_host_display_files = [
# Remoting WCS container JavaScript files.
remoting_webapp_js_wcs_container_files = [
# Browser test JavaScript files (uncomment if used below).
#remoting_webapp_js_browser_test_files = [
# "browser_test/browser_test.js",
# "browser_test/bump_scroll_browser_test.js",
# "browser_test/cancel_pin_browser_test.js",
# "browser_test/invalid_pin_browser_test.js",
# "browser_test/update_pin_browser_test.js",
# The JavaScript files required by main.html.
remoting_webapp_main_html_js_files =
# Include the core files first as it is required by the other files.
# Otherwise, Jscompile will complain.
remoting_webapp_js_core_files +
remoting_webapp_js_auth_client2host_files +
remoting_webapp_js_auth_google_files +
remoting_webapp_js_client_files +
remoting_webapp_js_gnubby_auth_files +
remoting_webapp_js_cast_extension_files +
remoting_webapp_js_host_files +
remoting_webapp_js_logging_files +
remoting_webapp_js_ui_files +
remoting_webapp_js_ui_host_control_files +
remoting_webapp_js_ui_host_display_files +
# Uncomment this line to include browser test files in the web app
# to expedite debugging or local development.
#+ remoting_webapp_js_browser_test_files
inputs = [ remoting_webapp_template_main ] +
remoting_webapp_template_files +
outputs = [
# Template files are relative to this directory. This passes some template
# files to the script, and the script reads templates from the files on disk.
# They all have to be relative to the same directory. The GYP build made all
# of these relative to the remoting directory, so this does the same.
template_rel_dir = "//remoting"
# TODO(brettw) It's very bad to put this file named "main" in the root
# generated file directory.
args = [
rebase_path("$root_gen_dir/main.html", template_rel_dir),
rebase_path(remoting_webapp_template_main, template_rel_dir),
args += [ "--template" ] +
rebase_path(remoting_webapp_template_files, template_rel_dir)
args += [ "--js" ] +
rebase_path(remoting_webapp_main_html_js_files, template_rel_dir)
args += [ "--dir-for-templates",
rebase_path(template_rel_dir, root_build_dir) ]
# TODO(GYP) wcs_sandbox.html