blob: 8a78b4dd588585699f9b06996a057b37d5cb9d70 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
'use strict';
* Runs a test to traverse images in the slide mode.
* @param {string} testVolumeName Test volume name passed to the addEntries
* function. Either 'drive' or 'local'.
* @param {VolumeManagerCommon.VolumeType} volumeType Volume type.
* @return {Promise} Promise to be fulfilled with on success.
function traverseSlideImages(testVolumeName, volumeType) {
var testEntries = [ENTRIES.desktop, ENTRIES.image2, ENTRIES.image3];
var launchedPromise = launchWithTestEntries(
testVolumeName, volumeType, testEntries, testEntries.slice(0, 1));
var appWindow;
return launchedPromise.then(function(args) {
appWindow = args.appWindow;
return waitForSlideImage(appWindow.contentWindow.document,
800, 600, 'My Desktop Background');
}).then(function() {
return waitAndClickElement(appWindow, '.arrow.right');
}).then(function() {
return waitForSlideImage(appWindow.contentWindow.document,
1024, 768, 'image2');
}).then(function() {
return waitAndClickElement(appWindow, '.arrow.right');
}).then(function() {
return waitForSlideImage(appWindow.contentWindow.document,
640, 480, 'image3');
}).then(function() {
return waitAndClickElement(appWindow, '.arrow.right');
}).then(function() {
return waitForSlideImage(appWindow.contentWindow.document,
800, 600, 'My Desktop Background');
* Runs a test to rename an image.
* @param {string} testVolumeName Test volume name passed to the addEntries
* function. Either 'drive' or 'local'.
* @param {VolumeManagerCommon.VolumeType} volumeType Volume type.
* @return {Promise} Promise to be fulfilled with on success.
function renameImage(testVolumeName, volumeType) {
var launchedPromise = launchWithTestEntries(
testVolumeName, volumeType, [ENTRIES.desktop]);
var appWindow;
return launchedPromise.then(function(args) {
appWindow = args.appWindow;
return waitForSlideImage(appWindow.contentWindow.document,
800, 600, 'My Desktop Background');
}).then(function() {
var nameBox = appWindow.contentWindow.document.querySelector('.namebox');
nameBox.value = 'New Image Name';
return waitForSlideImage(appWindow.contentWindow.document,
800, 600, 'New Image Name');
}).then(function() {
return repeatUntil(function() {
return getFilesUnderVolume(volumeType, ['New Image Name.png']).then(
function() { return true; },
function() { return pending('"New Image Name.png" is not found.'); });
* Runs a test to delete an image.
* @param {string} testVolumeName Test volume name passed to the addEntries
* function. Either 'drive' or 'local'.
* @param {VolumeManagerCommon.VolumeType} volumeType Volume type.
* @return {Promise} Promise to be fulfilled with on success.
function deleteImage(testVolumeName, volumeType) {
var launchedPromise = launchWithTestEntries(
testVolumeName, volumeType, [ENTRIES.desktop]);
var appWindow;
return launchedPromise.then(function(args) {
appWindow = args.appWindow;
return waitForSlideImage(appWindow.contentWindow.document,
800, 600, 'My Desktop Background');
}).then(function() {
return waitAndClickElement(appWindow, 'button.delete').
then(waitAndClickElement.bind(null, appWindow, '.cr-dialog-ok'));
}).then(function() {
return repeatUntil(function() {
return getFilesUnderVolume(volumeType, ['New Image Name.png']).then(
function() {
return pending('"New Image Name.png" is still there.');
function() { return true; });
* The traverseSlideImages test for Downloads.
* @return {Promise} Promise to be fulfilled with on success.
function traverseSlideImagesOnDownloads() {
return traverseSlideImages('local', VolumeManagerCommon.VolumeType.DOWNLOADS);
* The traverseSlideImages test for Google Drive.
* @return {Promise} Promise to be fulfilled with on success.
function traverseSlideImagesOnDrive() {
return traverseSlideImages('drive', VolumeManagerCommon.VolumeType.DRIVE);
* The renameImage test for Downloads.
* @return {Promise} Promise to be fulfilled with on success.
function renameImageOnDownloads() {
return renameImage('local', VolumeManagerCommon.VolumeType.DOWNLOADS);
* The renameImage test for Google Drive.
* @return {Promise} Promise to be fulfilled with on success.
function renameImageOnDrive() {
return renameImage('drive', VolumeManagerCommon.VolumeType.DRIVE);
* The deleteImage test for Downloads.
* @return {Promise} Promise to be fulfilled with on success.
function deleteImageOnDownloads() {
return deleteImage('local', VolumeManagerCommon.VolumeType.DOWNLOADS);
* The deleteImage test for Google Drive.
* @return {Promise} Promise to be fulfilled with on success.
function deleteImageOnDrive() {
return deleteImage('drive', VolumeManagerCommon.VolumeType.DRIVE);