blob: f72e1e05889b77de226ecc13bf2b861ef1c00b2f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "content/renderer/mouse_lock_dispatcher.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebInputEvent.h"
namespace content {
MouseLockDispatcher::MouseLockDispatcher() : mouse_locked_(false),
target_(NULL) {
MouseLockDispatcher::~MouseLockDispatcher() {
bool MouseLockDispatcher::LockMouse(LockTarget* target) {
if (MouseLockedOrPendingAction())
return false;
pending_lock_request_ = true;
target_ = target;
unlocked_by_target_ = false;
return true;
void MouseLockDispatcher::UnlockMouse(LockTarget* target) {
if (target && target == target_ && !pending_unlock_request_) {
pending_unlock_request_ = true;
// When a target application voluntarily unlocks the mouse we permit
// relocking the mouse silently and with no user gesture requirement.
// Check that the lock request is not currently pending and not yet
// accepted by the browser process before setting |unlocked_by_target_|.
if (!pending_lock_request_)
unlocked_by_target_ = true;
void MouseLockDispatcher::OnLockTargetDestroyed(LockTarget* target) {
if (target == target_) {
target_ = NULL;
bool MouseLockDispatcher::IsMouseLockedTo(LockTarget* target) {
return mouse_locked_ && target_ == target;
bool MouseLockDispatcher::WillHandleMouseEvent(
const blink::WebMouseEvent& event) {
if (mouse_locked_ && target_)
return target_->HandleMouseLockedInputEvent(event);
return false;
void MouseLockDispatcher::OnLockMouseACK(bool succeeded) {
DCHECK(!mouse_locked_ && pending_lock_request_);
mouse_locked_ = succeeded;
pending_lock_request_ = false;
if (pending_unlock_request_ && !succeeded) {
// We have sent an unlock request after the lock request. However, since
// the lock request has failed, the unlock request will be ignored by the
// browser side and there won't be any response to it.
pending_unlock_request_ = false;
LockTarget* last_target = target_;
if (!succeeded)
target_ = NULL;
// Callbacks made after all state modification to prevent reentrant errors
// such as OnLockMouseACK() synchronously calling LockMouse().
if (last_target)
void MouseLockDispatcher::OnMouseLockLost() {
DCHECK(mouse_locked_ && !pending_lock_request_);
mouse_locked_ = false;
pending_unlock_request_ = false;
LockTarget* last_target = target_;
target_ = NULL;
// Callbacks made after all state modification to prevent reentrant errors
// such as OnMouseLockLost() synchronously calling LockMouse().
if (last_target)
} // namespace content