blob: 548ac1eeba8c3fdd05a36ca817503551ead74257 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
* This file contains the <code>PPB_Talk_Private</code> interface.
label Chrome {
M19 = 1.0,
M29 = 2.0
* The type of permissions that can be requested from the user.
enum PP_TalkPermission {
* Request permission for screencast.
* Request permission for Remote Desktop.
* Request permission for continuing Remote Desktop.
* Number of permissions.
* Talk event types reported by the browser.
enum PP_TalkEvent {
* Indicates that the user took action to terminate the remoting session.
* Indicates that an error occurred (e.g. failed to show the UI).
* Number of events
* Callback for Talk events.
typedef void PP_TalkEventCallback([inout] mem_t user_data,
[in] PP_TalkEvent event);
* Extra interface for Talk.
interface PPB_Talk_Private {
* Creates a Talk_Private resource.
PP_Resource Create(PP_Instance instance);
* Displays confirmation dialog for screencasting.
* The callback will be issued with 1 as the result if the user gave
* permission, or 0 if the user denied.
* You can only have one call pending. It will return PP_OK_COMPLETIONPENDING
* if the request is queued, or PP_ERROR_INPROGRESS if there is already a
* request in progress.
* (Deprecated in 2.0. Please us RequestPermission instead.)
[version=1.0, deprecate=2.0]
int32_t GetPermission(
[in] PP_Resource talk_resource,
[in] PP_CompletionCallback callback);
* Requests permission from the user using a system modal dialog.
* <code>permission</code> specifies the type of permission to request from
* the user.
* <code>callback</code> is the completion callback. It will be issued with 1
* as the result if the user gave permission, or 0 if the user denied.
* You can only have one call pending. It will return PP_OK_COMPLETIONPENDING
* if the request is queued, or PP_ERROR_INPROGRESS if there is already a
* request in progress.
int32_t RequestPermission(
[in] PP_Resource talk_resource,
[in] PP_TalkPermission permission,
[in] PP_CompletionCallback callback);
* Shows the remoting-in-progress UI and registers a callback for events.
* <code>event_callback</code> is the callback for session releated events.
* It will only start receiving events after the completion callback has been
* issued. This callback will be called on the pepper main thread.
* <code>user_data</code> is an opaque value used when
* <code>event_callback</code> is invoked.
* <code>callback</code> is the completion callback.
* You can only have one call pending. It will return PP_OK_COMPLETIONPENDING
* if the request is queued, or PP_ERROR_INPROGRESS if there is already a
* request in progress. PP_ERROR_INPROGRESS will also be returned if a
* previous call to StartRemoting succeeded without a corresponding
* StopRemoting call.
int32_t StartRemoting(
[in] PP_Resource talk_resource,
[in] PP_TalkEventCallback event_callback,
[inout] mem_t user_data,
[in] PP_CompletionCallback callback);
* Hides the remoting-in-progress UI and unregisters the event callback.
* <code>callback</code> is the completion callback.
int32_t StopRemoting(
[in] PP_Resource talk_resource,
[in] PP_CompletionCallback callback);