blob: 587236a125977f62a0828be68f2b22b0290b6ec0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// A handy class that takes care of setting up and destroying a
// syncable::Directory instance for unit tests that require one.
// The expected usage is to make this a component of your test fixture:
// class AwesomenessTest : public testing::Test {
// public:
// virtual void SetUp() {
// metadb_.SetUp();
// }
// virtual void TearDown() {
// metadb_.TearDown();
// }
// protected:
// TestDirectorySetterUpper metadb_;
// };
// Then, in your tests, get at the directory like so:
// TEST_F(AwesomenessTest, IsMaximal) {
// ... now use to get at syncable::Entry objects ...
// }
#include <string>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "sync/test/fake_sync_encryption_handler.h"
#include "sync/test/null_directory_change_delegate.h"
#include "sync/util/test_unrecoverable_error_handler.h"
#include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"
namespace syncer {
namespace syncable {
class Directory;
class DirectoryBackingStore;
class TestTransactionObserver;
class TestDirectorySetterUpper {
virtual ~TestDirectorySetterUpper();
// Create a Directory instance open it.
virtual void SetUp();
// Create a Directory instance using |directory_store| as backend storage.
// Takes ownership of |directory_store|.
virtual void SetUpWith(
syncer::syncable::DirectoryBackingStore* directory_store);
// Undo everything done by SetUp(): close the directory and delete the
// backing files. Before closing the directory, this will run the directory
// invariant checks and perform the SaveChanges action on the directory.
virtual void TearDown();
syncable::Directory* directory() { return directory_.get(); }
SyncEncryptionHandler* encryption_handler() { return &encryption_handler_; }
syncable::TestTransactionObserver* transaction_observer() {
return test_transaction_observer_.get();
syncable::NullDirectoryChangeDelegate delegate_;
scoped_ptr<syncable::TestTransactionObserver> test_transaction_observer_;
TestUnrecoverableErrorHandler handler_;
void RunInvariantCheck();
FakeSyncEncryptionHandler encryption_handler_;
scoped_ptr<syncable::Directory> directory_;
std::string name_;
} // namespace syncer