Static Initializers

Some background on the original decision to ban static initializers:

How Static Initializers are Checked

Removing Static Initializers

Common fixes include:

  • Add constexpr.
  • Move global variable to be a static variable within a function that returns it, often wrapped in base::NoDestructor.

Listing Static Initializers

Method 1 - Ask compiler to report them

  1. Edit //build/config/ and add "//build/config/compiler:wglobal_constructors" to default_compiler_configs
  2. Set GN arg treat_warnings_as_errors=false
  3. Compile and look at warnings

This will produce far more warnings than there are static initializers because it (seems to) trigger on global variables initialized with constexpr constructors.

Method 2 - Use objdump to report them

For Linux:

tools/linux/ out/Release/chrome

For Android (from easiest to hardest):

# Build with: is_official_build=true is_chrome_branded=true
# This will dump the list of SI's only when they don't match the expected
# number in static_initializers.gni (this is what the bots use).
ninja chrome/android:monochrome_static_initializers
# or:
tools/binary_size/ HEAD  # See for flags.
# or:
tools/linux/ --toolchain-prefix third_party/android_ndk/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/arm-linux-androideabi- out/Release/