blob: 7375c10bd295ca16d558074f98b2ab328d2a416f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2009 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
namespace courgette {
// Status codes for Courgette APIs.
// Client code should only rely on the distintion between C_OK and the other
// status codes.
enum Status {
C_OK = 1, // Successful operation.
C_GENERAL_ERROR = 2, // Error other than listed below.
C_READ_OPEN_ERROR = 3, // Could not open input file for reading.
C_READ_ERROR = 4, // Could not read from opened input file.
C_WRITE_OPEN_ERROR = 3, // Could not open output file for writing.
C_WRITE_ERROR = 4, // Could not write to opened output file.
C_BAD_ENSEMBLE_MAGIC = 5, // Ensemble patch has bad magic.
C_BAD_ENSEMBLE_VERSION = 6, // Ensemble patch has wrong version.
C_BAD_ENSEMBLE_HEADER = 7, // Ensemble patch has corrupt header.
C_BAD_ENSEMBLE_CRC = 8, // Ensemble patch has corrupt data.
C_BAD_TRANSFORM = 12, // Transform mis-specified.
C_BAD_BASE = 13, // Base for transform malformed.
C_BINARY_DIFF_CRC_ERROR = 14, // Internal diff input doesn't have expected
// CRC.
// Internal errors.
C_STREAM_ERROR = 20, // Unexpected error from streams.h.
C_STREAM_NOT_CONSUMED = 21, // Stream has extra data, is expected to be
// used up.
C_INPUT_NOT_RECOGNIZED = 24, // Unrecognized input (not an executable).
class SinkStream;
class SinkStreamSet;
class SourceStream;
class SourceStreamSet;
class AssemblyProgram;
class EncodedProgram;
// Applies the patch to the bytes in |old| and writes the transformed ensemble
// to |output|.
// Returns C_OK unless something went wrong.
Status ApplyEnsemblePatch(SourceStream* old, SourceStream* patch,
SinkStream* output);
// Applies the patch in |patch_file_name| to the bytes in |old_file_name| and
// writes the transformed ensemble to |new_file_name|.
// Returns C_OK unless something went wrong.
// This function first validates that the patch file has a proper header, so the
// function can be used to 'try' a patch.
Status ApplyEnsemblePatch(const wchar_t* old_file_name,
const wchar_t* patch_file_name,
const wchar_t* new_file_name);
// Generates a patch that will transform the bytes in |old| into the bytes in
// |target|.
// Returns C_OK unless something when wrong (unexpected).
Status GenerateEnsemblePatch(SourceStream* old, SourceStream* target,
SinkStream* patch);
// Parses a Windows 32-bit 'Portable Executable' format file from memory,
// storing the pointer to the AssemblyProgram in |*output|.
// Returns C_OK if successful, otherwise returns an error status and sets
// |*output| to NULL.
Status ParseWin32X86PE(const void* buffer, size_t length,
AssemblyProgram** output);
// Converts |program| into encoded form, returning it as |*output|.
// Returns C_OK if succeeded, otherwise returns an error status and
// sets |*output| to NULL
Status Encode(AssemblyProgram* program, EncodedProgram** output);
// Serializes |encoded| into the stream set.
// Returns C_OK if succeeded, otherwise returns an error status.
Status WriteEncodedProgram(EncodedProgram* encoded, SinkStreamSet* sink);
// Assembles |encoded|, emitting the bytes into |buffer|.
// Returns C_OK if succeeded, otherwise returns an error status and leaves
// |buffer| in an undefined state.
Status Assemble(EncodedProgram* encoded, SinkStream* buffer);
// Deserializes program from the stream set.
// Returns C_OK if succeeded, otherwise returns an error status and
// sets |*output| to NULL
Status ReadEncodedProgram(SourceStreamSet* source, EncodedProgram** output);
// Used to free an AssemblyProgram returned by other APIs.
void DeleteAssemblyProgram(AssemblyProgram* program);
// Used to free an EncodedProgram returned by other APIs.
void DeleteEncodedProgram(EncodedProgram* encoded);
// Adjusts |program| to look more like |model|.
Status Adjust(const AssemblyProgram& model, AssemblyProgram *program);
} // namespace courgette