blob: b4c459c1c42dfd6bc5a360465c96e02c049019e3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2006-2008 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef VIEWS_VIEW_H_
#define VIEWS_VIEW_H_
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/gfx/native_widget_types.h"
#include "base/gfx/rect.h"
#include "base/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "views/accelerator.h"
#include "views/accessibility/accessibility_types.h"
#include "views/background.h"
#include "views/border.h"
#if defined(OS_WIN)
struct IDataObject;
#endif // defined(OS_WIN)
namespace gfx {
class Canvas;
class Insets;
class Path;
class OSExchangeData;
class ViewAccessibilityWrapper;
class ThemeProvider;
namespace views {
class Background;
class Border;
class FocusManager;
class FocusTraversable;
class LayoutManager;
class RestoreFocusTask;
class RootView;
class ScrollView;
class Widget;
class Window;
// ContextMenuController is responsible for showing the context menu for a
// View. To use a ContextMenuController invoke SetContextMenuController on a
// View. When the appropriate user gesture occurs ShowContextMenu is invoked
// on the ContextMenuController.
// Setting a ContextMenuController on a view makes the view process mouse
// events.
// It is up to subclasses that do their own mouse processing to invoke
// the appropriate ContextMenuController method, typically by invoking super's
// implementation for mouse processing.
class ContextMenuController {
// Invoked to show the context menu for the source view. If is_mouse_gesture
// is true, the x/y coordinate are the location of the mouse. If
// is_mouse_gesture is false, this method was not invoked by a mouse gesture
// and x/y is the recommended location to show the menu at.
// x/y is in screen coordinates.
virtual void ShowContextMenu(View* source,
int x,
int y,
bool is_mouse_gesture) = 0;
// DragController is responsible for writing drag data for a view, as well as
// supplying the supported drag operations. Use DragController if you don't
// want to subclass.
class DragController {
// Writes the data for the drag.
virtual void WriteDragData(View* sender,
int press_x,
int press_y,
OSExchangeData* data) = 0;
// Returns the supported drag operations (see DragDropTypes for possible
// values). A drag is only started if this returns a non-zero value.
virtual int GetDragOperations(View* sender, int x, int y) = 0;
// View class
// A View is a rectangle within the views View hierarchy. It is the base
// class for all Views.
// A View is a container of other Views (there is no such thing as a Leaf
// View - makes code simpler, reduces type conversion headaches, design
// mistakes etc)
// The View contains basic properties for sizing (bounds), layout (flex,
// orientation, etc), painting of children and event dispatch.
// The View also uses a simple Box Layout Manager similar to XUL's
// SprocketLayout system. Alternative Layout Managers implementing the
// LayoutManager interface can be used to lay out children if required.
// It is up to the subclass to implement Painting and storage of subclass -
// specific properties and functionality.
class View : public AcceleratorTarget {
// Used in the versions of GetBounds() and x() that take a transformation
// parameter in order to determine whether or not to take into account the
// mirroring setting of the View when returning bounds positions.
enum PositionMirroringSettings {
// The view class name.
static char kViewClassName[];
virtual ~View();
// Sizing functions
// Get the bounds of the View, relative to the parent. Essentially, this
// function returns the bounds_ rectangle.
// This is the function subclasses should use whenever they need to obtain
// the bounds of one of their child views (for example, when implementing
// View::Layout()).
// TODO(beng): Convert |bounds_| to a gfx::Rect.
gfx::Rect bounds() const { return bounds_; }
// Get the size of the View.
gfx::Size size() const { return bounds_.size(); }
// Return the bounds of the View, relative to the parent. If
// |settings| is IGNORE_MIRRORING_TRANSFORMATION, the function returns the
// bounds_ rectangle. If |settings| is APPLY_MIRRORING_SETTINGS AND the
// parent View is using a right-to-left UI layout, then the function returns
// a shifted version of the bounds_ rectangle that represents the mirrored
// View bounds.
// NOTE: in the vast majority of the cases, the mirroring implementation is
// transparent to the View subclasses and therefore you should use the
// version of GetBounds() which does not take a transformation settings
// parameter.
gfx::Rect GetBounds(PositionMirroringSettings settings) const;
// Set the bounds in the parent's coordinate system.
void SetBounds(const gfx::Rect& bounds);
void SetBounds(int x, int y, int width, int height) {
SetBounds(gfx::Rect(x, y, std::max(0, width), std::max(0, height)));
void SetX(int x) { SetBounds(x, y(), width(), height()); }
void SetY(int y) { SetBounds(x(), y, width(), height()); }
// Returns the left coordinate of the View, relative to the parent View,
// which is the value of bounds_.x().
// This is the function subclasses should use whenever they need to obtain
// the left position of one of their child views (for example, when
// implementing View::Layout()).
// This is equivalent to GetX(IGNORE_MIRRORING_TRANSFORMATION), but
// inlinable.
int x() const { return bounds_.x(); }
int y() const { return bounds_.y(); }
int width() const { return bounds_.width(); }
int height() const { return bounds_.height(); }
// Return the left coordinate of the View, relative to the parent. If
// |settings| is IGNORE_MIRRORING_SETTINGS, the function returns the value of
// bounds_.x(). If |settings| is APPLY_MIRRORING_SETTINGS AND the parent
// View is using a right-to-left UI layout, then the function returns the
// mirrored value of bounds_.x().
// NOTE: in the vast majority of the cases, the mirroring implementation is
// transparent to the View subclasses and therefore you should use the
// paremeterless version of x() when you need to get the X
// coordinate of a child View.
int GetX(PositionMirroringSettings settings) const;
// Return this control local bounds. If include_border is true, local bounds
// is the rectangle {0, 0, width(), height()}, otherwise, it does not
// include the area where the border (if any) is painted.
gfx::Rect GetLocalBounds(bool include_border) const;
// Get the position of the View, relative to the parent.
// Note that if the parent uses right-to-left UI layout, then the mirrored
// position of this View is returned. Use x()/y() if you want to ignore
// mirroring.
gfx::Point GetPosition() const;
// Get the size the View would like to be, if enough space were available.
virtual gfx::Size GetPreferredSize();
// Convenience method that sizes this view to its preferred size.
void SizeToPreferredSize();
// Gets the minimum size of the view. View's implementation invokes
// GetPreferredSize.
virtual gfx::Size GetMinimumSize();
// Return the height necessary to display this view with the provided width.
// View's implementation returns the value from
// Override if your View's preferred height depends upon the width (such
// as with Labels).
virtual int GetHeightForWidth(int w);
// This method is invoked when this object size or position changes.
// The default implementation does nothing.
virtual void DidChangeBounds(const gfx::Rect& previous,
const gfx::Rect& current);
// Set whether the receiving view is visible. Painting is scheduled as needed
virtual void SetVisible(bool flag);
// Return whether a view is visible
virtual bool IsVisible() const { return is_visible_; }
// Return whether a view and its ancestors are visible. Returns true if the
// path from this view to the root view is visible.
virtual bool IsVisibleInRootView() const;
// Set whether this view is enabled. A disabled view does not receive keyboard
// or mouse inputs. If flag differs from the current value, SchedulePaint is
// invoked.
virtual void SetEnabled(bool flag);
// Returns whether the view is enabled.
virtual bool IsEnabled() const;
// Set whether this view is hottracked. A disabled view cannot be hottracked.
// If flag differs from the current value, SchedulePaint is invoked.
virtual void SetHotTracked(bool flag);
// Returns whether the view is hot-tracked.
virtual bool IsHotTracked() const { return false; }
// Returns whether the view is pushed.
virtual bool IsPushed() const { return false; }
// Scrolls the specified region, in this View's coordinate system, to be
// visible. View's implementation passes the call onto the parent View (after
// adjusting the coordinates). It is up to views that only show a portion of
// the child view, such as Viewport, to override appropriately.
virtual void ScrollRectToVisible(int x, int y, int width, int height);
// Layout functions
// Lay out the child Views (set their bounds based on sizing heuristics
// specific to the current Layout Manager)
virtual void Layout();
// Gets/Sets the Layout Manager used by this view to size and place its
// children.
// The LayoutManager is owned by the View and is deleted when the view is
// deleted, or when a new LayoutManager is installed.
LayoutManager* GetLayoutManager() const;
void SetLayoutManager(LayoutManager* layout);
// Right-to-left UI layout functions
// Indicates whether the UI layout for this view is right-to-left. The view
// has an RTL UI layout if RTL hasn't been disabled for the view and if the
// locale's language is an RTL language.
bool UILayoutIsRightToLeft() const;
// Enables or disables the right-to-left layout for the view. If |enable| is
// true, the layout will become right-to-left only if the locale's language
// is right-to-left.
// By default, right-to-left UI layout is enabled for the view and therefore
// this function must be called (with false as the |enable| parameter) in
// order to disable the right-to-left layout property for a specific instance
// of the view. Disabling the right-to-left UI layout is necessary in case a
// UI element will not appear correctly when mirrored.
void EnableUIMirroringForRTLLanguages(bool enable) {
ui_mirroring_is_enabled_for_rtl_languages_ = enable;
// This method determines whether the gfx::Canvas object passed to
// View::Paint() needs to be transformed such that anything drawn on the
// canvas object during View::Paint() is flipped horizontally.
// By default, this function returns false (which is the initial value of
// |flip_canvas_on_paint_for_rtl_ui_|). View subclasses that need to paint on
// a flipped gfx::Canvas when the UI layout is right-to-left need to call
// EnableCanvasFlippingForRTLUI().
bool FlipCanvasOnPaintForRTLUI() const {
return flip_canvas_on_paint_for_rtl_ui_ ? UILayoutIsRightToLeft() : false;
// Enables or disables flipping of the gfx::Canvas during View::Paint().
// Note that if canvas flipping is enabled, the canvas will be flipped only
// if the UI layout is right-to-left; that is, the canvas will be flipped
// only if UILayoutIsRightToLeft() returns true.
// Enabling canvas flipping is useful for leaf views that draw a bitmap that
// needs to be flipped horizontally when the UI layout is right-to-left
// (views::Button, for example). This method is helpful for such classes
// because their drawing logic stays the same and they can become agnostic to
// the UI directionality.
void EnableCanvasFlippingForRTLUI(bool enable) {
flip_canvas_on_paint_for_rtl_ui_ = enable;
// Returns the mirrored X position for the view, relative to the parent. If
// the parent view is not mirrored, this function returns bound_.left.
// UI mirroring is transparent to most View subclasses and therefore there is
// no need to call this routine from anywhere within your subclass
// implementation.
int MirroredX() const;
// Given a rectangle specified in this View's coordinate system, the function
// computes the 'left' value for the mirrored rectangle within this View. If
// the View's UI layout is not right-to-left, then bounds.x() is returned.
// UI mirroring is transparent to most View subclasses and therefore there is
// no need to call this routine from anywhere within your subclass
// implementation.
int MirroredLeftPointForRect(const gfx::Rect& rect) const;
// Given the X coordinate of a point inside the View, this function returns
// the mirrored X coordinate of the point if the View's UI layout is
// right-to-left. If the layout is left-to-right, the same X coordinate is
// returned.
// Following are a few examples of the values returned by this function for
// a View with the bounds {0, 0, 100, 100} and a right-to-left layout:
// MirroredXCoordinateInsideView(0) -> 100
// MirroredXCoordinateInsideView(20) -> 80
// MirroredXCoordinateInsideView(99) -> 1
int MirroredXCoordinateInsideView(int x) const {
return UILayoutIsRightToLeft() ? width() - x : x;
// Given a X coordinate and a width inside the View, this function returns
// the mirrored X coordinate if the View's UI layout is right-to-left. If the
// layout is left-to-right, the same X coordinate is returned.
// Following are a few examples of the values returned by this function for
// a View with the bounds {0, 0, 100, 100} and a right-to-left layout:
// MirroredXCoordinateInsideView(0, 10) -> 90
// MirroredXCoordinateInsideView(20, 20) -> 60
int MirroredXWithWidthInsideView(int x, int w) const {
return UILayoutIsRightToLeft() ? width() - x - w : x;
// Painting functions
// Mark the specified rectangle as dirty (needing repaint). If |urgent| is
// true, the view will be repainted when the current event processing is
// done. Otherwise, painting will take place as soon as possible.
virtual void SchedulePaint(const gfx::Rect& r, bool urgent);
// Mark the entire View's bounds as dirty. Painting will occur as soon as
// possible.
virtual void SchedulePaint();
// Convenience to schedule a paint given some ints. Painting will occur as
// soon as possible.
virtual void SchedulePaint(int x, int y, int w, int h);
// Paint the receiving view. g is prepared such as it is in
// receiver's coordinate system. g's state is restored after this
// call so your implementation can change the graphics configuration
// Default implementation paints the background if it is defined
// Override this method when implementing a new control.
virtual void Paint(gfx::Canvas* canvas);
// Paint the background if any. This method is called by Paint() and
// should rarely be invoked directly.
virtual void PaintBackground(gfx::Canvas* canvas);
// Paint the border if any. This method is called by Paint() and
// should rarely be invoked directly.
virtual void PaintBorder(gfx::Canvas* canvas);
// Paints the focus border (only if the view has the focus).
// This method is called by Paint() and should rarely be invoked directly.
// The default implementation paints a gray border around the view. Override
// it for custom focus effects.
virtual void PaintFocusBorder(gfx::Canvas* canvas);
// Paint this View immediately.
virtual void PaintNow();
// Tree functions
// Add a child View.
void AddChildView(View* v);
// Adds a child View at the specified position.
void AddChildView(int index, View* v);
// Get the child View at the specified index.
View* GetChildViewAt(int index) const;
// Remove a child view from this view. v's parent will change to NULL
void RemoveChildView(View *v);
// Remove all child view from this view. If |delete_views| is true, the views
// are deleted, unless marked as not parent owned.
void RemoveAllChildViews(bool delete_views);
// Get the number of child Views.
int GetChildViewCount() const;
// Get the child View at the specified point.
virtual View* GetViewForPoint(const gfx::Point& point);
// Get the Widget that hosts this View, if any.
virtual Widget* GetWidget() const;
// Gets the Widget that most closely contains this View, if any.
virtual Window* GetWindow() const;
// Get the containing RootView
virtual RootView* GetRootView();
// Get the parent View
View* GetParent() const { return parent_; }
// Returns the index of the specified |view| in this view's children, or -1
// if the specified view is not a child of this view.
int GetChildIndex(View* v) const;
// Returns true if the specified view is a direct or indirect child of this
// view.
bool IsParentOf(View* v) const;
// Recursively descends the view tree starting at this view, and returns
// the first child that it encounters that has the given ID.
// Returns NULL if no matching child view is found.
virtual View* GetViewByID(int id) const;
// Sets and gets the ID for this view. ID should be unique within the subtree
// that you intend to search for it. 0 is the default ID for views.
void SetID(int id);
int GetID() const;
// A group id is used to tag views which are part of the same logical group.
// Focus can be moved between views with the same group using the arrow keys.
// Groups are currently used to implement radio button mutual exclusion.
void SetGroup(int gid);
int GetGroup() const;
// If this returns true, the views from the same group can each be focused
// when moving focus with the Tab/Shift-Tab key. If this returns false,
// only the selected view from the group (obtained with
// GetSelectedViewForGroup()) is focused.
virtual bool IsGroupFocusTraversable() const { return true; }
// Fills the provided vector with all the available views which belong to the
// provided group.
void GetViewsWithGroup(int group_id, std::vector<View*>* out);
// Return the View that is currently selected in the specified group.
// The default implementation simply returns the first View found for that
// group.
virtual View* GetSelectedViewForGroup(int group_id);
// Focus support
// Returns the view that should be selected next when pressing Tab.
View* GetNextFocusableView();
// Returns the view that should be selected next when pressing Shift-Tab.
View* GetPreviousFocusableView();
// Sets the component that should be selected next when pressing Tab, and
// makes the current view the precedent view of the specified one.
// Note that by default views are linked in the order they have been added to
// their container. Use this method if you want to modify the order.
// IMPORTANT NOTE: loops in the focus hierarchy are not supported.
void SetNextFocusableView(View* view);
// Return whether this view can accept the focus.
virtual bool IsFocusable() const;
// Sets whether this view can accept the focus.
// Note that this is false by default so that a view used as a container does
// not get the focus.
virtual void SetFocusable(bool focusable);
// Convenience method to retrieve the FocusManager associated with the
// Widget that contains this view. This can return NULL if this view is not
// part of a view hierarchy with a Widget.
virtual FocusManager* GetFocusManager();
// Sets a keyboard accelerator for that view. When the user presses the
// accelerator key combination, the AcceleratorPressed method is invoked.
// Note that you can set multiple accelerators for a view by invoking this
// method several times.
virtual void AddAccelerator(const Accelerator& accelerator);
// Removes the specified accelerator for this view.
virtual void RemoveAccelerator(const Accelerator& accelerator);
// Removes all the keyboard accelerators for this view.
virtual void ResetAccelerators();
// Called when a keyboard accelerator is pressed.
// Derived classes should implement desired behavior and return true if they
// handled the accelerator.
virtual bool AcceleratorPressed(const Accelerator& accelerator) {
return false;
// Returns whether this view currently has the focus.
virtual bool HasFocus();
// Accessibility support
// TODO(klink): Move all this out to a AccessibleInfo wrapper class.
// Returns the MSAA default action of the current view. The string returned
// describes the default action that will occur when executing
// IAccessible::DoDefaultAction. For instance, default action of a button is
// 'Press'. Sets the input string appropriately, and returns true if
// successful.
virtual bool GetAccessibleDefaultAction(std::wstring* action) {
return false;
// Returns a string containing the mnemonic, or the keyboard shortcut, for a
// given control. Sets the input string appropriately, and returns true if
// successful.
virtual bool GetAccessibleKeyboardShortcut(std::wstring* shortcut) {
return false;
// Returns a brief, identifying string, containing a unique, readable name of
// a given control. Sets the input string appropriately, and returns true if
// successful.
virtual bool GetAccessibleName(std::wstring* name) { return false; }
// Returns the accessibility role of the current view. The role is what
// assistive technologies (ATs) use to determine what behavior to expect from
// a given control. Sets the input Role appropriately, and returns true if
// successful.
virtual bool GetAccessibleRole(AccessibilityTypes::Role* role) {
return false;
// Returns the accessibility state of the current view. Sets the input State
// appropriately, and returns true if successful.
virtual bool GetAccessibleState(AccessibilityTypes::State* state) {
return false;
// Assigns a keyboard shortcut string description to the given control. Needed
// as a View does not know which shortcut will be associated with it until it
// is created to be a certain type.
virtual void SetAccessibleKeyboardShortcut(const std::wstring& shortcut) {}
// Assigns a string name to the given control. Needed as a View does not know
// which name will be associated with it until it is created to be a
// certain type.
virtual void SetAccessibleName(const std::wstring& name) {}
// Returns an instance of a wrapper class implementing the (platform-specific)
// accessibility interface for a given View. If one exists, it will be
// re-used, otherwise a new instance will be created.
ViewAccessibilityWrapper* GetViewAccessibilityWrapper();
// Accessor used to determine if a child view (leaf) has accessibility focus.
// Returns NULL if there are no children, or if none of the children has
// accessibility focus.
virtual View* GetAccFocusedChildView() { return NULL; }
// Utility functions
// Note that the utility coordinate conversions functions always operate on
// the mirrored position of the child Views if the parent View uses a
// right-to-left UI layout.
// Convert a point from source coordinate system to dst coordinate system.
// source is a parent or a child of dst, directly or transitively.
// If source and dst are not in the same View hierarchy, the result is
// undefined.
// Source can be NULL in which case it means the screen coordinate system
static void ConvertPointToView(const View* src,
const View* dst,
gfx::Point* point);
// Convert a point from the coordinate system of a View to that of the
// Widget. This is useful for example when sizing HWND children of the
// Widget that don't know about the View hierarchy and need to be placed
// relative to the Widget that is their parent.
static void ConvertPointToWidget(const View* src, gfx::Point* point);
// Convert a point from a view Widget to a View dest
static void ConvertPointFromWidget(const View* dest, gfx::Point* p);
// Convert a point from the coordinate system of a View to that of the
// screen. This is useful for example when placing popup windows.
static void ConvertPointToScreen(const View* src, gfx::Point* point);
// Event Handlers
// This method is invoked when the user clicks on this view.
// The provided event is in the receiver's coordinate system.
// Return true if you processed the event and want to receive subsequent
// MouseDraggged and MouseReleased events. This also stops the event from
// bubbling. If you return false, the event will bubble through parent
// views.
// If you remove yourself from the tree while processing this, event bubbling
// stops as if you returned true, but you will not receive future events.
// The return value is ignored in this case.
// Default implementation returns true if a ContextMenuController has been
// set, false otherwise. Override as needed.
virtual bool OnMousePressed(const MouseEvent& event);
// This method is invoked when the user clicked on this control.
// and is still moving the mouse with a button pressed.
// The provided event is in the receiver's coordinate system.
// Return true if you processed the event and want to receive
// subsequent MouseDragged and MouseReleased events.
// Default implementation returns true if a ContextMenuController has been
// set, false otherwise. Override as needed.
virtual bool OnMouseDragged(const MouseEvent& event);
// This method is invoked when the user releases the mouse
// button. The event is in the receiver's coordinate system.
// If canceled is true it indicates the mouse press/drag was canceled by a
// system/user gesture.
// Default implementation notifies the ContextMenuController is appropriate.
// Subclasses that wish to honor the ContextMenuController should invoke
// super.
virtual void OnMouseReleased(const MouseEvent& event, bool canceled);
// This method is invoked when the mouse is above this control
// The event is in the receiver's coordinate system.
// Default implementation does nothing. Override as needed.
virtual void OnMouseMoved(const MouseEvent& e);
// This method is invoked when the mouse enters this control.
// Default implementation does nothing. Override as needed.
virtual void OnMouseEntered(const MouseEvent& event);
// This method is invoked when the mouse exits this control
// The provided event location is always (0, 0)
// Default implementation does nothing. Override as needed.
virtual void OnMouseExited(const MouseEvent& event);
// Set the MouseHandler for a drag session.
// A drag session is a stream of mouse events starting
// with a MousePressed event, followed by several MouseDragged
// events and finishing with a MouseReleased event.
// This method should be only invoked while processing a
// MouseDragged or MouseReleased event.
// All further mouse dragged and mouse up events will be sent
// the MouseHandler, even if it is reparented to another window.
// The MouseHandler is automatically cleared when the control
// comes back from processing the MouseReleased event.
// Note: if the mouse handler is no longer connected to a
// view hierarchy, events won't be sent.
virtual void SetMouseHandler(View* new_mouse_handler);
// Request the keyboard focus. The receiving view will become the
// focused view.
virtual void RequestFocus();
// Invoked when a view is about to gain focus
virtual void WillGainFocus();
// Invoked when a view just gained focus.
virtual void DidGainFocus();
// Invoked when a view is about lose focus
virtual void WillLoseFocus();
// Invoked when a view is about to be requested for focus due to the focus
// traversal. Reverse is this request was generated going backward
// (Shift-Tab).
virtual void AboutToRequestFocusFromTabTraversal(bool reverse) { }
// Invoked when a key is pressed before the key event is processed (and
// potentially eaten) by the focus manager for tab traversal, accelerators and
// other focus related actions.
// The default implementation returns false, ensuring that tab traversal and
// accelerators processing is performed.
// Subclasses should return true if they want to process the key event and not
// have it processed as an accelerator (if any) or as a tab traversal (if the
// key event is for the TAB key). In that case, OnKeyPressed will
// subsequently be invoked for that event.
virtual bool SkipDefaultKeyEventProcessing(const KeyEvent& e) {
return false;
// Invoked when a key is pressed or released.
// Subclasser should return true if the event has been processed and false
// otherwise. If the event has not been processed, the parent will be given a
// chance.
virtual bool OnKeyPressed(const KeyEvent& e);
virtual bool OnKeyReleased(const KeyEvent& e);
// Invoked when the user uses the mousewheel. Implementors should return true
// if the event has been processed and false otherwise. This message is sent
// if the view is focused. If the event has not been processed, the parent
// will be given a chance.
virtual bool OnMouseWheel(const MouseWheelEvent& e);
// Drag and drop functions.
// Set/get the DragController. See description of DragController for more
// information.
void SetDragController(DragController* drag_controller);
DragController* GetDragController();
// During a drag and drop session when the mouse moves the view under the
// mouse is queried to see if it should be a target for the drag and drop
// session. A view indicates it is a valid target by returning true from
// CanDrop. If a view returns true from CanDrop,
// OnDragEntered is sent to the view when the mouse first enters the view,
// as the mouse moves around within the view OnDragUpdated is invoked.
// If the user releases the mouse over the view and OnDragUpdated returns a
// valid drop, then OnPerformDrop is invoked. If the mouse moves outside the
// view or over another view that wants the drag, OnDragExited is invoked.
// Similar to mouse events, the deepest view under the mouse is first checked
// if it supports the drop (Drop). If the deepest view under
// the mouse does not support the drop, the ancestors are walked until one
// is found that supports the drop.
// A view that supports drag and drop must override this and return true if
// data contains a type that may be dropped on this view.
virtual bool CanDrop(const OSExchangeData& data);
// OnDragEntered is invoked when the mouse enters this view during a drag and
// drop session and CanDrop returns true. This is immediately
// followed by an invocation of OnDragUpdated, and eventually one of
// OnDragExited or OnPerformDrop.
virtual void OnDragEntered(const DropTargetEvent& event);
// Invoked during a drag and drop session while the mouse is over the view.
// This should return a bitmask of the DragDropTypes::DragOperation supported
// based on the location of the event. Return 0 to indicate the drop should
// not be accepted.
virtual int OnDragUpdated(const DropTargetEvent& event);
// Invoked during a drag and drop session when the mouse exits the views, or
// when the drag session was canceled and the mouse was over the view.
virtual void OnDragExited();
// Invoked during a drag and drop session when OnDragUpdated returns a valid
// operation and the user release the mouse.
virtual int OnPerformDrop(const DropTargetEvent& event);
// Returns true if the mouse was dragged enough to start a drag operation.
// delta_x and y are the distance the mouse was dragged.
static bool ExceededDragThreshold(int delta_x, int delta_y);
// This method is the main entry point to process paint for this
// view and its children. This method is called by the painting
// system. You should call this only if you want to draw a sub tree
// inside a custom graphics.
// To customize painting override either the Paint or PaintChildren method,
// not this one.
virtual void ProcessPaint(gfx::Canvas* canvas);
// Paint the View's child Views, in reverse order.
virtual void PaintChildren(gfx::Canvas* canvas);
// Sets the ContextMenuController. Setting this to non-null makes the View
// process mouse events.
void SetContextMenuController(ContextMenuController* menu_controller);
ContextMenuController* GetContextMenuController() {
return context_menu_controller_;
// Provides default implementation for context menu handling. The default
// implementation calls the ShowContextMenu of the current
// ContextMenuController (if it is not NULL). Overridden in subclassed views
// to provide right-click menu display triggerd by the keyboard (i.e. for the
// Chrome toolbar Back and Forward buttons). No source needs to be specified,
// as it is always equal to the current View.
virtual void ShowContextMenu(int x,
int y,
bool is_mouse_gesture);
// The background object is owned by this object and may be NULL.
void set_background(Background* b) { background_.reset(b); }
const Background* background() const { return background_.get(); }
// The border object is owned by this object and may be NULL.
void set_border(Border* b) { border_.reset(b); }
const Border* border() const { return border_.get(); }
// Returns the insets of the current border. If there is no border an empty
// insets is returned.
virtual gfx::Insets GetInsets() const;
// Return the cursor that should be used for this view or NULL if
// the default cursor should be used. The provided point is in the
// receiver's coordinate system. The caller is responsible for managing the
// lifetime of the returned object, though that lifetime may vary from
// platform to platform. On Windows, the cursor is a shared resource but in
// Gtk, the framework destroys the returned cursor after setting it.
virtual gfx::NativeCursor GetCursorForPoint(Event::EventType event_type,
int x,
int y);
// Convenience to test whether a point is within this view's bounds
virtual bool HitTest(const gfx::Point& l) const;
// Gets the tooltip for this View. If the View does not have a tooltip,
// return false. If the View does have a tooltip, copy the tooltip into
// the supplied string and return true.
// Any time the tooltip text that a View is displaying changes, it must
// invoke TooltipTextChanged.
// The x/y provide the coordinates of the mouse (relative to this view).
virtual bool GetTooltipText(int x, int y, std::wstring* tooltip);
// Returns the location (relative to this View) for the text on the tooltip
// to display. If false is returned (the default), the tooltip is placed at
// a default position.
virtual bool GetTooltipTextOrigin(int x, int y, gfx::Point* loc);
// Set whether this view is owned by its parent. A view that is owned by its
// parent is automatically deleted when the parent is deleted. The default is
// true. Set to false if the view is owned by another object and should not
// be deleted by its parent.
void SetParentOwned(bool f);
// Return whether a view is owned by its parent. See SetParentOwned()
bool IsParentOwned() const;
// Return the receiving view's class name. A view class is a string which
// uniquely identifies the view class. It is intended to be used as a way to
// find out during run time if a view can be safely casted to a specific view
// subclass. The default implementation returns kViewClassName.
virtual std::string GetClassName() const;
// Returns the first ancestor, starting at this, whose class name is |name|.
// Returns null if no ancestor has the class name |name|.
View* GetAncestorWithClassName(const std::string& name);
// Returns the visible bounds of the receiver in the receivers coordinate
// system.
// When traversing the View hierarchy in order to compute the bounds, the
// function takes into account the mirroring setting for each View and
// therefore it will return the mirrored version of the visible bounds if
// need be.
gfx::Rect GetVisibleBounds();
// Subclasses that contain traversable children that are not directly
// accessible through the children hierarchy should return the associated
// FocusTraversable for the focus traversal to work properly.
virtual FocusTraversable* GetFocusTraversable() { return NULL; }
#ifndef NDEBUG
// Debug method that logs the view hierarchy to the output.
void PrintViewHierarchy();
// Debug method that logs the focus traversal hierarchy to the output.
void PrintFocusHierarchy();
// The following methods are used by ScrollView to determine the amount
// to scroll relative to the visible bounds of the view. For example, a
// return value of 10 indicates the scrollview should scroll 10 pixels in
// the appropriate direction.
// Each method takes the following parameters:
// is_horizontal: if true, scrolling is along the horizontal axis, otherwise
// the vertical axis.
// is_positive: if true, scrolling is by a positive amount. Along the
// vertical axis scrolling by a positive amount equates to
// scrolling down.
// The return value should always be positive and gives the number of pixels
// to scroll. ScrollView interprets a return value of 0 (or negative)
// to scroll by a default amount.
// See VariableRowHeightScrollHelper and FixedRowHeightScrollHelper for
// implementations of common cases.
virtual int GetPageScrollIncrement(ScrollView* scroll_view,
bool is_horizontal, bool is_positive);
virtual int GetLineScrollIncrement(ScrollView* scroll_view,
bool is_horizontal, bool is_positive);
// Get the theme provider from the parent widget.
ThemeProvider* GetThemeProvider();
// The id of this View. Used to find this View.
int id_;
// The group of this view. Some view subclasses use this id to find other
// views of the same group. For example radio button uses this information
// to find other radio buttons.
int group_;
// Called when the UI theme has changed, overriding allows individual Views to
// do special cleanup and processing (such as dropping resource caches).
// Subclasses that override this method must call the base class
// implementation to ensure child views are processed.
// Can only be called by subclasses. To dispatch a theme changed notification,
// call this method on the RootView.
virtual void ThemeChanged();
#ifndef NDEBUG
// Returns true if the View is currently processing a paint.
virtual bool IsProcessingPaint() const;
// Returns the location, in screen coordinates, to show the context menu at
// when the context menu is shown from the keyboard. This implementation
// returns the middle of the visible region of this view.
// This method is invoked when the context menu is shown by way of the
// keyboard.
virtual gfx::Point GetKeyboardContextMenuLocation();
// Called by HitTest to see if this View has a custom hit test mask. If the
// return value is true, GetHitTestMask will be called to obtain the mask.
// Default value is false, in which case the View will hit-test against its
// bounds.
virtual bool HasHitTestMask() const;
// Called by HitTest to retrieve a mask for hit-testing against. Subclasses
// override to provide custom shaped hit test regions.
virtual void GetHitTestMask(gfx::Path* mask) const;
// This method is invoked when the tree changes.
// When a view is removed, it is invoked for all children and grand
// children. For each of these views, a notification is sent to the
// view and all parents.
// When a view is added, a notification is sent to the view, all its
// parents, and all its children (and grand children)
// Default implementation does nothing. Override to perform operations
// required when a view is added or removed from a view hierarchy
// parent is the new or old parent. Child is the view being added or
// removed.
virtual void ViewHierarchyChanged(bool is_add, View* parent, View* child);
// When SetVisible() changes the visibility of a view, this method is
// invoked for that view as well as all the children recursively.
virtual void VisibilityChanged(View* starting_from, bool is_visible);
// Called when the preferred size of a child view changed. This gives the
// parent an opportunity to do a fresh layout if that makes sense.
virtual void ChildPreferredSizeChanged(View* child) {}
// Simply calls ChildPreferredSizeChanged on the parent if there is one.
virtual void PreferredSizeChanged();
// Views must invoke this when the tooltip text they are to display changes.
void TooltipTextChanged();
// Sets whether this view wants notification when its visible bounds relative
// to the root view changes. If true, this view is notified any time the
// origin of one its ancestors changes, or the portion of the bounds not
// obscured by ancestors changes. The default is false.
void SetNotifyWhenVisibleBoundsInRootChanges(bool value);
bool GetNotifyWhenVisibleBoundsInRootChanges();
// Notification that this views visible bounds, relative to the RootView
// has changed. The visible bounds corresponds to the region of the
// view not obscured by other ancestors.
virtual void VisibleBoundsInRootChanged() {}
// Sets the keyboard focus to this View. The correct way to set the focus is
// to call RequestFocus() on the view. This method is called when the focus is
// set and gives an opportunity to subclasses to perform any extra focus steps
// (for example native component set the native focus on their native
// component). The default behavior is to set the native focus on the root
// Widget, which is what is appropriate for views that have no native window
// associated with them (so the root view gets the keyboard messages).
virtual void Focus();
// These are cover methods that invoke the method of the same name on
// the DragController. Subclasses may wish to override rather than install
// a DragController.
// See DragController for a description of these methods.
virtual int GetDragOperations(int press_x, int press_y);
virtual void WriteDragData(int press_x, int press_y, OSExchangeData* data);
// Invoked from DoDrag after the drag completes. This implementation does
// nothing, and is intended for subclasses to do cleanup.
virtual void OnDragDone();
// Returns whether we're in the middle of a drag session that was initiated
// by us.
bool InDrag();
// Returns how much the mouse needs to move in one direction to start a
// drag. These methods cache in a platform-appropriate way. These values are
// used by the public static method ExceededDragThreshold().
static int GetHorizontalDragThreshold();
static int GetVerticalDragThreshold();
// Whether this view is enabled.
bool enabled_;
// Whether the view can be focused.
bool focusable_;
friend class RootView;
friend class FocusManager;
friend class ViewStorage;
// Used to track a drag. RootView passes this into
// ProcessMousePressed/Dragged.
struct DragInfo {
// Sets possible_drag to false and start_x/y to 0. This is invoked by
// RootView prior to invoke ProcessMousePressed.
void Reset();
// Sets possible_drag to true and start_x/y to the specified coordinates.
// This is invoked by the target view if it detects the press may generate
// a drag.
void PossibleDrag(int x, int y);
// Whether the press may generate a drag.
bool possible_drag;
// Coordinates of the mouse press.
int start_x;
int start_y;
// RootView invokes these. These in turn invoke the appropriate OnMouseXXX
// method. If a drag is detected, DoDrag is invoked.
bool ProcessMousePressed(const MouseEvent& e, DragInfo* drop_info);
bool ProcessMouseDragged(const MouseEvent& e, DragInfo* drop_info);
void ProcessMouseReleased(const MouseEvent& e, bool canceled);
// Starts a drag and drop operation originating from this view. This invokes
// WriteDragData to write the data and GetDragOperations to determine the
// supported drag operations. When done, OnDragDone is invoked.
void DoDrag(const MouseEvent& e, int press_x, int press_y);
// Removes |view| from the hierarchy tree. If |update_focus_cycle| is true,
// the next and previous focusable views of views pointing to this view are
// updated. If |update_tool_tip| is true, the tooltip is updated. If
// |delete_removed_view| is true, the view is also deleted (if it is parent
// owned).
void DoRemoveChildView(View* view,
bool update_focus_cycle,
bool update_tool_tip,
bool delete_removed_view);
// Sets the parent View. This is called automatically by AddChild and is
// thus private.
void SetParent(View *parent);
// Call ViewHierarchyChanged for all child views on all parents
void PropagateRemoveNotifications(View* parent);
// Call ViewHierarchyChanged for all children
void PropagateAddNotifications(View* parent, View* child);
// Call VisibilityChanged() recursively for all children.
void PropagateVisibilityNotifications(View* from, bool is_visible);
// Takes care of registering/unregistering accelerators if
// |register_accelerators| true and calls ViewHierarchyChanged().
void ViewHierarchyChangedImpl(bool register_accelerators,
bool is_add,
View* parent,
View* child);
// This is the actual implementation for ConvertPointToView()
// Attempts a parent -> child conversion and then a
// child -> parent conversion if try_other_direction is true
static void ConvertPointToView(const View* src,
const View* dst,
gfx::Point* point,
bool try_other_direction);
// Propagates UpdateTooltip() to the TooltipManager for the Widget.
// This must be invoked any time the View hierarchy changes in such a way
// the view under the mouse differs. For example, if the bounds of a View is
// changed, this is invoked. Similarly, as Views are added/removed, this
// is invoked.
void UpdateTooltip();
// Recursively descends through all descendant views,
// registering/unregistering all views that want visible bounds in root
// view notification.
static void RegisterChildrenForVisibleBoundsNotification(RootView* root,
View* view);
static void UnregisterChildrenForVisibleBoundsNotification(RootView* root,
View* view);
// Adds/removes view to the list of descendants that are notified any time
// this views location and possibly size are changed.
void AddDescendantToNotify(View* view);
void RemoveDescendantToNotify(View* view);
// Initialize the previous/next focusable views of the specified view relative
// to the view at the specified index.
void InitFocusSiblings(View* view, int index);
// Actual implementation of PrintFocusHierarchy.
void PrintViewHierarchyImp(int indent);
void PrintFocusHierarchyImp(int indent);
// Registers this view's keyboard accelerators that are not registered to
// FocusManager yet, if possible.
void RegisterPendingAccelerators();
// Unregisters all the keyboard accelerators associated with this view.
void UnregisterAccelerators();
// This View's bounds in the parent coordinate system.
gfx::Rect bounds_;
// This view's parent
View *parent_;
// This view's children.
typedef std::vector<View*> ViewList;
ViewList child_views_;
// The View's LayoutManager defines the sizing heuristics applied to child
// Views. The default is absolute positioning according to bounds_.
scoped_ptr<LayoutManager> layout_manager_;
// Visible state
bool is_visible_;
// Background
scoped_ptr<Background> background_;
// Border.
scoped_ptr<Border> border_;
// Whether this view is owned by its parent.
bool is_parent_owned_;
// See SetNotifyWhenVisibleBoundsInRootChanges.
bool notify_when_visible_bounds_in_root_changes_;
// Whether or not RegisterViewForVisibleBoundsNotification on the RootView
// has been invoked.
bool registered_for_visible_bounds_notification_;
// List of descendants wanting notification when their visible bounds change.
scoped_ptr<ViewList> descendants_to_notify_;
// Next view to be focused when the Tab key is pressed.
View* next_focusable_view_;
// Next view to be focused when the Shift-Tab key combination is pressed.
View* previous_focusable_view_;
// The list of accelerators. List elements in the range
// [0, registered_accelerator_count_) are already registered to FocusManager,
// and the rest are not yet.
scoped_ptr<std::vector<Accelerator> > accelerators_;
size_t registered_accelerator_count_;
// The menu controller.
ContextMenuController* context_menu_controller_;
#if defined(OS_WIN)
// The accessibility implementation for this View.
scoped_ptr<ViewAccessibilityWrapper> accessibility_;
DragController* drag_controller_;
// Indicates whether or not the view is going to be mirrored (that is, use a
// right-to-left UI layout) if the locale's language is a right-to-left
// language like Arabic or Hebrew.
bool ui_mirroring_is_enabled_for_rtl_languages_;
// Indicates whether or not the gfx::Canvas object passed to View::Paint()
// is going to be flipped horizontally (using the appropriate transform) on
// right-to-left locales for this View.
bool flip_canvas_on_paint_for_rtl_ui_;
} // namespace views
#endif // VIEWS_VIEW_H_