blob: 676d6228ee913688dac83e08442ac5263cef4f69 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// dom_automation.js
// Methods for performing common DOM operations. Used in Chrome testing
// involving the DomAutomationController.
var domAutomation = domAutomation || {};
(function() {
// |objects| is used to track objects which are sent back to the
// DomAutomationController. Since JavaScript does not have a map type,
// |objects| is simply an object in which the property name and
// property value serve as the key-value pair. The key is the handle number
// and the value is the tracked object.
domAutomation.objects = {};
// The next object handle to use.
domAutomation.nextHandle = 1;
// The current call ID for which a response is awaited. Each asynchronous
// function is given a call ID. When the function has a result to return,
// it must supply that call ID. If a result has not yet been received for
// that call ID, a response containing the result will be sent to the
// domAutomationController.
domAutomation.currentCallId = 1;
// The current timeout for an asynchronous JavaScript evaluation. Can be given
// to window.clearTimeout.
domAutomation.currentTimeout = null;
// Returns |value| after converting it to an acceptable type for return, if
// necessary.
function getConvertedValue(value) {
if (typeof value == "undefined" || !value) {
return "";
if (value instanceof Array) {
var result = [];
for (var i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
return result;
if (typeof(value) == "object") {
var handle = getHandleForObject(value);
if (handle == -1) {
// Track this object.
var handle = domAutomation.nextHandle++;
domAutomation.objects[handle] = value;
return handle;
return value;
// Returns the handle for |obj|, or -1 if no handle exists.
function getHandleForObject(obj) {
for (var property in domAutomation.objects) {
if (domAutomation.objects[property] == obj)
return parseInt(property);
return -1;
// Sends a completed response back to the domAutomationController with a
// return value, which can be of any type.
function sendCompletedResponse(returnValue) {
var result = [true, "", getConvertedValue(returnValue)];
// Sends a error response back to the domAutomationController. |exception|
// should be a string or an exception.
function sendErrorResponse(exception) {
var message = exception.message;
if (typeof message == "undefined")
message = exception;
if (typeof message != "string")
message = JSON.stringify(message);
var result = [false, message, exception];
// Safely evaluates |javascript| and sends a response back via the
// DomAutomationController. See
// for more details.
domAutomation.evaluateJavaScript = function(javascript) {
try {
catch (exception) {
// Called by a function when it has completed successfully. Any value,
// including undefined, is acceptable for |returnValue|. This should only
// be used by functions with an asynchronous response.
function onAsyncJavaScriptComplete(callId, returnValue) {
if (domAutomation.currentCallId != callId) {
// We are not waiting for a response for this call anymore,
// because it already responded.
// Calld by a function when it has an error preventing its successful
// execution. |exception| should be an exception or a string.
function onAsyncJavaScriptError(callId, exception) {
if (domAutomation.currentCallId != callId) {
// We are not waiting for a response for this call anymore,
// because it already responded.
// Returns whether the call with the given ID has already finished. If true,
// this means that the call timed out or that it already gave a response.
function didCallFinish(callId) {
return domAutomation.currentCallId != callId;
// Safely evaluates |javascript|. The JavaScript is expected to return
// a response via either onAsyncJavaScriptComplete or
// onAsyncJavaScriptError. The script should respond within the |timeoutMs|.
domAutomation.evaluateAsyncJavaScript = function(javascript, timeoutMs) {
try {
catch (exception) {
onAsyncJavaScriptError(domAutomation.currentCallId, exception);
domAutomation.currentTimeout = window.setTimeout(
onAsyncJavaScriptError, timeoutMs, domAutomation.currentCallId,
"JavaScript timed out waiting for response.");
// Stops tracking the object associated with |handle|.
domAutomation.removeObject = function(handle) {
delete domAutomation.objects[handle];
// Stops tracking all objects.
domAutomation.removeAll = function() {
domAutomation.objects = {};
domAutomation.nextHandle = 1;
// Gets the object associated with this |handle|.
domAutomation.getObject = function(handle) {
var obj = domAutomation.objects[handle]
if (typeof obj == "undefined") {
throw "Object with handle " + handle + " does not exist."
return domAutomation.objects[handle];
// Gets the ID for this asynchronous call.
domAutomation.getCallId = function() {
return domAutomation.currentCallId;
// Converts an indexable list with a length property to an array.
function getArray(list) {
var arr = [];
for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
return arr;
// Removes whitespace at the beginning and end of |text|.
function trim(text) {
return text.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, "");
// Returns the window (which is a sub window of |win|) which
// directly contains |doc|. May return null.
function findWindowForDocument(win, doc) {
if (win.document == doc)
return win;
for (var i = 0; i < win.frames.length; i++) {
if (findWindowForDocument(win.frames[i], doc))
return win.frames[i];
return null;
// Returns |element|'s text. This includes all descendants' text.
// For textareas and inputs, the text is the element's value. For Text,
// it is the textContent.
function getText(element) {
if (element instanceof Text) {
return trim(element.textContent);
} else if (element instanceof HTMLTextAreaElement ||
element instanceof HTMLInputElement) {
return element.value || "";
var childrenText = "";
for (var i = 0; i < element.childNodes.length; i++) {
childrenText += getText(element.childNodes[i]);
return childrenText;
// Returns whether |element| is visible.
function isVisible(element) {
while ( {
if ( == 'none' || == 'hidden' || == 'collapse') {
return false;
element = element.parentNode;
return true;
// Returns an array of the visible elements found in the |elements| array.
function getVisibleElements(elements) {
var visibleElements = [];
for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
if (isVisible(elements[i]))
return visibleElements;
// Finds all the elements which satisfy the xpath query using the context
// node |context|. This function may throw an exception.
function findByXPath(context, xpath) {
var xpathResult =
document.evaluate(xpath, context, null,
var elements = [];
for (var i = 0; i < xpathResult.snapshotLength; i++) {
return elements;
// Finds the first element which satisfies the xpath query using the context
// node |context|. This function may throw an exception.
function find1ByXPath(context, xpath) {
var xpathResult =
document.evaluate(xpath, context, null,
return xpathResult.singleNodeValue;
// Finds all the elements which satisfy the selectors query using the context
// node |context|. This function may throw an exception.
function findBySelectors(context, selectors) {
return getArray(context.querySelectorAll(selectors));
// Finds the first element which satisfies the selectors query using the
// context node |context|. This function may throw an exception.
function find1BySelectors(context, selectors) {
return context.querySelector(selectors);
// Finds all the elements which contain |text| using the context
// node |context|. See getText for details about what constitutes the text
// of an element. This function may throw an exception.
function findByText(context, text) {
// Find all elements containing this text and all inputs containing
// this text.
var xpath = ".//*[contains(text(), '" + text + "')] | " +
".//input[contains(@value, '" + text + "')]";
var elements = findByXPath(context, xpath);
// Limit to what is visible.
return getVisibleElements(elements);
// Finds the first element which contains |text| using the context
// node |context|. See getText for details about what constitutes the text
// of an element. This function may throw an exception.
function find1ByText(context, text) {
var elements = findByText(context, text);
if (elements.length > 0)
return findByText(context, text)[0];
return null;
//// DOM Element automation methods
//// See dom_element_proxy.h for method details.
domAutomation.getDocumentFromFrame = function(element, frameNames) {
// Find the window this element is in.
var containingDocument = element.ownerDocument || element;
var frame = findWindowForDocument(window, containingDocument);
for (var i = 0; i < frameNames.length; i++) {
frame = frame.frames[frameNames[i]];
if (typeof frame == "undefined" || !frame) {
return null;
return frame.document;
domAutomation.findElement = function(context, query) {
var type = query.type;
var queryString = query.queryString;
if (type == "xpath") {
return find1ByXPath(context, queryString);
} else if (type == "selectors") {
return find1BySelectors(context, queryString);
} else if (type == "text") {
return find1ByText(context, queryString);
domAutomation.findElements = function(context, query) {
var type = query.type;
var queryString = query.queryString;
if (type == "xpath") {
return findByXPath(context, queryString);
} else if (type == "selectors") {
return findBySelectors(context, queryString);
} else if (type == "text") {
return findByText(context, queryString);
domAutomation.waitForVisibleElementCount = function(context, query, count,
callId) {
(function waitHelper() {
try {
var elements = domAutomation.findElements(context, query);
var visibleElements = getVisibleElements(elements);
if (visibleElements.length == count)
onAsyncJavaScriptComplete(callId, visibleElements);
else if (!didCallFinish(callId))
window.setTimeout(waitHelper, 500);
catch (exception) {
onAsyncJavaScriptError(callId, exception);
} = function(element) {
var evt = document.createEvent('MouseEvents');
evt.initMouseEvent('click', true, true, window,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false,
false, false, 0, null);
while (element) {
element = element.parentNode;
domAutomation.type = function(element, text) {
if (element instanceof HTMLTextAreaElement ||
(element instanceof HTMLInputElement && element.type == "text")) {
element.value += text;
return true;
return false;
domAutomation.setText = function(element, text) {
if (element instanceof HTMLTextAreaElement ||
(element instanceof HTMLInputElement && element.type == "text")) {
element.value = text;
return true;
return false;
domAutomation.getProperty = function(element, property) {
return element[property];
domAutomation.getAttribute = function(element, attribute) {
return element.getAttribute(attribute);
domAutomation.getValue = function(element, type) {
if (type == "text") {
return getText(element);
} else if (type == "innerhtml") {
return trim(element.innerHTML);
} else if (type == "innertext") {
return trim(element.innerText);
} else if (type == "visibility") {
return isVisible(element);
} else if (type == "id") {
} else if (type == "contentdocument") {
return element.contentDocument;
domAutomation.waitForAttribute = function(element, attribute, value, callId) {
(function waitForAttributeHelper() {
try {
if (element.getAttribute(attribute) == value)
else if (!didCallFinish(callId))
window.setTimeout(waitForAttributeHelper, 200);
catch (exception) {
onAsyncJavaScriptError(callId, exception);