blob: 257c7945a50c50926198e6f54828266dc222dfb8 [file] [log] [blame]
// This list is used to generate runtime_enabled_features.h/cc which contains
// a class that stores static enablers for all experimental features.
parameters: {
// Each feature can be assigned a "status". The "status" can be either
// one of the values in the |valid_values| list or a dictionary of
// the platforms listed in |valid_keys| to |valid_values|.
// Use "default" as the key if you want to specify the status of
// the platforms other than the ones declared in the dictionary.
// ** Omitting "default" means the feature is not enabled on
// the platforms not listed in the status dictionary
// Definition of each status:
// * status=stable: Enable this in all Blink configurations. We are
// committed to these APIs indefinitely.
// * status=experimental: In-progress features, Web Developers might play
// with, but are not on by default in stable.
// * status=test: Enabled in ContentShell for testing, otherwise off.
// Features without a status are not enabled anywhere by default.
// Example of the dictionary value use:
// {
// name: "ExampleFeature",
// status: {"Android": "stable", "ChromeOS": "experimental"},
// }
// "ExampleFeature" will be stable on Android, experimental on ChromeOS
// and not enabled on any other platform
// "stable" features listed here should be rare, as anything which we've
// shipped stable can have its runtime flag removed soon after.
status: {
valid_values: ["stable", "experimental", "test"],
valid_keys: ["Android", "Win", "ChromeOS", "MacOSX"]
// "implied_by" or "depends_on" specifies relationship to other features:
// * implied_by: ["feature1","feature2",...]
// The feature is automatically enabled if any implied_by features is
// enabled;
// * depends_on: ["feature1","feature2",...]
// The feature is enabled only if all depends_on features are enabled.
// Only one of "implied_by" and "depends_on" can be specified.
implied_by: {
default: [],
valid_type: "list",
// *DO NOT* specify features that depend on origin trial features.
// It is NOT supported. As a workaround, you can either specify the same
// |origin_trial_feature_name| for the feature or add the OT feature to
// the |implied_by| list.
// TODO( Add support for origin trial features in 'depends_on' list
depends_on: {
default: [],
valid_type: "list",
// origin_trial_feature_name: "FEATURE_NAME" is used to integrate the
// feature with the Origin Trials framework. The framework allows the
// feature to be enabled at runtime on a per-page basis through a signed
// token for the corresponding feature name. Declaring the
// origin_trial_feature_name will modify the generation of the static
// methods in runtime_enabled_features.h/cpp. The static method then allows
// the feature implementation to check if the trial is enabled for the
// current context.
origin_trial_feature_name: {
// origin_trial_os specifies the platforms where the trial is available.
// The default is empty, meaning all platforms.
origin_trial_os: {
default: [],
valid_type: "list",
// origin_trial_type specifies the unique type of the trial, when not the
// usual trial for a new experimental feature.
origin_trial_type: {
default: "",
valid_type: "str",
valid_values: ["deprecation", "intervention", ""],
// origin_trial_allows_insecure specifies whether the trial can be enabled
// in an insecure context, with default being false. This can only be set
// to true for a "deprecation" type trial.
origin_trial_allows_insecure: {
valid_type: "bool",
// origin_trial_allows_third_party specifies whether the trial can be enabled
// from third party origins, with default being false.
origin_trial_allows_third_party: {
valid_type: "bool",
// settable_from_internals specifies whether a feature can be set from
// internals.runtimeFlags, with the default being false.
settable_from_internals: {
valid_type: "bool",
// Feature policy IDL extended attribute (see
feature_policy: {
data: [
name: "Accelerated2dCanvas",
settable_from_internals: true,
status: "stable",
name: "AcceleratedSmallCanvases",
status: "stable",
name: "AccessibilityExposeARIAAnnotations",
status: "stable",
name: "AccessibilityExposeDisplayNone",
status: "test",
name: "AccessibilityExposeHTMLElement",
status: "experimental",
name: "AccessibilityObjectModel",
status: "experimental",
name: "AddressSpace",
status: "experimental",
implied_by: ["CorsRFC1918"],
name: "AdTagging",
status: "test",
// Deprecated, see UserActivationPostMessageTransfer.
name: "AllowActivationDelegationAttr",
name: "AllowContentInitiatedDataUrlNavigations",
status: "stable",
name: "AllowSyncXHRInPageDismissal",
origin_trial_feature_name: "AllowSyncXHRInPageDismissal",
name: "AnimationWorklet",
status: "experimental",
name: "AOMAriaProperties",
status: "stable",
name: "AOMAriaRelationshipProperties",
status: "experimental",
// Force disabled if blink::features::kAppCache is disabled, and this
// will override any origin trial setting.
// Disabled if blink::features::kAppCacheRequireOriginTrial is enabled,
// but can be turned back on by the origin trial.
// Otherwise, on by default.
name: "AppCache",
status: "stable",
origin_trial_feature_name: "AppCache",
name: "AudioOutputDevices",
// Android does not yet support switching of audio output devices
status: {"Android": "", "default": "stable"},
name: "AudioVideoTracks",
status: "experimental",
name: "AudioWorkletRealtimeThread",
status: "experimental",
name: "AutoLazyLoadOnReloads",
depends_on: ["LazyFrameLoading"],
name: "AutomaticLazyFrameLoading",
depends_on: ["LazyFrameLoading"],
status: "stable",
name: "AutomaticLazyImageLoading",
depends_on: ["LazyImageLoading"],
status: "stable",
name: "AutomationControlled",
settable_from_internals: true,
name: "AutoPictureInPicture",
depends_on: ["PictureInPictureAPI"],
origin_trial_feature_name: "AutoPictureInPicture",
status: "experimental",
// Flag set by the media::kAutoplayIgnoreWebAudio feature flag.
name: "AutoplayIgnoresWebAudio",
settable_from_internals: true,
name: "BackForwardCache",
name: "BackgroundFetch",
status: "stable",
name: "BackgroundVideoTrackOptimization",
status: "stable",
name: "Badging",
status: "stable",
name: "BarcodeDetector",
status: "stable",
name: "BeforeMatchEvent",
status: "experimental",
name: "BidiCaretAffinity",
name: "BlinkRuntimeCallStats",
name: "BlockCredentialedSubresources",
status: "stable",
name: "BlockFlowHandlesWebkitLineClamp",
status: "stable",
name: "BlockHTMLParserOnStyleSheets",
name: "BlockingDownloadsInSandbox",
status: "stable",
name: "BlockingFocusWithoutUserActivation",
status: "experimental",
name: "BrowserVerifiedUserActivationKeyboard",
name: "BrowserVerifiedUserActivationMouse",
name: "CacheInlineScriptCode"
name: "CacheStorageCodeCacheHint",
origin_trial_feature_name: "CacheStorageCodeCacheHint",
status: "experimental",
name: "Canvas2dContextLostRestored",
status: "experimental",
name: "Canvas2dImageChromium",
name: "Canvas2dScrollPathIntoView",
status: "experimental",
name: "CanvasColorManagement",
status: "experimental",
name: "CanvasHitRegion",
status: "experimental",
name: "CanvasImageSmoothing",
status: "experimental",
name: "CaptureTimeInCsrc",
status: "stable",
name: "ClickPointerEvent",
status: "experimental",
name: "ClickRetargetting",
status: "experimental",
name: "CompositeAfterPaint",
name: "CompositedSelectionUpdate",
status: {"Android": "stable"},
name: "ComputedAccessibilityInfo",
status: "experimental",
name: "ConsolidatedMovementXY",
name: "ContactsManager",
status: {"Android": "stable", "default": "test"},
name: "ContactsManagerExtraProperties",
status: {"Android": "stable", "default": "test"},
name: "ContentIndex",
status: {"Android": "stable", "default": "experimental"},
name: "ContextMenu",
status: "experimental",
name: "ConversionMeasurement",
origin_trial_feature_name: "ConversionMeasurement",
status: "experimental",
name: "CookieDeprecationMessages",
status: "experimental",
name: "CookieStoreDocument",
origin_trial_feature_name: "CookieStore",
status: "experimental",
name: "CookieStoreWorker",
origin_trial_feature_name: "CookieStore",
status: "experimental",
name: "CookiesWithoutSameSiteMustBeSecure",
status: "test",
name: "CooperativeScheduling"
name: "CorsRFC1918",
name: "CrossOriginIsolation",
status: "experimental",
name: "CSS3Text",
status: "experimental",
name: "CSSAspectRatioProperty",
status: "experimental",
name: "CSSCalcAsInt",
status: "test",
name: "CSSCascade",
status: "stable",
// Support for the CSS color-scheme property from the css-color-adjust spec.
name: "CSSColorScheme",
status: "stable",
// When the color-scheme is supported via the CSS color-scheme property
// (CSSColorScheme) or the meta tag (MetaColorScheme), the only UA
// rendering change is for the canvas background and the :root element
// color property. Enabling this runtime flag will enable dark UA
// rendering for form controls, scrollbars, etc.
name: "CSSColorSchemeUARendering",
// The main content-visibility feature.
name: "CSSContentVisibility",
status: "stable",
// The content-visibility: hidden-matchable feature. This is a planned
// follow-up to the main CSSContentVisibility feature, thus it is gated
// by a different flag.
name: "CSSContentVisibilityHiddenMatchable",
status: "experimental"
name: "CSSFocusVisible",
status: "stable",
name: "CSSFoldables",
status: "experimental",
name: "CSSFontSizeAdjust",
status: "experimental",
// This needs to be kept as a runtime flag as long as we need to forcibly
// disable it for WebView on Android versions older than P. See
name: "CSSHexAlphaColor",
status: "stable",
name: "CSSIndependentTransformProperties",
status: "experimental",
name: "CSSLayoutAPI",
status: "experimental",
name: "CSSLogical",
status: "experimental",
settable_from_internals: true,
name: "CSSLogicalOverflow",
status: "test",
name: "CSSMarkerNestedPseudoElement",
status: "experimental",
name: "CSSMarkerPseudoElement",
status: "stable",
implied_by: ["CSSMarkerNestedPseudoElement"],
// Enables dependency support for the MatchedPropertiesCache.
name: "CSSMatchedPropertiesCacheDependencies",
depends_on: ["CSSCascade"]
name: "CSSMathStyle",
status: "experimental",
implied_by: ["MathMLCore"],
name: "CSSMathSuperscriptShiftStyle",
status: "experimental",
implied_by: ["MathMLCore"],
name: "CSSMathVariant",
status: "experimental",
implied_by: ["MathMLCore"],
name: "CSSModules",
status: "experimental",
name: "CSSOffsetPathRay",
status: "experimental",
name: "CSSOffsetPathRayContain",
status: "experimental",
name: "CSSOffsetPositionAnchor",
status: "experimental",
name: "CSSOMViewScrollCoordinates",
status: "experimental",
name: "CSSPaintAPIArguments",
status: "experimental",
name: "CSSPictureInPicture",
status: "experimental",
depends_on: ["PictureInPictureAPI"],
name: "CSSPseudoIs",
status: "experimental",
name: "CSSPseudoWhere",
status: "experimental",
// Perform partial style invalidation on web font loading.
// See and for details.
name: "CSSReducedFontLoadingInvalidations",
status: "stable",
implied_by: ["CSSReducedFontLoadingLayoutInvalidations"],
// Perform partial layout invalidation on web font loading.
// See and for details.
name: "CSSReducedFontLoadingLayoutInvalidations",
status: "test",
name: "CSSRevert",
status: "stable",
depends_on: ["CSSCascade"],
// Support for declarative parts of scroll-animations-1, i.e.
// the animation-timeline property and the @scroll-timeline rule.
name: "CSSScrollTimeline"
name: "CSSSnapSize",
status: "experimental",
name: "CSSSupportsSelector",
status: "stable",
// Make system color keywords compute to themselves.
name: "CSSSystemColorComputeToSelf",
// Support for @property rules.
name: "CSSVariables2AtProperty",
status: "stable",
// Support for registered custom properties with <image> syntax.
name: "CSSVariables2ImageValues",
status: "test",
// Support for registered custom properties with <transform-list> and
// <transform-function> syntax.
name: "CSSVariables2TransformValues",
status: "test",
name: "CustomElementDefaultStyle",
status: "experimental",
// TODO(937746): Web Components v0 is disabled by default, and will be
// removed after M87.
name: "CustomElementsV0",
origin_trial_feature_name: "WebComponentsV0",
origin_trial_type: "deprecation",
origin_trial_allows_insecure: true,
status: "test",
name: "CustomStatePseudoClass",
status: "experimental",
name: "Database",
status: "stable",
name: "DeclarativeShadowDOM",
status: "experimental",
name: "DecodeJpeg420ImagesToYUV",
status: "test",
name: "DecodeLossyWebPImagesToYUV",
status: "test",
name: "DelayAsyncScriptExecutionUntilFinishedParsing",
name: "DelayAsyncScriptExecutionUntilFirstPaintOrFinishedParsing",
name: "DelegatedInkTrails",
status: "test",
name: "DesktopCaptureDisableLocalEchoControl",
status: "experimental",
name: "DigitalGoods",
status: "experimental",
name: "DisableHardwareNoiseSuppression",
origin_trial_feature_name: "DisableHardwareNoiseSuppression",
status: "experimental",
// Disable composited layer squashing in pre-CompositeAfterPaint for
// testing.
name: "DisableLayerSquashing",
name: "DisallowDocumentAccess",
status: "experimental",
name: "DisplayCutoutAPI",
settable_from_internals: true,
name: "DocumentCookie",
name: "DocumentDomain",
name: "DocumentPolicy",
origin_trial_feature_name: "DocumentPolicy",
status: "experimental",
name: "DocumentWrite",
name: "EditContext",
settable_from_internals: true,
status: "test",
// content editable in LayoutNG.
name: "EditingNG",
status: "test",
name: "EncryptedMediaEncryptionSchemeQuery",
status: "stable",
name: "EncryptedMediaHdcpPolicyCheck",
status: "stable",
name: "EncryptedMediaPersistentUsageRecordSession",
status: "experimental",
name: "EnterKeyHintAttribute",
status: "stable",
name: "EventTiming",
status: "stable",
name: "ExecCommandInJavaScript",
status: "test",
name: "ExpensiveBackgroundTimerThrottling",
status: "stable",
// Experimental feature to try dynamic delegation of autoplay capability
// through postMessages.
name: "ExperimentalAutoplayDynamicDelegation",
origin_trial_feature_name: "ExperimentalAutoplayDynamicDelegation",
name: "ExperimentalContentSecurityPolicyFeatures",
status: "experimental",
// Enables navigator.scheduling.isInputPending and
// navigator.scheduling.isFramePending, allowing long-running JS to
// be able to yield itself when user input is queued ( or a
// display update is scheduled.
name: "ExperimentalIsInputPending",
origin_trial_feature_name: "ExperimentalIsInputPending",
status: "experimental"
// Enables a DOM-exposed interface to profile client JS.
name: "ExperimentalJSProfiler",
origin_trial_feature_name: "ExperimentalJSProfiler",
status: "experimental"
// Enables a set of features intended to help improve web developer
// productivity, by restricting the use of potentially problematic web-
// platform behaviors, as well as adding new high-level APIs for common
// development patterns.
name: "ExperimentalProductivityFeatures",
status: "experimental"
name: "ExtendedTextMetrics",
status: "experimental",
name: "ExtraWebGLVideoTextureMetadata",
name: "FaceDetector",
status: "experimental",
name: "FeaturePolicyForClientHints",
status: "stable",
name: "FeaturePolicyForSandbox",
status: "experimental",
name: "FeaturePolicyReporting",
implied_by: ["ExperimentalProductivityFeatures"],
origin_trial_feature_name: "FeaturePolicyReporting",
status: "experimental"
name: "FeaturePolicyVibrateFeature"
name: "FetchUploadStreaming",
origin_trial_feature_name: "FetchUploadStreaming",
status: "experimental",
// Also enabled when blink::features::kFileHandlingAPI is overridden
// on the command line (or via chrome://flags).
name: "FileHandling",
depends_on: ["NativeFileSystem"],
status: {"Android": "test", "default": "experimental"},
origin_trial_feature_name: "FileHandling",
origin_trial_os: ["win", "macosx", "linux", "chromeos"],
name: "FileSystem",
status: "stable",
name: "FlexGaps",
status: "stable",
name: "FocuslessSpatialNavigation",
settable_from_internals: true,
name: "FontAccess",
status: "experimental",
name: "FontSrcLocalMatching",
// No status, as the web platform runtime enabled feature is controlled by
// a Chromium level feature.
// For simulating Android's overlay fullscreen video in web tests on Linux.
name: "ForcedColors",
status: "experimental",
name: "ForceDeferScriptIntervention",
// This is used in tests to perform memory measurement without
// waiting for GC.
name: "ForceLoadAtTop",
origin_trial_feature_name: "ForceLoadAtTop",
name: "ForceOverlayFullscreenVideo",
name: "ForceSynchronousHTMLParsing",
name: "ForceTallerSelectPopup",
status: {"ChromeOS": "stable"},
name: "FractionalScrollOffsets",
status: "experimental",
name: "FreezeFramesOnVisibility",
status: "experimental",
name: "GamepadButtonAxisEvents",
status: "experimental",
name: "GetDisplayMedia",
status: {"Android": "", "default": "stable"},
name: "GroupEffect",
status: "test",
name: "HrefTranslate",
depends_on: ["TranslateService"],
origin_trial_feature_name: "HrefTranslate",
status: "stable",
// TODO(937746): Web Components v0 is disabled by default, and will be
// removed after M87.
name: "HTMLImports",
origin_trial_feature_name: "WebComponentsV0",
origin_trial_type: "deprecation",
origin_trial_allows_insecure: true,
status: "test",
name: "IDBObserver",
status: "experimental",
name: "IDBRelaxedDurability",
status: "stable",
name: "IdleDetection",
origin_trial_feature_name: "IdleDetection",
status: "experimental",
name: "IgnoreCrossOriginWindowWhenNamedAccessOnWindow",
status: "experimental",
name: "ImageOrientation",
status: "stable",
name: "ImplicitRootScroller",
status: "experimental",
settable_from_internals: true,
name: "ImportMaps",
implied_by: ["ExperimentalProductivityFeatures"],
name: "InertAttribute",
status: "experimental",
name: "InputElementRawValue",
status: "experimental",
name: "InputMultipleFieldsUI",
// No plan to support complex UI for date/time INPUT types on Android.
status: {"Android": "test", "default": "stable"},
name: "InstalledApp",
status: "stable",
name: "IntersectionObserverDocumentScrollingElementRoot",
status: "stable",
// Launched by default. TODO(mythria): cleanup virtual tests and
// other hooks in blink.
name: "IsolatedCodeCache",
status: "stable",
// If enabled, CSP checks use the isolated world CSP when in an isolated
// world. See
name: "IsolatedWorldCSP"
name: "KeyboardFocusableScrollers",
status: "experimental",
name: "LangAttributeAwareFormControlUI",
name: "LangClientHintHeader",
status: "experimental",
// LayoutNG has been enabled in M76, but we still keep this flag for
// testing. See web_tests/FlagExpectations/disable-layout-ng for more
// details about running web tests with LayoutNG disabled. This flag also
// provides a convenient way for testing legacy layout code path in blink
// unit tests.
name: "LayoutNG",
implied_by: ["LayoutNGFieldset", "LayoutNGGrid", "BidiCaretAffinity", "LayoutNGTable"],
status: "stable",
name: "LayoutNGBlockFragmentation",
name: "LayoutNGFieldset",
name: "LayoutNGFlexBox",
status: "stable",
name: "LayoutNGForControls",
depends_on: ["LayoutNG"],
status: "experimental",
name: "LayoutNGFragmentItem",
implied_by: ["LayoutNGBlockFragmentation", "LayoutNGFragmentTraversal", "EditingNG"],
status: "test",
// Traverse the fragment tree when painting and hit-testing, instead of
// the layout object tree.
name: "LayoutNGFragmentTraversal",
implied_by: ["LayoutNGBlockFragmentation"],
name: "LayoutNGGrid",
name: "LayoutNGRuby",
depends_on: ["LayoutNG"],
// The flag value is managed by kLayoutNGRuby in common/ too.
status: "stable",
name: "LayoutNGTable",
// Adds the "sources" attribute to the LayoutShift interface for the
// Layout Instability API (
name: "LayoutShiftAttribution",
status: "stable",
name: "LazyFrameLoading",
status: "stable",
name: "LazyFrameVisibleLoadTimeMetrics",
name: "LazyImageLoading",
status: "stable",
name: "LazyImageVisibleLoadTimeMetrics",
name: "LazyInitializeMediaControls",
// This is enabled by features::kLazyInitializeMediaControls.
// Also enabled when blink::features::kNativeFileSystemAPI is overridden
// on the command line (or via chrome://flags).
// Used for API surface that will be removed when the Native File System
// API is no longer guarded by an origin trial.
name: "LegacyNativeFileSystem",
status: {"Android": "test", "default": "experimental"},
origin_trial_feature_name: "NativeFileSystem2",
origin_trial_os: ["win", "macosx", "linux", "chromeos"],
name: "LegacyWindowsDWriteFontFallback",
// Enabled by features::kLegacyWindowsDWriteFontFallback;
// TODO( Remove this once the feature has
// landed and no compat issues are reported.
name: "LinkDisabledNewSpecBehavior",
status: "stable",
name: "MathMLCore",
depends_on: ["LayoutNG"],
origin_trial_feature_name: "MeasureMemory",
name: "MediaCapabilitiesDynamicRange",
status: "test",
name: "MediaCapabilitiesEncodingInfo",
status: "experimental",
name: "MediaCapabilitiesEncryptedMedia",
status: "stable",
name: "MediaCapabilitiesSpatialAudio",
status: "test",
name: "MediaCapture",
status: {"Android": "stable"},
name: "MediaCaptureDepthVideoKind",
status: "experimental",
name: "MediaCapturePanTilt",
status: "experimental",
// Set to reflect the MediaCastOverlayButton feature.
name: "MediaCastOverlayButton",
name: "MediaControlsExpandGesture"
name: "MediaControlsOverlayPlayButton",
settable_from_internals: true,
status: {"Android": "stable"},
name: "MediaControlsUseCutOutByDefault",
status: "stable",
name: "MediaDocumentDownloadButton",
name: "MediaElementVolumeGreaterThanOne",
// Set to reflect the kMediaEngagementBypassAutoplayPolicies feature.
name: "MediaEngagementBypassAutoplayPolicies",
// Media Feeds:
// Set to reflect the kMediaFeeds feature.
name: "MediaFeeds",
status: "experimental",
name: "MediaLatencyHint",
status: "test",
name: "MediaPreservesPitch",
status: "experimental",
name: "MediaQueryNavigationControls",
name: "MediaSession",
status: "stable",
name: "MediaSessionPosition",
status: "stable",
name: "MediaSourceExperimental",
status: "experimental",
name: "MediaSourceInWorkers",
status: "experimental",
name: "MediaSourceNewAbortAndDuration",
status: "experimental",
// This is used in cases of mixed specification of stable and
// experimental MediaSource features, such as in the IDL for an interface
// constructor where exposure of the constructor in Window vs other
// contexts can vary in stable vs experimental.
name: "MediaSourceStable",
status: "stable",
// Support for META tag for setting color-scheme used for opting into dark
// UA theming and opting out of forced dark mode.
name: "MetaColorScheme",
status: "stable",
// This is enabled by default on Windows only. The only part that's
// "experimental" is the support on other platforms.
name: "MiddleClickAutoscroll",
status: "test",
name: "MobileLayoutTheme",
name: "ModuleServiceWorker",
status: "test",
name: "ModuleSharedWorker",
status: "stable",
name: "MojoJS",
status: "test",
// MojoJSTest is used exclusively in testing environments, whereas MojoJS
// may also be used elsewhere.
name: "MojoJSTest",
status: "test",
// When enabled, iframes are not capturing mouse events by default.
name: "MouseSubframeNoImplicitCapture",
// Named pages for pagination (the "page" CSS property).
name: "NamedPages",
status: "stable",
// Also enabled when blink::features::kNativeFileSystemAPI is overridden
// on the command line (or via chrome://flags).
name: "NativeFileSystem",
status: {"Android": "test", "default": "experimental"},
origin_trial_feature_name: "NativeFileSystem2",
origin_trial_os: ["win", "macosx", "linux", "chromeos"],
name: "NativeFileSystemDragAndDrop",
status: "test"
name: "NativeIO",
status: "experimental",
name: "NavigatorContentUtils",
// Android does not yet support NavigatorContentUtils.
status: {"Android": "", "default": "stable"},
// Allows the navigator.language and navigator.languages APIs in insecure
// contexts, which proposes that
// we deprecate.
name: "NavigatorLanguageInInsecureContext",
settable_from_internals: true,
status: "stable",
name: "NetInfoDownlinkMax",
// Only Android, ChromeOS support NetInfo downlinkMax, type and ontypechange now
status: {"Android": "stable", "ChromeOS": "stable"},
name: "NeverSlowMode",
name: "NewCanvas2DAPI",
status: "experimental",
// Not a web exposed feature, enabled from the command line.
name: "NewRemotePlaybackPipeline",
name: "NoIdleEncodingForWebTests",
status: "test",
name: "NotificationConstructor",
// Android won't be able to reliably support non-persistent notifications, the
// intended behavior for which is in flux by itself.
status: {"Android": "", "default": "stable"},
// NotificationContentImage is not available in all platforms
// The Notification Center on Mac OS X does not support content images.
name: "NotificationContentImage",
status: {"MacOSX": "test", "default": "stable"},
name: "Notifications",
status: "stable",
name: "NotificationTriggers",
origin_trial_feature_name: "NotificationTriggers",
status: "experimental",
name: "OffMainThreadCSSPaint",
status: "stable",
name: "OffscreenCanvasCommit",
status: "experimental",
name: "OnDeviceChange",
// Android does not yet support SystemMonitor.
status: {"Android": "", "default": "stable"},
name: "OrientationEvent",
status: {"Android": "stable"},
name: "OriginIsolationHeader",
origin_trial_feature_name: "OriginIsolationHeader",
status: "experimental",
name: "OriginPolicy",
status: "experimental",
// Define a sample API for testing integration with the Origin Trials
// Framework. The sample API is used in both unit and web tests for the
// Origin Trials Framework. Do not change this flag to stable, as it exists
// solely to generate code used by the sample API implementation.
name: "OriginTrialsSampleAPI",
origin_trial_feature_name: "Frobulate",
// As above. Do not change this flag to stable, as it exists solely to
// generate code used by the origin trials sample API implementation.
// TODO(yashard): Add tests for this feature.
name: "OriginTrialsSampleAPIDependent",
depends_on: ["OriginTrialsSampleAPI"],
// As above. Do not change this flag to stable, as it exists solely to
// generate code used by the origin trials sample API implementation.
name: "OriginTrialsSampleAPIDeprecation",
origin_trial_feature_name: "FrobulateDeprecation",
origin_trial_type: "deprecation",
origin_trial_allows_insecure: true,
// As above. Do not change this flag to stable, as it exists solely to
// generate code used by the origin trials sample API implementation.
name: "OriginTrialsSampleAPIImplied",
origin_trial_feature_name: "FrobulateImplied",
implied_by: ["OriginTrialsSampleAPI", "OriginTrialsSampleAPIInvalidOS"],
// As above. Do not change this flag to stable, as it exists solely to
// generate code used by the origin trials sample API implementation.
name: "OriginTrialsSampleAPIInvalidOS",
origin_trial_feature_name: "FrobulateInvalidOS",
origin_trial_os: ["invalid"],
// As above. Do not change this flag to stable, as it exists solely to
// generate code used by the origin trials sample API implementation.
name: "OriginTrialsSampleAPINavigation",
origin_trial_feature_name: "FrobulateNavigation",
// As above. Do not change this flag to stable, as it exists solely to
// generate code used by the origin trials sample API implementation.
name: "OriginTrialsSampleAPIThirdParty",
origin_trial_feature_name: "FrobulateThirdParty",
origin_trial_allows_third_party: true,
name: "OutOfBlinkCors",
name: "OverflowIconsForMediaControls",
name: "OverscrollCustomization",
settable_from_internals: true,
status: "experimental",
// The following are developer opt-outs and opt-ins for page freezing. If
// neither is specified then heuristics will be applied to determine whether
// the page is eligible.
name: "PageFreezeOptIn",
origin_trial_feature_name: "PageFreezeOptIn",
name: "PageFreezeOptOut",
origin_trial_feature_name: "PageFreezeOptOut",
name: "PagePopup",
// Android does not have support for PagePopup
status: {"Android": "", "default": "stable"},
name: "PaintUnderInvalidationChecking",
settable_from_internals: true,
name: "ParentNodeReplaceChildren",
status: "stable",
// This flag enables the Manifest parser to handle URL Protocols.
name: "ParseUrlProtocolHandler",
status: "test",
name: "PassPaintVisualRectToCompositor",
// This is to add an option to enable the Reveal button on password inputs while waiting ::reveal gets standardized.
name: "PasswordReveal",
name: "PaymentApp",
status: "experimental",
name: "PaymentHandlerChangePaymentMethod",
status: "stable",
name: "PaymentHandlerHandlesShippingAndContact",
status: "stable",
name: "PaymentHandlerMinimalUI",
status: "experimental",
name: "PaymentMethodChangeEvent",
status: "stable",
// PaymentRequest is enabled by default on Android
name: "PaymentRequest",
status: "experimental",
name: "PaymentRequestMerchantValidationEvent",
status: "experimental",
name: "PaymentRetry",
status: "stable",
name: "PercentBasedScrolling",
settable_from_internals: true,
name: "PerformanceManagerInstrumentation",
name: "PeriodicBackgroundSync",
status: "stable",
name: "PerMethodCanMakePaymentQuota",
origin_trial_feature_name: "PerMethodCanMakePaymentQuota",
status: "experimental",
name: "PermissionDelegation",
status: "test",
name: "Permissions",
status: "stable",
name: "PermissionsPolicyHeader",
status: "experimental"
name: "PermissionsRequestRevoke",
status: "experimental",
name: "PictureInPicture",
settable_from_internals: true,
// Picture-in-Picture API is disabled by default on Android.
name: "PictureInPictureAPI",
status: {"Android": "", "default": "stable"},
name: "PictureInPictureV2",
depends_on: ["PictureInPictureAPI"],
settable_from_internals: true,
// This is a reverse OT used for a phased deprecation.
name: "PNaCl",
origin_trial_feature_name: "PNaCl",
name: "PointerLockOptions",
origin_trial_feature_name: "PointerLockOptions",
name: "PointerRawUpdate",
status: "stable",
name: "Portals",
status: "test",
origin_trial_feature_name: "Portals",
name: "PortalsDefaultActivation",
status: "test",
name: "PreciseMemoryInfo",
// Prefer not using composited scrolling. Composited scrolling will still
// be used if there are other reasons forcing compositing. For consistency,
// any code calling Settings::GetPreferCompositingToLCDTextEnabled() should
// ensure that this flag overrides the setting.
name: "PreferNonCompositedScrolling",
settable_from_internals: true,
name: 'PrefersReducedData',
status: 'experimental',
// This feature is deprecated and we are evangelizing affected sites.
// See for current status.
name: "PrefixedVideoFullscreen",
status: "stable",
name: "Presentation",
status: "stable",
name: "PriorityHints",
origin_trial_feature_name: "PriorityHints",
status: "experimental",
name: "PushMessaging",
status: "stable",
name: "PushMessagingSubscriptionChange",
status: "experimental",
name: "QuicTransport",
origin_trial_feature_name: "QuicTransport",
status: "experimental",
// Enabled when blink::features::kRawClipboard is enabled.
name: "RawClipboard",
name: "ReducedReferrerGranularity",
status: "experimental",
name: "RemotePlayback",
status: "stable",
name: "RemotePlaybackBackend",
settable_from_internals: true,
// Tracking bug for the implementation:
status: {"Android": "stable", "default": ""},
// See
name: "RequestVideoFrameCallback",
status: "stable",
name: "ResizeObserverUpdates",
status: "stable",
name: "RestrictAutomaticLazyFrameLoadingToDataSaver",
depends_on: ["AutomaticLazyFrameLoading"],
status: "stable",
name: "RestrictAutomaticLazyImageLoadingToDataSaver",
depends_on: ["AutomaticLazyImageLoading"],
status: "stable",
name: "RtcAudioJitterBufferMaxPackets",
origin_trial_feature_name: "RtcAudioJitterBufferMaxPackets",
status: "experimental",
name: "RtcAudioJitterBufferRtxHandling",
origin_trial_feature_name: "RtcAudioJitterBufferRtxHandling",
status: "experimental",
// Enables the use of the RTCIceTransport with extensions.
name: "RTCIceTransportExtension",
origin_trial_feature_name: "RTCQuicTransport",
status: "experimental",
// Enables the use of Insertable Streams.
name: "RTCInsertableStreams",
origin_trial_feature_name: "RTCInsertableStreams",
status: "experimental",
// Enables the use of the RTCQuicTransport object.
name: "RTCQuicTransport",
origin_trial_feature_name: "RTCQuicTransport",
status: "experimental",
name: "RTCStatsRelativePacketArrivalDelay",
origin_trial_feature_name: "RTCStatsRelativePacketArrivalDelay",
status: "experimental",
// Enables the use of SVC scalability mode in WebRTC.
// Spec:
name: "RTCSvcScalabilityMode",
status: "experimental",
// Enables the use of |RTCConfiguration::sdpSemantics| to override the
// default SDP semantics at RTCPeerConnection construction.
name: "RTCUnifiedPlan",
status: "stable",
// Overrides the default SDP semantics to be Unified Plan at
// RTCPeerConnection construction (unless otherwise specified).
name: "RTCUnifiedPlanByDefault",
name: "SameSiteByDefaultCookies",
status: "test",
name: "ScreenWakeLock",
status: "stable",
// WebSpeech API with both speech recognition and synthesis functionality
// is not fully enabled on all platforms.
name: "ScriptedSpeechRecognition",
status: "stable",
name: "ScriptedSpeechSynthesis",
status: "stable",
name: "ScrollbarGutter",
status: "test",
name: "ScrollCustomization",
name: "ScrollSnapAfterLayout",
status: "stable",
name: "ScrollTimeline",
status: "experimental",
implied_by: ['AnimationWorklet', 'CSSScrollTimeline']
// Implements documentElement.scrollTop/Left and bodyElement.scrollTop/Left
// as per the spec, matching other Web engines.
name: "ScrollTopLeftInterop",
status: "stable",
name: "ScrollUnification",
name: "SendBeaconThrowForBlobWithNonSimpleType",
status: "stable",
name: "SendMouseEventsDisabledFormControls",
status: "experimental",
name: "SensorExtraClasses",
status: "experimental",
name: "Serial",
origin_trial_feature_name: "Serial",
status: {"Android": "", "default": "experimental"},
name: "ServiceWorkerClientLifecycleState",
status: "experimental",
name: "ServiceWorkerFetchEventWorkerTiming",
status: "experimental",
// TODO(937746): Web Components v0 is disabled by default, and will be
// removed after M87.
name: "ShadowDOMV0",
origin_trial_feature_name: "WebComponentsV0",
origin_trial_type: "deprecation",
origin_trial_allows_insecure: true,
status: "test",
name: "SharedArrayBuffer",
status: "stable",
name: "SharedWorker",
// Android does not yet support SharedWorker.
status: {"Android": "", "default": "stable"},
name: "SignatureBasedIntegrity",
origin_trial_feature_name: "SignatureBasedIntegrity",
status: "experimental",
name: "SignedExchangePrefetchCacheForNavigations",
status: "experimental",
name: "SignedExchangeSubresourcePrefetch",
origin_trial_feature_name: "SignedExchangeSubresourcePrefetch",
status: "experimental",
name: "SkipAd",
depends_on: ["MediaSession"],
origin_trial_feature_name: "SkipAd",
status: "experimental",
name: "SkipTouchEventFilter",
settable_from_internals: true,
name: "SmsReceiver",
status: {"default": "experimental", "Android": "stable"},
// Used as argument in attribute of stable-release functions/interfaces
// where a runtime-enabled feature name is required for correct IDL syntax.
// This is a global flag; do not change its status.
name: "StableBlinkFeatures",
status: "stable",
// Enabled when blink::features::kStorageAccessAPI is enabled.
name: "StorageAccessAPI",
status: "test",
name: "StrictMimeTypesForWorkers",
status: "experimental"
name: "SubresourceWebBundles",
status: "experimental"
name: "SurfaceEmbeddingFeatures",
status: "stable",
name: "SystemWakeLock",
status: "experimental",
// For unit tests.
name: "TestFeature",
// For unit tests.
name: "TestFeatureDependent",
depends_on: ["TestFeatureImplied"],
// For unit tests.
name: "TestFeatureImplied",
implied_by: ["TestFeature"],
name: "TextDetector",
status: "experimental",
name: "TextFragmentIdentifiers",
origin_trial_feature_name: "TextFragmentIdentifiers",
status: "stable",
name: "ThirdPartyOriginTrials",
status: "test",
name: "TimerThrottlingForBackgroundTabs",
status: "stable",
name: "TimerThrottlingForHiddenFrames",
status: "stable",
name: "TimeZoneChangeEvent",
status: "experimental",
// Many websites disable mouse support when touch APIs are available. We'd
// like to enable this always but can't until more websites fix this bug.
// Chromium sets this conditionally (eg. based on the presence of a
// touchscreen) in ApplyWebPreferences. "Touch events" themselves are always
// enabled since they're a feature always supported by Chrome.
name: "TouchEventFeatureDetection",
origin_trial_feature_name: "ForceTouchEventFeatureDetectionForInspector",
status: "stable",
// When enabled, tracks the number of times each LayoutBlock
// goes through layout. For testing purposes only.
name: "TrackLayoutPassesPerBlock",
name: "TransferableStreams",
status: "experimental",
origin_trial_feature_name: "RTCInsertableStreams",
implied_by: ["RTCInsertableStreams"],
// When enabled, enforces new interoperable semantics for 3D transforms.
// See
name: "TransformInterop",
// This is conditionally set if the platform supports translation.
name: "TranslateService"
name: "TrustedDOMTypes",
status: "stable",
name: "TrustTokens",
origin_trial_feature_name: "TrustTokens",
origin_trial_allows_third_party: true,
status: "test",
// Always allow trust token issuance (so long as the base::Feature
// is enabled). Used for testing; circumvents a runtime check that,
// if this RuntimeEnabledFeature is not present, guarantees the origin
// trial is enabled.
name: "TrustTokensAlwaysAllowIssuance",
status: "test",
name: "UnclosedFormControlIsInvalid",
status: "experimental",
name: "UnderlineOffsetThickness",
status: "test",
name: "UnoptimizedImagePolicies",
status: "experimental",
origin_trial_feature_name: "UnoptimizedImagePolicies",
implied_by: ["ExperimentalProductivityFeatures"]
name: "UnsizedMediaPolicy",
status: "experimental",
origin_trial_feature_name: "UnsizedMediaPolicy",
implied_by: ["ExperimentalProductivityFeatures"]
name: "UserActivationPostMessageTransfer",
name: "UserActivationSameOriginVisibility",
name: "UserAgentClientHint",
status: "stable"
name: "V8IdleTasks",
// Whether a video element should automatically play fullscreen unless
// 'playsinline' is set.
name: "VideoAutoFullscreen",
settable_from_internals: true,
name: "VideoFullscreenOrientationLock",
name: "VideoPlaybackQuality",
status: "stable",
name: "VideoRotateToFullscreen",
name: "VideoWakeLockOptimisationHiddenMuted",
status: "stable",
name: "VirtualKeyboard",
status: "test",
name: "VisibilityCollapseColumn",
name: "WakeLock",
origin_trial_feature_name: "WakeLock",
implied_by: ['ScreenWakeLock', 'SystemWakeLock'],
name: "WebAnimationsAPI",
status: "stable",
implied_by: ['AnimationWorklet']
name: "WebAnimationsSVG",
status: "experimental",
name: "WebAssemblySimd",
origin_trial_feature_name: "WebAssemblySimd",
status: "experimental",
name: "WebAssemblyThreads",
origin_trial_feature_name: "WebAssemblyThreads",
status: "experimental",
// WebAuth is disabled on Android versions prior to N (7.0) due to lack of
// supporting APIs, see
name: "WebAuth",
status: "stable",
name: "WebAuthenticationGetAssertionFeaturePolicy",
status: "experimental",
// WebBluetooth is enabled by default on Android, ChromeOS and Mac.
// It is also supported in Windows 10 which is handled in
name: "WebBluetooth",
status: {
"Android": "stable",
"ChromeOS": "stable",
"MacOSX": "stable",
"default": "experimental",
name: "WebBluetoothGetDevices",
status: "experimental",
name: "WebBluetoothRemoteCharacteristicNewWriteValue",
status: {
"Android": "stable",
"ChromeOS": "stable",
"MacOSX": "stable",
"default": "experimental",
name: "WebBluetoothScanning",
status: "experimental",
name: "WebBluetoothWatchAdvertisements",
status: "experimental",
name: "WebCodecs",
status: "test",
name: "WebCryptoCurve25519",
status: "experimental",
name: "WebGL2ComputeContext",
status: "experimental",
name: "WebGLDraftExtensions",
status: "experimental",
name: "WebGLImageChromium",
// WebGPU adds a large attack surface area to the GPU process and allows
// running arbitrary programs on the GPU (compute shaders), which may
// perform arbitrary read/writes of GPU memory if not properly sandboxed.
// That's why it is not enabled as part of the
// --enable-experimental-web-platform-features flag.
name: "WebGPU",
name: "WebHID",
origin_trial_feature_name: "WebHID",
status: "experimental",
name: "WebNFC",
origin_trial_feature_name: "WebNFC",
origin_trial_os: ["android"],
status: "experimental",
name: "WebScheduler",
origin_trial_feature_name: "WebScheduler",
status: "experimental",
// WebShare is enabled by default on Android.
name: "WebShare",
status: "test",
name: "WebShareV2",
status: "test",
depends_on: ["WebShare"],
name: "WebSocketStream",
status: "experimental",
name: "WebUSB",
status: "stable",
name: "WebUSBOnDedicatedWorkers",
status: "stable",
depends_on: ["WebUSB"],
name: "WebVTTRegions",
status: "experimental",
name: "WebXR",
status: "stable",
name: "WebXRAnchors",
depends_on: ["WebXRARModule", "WebXRHitTest"],
status: "stable"
name: "WebXRARModule",
depends_on: ["WebXR"],
status: "stable",
name: "WebXRCameraAccess",
depends_on: ["WebXRARModule"],
status: "experimental",
name: "WebXRHitTest",
depends_on: ["WebXRARModule"],
status: "stable",
name: "WebXRHitTestEntityTypes",
depends_on: ["WebXRHitTest"],
status: "experimental"
name: "WebXRLightEstimation",
depends_on: ["WebXRARModule"],
status: "experimental",
name: "WebXRPlaneDetection",
depends_on: ["WebXRARModule"],
status: "experimental",
name: "WebXRReflectionEstimation",
depends_on: ["WebXRARModule", "WebXRLightEstimation"],
status: "experimental",
// Extends window placement functionality for multi-screen devices. Also
// exposes requisite information about displays connected to the device.
name: "WindowPlacement",
status: "experimental",
name: "WindowSegments",
status: "experimental",
name: "XSLT",
status: "stable",