blob: f5b40e8448ddf2fb251bf483bd4b4f10025c79b4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/core_export.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/node.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/html/html_frame_owner_element.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/casting.h"
namespace blink {
class KURL;
// HTMLFencedFrameElement implements the <fencedframe> element, which hosts the
// main frame of a top-level browsing context in an isolated frame. This element
// is non-standard and is currently being developed in
// As a result, this element is
// not exposed by default, but can be enabled by one of the following:
// - Enabling the Fenced Frames about:flags entry
// - Passing --enable-features=FencedFrames
class CORE_EXPORT HTMLFencedFrameElement : public HTMLFrameOwnerElement {
// For a while there will be two underlying implementations of Fenced Frames:
// 1.) The early Origin Trial implementation based on the ShadowDOM
// encapsulating a neutered <iframe> element
// 2.) The MPArch implementation, which hosts a truly top-level FrameTree in
// the browser process, and relies on the MPArch long-tail feature work
// For as long as both of these implementations need to exist, we abstract a
// common API from them which is neatly captured by `FencedFrameDelegate`. The
// actual implementation of this interface will be one of the options listed
// above. See documentation above `FencedFrameMPArchDelegate` and
// `FencedFrameShadowDOMDelegate`.
class CORE_EXPORT FencedFrameDelegate
: public GarbageCollected<FencedFrameDelegate> {
static FencedFrameDelegate* Create(HTMLFencedFrameElement*);
explicit FencedFrameDelegate(HTMLFencedFrameElement* outer_element)
: outer_element_(outer_element) {}
virtual ~FencedFrameDelegate();
void Trace(Visitor* visitor) const;
virtual void DidGetInserted() = 0;
virtual void Navigate(const KURL&) = 0;
HTMLFencedFrameElement& GetElement() const { return *outer_element_; }
Member<HTMLFencedFrameElement> outer_element_;
explicit HTMLFencedFrameElement(Document& document);
~HTMLFencedFrameElement() override;
void Trace(Visitor* visitor) const override;
// HTMLFrameOwnerElement overrides.
void DisconnectContentFrame() override;
FrameOwnerElementType OwnerType() const override {
return FrameOwnerElementType::kFencedframe;
ParsedPermissionsPolicy ConstructContainerPolicy() const override {
return ParsedPermissionsPolicy();
// HTMLElement overrides.
bool IsHTMLFencedFrameElement() const final { return true; }
// This method will only navigate the underlying frame if the element
// `isConnected()`.
void Navigate();
// Node overrides.
Node::InsertionNotificationRequest InsertedInto(ContainerNode&) override;
void DidNotifySubtreeInsertionsToDocument() override;
void RemovedFrom(ContainerNode& node) override;
// Element overrides.
void ParseAttribute(const AttributeModificationParams&) override;
bool IsURLAttribute(const Attribute&) const override;
LayoutObject* CreateLayoutObject(const ComputedStyle&, LegacyLayout) override;
void AttachLayoutTree(AttachContext& context) override;
// The underlying <fencedframe> implementation that we delegate all of the
// important bits to. See the comment above this class declaration.
Member<FencedFrameDelegate> frame_delegate_;
// Type casting. Custom since adoption could lead to an HTMLFencedFrameElement
// ending up in a document that doesn't have the Fenced Frame origin trial
// enabled, which would result in creation of an HTMLUnknownElement with the
// "fencedframe" tag name. We can't support casting those elements to
// HTMLFencedFrameElements because they are not fenced frame elements.
// TODO( Remove these custom helpers when the origin trial is
// over.
template <>
struct DowncastTraits<HTMLFencedFrameElement> {
static bool AllowFrom(const HTMLElement& element) {
return element.IsHTMLFencedFrameElement();
static bool AllowFrom(const Node& node) {
if (const HTMLElement* html_element = DynamicTo<HTMLElement>(node))
return html_element->IsHTMLFencedFrameElement();
return false;
static bool AllowFrom(const Element& element) {
if (const HTMLElement* html_element = DynamicTo<HTMLElement>(element))
return html_element->IsHTMLFencedFrameElement();
return false;
} // namespace blink