blob: ed6ad22f4fe87aae2ffc2575f6f739f818db132c [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <vector>
#include "components/sync/engine/non_blocking_sync_common.h"
#include "components/sync_bookmarks/synced_bookmark_tracker.h"
namespace bookmarks {
class BookmarkModel;
class BookmarkNode;
} // namespace bookmarks
namespace sync_bookmarks {
// Responsible for processing remote updates received from the sync server.
class BookmarkRemoteUpdatesHandler {
// |bookmark_model| and |bookmark_tracker| must not be null and most outlive
// this object.
BookmarkRemoteUpdatesHandler(bookmarks::BookmarkModel* bookmark_model,
SyncedBookmarkTracker* bookmark_tracker);
// Processes the updates received from the sync server in |updates| and
// updates the |bookmark_model_| and |bookmark_tracker_| accordingly.
void Process(const syncer::UpdateResponseDataList& updates);
// Public for testing.
static std::vector<const syncer::UpdateResponseData*> ReorderUpdatesForTest(
const syncer::UpdateResponseDataList& updates);
// Reorders incoming updates such that parent creation is before child
// creation and child deletion is before parent deletion, and deletions should
// come last. The returned pointers point to the elements in the original
// |updates|.
static std::vector<const syncer::UpdateResponseData*> ReorderUpdates(
const syncer::UpdateResponseDataList& updates);
// Given a remote update entity, it returns the parent bookmark node of the
// corresponding node. It returns null if the parent node cannot be found.
const bookmarks::BookmarkNode* GetParentNode(
const syncer::EntityData& update_entity) const;
// Processes a remote creation of a bookmark node.
// 1. For permanent folders, they are only registered in |bookmark_tracker_|.
// 2. If the nodes parent cannot be found, the remote creation update is
// ignored.
// 3. Otherwise, a new node is created in the local bookmark model and
// registered in |bookmark_tracker_|.
void ProcessRemoteCreate(const syncer::UpdateResponseData& update);
// Processes a remote update of a bookmark node. |update| must not be a
// deletion, and the server_id must be already tracked, otherwise, it is a
// creation that gets handeled in ProcessRemoteCreate(). |tracked_entity| is
// the tracked entity for that server_id. It is passed as a dependency instead
// of performing a lookup inside ProcessRemoteUpdate() to avoid wasting CPU
// cycles for doing another lookup (this code runs on the UI thread).
void ProcessRemoteUpdate(const syncer::UpdateResponseData& update,
const SyncedBookmarkTracker::Entity* tracked_entity);
// Process a remote delete of a bookmark node. |update_entity| must not be a
// deletion. |tracked_entity| is the tracked entity for that server_id. It is
// passed as a dependency instead of performing a lookup inside
// ProcessRemoteDelete() to avoid wasting CPU cycles for doing another lookup
// (this code runs on the UI thread).
void ProcessRemoteDelete(const syncer::EntityData& update_entity,
const SyncedBookmarkTracker::Entity* tracked_entity);
// Associates the permanent bookmark folders with the corresponding server
// side ids and registers the association in |bookmark_tracker_|.
// |update_entity| must contain server_defined_unique_tag that is used to
// determine the corresponding permanent node. All permanent nodes are assumed
// to be directly children nodes of |kBookmarksRootId|. This method is used in
// the initial sync cycle only.
void AssociatePermanentFolder(const syncer::UpdateResponseData& update);
bookmarks::BookmarkModel* const bookmark_model_;
SyncedBookmarkTracker* const bookmark_tracker_;
} // namespace sync_bookmarks