blob: 71afa032b3a9a608fe0786427b1afa1e240ad531 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#pragma once
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_vector.h"
#include "base/metrics/field_trial.h"
#include "base/tracked_objects.h"
#include "chrome/browser/first_run/first_run.h"
#include "chrome/browser/process_singleton.h"
#include "chrome/browser/task_profiler/auto_tracking.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/startup/startup_browser_creator.h"
#include "content/public/browser/browser_main_parts.h"
#include "content/public/browser/browser_thread.h"
class BrowserProcessImpl;
class ChromeBrowserMainExtraParts;
class FieldTrialSynchronizer;
class HistogramSynchronizer;
class MetricsService;
class PrefService;
class Profile;
class StartupBrowserCreator;
class StartupTimeBomb;
class ShutdownWatcherHelper;
class TranslateManager;
namespace chrome_browser {
// For use by ShowMissingLocaleMessageBox.
extern const char kMissingLocaleDataTitle[];
extern const char kMissingLocaleDataMessage[];
namespace chrome_browser_metrics {
class TrackingSynchronizer;
namespace content {
struct MainFunctionParams;
class ChromeBrowserMainParts : public content::BrowserMainParts {
virtual ~ChromeBrowserMainParts();
// Add additional ChromeBrowserMainExtraParts.
virtual void AddParts(ChromeBrowserMainExtraParts* parts);
explicit ChromeBrowserMainParts(
const content::MainFunctionParams& parameters);
// content::BrowserMainParts overrides.
// These are called in-order by content::BrowserMainLoop.
// Each stage calls the same stages in any ChromeBrowserMainExtraParts added
// with AddParts() from ChromeContentBrowserClient::CreateBrowserMainParts.
virtual void PreEarlyInitialization() OVERRIDE;
virtual void PostEarlyInitialization() OVERRIDE;
virtual void ToolkitInitialized() OVERRIDE;
virtual void PreMainMessageLoopStart() OVERRIDE;
virtual void PostMainMessageLoopStart() OVERRIDE;
virtual int PreCreateThreads() OVERRIDE;
virtual void PreMainMessageLoopRun() OVERRIDE;
virtual bool MainMessageLoopRun(int* result_code) OVERRIDE;
virtual void PostMainMessageLoopRun() OVERRIDE;
virtual void PostDestroyThreads() OVERRIDE;
// Additional stages for ChromeBrowserMainExtraParts. These stages are called
// in order from PreMainMessageLoopStart(). See implementation for details.
virtual void PreProfileInit();
virtual void PostProfileInit();
virtual void PreBrowserStart();
virtual void PostBrowserStart();
// Displays a warning message that we can't find any locale data files.
virtual void ShowMissingLocaleMessageBox() = 0;
const content::MainFunctionParams& parameters() const {
return parameters_;
const CommandLine& parsed_command_line() const {
return parsed_command_line_;
Profile* profile() { return profile_; }
const PrefService* local_state() const { return local_state_; }
// Methods for |EarlyInitialization()| ---------------------------------------
// A/B test for the maximum number of persistent connections per host.
void ConnectionFieldTrial();
// A/B test for determining a value for unused socket timeout.
void SocketTimeoutFieldTrial();
// A/B test for the maximum number of connections per proxy server.
void ProxyConnectionsFieldTrial();
// A/B test for spdy when --use-spdy not set.
void SpdyFieldTrial();
// A/B test for warmest socket vs. most recently used socket.
void WarmConnectionFieldTrial();
// A/B test for automatically establishing a backup TCP connection when a
// specified timeout value is reached.
void ConnectBackupJobsFieldTrial();
// Field trial to see what disabling DNS pre-resolution does to
// latency of page loads.
void PredictorFieldTrial();
// Field trial to see what effect installing defaults in the NTP apps pane
// has on retention and general apps/webstore usage.
void DefaultAppsFieldTrial();
// A field trial to see what effects launching Chrome automatically on
// computer startup has on retention and usage of Chrome.
void AutoLaunchChromeFieldTrial();
// Field trial for testing domain bound certs.
void DomainBoundCertsFieldTrial();
// A collection of field trials intended to test the uniformity and
// correctness of the field trial control, bucketing and reporting systems.
void SetupUniformityFieldTrials();
// Methods for |SetupMetricsAndFieldTrials()| --------------------------------
// Constructs metrics service and does related initialization, including
// creation of field trials. Call only after labs have been converted to
// switches.
void SetupMetricsAndFieldTrials();
// Add an invocation of your field trial init function to this method.
void SetupFieldTrials(bool metrics_recording_enabled,
bool proxy_policy_is_set);
// Starts recording of metrics. This can only be called after we have a file
// thread.
void StartMetricsRecording();
// Returns true if the user opted in to sending metric reports.
bool IsMetricsReportingEnabled();
// Methods for Main Message Loop -------------------------------------------
int PreCreateThreadsImpl();
int PreMainMessageLoopRunImpl();
// Members initialized on construction ---------------------------------------
const content::MainFunctionParams& parameters_;
const CommandLine& parsed_command_line_;
int result_code_;
// Create StartupTimeBomb object for watching jank during startup.
scoped_ptr<StartupTimeBomb> startup_watcher_;
// Create ShutdownWatcherHelper object for watching jank during shutdown.
// Please keep |shutdown_watcher| as the first object constructed, and hence
// it is destroyed last.
scoped_ptr<ShutdownWatcherHelper> shutdown_watcher_;
// Creating this object starts tracking the creation and deletion of Task
// instance. This MUST be done before main_message_loop, so that it is
// destroyed after the main_message_loop.
task_profiler::AutoTracking tracking_objects_;
// Statistical testing infrastructure for the entire browser. NULL until
// SetupMetricsAndFieldTrials is called.
scoped_ptr<base::FieldTrialList> field_trial_list_;
// Vector of additional ChromeBrowserMainExtraParts.
// Parts are deleted in the inverse order they are added.
std::vector<ChromeBrowserMainExtraParts*> chrome_extra_parts_;
// Members initialized after / released before main_message_loop_ ------------
scoped_ptr<StartupBrowserCreator> browser_creator_;
scoped_ptr<BrowserProcessImpl> browser_process_;
scoped_refptr<HistogramSynchronizer> histogram_synchronizer_;
scoped_ptr<ProcessSingleton> process_singleton_;
scoped_ptr<first_run::MasterPrefs> master_prefs_;
bool record_search_engine_;
TranslateManager* translate_manager_;
Profile* profile_;
bool run_message_loop_;
ProcessSingleton::NotifyResult notify_result_;
// Initialized in SetupMetricsAndFieldTrials.
scoped_refptr<FieldTrialSynchronizer> field_trial_synchronizer_;
// Members initialized in PreMainMessageLoopRun, needed in
// PreMainMessageLoopRunThreadsCreated.
bool is_first_run_;
bool first_run_ui_bypass_;
PrefService* local_state_;
FilePath user_data_dir_;
// Members needed across shutdown methods.
bool restart_last_session_;
// Tests can set this to true to disable restricting cookie access in the
// network stack, as this can only be done once.
static bool disable_enforcing_cookie_policies_for_tests_;
friend class BrowserMainTest;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(BrowserMainTest, WarmConnectionFieldTrial_Random);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(BrowserMainTest, WarmConnectionFieldTrial_Invalid);
// Records the conditions that can prevent Breakpad from generating and
// sending crash reports. The presence of a Breakpad handler (after
// attempting to initialize crash reporting) and the presence of a debugger
// are registered with the UMA metrics service.
void RecordBreakpadStatusUMA(MetricsService* metrics);
// Displays a warning message if some minimum level of OS support is not
// present on the current platform.
void WarnAboutMinimumSystemRequirements();
// Records the time from our process' startup to the present time in
// the UMA histogram |metric_name|.
void RecordBrowserStartupTime();
// Records a time value to an UMA histogram in the context of the
// PreReadExperiment field-trial. This also reports to the appropriate
// sub-histogram (_PreRead(Enabled|Disabled)).
void RecordPreReadExperimentTime(const char* name, base::TimeDelta time);