blob: c3c5f1d2e1f1365c67594355634f47deee33c7ec [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "components/mus/public/cpp/types.h"
#include "components/mus/public/interfaces/window_tree_host.mojom.h"
#include "components/mus/ws/display_manager.h"
#include "components/mus/ws/event_dispatcher.h"
#include "components/mus/ws/event_dispatcher_delegate.h"
#include "components/mus/ws/focus_controller_delegate.h"
#include "components/mus/ws/server_window.h"
#include "components/mus/ws/server_window_observer.h"
namespace mus {
namespace ws {
class ConnectionManager;
class FocusController;
class WindowTreeHostDelegate;
class WindowTreeImpl;
// WindowTreeHostImpl is an implementation of the WindowTreeHost interface.
// It serves as a top level root window for a window. Its lifetime is managed by
// ConnectionManager. If the connection to the client breaks or if the user
// closes the associated window, then this object and related state will be
// deleted.
class WindowTreeHostImpl : public DisplayManagerDelegate,
public mojom::WindowTreeHost,
public FocusControllerDelegate,
public EventDispatcherDelegate,
public ServerWindowObserver {
// TODO(fsamuel): All these parameters are just plumbing for creating
// DisplayManagers. We should probably just store these common parameters
// in the DisplayManagerFactory and pass them along on DisplayManager::Create.
WindowTreeHostImpl(mojom::WindowTreeHostClientPtr client,
ConnectionManager* connection_manager,
mojo::ApplicationImpl* app_impl,
const scoped_refptr<GpuState>& gpu_state,
const scoped_refptr<SurfacesState>& surfaces_state,
mojom::WindowManagerPtr window_manater);
~WindowTreeHostImpl() override;
// Initializes state that depends on the existence of a WindowTreeHostImpl.
void Init(WindowTreeHostDelegate* delegate);
WindowTreeImpl* GetWindowTree();
mojom::WindowTreeHostClient* client() const { return client_.get(); }
// Returns whether |window| is a descendant of this root but not itself a
// root window.
bool IsWindowAttachedToRoot(const ServerWindow* window) const;
// Schedules a paint for the specified region in the coordinates of |window|
// if
// the |window| is in this viewport. Returns whether |window| is in the
// viewport.
bool SchedulePaintIfInViewport(const ServerWindow* window,
const gfx::Rect& bounds);
// Schedules destruction of surfaces in |window|. If a frame has been
// scheduled but not drawn surface destruction is delayed until the frame is
// drawn, otherwise destruction is immediate.
void ScheduleSurfaceDestruction(ServerWindow* window);
// Returns the metrics for this viewport.
const mojom::ViewportMetrics& GetViewportMetrics() const;
ConnectionManager* connection_manager() { return connection_manager_; }
mojom::WindowManager* window_manager() { return window_manager_.get(); }
// Returns the root ServerWindow of this viewport.
ServerWindow* root_window() { return root_.get(); }
const ServerWindow* root_window() const { return root_.get(); }
void SetFocusedWindow(ServerWindow* window);
ServerWindow* GetFocusedWindow();
void DestroyFocusController();
void UpdateTextInputState(ServerWindow* window,
const ui::TextInputState& state);
void SetImeVisibility(ServerWindow* window, bool visible);
// WindowTreeHost:
void SetSize(mojo::SizePtr size) override;
void SetTitle(const mojo::String& title) override;
void AddAccelerator(uint32_t id,
mojom::EventMatcherPtr event_matcher) override;
void RemoveAccelerator(uint32_t id) override;
void OnClientClosed();
// DisplayManagerDelegate:
ServerWindow* GetRootWindow() override;
void OnEvent(mojom::EventPtr event) override;
void OnDisplayClosed() override;
void OnViewportMetricsChanged(
const mojom::ViewportMetrics& old_metrics,
const mojom::ViewportMetrics& new_metrics) override;
void OnTopLevelSurfaceChanged(cc::SurfaceId surface_id) override;
void OnCompositorFrameDrawn() override;
// FocusControllerDelegate:
void OnFocusChanged(ServerWindow* old_focused_window,
ServerWindow* new_focused_window) override;
// EventDispatcherDelegate:
void OnAccelerator(uint32_t accelerator_id, mojom::EventPtr event) override;
void SetFocusedWindowFromEventDispatcher(ServerWindow* window) override;
ServerWindow* GetFocusedWindowForEventDispatcher() override;
void DispatchInputEventToWindow(ServerWindow* target,
bool in_nonclient_area,
mojom::EventPtr event) override;
// ServerWindowObserver:
void OnWindowDestroyed(ServerWindow* window) override;
WindowTreeHostDelegate* delegate_;
ConnectionManager* const connection_manager_;
mojom::WindowTreeHostClientPtr client_;
EventDispatcher event_dispatcher_;
scoped_ptr<ServerWindow> root_;
scoped_ptr<DisplayManager> display_manager_;
scoped_ptr<FocusController> focus_controller_;
mojom::WindowManagerPtr window_manager_;
// Set of windows with surfaces that need to be destroyed once the frame
// draws.
std::set<ServerWindow*> windows_needing_frame_destruction_;
} // namespace ws
} // namespace mus