blob: d62f9413767e5e56ab262629937782ed99f55e04 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
* Group of progress item in the progress center panels.
* This is responsible for generating the summarized item and managing lifetime
* of error items.
* @param {string} name Name of the group.
* @param {boolean} quiet Whether the group is for quiet items or not.
* @constructor
* @struct
function ProgressCenterItemGroup(name, quiet) {
* Name of the group.
* @type {string}
*/ = name;
* Whether the group is for quiet items or not.
* @type {boolean}
* @private
this.quiet_ = quiet;
* State of the group.
* @type {ProgressCenterItemGroup.State}
* @private
this.state_ = ProgressCenterItemGroup.State.EMPTY;
* Items that are progressing, or completed but still animated.
* Key is item ID.
* @type {Object<ProgressCenterItem>}
* @private
this.items_ = {};
* Set of animated state of items. Key is item ID and value is whether the
* item is animated or not.
* @type {Object<boolean>}
* @private
this.animated_ = {};
* Last summarized item.
* @type {ProgressCenterItem}
* @private
this.summarizedItem_ = null;
* Whether the summarized item is animated or not.
* @type {boolean}
* @private
this.summarizedItemAnimated_ = false;
* Total maximum progress value of items already completed and removed from
* this.items_.
* @type {number}
* @private
this.totalProgressMax_ = 0;
* Total progress value of items already completed and removed from
* this.items_.
* @type {number}
* @private
this.totalProgressValue_ = 0;
* State of ProgressCenterItemGroup.
* @enum {string}
* @const
ProgressCenterItemGroup.State = {
// Group has no items.
EMPTY: 'empty',
// Group has at least 1 progressing item.
ACTIVE: 'active',
// Group has no progressing items but still shows error items.
INACTIVE: 'inactive'
* Makes the summarized item for the groups.
* When a group has only error items, getSummarizedItem of the item returns
* null. Basically the first result of the groups that the progress center panel
* contains is used as a summarized item. But If all the group returns null, the
* progress center panel generates the summarized item by using the method.
* @param {...ProgressCenterItemGroup} var_args List of groups.
* @return {ProgressCenterItem} Summarized item.
ProgressCenterItemGroup.getSummarizedErrorItem = function(var_args) {
const groups =;
const errorItems = [];
for (let i = 0; i < groups.length; i++) {
for (const id in groups[i].items_) {
const item = groups[i].items_[id];
if (item.state === ProgressItemState.ERROR) {
if (errorItems.length === 0) {
return null;
if (errorItems.length === 1) {
return errorItems[0].clone();
const item = new ProgressCenterItem();
item.state = ProgressItemState.ERROR;
item.message = strf('ERROR_PROGRESS_SUMMARY_PLURAL',
item.single = false;
return item;
* Obtains whether the item should be animated or not.
* @param {boolean} previousAnimated Whether the item is previously animated or
* not.
* @param {ProgressCenterItem} previousItem Item before updating.
* @param {ProgressCenterItem} item New item.
* @param {boolean} summarized If the item is summarized one or not.
* @return {boolean} Whether the item should be animated or not.
* @private
ProgressCenterItemGroup.shouldAnimate_ = (previousAnimated, previousItem, item, summarized) => {
// Check visibility of previous and current progress bar.
const previousShow =
previousItem && (!summarized || !previousItem.quiet);
const currentShow =
item && (!summarized || !item.quiet);
// If previous or current item does not show progress bar, we should not
// animate.
if (!previousShow || !currentShow) {
return false;
if (previousItem.progressRateInPercent < item.progressRateInPercent) {
return true;
if (previousAnimated &&
previousItem.progressRateInPercent === item.progressRateInPercent) {
return true;
return false;
ProgressCenterItemGroup.prototype = /** @struct */ {
* @return {ProgressCenterItemGroup.State} State of the group.
get state() {
return this.state_;
* @return {number} Number of error items that the group contains.
get numErrors() {
let result = 0;
for (const id in this.items_) {
if (this.items_[id].state === ProgressItemState.ERROR) {
return result;
* Obtains the progressing (or completed but animated) item.
* @param {string} id Item ID.
* @return {ProgressCenterItem} Item having the ID.
ProgressCenterItemGroup.prototype.getItem = function(id) {
return this.items_[id] || null;
* Obtains whether the item should be animated or not.
* @param {string} id Item ID.
* @return {boolean} Whether the item should be animated or not.
ProgressCenterItemGroup.prototype.isAnimated = function(id) {
return !!this.animated_[id];
* Obtains whether the summarized item should be animated or not.
* @return {boolean} Whether the summarized item should be animated or not.
ProgressCenterItemGroup.prototype.isSummarizedAnimated = function() {
return this.summarizedItemAnimated_;
* Dismisses an error item.
* @param {string} id Item id.
ProgressCenterItemGroup.prototype.dismissErrorItem = function(id) {
const errorItem = this.items_[id];
if (!errorItem || errorItem.state !== ProgressItemState.ERROR) {
delete this.items_[id];
* Starts item update.
* Marks the given item as updating.
* @param {ProgressCenterItem} item Item containing updated information.
ProgressCenterItemGroup.prototype.update = function(item) {
// Compares the current state and the new state to check if the update is
// valid or not.
const previousItem = this.items_[];
switch (item.state) {
case ProgressItemState.ERROR:
if (previousItem &&
previousItem.state !== ProgressItemState.PROGRESSING) {
if (this.state_ === ProgressCenterItemGroup.State.EMPTY) {
this.state_ = ProgressCenterItemGroup.State.INACTIVE;
this.items_[] = item.clone();
this.animated_[] = false;
this.summarizedItem_ = null;
case ProgressItemState.PROGRESSING:
case ProgressItemState.COMPLETED:
if ((!previousItem && item.state === ProgressItemState.COMPLETED) ||
(previousItem &&
previousItem.state !== ProgressItemState.PROGRESSING)) {
if (this.state_ === ProgressCenterItemGroup.State.EMPTY ||
this.state_ === ProgressCenterItemGroup.State.INACTIVE) {
this.state_ = ProgressCenterItemGroup.State.ACTIVE;
this.items_[] = item.clone();
this.animated_[] = ProgressCenterItemGroup.shouldAnimate_(
/* summarized */ false);
if (!this.animated_[]) {
case ProgressItemState.CANCELED:
if (!previousItem ||
previousItem.state !== ProgressItemState.PROGRESSING) {
delete this.items_[];
this.animated_[] = false;
this.summarizedItem_ = null;
// Update the internal summarized item cache.
const previousSummarizedItem = this.summarizedItem_;
this.summarizedItem_ = this.getSummarizedItem(0);
this.summarizedItemAnimated_ = ProgressCenterItemGroup.shouldAnimate_(
/* summarized */ true);
if (!this.summarizedItemAnimated_) {
* Notifies the end of the item's animation to the group.
* If all the items except error items completes, the group enter the inactive
* state.
* @param {string} id Item ID.
ProgressCenterItemGroup.prototype.completeItemAnimation = function(id) {
this.animated_[id] = false;
if (this.items_[id].state === ProgressItemState.COMPLETED) {
this.totalProgressValue_ += (this.items_[id].progressValue || 0.0);
this.totalProgressMax_ += (this.items_[id].progressMax || 0.0);
delete this.items_[id];
* Notifies the end of the summarized item's animation.
* This may update summarized view. (1 progressing + 1 error -> 1 error)
ProgressCenterItemGroup.prototype.completeSummarizedItemAnimation = function() {
this.summarizedItemAnimated_ = false;
* Obtains the summary of the set.
* @param {number} numOtherErrors Number of errors contained by other groups.
* @return {ProgressCenterItem} Item.
ProgressCenterItemGroup.prototype.getSummarizedItem = function(numOtherErrors) {
if (this.state_ === ProgressCenterItemGroup.State.EMPTY ||
this.state_ === ProgressCenterItemGroup.State.INACTIVE) {
return null;
const summarizedItem = new ProgressCenterItem();
summarizedItem.quiet = this.quiet_;
summarizedItem.progressMax += this.totalProgressMax_;
summarizedItem.progressValue += this.totalProgressValue_;
const progressingItems = [];
const errorItems = [];
let numItems = 0;
for (const id in this.items_) {
const item = this.items_[id];
// Count states.
switch (item.state) {
case ProgressItemState.PROGRESSING:
case ProgressItemState.COMPLETED:
case ProgressItemState.ERROR:
// If all of the progressing items have the same type, then use
// it. Otherwise use TRANSFER, since it is the most generic.
if (summarizedItem.type === null) {
summarizedItem.type = item.type;
} else if (summarizedItem.type !== item.type) {
summarizedItem.type = ProgressItemType.TRANSFER;
// Sum up the progress values.
summarizedItem.progressMax += item.progressMax;
summarizedItem.progressValue += item.progressValue;
// Returns 1 item.
if (progressingItems.length === 1 &&
errorItems.length + numOtherErrors === 0) { = progressingItems[0].id;
summarizedItem.cancelCallback = progressingItems[0].cancelCallback;
summarizedItem.message = progressingItems[0].message;
summarizedItem.state = progressingItems[0].state;
return summarizedItem;
// Returns integrated items.
if (progressingItems.length > 0) {
const numErrors = errorItems.length + numOtherErrors;
const messages = [];
switch (summarizedItem.type) {
case ProgressItemType.COPY:
case ProgressItemType.MOVE:
case ProgressItemType.DELETE:
case ProgressItemType.ZIP:
case ProgressItemType.SYNC:
case ProgressItemType.TRANSFER:
if (numErrors === 1) {
} else if (numErrors > 1) {
messages.push(strf('ERROR_PROGRESS_SUMMARY_PLURAL', numErrors));
summarizedItem.single = false;
summarizedItem.message = messages.join(' ');
summarizedItem.state = ProgressItemState.PROGRESSING;
return summarizedItem;
// Returns complete items.
summarizedItem.state = ProgressItemState.COMPLETED;
return summarizedItem;
* Tries to go to next state.
* @private
ProgressCenterItemGroup.prototype.tryToGoToNextState_ = function() {
if (this.summarizedItemAnimated_) {
// If there is no item except for error items, go to INACTIVE state.
let hasError = false;
for (const id in this.items_) {
// If there is non-error item (progressing, or completed but still
// animated), we should stay the active state.
if (this.items_[id].state !== ProgressItemState.ERROR) {
hasError = true;
this.totalProgressValue_ = 0.0;
this.totalProgressMax_ = 0.0;
this.state_ = ProgressCenterItemGroup.State.INACTIVE;
// If there is no item, go to EMPTY state.
if (hasError) {
this.items_ = {};
this.animated_ = {};
this.summarizedItem_ = null;
this.summarizedItemAnimated_ = false;
this.state_ = ProgressCenterItemGroup.State.EMPTY;