blob: bdaea01564d504f4c82efcaf7e83c07d09667815 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/proximity_auth/proximity_auth_pref_names.h"
namespace proximity_auth {
namespace prefs {
// Whether a user is allowed to use Easy Unlock. This pref is expected to be set
// through an enterprise policy.
const char kEasyUnlockAllowed[] = "easy_unlock.allowed";
// Whether or not EasyUnlock has been enabled by the user (i.e. they went
// through the setup flow and there is at least one unlock key).
const char kEasyUnlockEnabled[] = "easy_unlock.enabled";
// How close the remote and the local device should be in order to use Easy
// Unlock.
const char kEasyUnlockProximityThreshold[] = "easy_unlock.proximity_threshold";
// A dictionary in local state containing each user's Easy Unlock profile
// preferences, so they can be accessed outside of the user's profile. The value
// is a dictionary containing an entry for each user. Each user's entry mirrors
// their profile's Easy Unlock preferences.
const char kEasyUnlockLocalStateUserPrefs[] = "easy_unlock.user_prefs";
// Whether or not EasyUnlock is enabled on the ChromeOS login screen (in
// addition to the lock screen).
const char kProximityAuthIsChromeOSLoginEnabled[] =
// The timestamp of the last password entry in milliseconds, used to enforce
// reauthing with the password after a given time period has elapsed.
const char kProximityAuthLastPasswordEntryTimestampMs[] =
// The timestamp of the last promotion check in milliseconds.
const char kProximityAuthLastPromotionCheckTimestampMs[] =
// The number of times the promotion was shown to the user.
const char kProximityAuthPromotionShownCount[] =
// The dictionary containing remote BLE devices.
const char kProximityAuthRemoteBleDevices[] =
} // namespace prefs
} // namespace proximity_auth