blob: 0a636659d9587759b002b939fccd88abf197a29d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
(async function() {
TestRunner.addResult(`Tests that info explanations are placed after regular explanations.\n`);
await TestRunner.loadModule('security_test_runner');
await TestRunner.showPanel('security');
/** @type {!Protocol.Security.InsecureContentStatus} */
var insecureContentStatus = {
ranMixedContent: false,
displayedMixedContent: false,
ranContentWithCertErrors: false,
displayedContentWithCertErrors: false,
ranInsecureContentStyle: Protocol.Security.SecurityState.Insecure,
displayedInsecureContentStyle: Protocol.Security.SecurityState.Neutral
// Explanations from as of 2016-06-13.
// We explicitly place the explanation with the security state "info"
// first to make sure it gets reordered.
var explanations = [
description: 'Public-key pinning was bypassed by a local root certificate.',
securityState: 'info',
summary: 'Public-Key Pinning Bypassed',
certificate: []
description: 'The connection to this site is using a valid, trusted server certificate.',
securityState: 'secure',
summary: 'Valid Certificate',
certificate: ['BASE64CERTIFICATE']
'The connection to this site uses a strong protocol (TLS 1.2), a strong key exchange (ECDHE_RSA), and an obsolete cipher (AES_256_CBC with HMAC-SHA1).',
securityState: 'secure',
summary: 'Obsolete Connection Settings',
certificate: []
description: 'All resources on this page are served securely.',
securityState: 'secure',
summary: 'Secure resources',
certificate: []
new Security.PageSecurityState(
Protocol.Security.SecurityState.Secure, true, explanations, insecureContentStatus, null));
var request = new SDK.NetworkRequest(0, 'http://foo.test', 'https://foo.test', 0, 0, null);
var explanations =
for (var i = 0; i < explanations.length; i++)