blob: 74cf2d2badffac4e6655161875d5bf23e0b1ff85 [file] [log] [blame]
<script src="/js-test-resources/js-test.js"></script>
description("Testing the handling of CORS-enabled script fetch in the presence of 'credentialled' redirects.");
// Explain the short form descriptions ('=>' representing the redirect.)
debug("PASS/FAIL descriptions are of the form, 'CORS request type': 'redirect CORS type' => 'resource'");
var redirect_cors = "use-credentials";
window.jsTestIsAsync = true;
if (window.testRunner)
function finish() {
if (window.testRunner)
function fail() {
debug("FAIL: " + this.description);
function pass() {
debug("PASS: " + this.description);
var tests = [
{ description: "Anonymous request: credentialled => no-CORS script resource.",
url: "http://localhost:8000/security/resources/localScript.js",
// Redirect is allowed, but fails access check on the non-CORS resource.
success: false,
access: "anonymous"},
{ description: "Anonymous request: credentialled => anonymous CORS script resource (same origin.)",
url: "http://localhost:8000/security/resources/script-allow-star.php",
// Redirect is allowed, as is access to the anonymous CORS resource.
success: true,
access: "anonymous"},
{ description: "Anonymous request: credentialled => anonymous CORS script resource (cross origin.)",
url: "http://localhost:8080/security/resources/script-allow-star.php",
// Redirect is allowed, as is access (with origin 'null') to the CORS resource.
success: true,
access: "anonymous"},
{ description: "Credentialled request: credentialled => credentialled-CORS script resource (same origin.)",
url: "http://localhost:8000/security/resources/script-allow-credentials.php",
// Redirect is allowed, as is access (with original origin) to the CORS resource.
success: true,
access: "use-credentials"},
{ description: "Credentialled request: credentialled => credentialled-CORS script resource (cross origin.)",
url: "",
// Redirect is allowed, source origin mutates to 'null', so credentialled resource not accessible.
success: false,
access: "use-credentials"},
{ description: "Credentialled request: credentialled => anonymous-CORS script resource (same origin.)",
url: "http://localhost:8000/security/resources/script-allow-star.php",
// Redirect is allowed, but anonymous resource with * as allowed origins is not accessible.
success: false,
access: "use-credentials"},
{ description: "Credentialled request: credentialled => anonymous-CORS script resource (cross origin.)",
url: "",
// Redirect is allowed, source origin mutates to 'null', so anonymous resource with * as allowed origins is not accessible.
success: false,
access: "use-credentials"},
function runNextTest() {
if (!tests.length) {
var test = tests.shift();
var script = document.createElement("script");
script.onload = test.success ? pass : fail;
script.onerror = test.success ? fail : pass;
script.crossOrigin = test.access;
script.description = test.description;
var args = [ "mode=" + redirect_cors,
"url=" + test.url];
script.src = "http://localhost:8000/security/resources/cors-redirect.php?" + args.join("&");
window.onload = runNextTest;