blob: 8f2b0e599ecf439a6a26edfc59a36fe38ff35beb [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef ObjectPaintProperties_h
#define ObjectPaintProperties_h
#include <memory>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "core/CoreExport.h"
#include "platform/graphics/paint/ClipPaintPropertyNode.h"
#include "platform/graphics/paint/EffectPaintPropertyNode.h"
#include "platform/graphics/paint/ScrollPaintPropertyNode.h"
#include "platform/graphics/paint/TransformPaintPropertyNode.h"
#include "platform/wtf/PtrUtil.h"
namespace blink {
// This class stores the paint property nodes created by a LayoutObject. The
// object owns each of the property nodes directly and RefPtrs are only used to
// harden against use-after-free bugs. These paint properties are built/updated
// by PaintPropertyTreeBuilder during the PrePaint lifecycle step.
// [update & clear implementation note] This class has Update[property](...) and
// Clear[property]() helper functions for efficiently creating and updating
// properties. The update functions returns a 3-state result to indicate whether
// the value or the existence of the node has changed. They use a create-or-
// update pattern of re-using existing properties for efficiency:
// 1. It avoids extra allocations.
// 2. It preserves existing child->parent pointers.
// The clear functions return true if an existing node is removed. Property
// nodes store parent pointers but not child pointers and these return values
// are important for catching property tree structure changes which require
// updating descendant's parent pointers.
class CORE_EXPORT ObjectPaintProperties {
static std::unique_ptr<ObjectPaintProperties> Create() {
return WTF::WrapUnique(new ObjectPaintProperties());
// The hierarchy of the transform subtree created by a LayoutObject is as
// follows:
// [ paintOffsetTranslation ] Normally paint offset is accumulated
// | without creating a node until we see,
// | for example, transform or
// | position:fixed.
// +---[ transform ] The space created by CSS transform.
// | This is the local border box space.
// +---[ perspective ] The space created by CSS perspective.
// +---[ svgLocalToBorderBoxTransform ] Additional transform for
// children of the outermost root SVG.
// OR (SVG does not support scrolling.)
// +---[ scrollTranslation ] The space created by overflow clip.
const TransformPaintPropertyNode* PaintOffsetTranslation() const {
return paint_offset_translation_.get();
const TransformPaintPropertyNode* Transform() const {
return transform_.get();
const TransformPaintPropertyNode* Perspective() const {
return perspective_.get();
const TransformPaintPropertyNode* SvgLocalToBorderBoxTransform() const {
return svg_local_to_border_box_transform_.get();
const ScrollPaintPropertyNode* Scroll() const { return scroll_.get(); }
const TransformPaintPropertyNode* ScrollTranslation() const {
return scroll_translation_.get();
// The hierarchy of the effect subtree created by a LayoutObject is as
// follows:
// [ effect ]
// | Isolated group to apply various CSS effects, including opacity,
// | mix-blend-mode, and for isolation if a mask needs to be applied or
// | backdrop-dependent children are present.
// +-[ filter ]
// | Isolated group for CSS filter.
// +-[ mask ]
// Isolated group for painting the CSS mask. This node will have
// SkBlendMode::kDstIn and shall paint last, i.e. after masked contents.
const EffectPaintPropertyNode* Effect() const { return effect_.get(); }
const EffectPaintPropertyNode* Filter() const { return filter_.get(); }
const EffectPaintPropertyNode* Mask() const { return mask_.get(); }
// The hierarchy of the clip subtree created by a LayoutObject is as follows:
// [ fragment clip ]
// | Clips to a fragment's bounds.
// This is only present for content under a fragmentation
// container.
// +-[ mask clip ]
// | Clip created by CSS mask. It serves two purposes:
// | 1. Cull painting of the masked subtree. Because anything outside of
// | the mask is never visible, it is pointless to paint them.
// | 2. Raster clip of the masked subtree. Because the mask implemented
// | as SkBlendMode::kDstIn, pixels outside of mask's bound will be
// | intact when they shall be masked out. This clip ensures no pixels
// | leak out.
// +-[ css clip ]
// | Clip created by CSS clip. CSS clip applies to all descendants, this
// | node only applies to containing block descendants. For descendants
// | not contained by this object, use [ css clip fixed position ].
// +-[ inner border radius clip]
// | Clip created by a rounded border with overflow clip. This clip is
// | not inset by scrollbars.
// +-[ overflow clip ]
// Clip created by overflow clip and is inset by the scrollbar.
// [ css clip fixed position ]
// Clip created by CSS clip. Only exists if the current clip includes
// some clip that doesn't apply to our fixed position descendants.
const ClipPaintPropertyNode* FragmentClip() const {
return fragment_clip_.get();
const ClipPaintPropertyNode* MaskClip() const { return mask_clip_.get(); }
const ClipPaintPropertyNode* CssClip() const { return css_clip_.get(); }
const ClipPaintPropertyNode* CssClipFixedPosition() const {
return css_clip_fixed_position_.get();
const ClipPaintPropertyNode* InnerBorderRadiusClip() const {
return inner_border_radius_clip_.get();
const ClipPaintPropertyNode* OverflowClip() const {
return overflow_clip_.get();
// The following clear* functions return true if the property tree structure
// changes (an existing node was deleted), and false otherwise. See the
// class-level comment ("update & clear implementation note") for details
// about why this is needed for efficient updates.
bool ClearPaintOffsetTranslation() {
return Clear(paint_offset_translation_);
bool ClearTransform() { return Clear(transform_); }
bool ClearEffect() { return Clear(effect_); }
bool ClearFilter() { return Clear(filter_); }
bool ClearMask() { return Clear(mask_); }
bool ClearFragmentClip() { return Clear(fragment_clip_); }
bool ClearMaskClip() { return Clear(mask_clip_); }
bool ClearCssClip() { return Clear(css_clip_); }
bool ClearCssClipFixedPosition() { return Clear(css_clip_fixed_position_); }
bool ClearInnerBorderRadiusClip() { return Clear(inner_border_radius_clip_); }
bool ClearOverflowClip() { return Clear(overflow_clip_); }
bool ClearPerspective() { return Clear(perspective_); }
bool ClearSvgLocalToBorderBoxTransform() {
return Clear(svg_local_to_border_box_transform_);
bool ClearScroll() { return Clear(scroll_); }
bool ClearScrollTranslation() { return Clear(scroll_translation_); }
class UpdateResult {
bool ValueChanged() const { return result_ == kValueChanged; }
bool NewNodeCreated() const { return result_ == kNewNodeCreated; }
friend class ObjectPaintProperties;
enum Result { kUnchanged, kValueChanged, kNewNodeCreated };
UpdateResult(Result r) : result_(r) {}
Result result_;
template <typename... Args>
UpdateResult UpdatePaintOffsetTranslation(Args&&... args) {
return Update(paint_offset_translation_, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
template <typename... Args>
UpdateResult UpdateTransform(Args&&... args) {
return Update(transform_, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
template <typename... Args>
UpdateResult UpdatePerspective(Args&&... args) {
return Update(perspective_, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
template <typename... Args>
UpdateResult UpdateSvgLocalToBorderBoxTransform(Args&&... args) {
DCHECK(!ScrollTranslation()) << "SVG elements cannot scroll so there "
"should never be both a scroll translation "
"and an SVG local to border box transform.";
return Update(svg_local_to_border_box_transform_,
template <typename... Args>
UpdateResult UpdateScroll(Args&&... args) {
return Update(scroll_, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
template <typename... Args>
UpdateResult UpdateScrollTranslation(Args&&... args) {
<< "SVG elements cannot scroll so there should never be both a scroll "
"translation and an SVG local to border box transform.";
return Update(scroll_translation_, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
template <typename... Args>
UpdateResult UpdateEffect(Args&&... args) {
return Update(effect_, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
template <typename... Args>
UpdateResult UpdateFilter(Args&&... args) {
return Update(filter_, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
template <typename... Args>
UpdateResult UpdateMask(Args&&... args) {
return Update(mask_, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
template <typename... Args>
UpdateResult UpdateFragmentClip(Args&&... args) {
return Update(fragment_clip_, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
template <typename... Args>
UpdateResult UpdateMaskClip(Args&&... args) {
return Update(mask_clip_, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
template <typename... Args>
UpdateResult UpdateCssClip(Args&&... args) {
return Update(css_clip_, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
template <typename... Args>
UpdateResult UpdateCssClipFixedPosition(Args&&... args) {
return Update(css_clip_fixed_position_, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
template <typename... Args>
UpdateResult UpdateInnerBorderRadiusClip(Args&&... args) {
return Update(inner_border_radius_clip_, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
template <typename... Args>
UpdateResult UpdateOverflowClip(Args&&... args) {
return Update(overflow_clip_, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
// Used by FindPropertiesNeedingUpdate.h for recording the current properties.
std::unique_ptr<ObjectPaintProperties> Clone() const {
std::unique_ptr<ObjectPaintProperties> cloned = Create();
if (paint_offset_translation_)
cloned->paint_offset_translation_ = paint_offset_translation_->Clone();
if (transform_)
cloned->transform_ = transform_->Clone();
if (effect_)
cloned->effect_ = effect_->Clone();
if (filter_)
cloned->filter_ = filter_->Clone();
if (mask_)
cloned->mask_ = mask_->Clone();
if (fragment_clip_)
cloned->fragment_clip_ = fragment_clip_->Clone();
if (mask_clip_)
cloned->mask_clip_ = mask_clip_->Clone();
if (css_clip_)
cloned->css_clip_ = css_clip_->Clone();
if (css_clip_fixed_position_)
cloned->css_clip_fixed_position_ = css_clip_fixed_position_->Clone();
if (inner_border_radius_clip_)
cloned->inner_border_radius_clip_ = inner_border_radius_clip_->Clone();
if (overflow_clip_)
cloned->overflow_clip_ = overflow_clip_->Clone();
if (perspective_)
cloned->perspective_ = perspective_->Clone();
if (svg_local_to_border_box_transform_) {
cloned->svg_local_to_border_box_transform_ =
if (scroll_)
cloned->scroll_ = scroll_->Clone();
if (scroll_translation_)
cloned->scroll_translation_ = scroll_translation_->Clone();
return cloned;
ObjectPaintProperties() = default;
// Return true if the property tree structure changes (an existing node was
// deleted), and false otherwise. See the class-level comment ("update & clear
// implementation note") for details about why this is needed for efficiency.
template <typename PaintPropertyNode>
bool Clear(scoped_refptr<PaintPropertyNode>& field) {
if (field) {
field = nullptr;
return true;
return false;
// Return true if the property tree structure changes (a new node was
// created), and false otherwise. See the class-level comment ("update & clear
// implementation note") for details about why this is needed for efficiency.
template <typename PaintPropertyNode, typename... Args>
UpdateResult Update(scoped_refptr<PaintPropertyNode>& field, Args&&... args) {
if (field) {
return field->Update(std::forward<Args>(args)...)
? UpdateResult::kValueChanged
: UpdateResult::kUnchanged;
field = PaintPropertyNode::Create(std::forward<Args>(args)...);
return UpdateResult::kNewNodeCreated;
// ATTENTION! Make sure to keep FindPropertiesNeedingUpdate.h in sync when
// new properites are added!
scoped_refptr<TransformPaintPropertyNode> paint_offset_translation_;
scoped_refptr<TransformPaintPropertyNode> transform_;
scoped_refptr<EffectPaintPropertyNode> effect_;
scoped_refptr<EffectPaintPropertyNode> filter_;
scoped_refptr<EffectPaintPropertyNode> mask_;
scoped_refptr<ClipPaintPropertyNode> fragment_clip_;
scoped_refptr<ClipPaintPropertyNode> mask_clip_;
scoped_refptr<ClipPaintPropertyNode> css_clip_;
scoped_refptr<ClipPaintPropertyNode> css_clip_fixed_position_;
scoped_refptr<ClipPaintPropertyNode> inner_border_radius_clip_;
scoped_refptr<ClipPaintPropertyNode> overflow_clip_;
scoped_refptr<TransformPaintPropertyNode> perspective_;
// TODO(pdr): Only LayoutSVGRoot needs this and it should be moved there.
scoped_refptr<TransformPaintPropertyNode> svg_local_to_border_box_transform_;
scoped_refptr<ScrollPaintPropertyNode> scroll_;
scoped_refptr<TransformPaintPropertyNode> scroll_translation_;
} // namespace blink
#endif // ObjectPaintProperties_h