blob: 21be8f22b7b939e589bf2633dfaf61309175e3b9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "core/paint/TableSectionPainter.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include "core/layout/LayoutTableCell.h"
#include "core/layout/LayoutTableCol.h"
#include "core/layout/LayoutTableRow.h"
#include "core/paint/AdjustPaintOffsetScope.h"
#include "core/paint/BoxClipper.h"
#include "core/paint/BoxPainter.h"
#include "core/paint/BoxPainterBase.h"
#include "core/paint/CollapsedBorderPainter.h"
#include "core/paint/ObjectPainter.h"
#include "core/paint/PaintInfo.h"
#include "core/paint/TableCellPainter.h"
#include "core/paint/TableRowPainter.h"
#include "platform/graphics/paint/DisplayItemCacheSkipper.h"
#include "platform/graphics/paint/DrawingRecorder.h"
namespace blink {
void TableSectionPainter::PaintRepeatingHeaderGroup(
const PaintInfo& paint_info,
const LayoutPoint& paint_offset,
ItemToPaint item_to_paint) {
if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::SlimmingPaintV175Enabled() &&
// TODO(wangxianzhu): Use the PaintPropertyTreeBuilder path for printing.
(!paint_info.IsPrinting() ||
if (!layout_table_section_.IsRepeatingHeaderGroup())
LayoutTable* table = layout_table_section_.Table();
// TODO( This shouldn't be possible but happens to
// column-spanners in nested multi-col contexts.
if (!table->IsPageLogicalHeightKnown())
// We may paint the header multiple times so can't uniquely identify each
// display item.
DisplayItemCacheSkipper cache_skipper(paint_info.context);
LayoutPoint pagination_offset = paint_offset;
LayoutUnit page_height = table->PageLogicalHeightForOffset(LayoutUnit());
LayoutUnit header_group_offset = table->BlockOffsetToFirstRepeatableHeader();
// The header may have a pagination strut before it so we need to account for
// that when establishing its position.
LayoutUnit strut_on_first_row;
if (LayoutTableRow* row = layout_table_section_.FirstRow())
strut_on_first_row = row->PaginationStrut();
header_group_offset += strut_on_first_row;
LayoutUnit offset_to_next_page =
page_height - IntMod(header_group_offset, page_height);
// Move pagination_offset to the top of the next page.
pagination_offset.Move(LayoutUnit(), offset_to_next_page);
// Now move pagination_offset to the top of the page the cull rect starts on.
if (paint_info.GetCullRect().rect_.Y() > pagination_offset.Y()) {
page_height * ((paint_info.GetCullRect().rect_.Y() -
pagination_offset.Y()) /
// We only want to consider pages where we going to paint a row, so exclude
// captions and border spacing from the table.
LayoutRect sections_rect(LayoutPoint(), table->Size());
LayoutUnit total_height_of_rows =
sections_rect.Height() - table->VBorderSpacing();
LayoutUnit bottom_bound =
paint_offset.Y() + total_height_of_rows);
while (pagination_offset.Y() < bottom_bound) {
LayoutPoint nested_offset = pagination_offset;
LayoutUnit height_of_previous_headers =
table->RowOffsetFromRepeatingHeader() -
layout_table_section_.LogicalHeight() + strut_on_first_row;
nested_offset.Move(LayoutUnit(), height_of_previous_headers);
if (item_to_paint == kPaintCollapsedBorders) {
PaintCollapsedSectionBorders(paint_info, nested_offset);
} else {
PaintSection(paint_info, nested_offset);
pagination_offset.Move(0, page_height.ToInt());
void TableSectionPainter::PaintRepeatingFooterGroup(
const PaintInfo& paint_info,
const LayoutPoint& paint_offset,
ItemToPaint item_to_paint) {
if (RuntimeEnabledFeatures::SlimmingPaintV175Enabled() &&
// TODO(wangxianzhu): Use the PaintPropertyTreeBuilder path for printing.
(!paint_info.IsPrinting() ||
if (!layout_table_section_.IsRepeatingFooterGroup())
// Work out the top position of the table so we can decide
// which page to paint the first footer on.
LayoutTable* table = layout_table_section_.Table();
// TODO( This shouldn't be possible but happens to
// column-spanners in nested multi-col contexts.
if (!table->IsPageLogicalHeightKnown())
// We may paint the footer multiple times so can't uniquely identify each
// display item.
DisplayItemCacheSkipper cache_skipper(paint_info.context);
LayoutRect sections_rect(LayoutPoint(), table->Size());
LayoutUnit page_height = table->PageLogicalHeightForOffset(LayoutUnit());
LayoutUnit height_of_previous_footers = table->RowOffsetFromRepeatingFooter();
LayoutUnit offset_for_footer = page_height - height_of_previous_footers;
// TODO: Accounting for the border-spacing here is wrong.
LayoutUnit header_group_offset =
table->BlockOffsetToFirstRepeatableHeader() + table->VBorderSpacing();
// The first row in the table may have a pagination strut before it so we need
// to account for that when establishing its position.
LayoutUnit strut_on_first_row;
LayoutTableSection* top_section = table->TopSection();
if (top_section) {
if (LayoutTableRow* row = top_section->FirstRow())
strut_on_first_row = row->PaginationStrut();
header_group_offset += strut_on_first_row;
LayoutUnit total_height_of_rows =
sections_rect.Height() + IntMod(header_group_offset, page_height);
LayoutUnit first_row_strut =
? layout_table_section_.FirstRow()->PaginationStrut()
: LayoutUnit();
total_height_of_rows -=
layout_table_section_.LogicalHeight() - first_row_strut;
// Move the offset to the top of the page the table starts on.
LayoutPoint pagination_offset = paint_offset;
pagination_offset.Move(LayoutUnit(), -total_height_of_rows);
// Paint up to the last page that needs painting.
LayoutUnit bottom_bound =
pagination_offset.Y() + total_height_of_rows - page_height);
// If the first row in the table would overlap with the footer on the first
// page then don't repeat the footer there.
if (top_section && top_section->FirstRow() &&
IntMod(header_group_offset, page_height) +
top_section->FirstRow()->LogicalHeight() >
offset_for_footer) {
pagination_offset.Move(LayoutUnit(), page_height);
// Paint a footer on each page from first to next-to-last.
while (pagination_offset.Y() < bottom_bound) {
LayoutPoint nested_offset = pagination_offset;
nested_offset.Move(LayoutUnit(), offset_for_footer);
if (item_to_paint == kPaintCollapsedBorders) {
PaintCollapsedSectionBorders(paint_info, nested_offset);
} else {
PaintSection(paint_info, nested_offset);
pagination_offset.Move(0, page_height.ToInt());
void TableSectionPainter::Paint(const PaintInfo& paint_info,
const LayoutPoint& paint_offset) {
PaintSection(paint_info, paint_offset);
LayoutTable* table = layout_table_section_.Table();
if (table->Header() == layout_table_section_) {
PaintRepeatingHeaderGroup(paint_info, paint_offset, kPaintSection);
} else if (table->Footer() == layout_table_section_) {
PaintRepeatingFooterGroup(paint_info, paint_offset, kPaintSection);
void TableSectionPainter::PaintSection(const PaintInfo& paint_info,
const LayoutPoint& paint_offset) {
// avoid crashing on bugs that cause us to paint with dirty layout
if (layout_table_section_.NeedsLayout())
unsigned total_rows = layout_table_section_.NumRows();
unsigned total_cols = layout_table_section_.Table()->NumEffectiveColumns();
if (!total_rows || !total_cols)
AdjustPaintOffsetScope adjustment(layout_table_section_, paint_info,
const auto& local_paint_info = adjustment.GetPaintInfo();
auto adjusted_paint_offset = adjustment.AdjustedPaintOffset();
if (local_paint_info.phase != PaintPhase::kSelfOutlineOnly) {
Optional<BoxClipper> box_clipper;
if (local_paint_info.phase != PaintPhase::kSelfBlockBackgroundOnly) {
box_clipper.emplace(layout_table_section_, local_paint_info,
adjusted_paint_offset, kForceContentsClip);
PaintObject(local_paint_info, adjusted_paint_offset);
if (ShouldPaintSelfOutline(local_paint_info.phase)) {
.PaintOutline(local_paint_info, adjusted_paint_offset);
void TableSectionPainter::PaintCollapsedBorders(
const PaintInfo& paint_info,
const LayoutPoint& paint_offset) {
PaintCollapsedSectionBorders(paint_info, paint_offset);
LayoutTable* table = layout_table_section_.Table();
if (table->Header() == layout_table_section_) {
PaintRepeatingHeaderGroup(paint_info, paint_offset, kPaintCollapsedBorders);
} else if (table->Footer() == layout_table_section_) {
PaintRepeatingFooterGroup(paint_info, paint_offset, kPaintCollapsedBorders);
void TableSectionPainter::PaintCollapsedSectionBorders(
const PaintInfo& paint_info,
const LayoutPoint& paint_offset) {
if (!layout_table_section_.NumRows() ||
AdjustPaintOffsetScope adjustment(layout_table_section_, paint_info,
const auto& local_paint_info = adjustment.GetPaintInfo();
auto adjusted_paint_offset = adjustment.AdjustedPaintOffset();
BoxClipper box_clipper(layout_table_section_, local_paint_info,
adjusted_paint_offset, kForceContentsClip);
LayoutRect local_visual_rect =
LayoutRect table_aligned_rect =
CellSpan dirtied_rows;
CellSpan dirtied_columns;
layout_table_section_.Table()->ShouldPaintAllCollapsedBorders())) {
// Ignore paint cull rect to simplify paint invalidation in such rare case.
dirtied_rows = layout_table_section_.FullSectionRowSpan();
dirtied_columns = layout_table_section_.FullTableEffectiveColumnSpan();
} else {
table_aligned_rect, dirtied_rows, dirtied_columns);
if (dirtied_columns.Start() >= dirtied_columns.End())
// Collapsed borders are painted from the bottom right to the top left so that
// precedence due to cell position is respected.
for (unsigned r = dirtied_rows.End(); r > dirtied_rows.Start(); r--) {
if (const auto* row = layout_table_section_.RowLayoutObjectAt(r - 1)) {
local_paint_info, adjusted_paint_offset, dirtied_columns);
void TableSectionPainter::PaintObject(const PaintInfo& paint_info,
const LayoutPoint& paint_offset) {
LayoutRect local_visual_rect = LayoutRect(paint_info.GetCullRect().rect_);
LayoutRect table_aligned_rect =
CellSpan dirtied_rows;
CellSpan dirtied_columns;
table_aligned_rect, dirtied_rows, dirtied_columns);
PaintInfo paint_info_for_descendants = paint_info.ForDescendants();
if (ShouldPaintSelfBlockBackground(paint_info.phase)) {
PaintBoxDecorationBackground(paint_info, paint_offset, dirtied_rows,
if (paint_info.phase == PaintPhase::kSelfBlockBackgroundOnly)
if (ShouldPaintDescendantBlockBackgrounds(paint_info.phase)) {
for (unsigned r = dirtied_rows.Start(); r < dirtied_rows.End(); r++) {
const LayoutTableRow* row = layout_table_section_.RowLayoutObjectAt(r);
// If a row has a layer, we'll paint row background though
// TableRowPainter::paint().
if (!row || row->HasSelfPaintingLayer())
paint_info_for_descendants, paint_offset, dirtied_columns);
// This is tested after background painting because during background painting
// we need to check validity of the previous background display item based on
// dirtyRows and dirtyColumns.
if (dirtied_rows.Start() >= dirtied_rows.End() ||
dirtied_columns.Start() >= dirtied_columns.End())
const auto& overflowing_cells = layout_table_section_.OverflowingCells();
if (overflowing_cells.IsEmpty()) {
// This path is for 2 cases:
// 1. Normal partial paint, without overflowing cells;
// 2. Full paint, for small sections or big sections with many overflowing
// cells.
// The difference between the normal partial paint and full paint is that
// whether dirtied_rows and dirtied_columns cover the whole section.
DCHECK(!layout_table_section_.HasOverflowingCell() ||
(dirtied_rows == layout_table_section_.FullSectionRowSpan() &&
dirtied_columns ==
for (unsigned r = dirtied_rows.Start(); r < dirtied_rows.End(); r++) {
const LayoutTableRow* row = layout_table_section_.RowLayoutObjectAt(r);
// TODO( This painting order is inconsistent with other
// outlines.
if (row && !row->HasSelfPaintingLayer() &&
ShouldPaintSelfOutline(paint_info_for_descendants.phase)) {
for (unsigned c = dirtied_columns.Start(); c < dirtied_columns.End();
c++) {
if (const LayoutTableCell* cell =
layout_table_section_.OriginatingCellAt(r, c))
PaintCell(*cell, paint_info_for_descendants, paint_offset);
} else {
// This path paints section with a reasonable number of overflowing cells.
// This is the "partial paint path" for overflowing cells referred in
// LayoutTableSection::ComputeOverflowFromDescendants().
Vector<const LayoutTableCell*> cells;
CopyToVector(overflowing_cells, cells);
HashSet<const LayoutTableCell*> spanning_cells;
for (unsigned r = dirtied_rows.Start(); r < dirtied_rows.End(); r++) {
const LayoutTableRow* row = layout_table_section_.RowLayoutObjectAt(r);
// TODO( This painting order is inconsistent with other
// outlines.
if (row && !row->HasSelfPaintingLayer() &&
ShouldPaintSelfOutline(paint_info_for_descendants.phase)) {
unsigned n_cols = layout_table_section_.NumCols(r);
for (unsigned c = dirtied_columns.Start();
c < n_cols && c < dirtied_columns.End(); c++) {
if (const auto* cell = layout_table_section_.OriginatingCellAt(r, c)) {
if (!overflowing_cells.Contains(cell))
// Sort the dirty cells by paint order.
std::sort(cells.begin(), cells.end(), LayoutTableCell::CompareInDOMOrder);
for (const auto* cell : cells)
PaintCell(*cell, paint_info_for_descendants, paint_offset);
void TableSectionPainter::PaintBoxDecorationBackground(
const PaintInfo& paint_info,
const LayoutPoint& paint_offset,
const CellSpan& dirtied_rows,
const CellSpan& dirtied_columns) {
bool may_have_background = layout_table_section_.Table()->HasColElements() ||
bool has_box_shadow = layout_table_section_.StyleRef().BoxShadow();
if (!may_have_background && !has_box_shadow)
PaintResult paint_result =
dirtied_columns == layout_table_section_.FullTableEffectiveColumnSpan() &&
dirtied_rows == layout_table_section_.FullSectionRowSpan()
? kFullyPainted
: kMayBeClippedByPaintDirtyRect;
paint_result, paint_info.GetCullRect());
if (DrawingRecorder::UseCachedDrawingIfPossible(
paint_info.context, layout_table_section_,
DrawingRecorder recorder(paint_info.context, layout_table_section_,
LayoutRect paint_rect(paint_offset, layout_table_section_.Size());
if (has_box_shadow) {
BoxPainterBase::PaintNormalBoxShadow(paint_info, paint_rect,
if (may_have_background) {
PaintInfo paint_info_for_cells = paint_info.ForDescendants();
for (auto r = dirtied_rows.Start(); r < dirtied_rows.End(); r++) {
for (auto c = dirtied_columns.Start(); c < dirtied_columns.End(); c++) {
if (const auto* cell = layout_table_section_.OriginatingCellAt(r, c)) {
PaintBackgroundsBehindCell(*cell, paint_info_for_cells, paint_offset);
if (has_box_shadow) {
paint_info, paint_rect, layout_table_section_.StyleRef());
void TableSectionPainter::PaintBackgroundsBehindCell(
const LayoutTableCell& cell,
const PaintInfo& paint_info_for_cells,
const LayoutPoint& paint_offset) {
LayoutPoint cell_point =
layout_table_section_.FlipForWritingModeForChild(&cell, paint_offset);
// We need to handle painting a stack of backgrounds. This stack (from bottom
// to top) consists of the column group, column, row group, row, and then the
// cell.
LayoutTable::ColAndColGroup col_and_col_group =
LayoutTableCol* column = col_and_col_group.col;
LayoutTableCol* column_group = col_and_col_group.colgroup;
TableCellPainter table_cell_painter(cell);
// Column groups and columns first.
// FIXME: Columns and column groups do not currently support opacity, and they
// are being painted "too late" in the stack, since we have already opened a
// transparency layer (potentially) for the table row group. Note that we
// deliberately ignore whether or not the cell has a layer, since these
// backgrounds paint "behind" the cell.
if (column_group && column_group->StyleRef().HasBackground()) {
paint_info_for_cells, cell_point, *column_group);
if (column && column->StyleRef().HasBackground()) {
cell_point, *column);
// Paint the row group next.
if (layout_table_section_.StyleRef().HasBackground()) {
paint_info_for_cells, cell_point, layout_table_section_);
void TableSectionPainter::PaintCell(const LayoutTableCell& cell,
const PaintInfo& paint_info_for_cells,
const LayoutPoint& paint_offset) {
if (!cell.HasSelfPaintingLayer() && !cell.Row()->HasSelfPaintingLayer()) {
LayoutPoint cell_point =
layout_table_section_.FlipForWritingModeForChild(&cell, paint_offset);
cell.Paint(paint_info_for_cells, cell_point);
} // namespace blink