blob: f06da7c7b8b8da897ddd166b97d10522e612d965 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "chromeos/dbus/login_manager/policy_descriptor.pb.h"
#include "chromeos/dbus/session_manager/session_manager_client.h"
#include "components/policy/core/common/policy_namespace.h"
namespace policy {
// Retrieves Active Directory component policy (e.g. policy for extensions) from
// Session Manager via D-Bus. For each retrieval operation a new instance should
// be created.
class ComponentActiveDirectoryPolicyRetriever {
// Response type from a policy retrieval request for a single namespace.
using ResponseType =
// Result from a policy retrieval request for a single policy namespace.
struct RetrieveResult {
PolicyNamespace ns;
ResponseType response = ResponseType::SUCCESS;
// Serialized enterprise_management::PolicyFetchResponse proto.
std::string policy_fetch_response_blob;
// Callback to be called when all policy retrieval requests have finished.
using RetrieveCallback =
// |account_type| is the type of account to load from (device, user, device
// local account). |account_id| is the account id (empty for device,
// cryptohome id for user and account name for device local account).
// |namespaces| is the list of namespaces to load (e.g. extension ids).
login_manager::PolicyAccountType account_type,
std::string account_id,
std::vector<PolicyNamespace> namespaces,
RetrieveCallback callback);
// Starts retrieving policy from Session Manager as specified in the
// constuctor. Calls the |callback| passed to the constructor when component
// policy for all namespaces has been fetched. The caller needs to keep this
// instance alive until the callback is called or else outstanding requests
// are canceled and the callback is never called. This method should only be
// called once per instance.
void Start();
// Retrieves policy for the next namespace (depending on how many |results_|
// have already been received). Calls |callback_| when all namespaces have
// been handled.
void RetrievePolicyForNextNamespace();
// Called from Session Manager with the result of a policy retrieval request
// for a single namespace. Keeps calling RetrievePolicyForNextNamespace()
// until results for all namespaces have been received.
void OnPolicyRetrieved(ResponseType response,
const std::string& policy_fetch_response_blob);
// Constructor parameters.
const login_manager::PolicyAccountType account_type_;
const std::string account_id_;
const std::vector<PolicyNamespace> namespaces_;
RetrieveCallback callback_;
// Tracks results and failed responses from retrieval queries.
std::vector<RetrieveResult> results_;
int failed_response_count_ = 0;
// Flag to make sure Start() was only called once.
bool start_was_called_ = false;
} // namespace policy